

单词 exploit
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PROFIT〕loan sharks who exploit the poor by charging up to 1000% interest per year. 以年利率高达1000%来剥削穷人的放高利贷者朗文写作活用〔add〕an exploit that will add to her reputation.将增加她声誉的业绩美国传统〔aesthetic〕exploit a new aesthetic 利用一种新的美学标准英汉大词典〔credulity〕exploit a person's credulity 利用某人的轻信文馨英汉〔economically〕exploit sb. economically 在经济上剥削某人英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit a mine 开矿英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit a product 做广告推销某产品英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit natural resources 开发天然资源文馨英汉〔exploit〕exploit natural resources 开发自然资源韦氏高阶〔exploit〕exploit one's friends 利用自己的朋友英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit one's talents.充分发挥某人的才能美国传统〔exploit〕exploit the colonies 剥削殖民地英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit the materials and the techniques of our time 利用当代的材料和技术英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit the oil under the sea 开发海底石油英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit the poor 剥削穷人英汉大词典〔exploit〕exploit the virgin lands of the West 开发西部的处女地英汉大词典〔exploit〕an investment designed to exploit a tax loophole 旨在利用税收漏洞牟利的投资麦克米伦高阶〔exploit〕exployers who exploit their workers剥削其工人的雇主21世纪英汉〔exploit〕factories which exploit women剥削妇女的工厂外研社新世纪〔exploit〕the urgent need to exploit the resources of the Irish Sea 开发爱尔兰海资源的迫切需要朗文当代〔exploit〕to exploit a business opportunity利用商业机会21世纪英汉〔exploit〕to exploit a product推销产品21世纪英汉〔exploit〕to exploit an advantage.利用有利条件。牛津同义词〔exploit〕to exploit the enemy's unpreparedness乘敌不备21世纪英汉〔exploit〕to exploit the natural resources of a country开发一国的天然资源21世纪英汉〔exploit〕to exploit the oil under the sea开发海底石油21世纪英汉〔exploit〕to exploit women by making them work for less pay压低工资,剥削妇女21世纪英汉〔exploit〕to exploit your employees.剥削雇员。牛津同义词〔know-how〕those who have the know-how to exploit the technology to the fullest 那些掌握了实用技能、把技术发挥到最大限度的人朗文当代〔marginal〕helping farmers, so they do not have to exploit marginal lands.帮助农民们,这样他们便不必开垦贫瘠的土地了。柯林斯高阶〔remembrance〕a pillar in remembrance of the exploit 表彰辉煌业绩的纪念柱 英汉大词典finding ways to fully exploit the potential of the brand 寻找充分利用这个品牌潜力的途径牛津商务investors hoping to exploit an arbitrage opportunity 希望利用套利机会的投资者牛津商务to exploit an oil field 开发油田牛津商务




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