

单词 dreadful
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aceldama〕A place with dreadful associations.杀戮场所,罪恶之地:有令人恐怖的联想的地方美国传统〔BAD〕Conditions in the hospital were dreadful. The place was falling apart and it was understaffed. 医院的条件糟透了。那地方破败不堪,人手也不够。朗文写作活用〔FAIR〕The Attorney General called the sentence a fair and just punishment for someone who had committed such a dreadful crime. 司法部长称这一判决对一个犯下如此可怕罪行的人而言是公正的惩罚。朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕I got a dreadful fit of the giggles - I couldn't help myself! 我太想笑了—实在没办法忍住!朗文写作活用〔SITUATION〕How can people live in such dreadful conditions? 这么恶劣的条件,人们如何生活?朗文写作活用〔affair〕It was a dreadful affair.那是一件可怕的事情。外研社新世纪〔anachronism〕That bank is trying to avoid becoming a dreadful anachronism in a modern society.那银行尽量设法避免在现代社会中过于落伍。英汉大词典〔angelic〕She had an angelic smile, but a dreadful temper.她笑起来像个天使,但脾气却很可怕。朗文当代〔better〕I had a dreadful cold, but I'm better now.我得了重感冒,不过现在好些了。麦克米伦高阶〔blare〕The radio has been blaring out that dreadful music all day.收音机整天刺耳地播着那讨厌的音乐。麦克米伦高阶〔bore〕He is a dreadful bore.他是个非常使人生厌的人。文馨英汉〔break〕Her voice broke as she told us the dreadful news.她告诉我们这可怕的消息时,声音都变了。牛津高阶〔breathing〕For one dreadful moment I thought his breathing had stopped.有那么可怕的一瞬间, 我以为他停止了呼吸。外研社新世纪〔candid〕To be candid with you, I think you're making a dreadful mistake.跟你说实话,我觉得你在犯一个可怕的错误。剑桥高阶〔carnage〕The Battle of the Somme was a scene of dreadful carnage.索姆河战场上是一片可怕的大屠杀惨象。剑桥高阶〔cheerful〕Turn that dreadful wailing music off and put on something cheerful.把那可怕的哀号似的音乐关掉,放点让人高兴的。剑桥高阶〔chill〕The dreadful sight chilled her to the marrow.这种可怕的景象使她感到毛骨悚然。21世纪英汉〔conception〕I thought the book's writing was dreadful, and its conception (= the ideas on which it was based) even worse.我认为这本书写得很差,其构思更是糟糕。剑桥高阶〔condition〕The working conditions in the factory are dreadful.这家工厂的工作条件糟透了。牛津搭配〔conquer〕It may be many years before this dreadful disease is conquered.要战胜这种可怕的疾病可能需要许多年。剑桥高阶〔crime〕It's a crime that this dreadful movie is still showing.这部糟糕的电影还在上映真是令人发指。外研社新世纪〔dawn〕The dreadful truth finally dawned on me.我最终知道了可怕的真相。牛津搭配〔day〕Simon woke up the day after feeling dreadful.西蒙第二天起床时感觉很不舒服。外研社新世纪〔dignity〕Keeping prisoners in such dreadful conditions strips them of all dignity.把犯人关押在条件如此恶劣的地方简直让他们尊严尽失。牛津搭配〔disorder〕The room was in dreadful disorder.屋子里乱得一塌糊涂。外研社新世纪〔distraction〕That dreadful noise is driving me to distraction.那种讨厌的噪音快把我烦死了。剑桥高阶〔dreadfully〕I feel absolutely dreadful about what has happened.我对已发生的一切感到极其失望。柯林斯高阶〔dreadfully〕I had a dreadful headache.我头痛欲裂。柯林斯高阶〔dreadfully〕My financial situation is dreadful.我的经济状况一团糟。柯林斯高阶〔dreadfully〕They told us the dreadful news.他们告诉了我们那糟糕透顶的消息。