

单词 employee
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accountability〕management structures and accountability for employee relations管理结构及员工关系责任外研社新世纪〔advance〕advance an employee a week's pay 给员工预支一周的工资韦氏高阶〔advance〕advance an employee a week's pay 给雇员预发一星期工资英汉大词典〔attainable〕performance standards attainable by every employee 每个雇员都能达到的业绩标准麦克米伦高阶〔authorizable〕to authorize an employee to sign purchase orders授权雇员签订货单21世纪英汉〔bond〕bond an employee 为雇员作保英汉大词典〔cheerful〕a cheerful, hard-working employee 快快乐乐勤奋工作的雇员牛津高阶〔civil service〕a civil service employee 政府行政部门员工韦氏高阶〔contract〕the contract between the employer and the employee 雇主和雇员之间的合约牛津搭配〔discharge〕to discharge an employee from a job.解雇职员。牛津同义词〔dismissal〕an employee claim for unfair dismissal 雇员对无理解雇提出索赔牛津搭配〔downgrade〕downgrade an employee 将雇员降职英汉大词典〔ease〕ease in a new employee 使新雇员逐步熟悉工作 英汉大词典〔employee〕employee benefits 员工福利韦氏高阶〔employee〕employee benefits; employee unions; employee relations.雇员利益;雇员联合会;雇员关系美国传统〔employee〕employee rights/relations 雇员权利╱关系牛津高阶〔employee〕a civilian employee of the Army 军队文职人员牛津搭配〔employee〕a disgruntled employee seeking revenge 心怀不满、寻求报复的员工牛津搭配〔employee〕a fair reason for dismissing an employee 解雇一名雇员的正当理由牛津搭配〔employee〕a government employee 政府雇员朗文当代〔employee〕an employee who sued for unpaid overtime 因为没有获得加班费而起诉的雇员牛津搭配〔fan〕fanned the flames in the fireplace; an otherwise quiet employee who fanned resentment among her colleagues.把火煽旺;一个看似沉默的职员出乎意料在她的同事间煽起仇恨的火焰美国传统〔full-time〕a full-time employee 专职雇员英汉大词典〔full-time〕a full-time employee 全职雇员牛津高阶〔groom〕groom an employee for advancement.准备提升一名雇员美国传统〔heave-ho〕got the heave-ho in a very unceremonious manner; gave the employee the old heave-ho.以非常随便的方式被解雇;解雇职员美国传统〔hourly〕an hourly employee 钟点雇员英汉大词典〔incentive〕employee incentives such as bonuses and commission 奖金、提成之类的雇员奖励措施牛津搭配〔marketable〕an employee with highly/very marketable skills 营销手段高明的雇员韦氏高阶〔mensurable〕mensurable results in employee performance; a mensurable increase in the cost of oil.雇员表现的可测成绩;石油价格的可测增长速度美国传统〔opt-out〕opt-out agreements to state that an employee can cease participation at any time规定员工可随时撤出的退出协议外研社新世纪〔pensionable〕a pensionable employee 可享受退休金的雇员英汉大词典〔probationary〕a probationary employee 见习雇员英汉大词典〔punctual〕a punctual employee 守时的员工韦氏高阶〔responsible〕a hard-working and responsible employee 勤恳负责的雇员剑桥高阶〔salaried〕a salaried employee 支薪雇员英汉大词典〔salaried〕a salaried employee 领薪水的雇员牛津高阶〔sick leave〕employee benefits such as vacation time and sick leave 假期和带薪病假等员工福利韦氏高阶〔subaltern〕a subaltern employee 低级雇员英汉大词典〔suggestive〕another former employee who claims Thomas made suggestive remarks to her.另一位声称托马斯曾对她言语挑逗的前职员柯林斯高阶〔trial〕the trial of a new employee 新雇员的试用英汉大词典〔upgrade〕upgrade an employee 提升雇员英汉大词典〔will〕a clash of wills between a manager and an employee 经理和员工之间的意志冲突麦克米伦高阶employee participation in decision-making 员工参与决策牛津商务a contract to provide employee care services 为员工提供保健服务的合同牛津商务a full-time employee 全职雇员牛津商务a salaried employee 领薪水的员工牛津商务a sense of partnership created by the employee ownership structure 雇员所有制结构建立的伙伴意识牛津商务an employee of pensionable age 达到领取养老金年龄的员工牛津商务an employee share purchase plan 雇员股票购买计划牛津商务an employee training and development programme 员工培训和发展计划牛津商务an employee welfare plan 员工福利计划牛津商务falling profits but rising employee compensation 利润下降但员工工资上升牛津商务head of employee relations at the bank 银行的员工关系部主管牛津商务proposals to encourage employee participation in management 鼓励职工参与管理的建议牛津商务ways of keeping employee morale high 保持员工士气高昂的方法牛津商务




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