

单词 employer
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔approach about〕to approach the employer about an increase in salary向雇主提加薪问题21世纪英汉〔character〕a character reference(= a letter that a person who knows you well writes to an employer to tell them about your good qualities) 品德证明书牛津高阶〔contract〕the contract between the employer and the employee 雇主和雇员之间的合约牛津搭配〔current〕your current employer 你现在的雇主牛津高阶〔deadlock〕the deadlock between striking workers and their employer 罢工工人和雇主之间的僵持局面牛津搭配〔employer〕employer contributions to pension plans 雇主为雇员缴纳的养老金份额牛津搭配〔employer〕employer sanctions that penalize employers who hired unauthorized workers 惩罚非法用工雇主的雇主制裁法令牛津搭配〔fair-minded〕a fair-minded employer 一视同仁的雇主剑桥高阶〔former〕a former employer 前雇主剑桥高阶〔glowing〕a glowing reference from her former employer 前雇主提供的对她充满赞誉之词的推荐信麦克米伦高阶〔hand〕to hand in your notice/resignation(= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) 递交辞呈牛津高阶〔ideal〕the ideal employer 无可挑剔的老板剑桥高阶〔minded〕a fair-minded employer 公正的雇主牛津高阶〔notice〕give one's employer notice that one intends to leave 预先告知雇主打算辞职英汉大词典〔notice〕give one's employer two weeks' notice; raised the price without notice.事先告诉雇主两周后离职;没通告就涨价美国传统〔paternalism〕a paternalistic employer 家长式雇主牛津高阶〔reference〕a reference from your current employer 现任雇主的推荐信牛津搭配〔reference〕make reference to John's former employer 向约翰以前的雇主查询约翰的情况英汉大词典〔refer〕referred her to a heart specialist; referred me to his last employer for a recommendation.叫她找心脏病专家;叫我向他以前的雇主查询对他的推荐美国传统〔resort〕an employer of first (last) resort 首先(万不得已时)提供就业机会的雇主 英汉大词典〔statute〕the obligations of the employer in common and statute law 普通法和成文法中的雇主义务牛津搭配〔struck〕a struck employer 受罢工影响的雇主英汉大词典〔ungenerous〕an ungenerous employer 吝啬的雇主英汉大词典〔workforce〕an employer of a very large workforce.雇用了大量员工的雇主柯林斯高阶〔workforce〕an employer of a very large workforce有大量员工的雇主外研社新世纪your current employer 你现时的雇主牛津商务




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