柯林斯高阶〔dreadfully〕We've made a dreadful mistake.我们犯了个极大的错误。柯林斯高阶〔dreadful〕Her performance was absolutely/simply dreadful.她的表演简直是糟透了。韦氏高阶〔dreadful〕I feel dreadful.我感觉很不舒服。外研社新世纪〔dreadful〕I feel absolutely dreadful about what has happened.我对所发生的事感到特别懊恼。外研社新世纪〔dreadful〕I feel really dreadful about letting you down.让你失望了,我真过意不去。牛津搭配〔dreadful〕I had a dreadful headache.我头疼得要命。外研社新世纪〔dreadful〕I was beginning to think I'd made a dreadful mistake.我开始觉得自己犯了个大错误。剑桥高阶〔dreadful〕I'm afraid there's been a dreadful mistake.恐怕是出了大错。牛津高阶〔dreadful〕It must have been dreadful for you! 你一定觉得很糟糕 !牛津搭配〔dreadful〕It's dreadful the way they treat their staff.他们对待雇员的方式糟糕透了。牛津高阶〔dreadful〕It's a dreadful shame that you can't go.你不能去真是太遗憾了。麦克米伦高阶〔dreadful〕Michelle felt absolutely dreadful (=very ill) .米歇尔感觉病得很厉害。朗文当代〔dreadful〕My financial situation is dreadful.我的经济状况很糟糕。外研社新世纪〔dreadful〕Poor thing! You look absolutely dreadful (= very ill)! 可怜的东西 ! 你看上去病得很厉害 !牛津搭配〔dreadful〕She's making a dreadful mess of things.她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。牛津高阶〔dreadful〕The food was bad and the service was dreadful.食物很差劲,服务也很糟糕。剑桥高阶〔dreadful〕The journey was dreadful.这次旅行糟透了。麦克米伦高阶〔dreadful〕The news report was so dreadful that I just had to switch it off.那个新闻报道太可怕了,我只好关上电视机不看了。剑桥高阶〔dreadful〕The result would be dreadful for you.结局对你说来够呛。英汉大词典〔dreadful〕The weather was dreadful.天气糟糕透了。外研社新世纪〔dreadful〕They suffered dreadful injuries.他们严重受伤。牛津高阶〔dreadful〕They told us the dreadful news.他们把这个可怕的消息告诉了我们。外研社新世纪〔dreadful〕Those children have such dreadful manners.那些孩子的礼仪太差。韦氏高阶〔dreadful〕We've had some dreadful weather lately.最近我们这里的天气糟透了。朗文当代〔dreadful〕What dreadful weather! 多么讨厌的天气!牛津高阶〔dreadful〕What dreadful weather! 天气糟透了!韦氏高阶〔dreadful〕What a dreadful noise! 多讨厌的噪音!英汉大词典〔dreadful〕What a dreadful thing to say! 话说得太难听了!牛津高阶〔dreadful〕You look dreadful.你的脸色非常差。外研社新世纪〔enter〕Dreadful doubts began to enter my mind.我开始产生了可怕的怀疑。柯林斯高阶〔fade〕When the last echo had faded, there was a dreadful stillness.当最后的回声消失后,出现了可怕的死寂。英汉大词典〔fate〕They were warned of the dreadful fate that awaited them if ever they returned to their homes.他们受到警告:如果回家就会面临可怕的命运。牛津搭配〔gentle〕The peaceful sunset gentled her dreadful mood.夕阳西下的美景缓和了她惊骇的情绪美国传统〔get through〕My family got me through that dreadful time.我的家人帮助我熬过了那段可怕的时光。外研社新世纪〔go off sb/sth〕I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about Clare.我不再喜欢彼得了,因为他说了克莱尔那些坏话。剑桥高阶〔ham〕They had some dreadful old ham in the main part.他们起用了一些极为蹩脚的老演员担纲主角。剑桥高阶〔hash〕England made a dreadful hash of trying to qualify for the 1994 World Cup.英格兰队努力想获得1994年世界杯的参赛资格, 结果却弄得一团糟。外研社新世纪〔havoc〕They have played dreadful havoc with the wildlife by shooting and trapping.他们射杀并诱捕野生动物,造成了严重的破坏。