

单词 already
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ADD〕to add something to what has already been said or written 给前面所说或所写的话作补充朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕to do something that has already been planned or ordered 按计划或命令做某事朗文写作活用〔TOO/TOO MUCH〕not needed because there is already enough 已经足够所以不需要了朗文写作活用〔add〕children who already know how to add and subtract 已经知道如何加减的孩子们麦克米伦高阶〔add〕have little to add to what people already know 对于人们已了解的情况没多少可以补充英汉大词典〔appendage〕accessory is usually nonessential but desirable and adds to the effect of something already complete in itself: accessory 指通常不必要但却使人渴望,并且附加到某种本身已非常完美的东西上来增加效果: 美国传统〔ballpark〕errors that are made within a system that already is generally in the right ballpark.出现在一个几臻完善的体系中的错误柯林斯高阶〔behind〕an important research project that is already two years behind schedule (=not ready at the time planned) 一个进度已经落后了两年的重要研究项目朗文当代〔bloated〕an already bloated defence budget 业已过于庞大的国防预算英汉大词典〔book〕programmes already on the books 已记录在案的计划项目英汉大词典〔chapter〕give chapter and verse for what was already known in general terms 对已经大体上知道的事提供详情细节英汉大词典〔compromise〕a dangerous drug that can further compromise an already weakened immune system 可能进一步损害本已脆弱的免疫系统的危险药物韦氏高阶〔doubtless〕as you doubtless already know.正如你很可能早已知道的那样美国传统〔eccentrically〕painters, eccentrically dressed and already half drunk.装束怪异、已经半醉的画家们柯林斯高阶〔enfeebled〕the already enfeebled newspaper.那家已经式微的报纸柯林斯高阶〔enfeebled〕the already enfeebled newspaper那家已经式微的报纸外研社新世纪〔explore〕issues that the group had already explored该组已经探究过的问题外研社新世纪〔familiar〕foods that are already familiar to most Americans 那些对大多数美国人来说已经是很常见的食物韦氏高阶〔flag〕turn to a page already flagged 翻到用书签作标记的一页英汉大词典〔gather〕a movement that is already gathering strength 力量已在日益壮大的运动英汉大词典〔gravid〕the prim, serious young Queen, already gravid with middle-class virtue 已经满脑子都是中产阶级道德观念的拘谨持重的年轻女王英汉大词典〔have〕already had a car.已经有一辆车美国传统〔large〕the already large problem of under-age drinking.已经很严重的未成年人饮酒问题柯林斯高阶〔large〕the already large problem of under-age drinking已经非常严重的未成年人饮酒的问题外研社新世纪〔learn〕a bright girl who is already learning the alphabet 已经在开始学习字母的聪明女孩麦克米伦高阶〔mix〕add another element of instability to an already boiling mix 给已经极度激化的混乱局面增添又一个不稳定因素英汉大词典〔notoriety〕of notoriety John is already a writer of some notoriety.约翰已经是名声不好的作家了。朗文当代〔placard〕blocks of flats, still unfinished, but already placarded as luxuries尚未完工却已经作为奢华住宅宣传的一幢幢公寓外研社新世纪〔reply〕a reply-paid envelope(= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) 邮资已付信封牛津高阶〔rubber-stamp〕rubber-stamp a project already under way 官样文章式地批准一项已在进行中的工程英汉大词典〔sanctify〕a law that sanctifies changes that have already occurred.认可已发生变化的一项法律柯林斯高阶〔sandwich〕sandwich another project into an already deficit budget 在已有赤字的预算中再增加一项工程英汉大词典〔saturated〕the area's already saturated freeways 这个地区已交错密布的高速公路韦氏高阶〔sterilization〕perform sterilizations on women who have already produced two, three or more children 给已生育两三个以上孩子的妇女做绝育手术英汉大词典〔unmerge〕unmerge corporations that have already consolidated 把已经联合起来的公司分开英汉大词典〔wildfire〕a wildfire in Montana that's already burned thousands of acres of rich grassland.已经烧掉成千公顷丰饶草场的蒙大拿野火柯林斯高阶




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