英汉大词典〔heart〕Bless my heart, what a dreadful thing it is! 天哪,这多可怕! 英汉大词典〔hole〕He admitted that the government was in 'a dreadful hole'.他承认政府正陷入了“可怕的困境”。外研社新世纪〔hole〕He admitted that the government was in 'a dreadful hole'.他承认政府目前“处境极为尴尬”。柯林斯高阶〔horrid〕Causing horror; dreadful.可怕的:引起恐惧的;令人害怕的美国传统〔if〕If I go to bed late I feel dreadful in the morning.我要是睡晚了,早上起来就会感觉非常糟。朗文当代〔iron rations〕The hotel food was dreadful, so for three days we were on iron rations of fruit, cheese, and bread.旅馆里的食物糟透了,所以连续3天我们只吃些水果、奶酪和面包充饥。剑桥高阶〔ironic〕I was being ironic when I said their dreadful play was brilliant.我说他们糟透了的戏剧了不起,在冷嘲罢了。牛津同义词〔just〕It's just dreadful what happened to her.她的遭遇真可怕。剑桥高阶〔less〕I know he's done a dreadful thing, but I don't love him any the less.我知道他做了一件很差劲的事,可我依然爱他。朗文当代〔lose〕The victim suffered a dreadful injury and lost a lot of blood.受害者受了重伤,大量失血。柯林斯高阶〔mess〕Finally, making a dreadful mess, they devour the fruit.最后,他们狼吞虎咽地吃起了水果,果汁滴得到处都是。柯林斯高阶〔moaner〕Film critics are dreadful moaners.影评人都是些让人非常反感的牢骚满腹的人。柯林斯高阶〔moaner〕Film critics are dreadful moaners.影评家都是些令人反感、牢骚满腹的人。外研社新世纪〔muss〕Your room is in a dreadful muss.你的房间凌乱不堪。英汉大词典〔night〕He woke in the night with a dreadful pain.他因剧痛在半夜醒来。外研社新世纪〔only〕It was only dreadful.这太可怕了。外研社新世纪〔ordeal〕Ross' dreadful ordeal finally ended at9a.m. on the Monday morning.罗斯可怕的煎熬最终于星期一上午9点钟结束了。英汉大词典〔ordeal〕The Rosses' dreadful ordeal finally ended at 9 am.罗斯一家人可怕的煎熬终于在上午9点钟结束了。外研社新世纪〔pay〕The pay is dreadful.报酬糟透了。外研社新世纪〔peep〕No one has raised a peep about this dreadful behaviour.对如此恶劣的行径竟没有人吱声。剑桥高阶〔perpetrate〕Who could have perpetrated such a dreadful crime? 会是谁犯下了这可怕的罪行?朗文当代〔plant〕Packer was enabled to plant many dreadful blows on his antagonist.帕克得以重击他的对手。外研社新世纪〔press〕The weather was dreadful but we pressed on regardless.天气很糟糕,但我们并不理会,仍继续下去。牛津搭配〔pun〕She made a couple of dreadful puns.她说出了几个令人不快的双关语。剑桥高阶〔really〕Really, Amanda! What a dreadful thing to say! 不行,阿曼达!你不该说这样的话!麦克米伦高阶〔repeat〕His speech was dreadful - he just kept repeating himself.他的演讲令人生厌——他只是翻来覆去地重复那一点儿内容。剑桥高阶〔sackcloth〕He went on about his irresponsible behaviour, the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on. It was all sackcloth and ashes.他接着又说到了自己不负责任的行为以及可能对孩子们造成的恶劣影响等等。一时间捶胸顿足,懊悔不已。柯林斯高阶〔sackcloth〕He went on about his irresponsible behaviour, the dreadful effect it would have on his children and so on. It was all sackcloth and ashes.他接着又说到自己不负责任的行为以及可能对孩子们产生的恶劣影响等等。一时间捶胸顿足, 懊悔不已。外研社新世纪〔sass〕He'd come to me and sassed me something dreadful.他常来到我面前,无礼地说些难听的话。英汉大词典〔scourge〕A source of widespread, dreadful affliction and devastation such as that caused by pestilence or war.灾难,灾祸:涉及面广的令人害怕的苦难和破坏的根源,例如由瘟疫或战争引起的美国传统〔scum〕The people who do these dreadful things are scum.做这些可怕之事的人真是混蛋。麦克米伦高阶〔severely〕This was a dreadful crime and a severe sentence is necessary.这一罪行十分恶劣,必须要重判。柯林斯高阶〔snap〕In the middle of February the dreadful cold spell suddenly snapped and spring came early.2月中旬,严寒期突然结束,春天提前来临了。英汉大词典〔spook〕The film was dreadful - all spooks and vampires.那部电影很可怕——全是些鬼魂和吸血鬼。剑桥高阶〔squash〕There was a dreadful squash outside.外面挤满了一大堆人。文馨英汉〔strip away〕If you are able to strip away the dreadful commercialism, the materialism and the flashy exterior, there is something beautiful and meaningful at the bottom of it.如果你能忽略掉可怕的商业主义、物质主义以及光鲜的外表, 其本质还是有一些美丽而有意义的东西。外研社新世纪〔table〕He completely turned the tables on his dreadful wife.他以其人之矛攻其人之盾,占了他悍妻的上风。英汉大词典〔tear〕She fought back the tears as she told us the dreadful news.强忍着眼泪麦克米伦高阶〔terrible〕What dreadful weather! 多么讨厌的天气!牛津高阶〔time〕She died before her time of a dreadful illness.她过早地死于一种可怕的疾病。外研社新世纪〔typing〕My typing is quite dreadful.我的打字水平非常差。柯林斯高阶〔vertigo〕He had a dreadful attack of vertigo.他忽然头晕得厉害。柯林斯高阶〔warm-up〕Even with a warm-up, the first half mile is dreadful.即使做了热身运动, 最初的半英里仍然让人觉得很难受。外研社新世纪〔way station〕The refugee camps, however dreadful, were a way station to their dream.难民营虽然糟糕,可这是他们实现梦想的一块跳板。朗文当代〔way〕We saw a dreadful accident along the way.途中我们看到了一起可怕的事故。牛津搭配〔wriggler〕He's a dreadful wriggler.他一天到晚扭个不停。外研社新世纪After all those dreadful newspaper articles about her, it's hardly surprising she has a (deep) distrust of journalists.报纸上登了那么多关于她的可怕的文章,她对记者(极)不信任就不足为怪了。剑桥国际He embarrassed everyone by saying the picture was dreadful.他说那张画糟糕透顶,使得每个人都很尴尬。剑桥国际He made a dreadful fuss about the seating arrangements, but afterwards I think he realised he'd gone over the top.他为座位的安排而大惊小怪,但是后来我想他意识到自己过分了。剑桥国际He specializes in love songs with dreadful syrupy lyrics.他专唱那些歌词极肉麻的情歌。剑桥国际He stopped playing in competitions because his friend had a premonition that something dreadful would otherwise happen.他退出了比赛,因为他的朋友有一种会发生意外的预感。剑桥国际He took me to a dreadful pub in Soho full of actor types speaking at the tops of their voices.他带我去了索霍区的一个可怕的酒馆, 那里充满了高声喧哗的演员一类的人。剑桥国际He was wearing a candy-striped shirt which looked dreadful with his brown trousers.他穿了一件条纹衬衫,配上他的棕色裤子显得十分难看。剑桥国际He woke up in the morning with a dreadful headache.他早上醒过来,头痛得非常厉害。剑桥国际He's a dreadful flirt (=he behaves as if he is sexually attracted to a lot of people).他是个可恶的到处勾引女人的家伙。剑桥国际I don't know how you dare show your face in here after you said all those dreadful things.我不知道在你说了那些可怕的事情之后,你怎么还敢在这儿露面。剑桥国际I knew intuitively something dreadful had happened to him.我凭直觉知道他遇到了可怕的事情。剑桥国际I say all these dreadful things about her (and) yet I like her.我虽然说了她这么多坏话,但我还是喜欢她的。剑桥国际I think he is a dreadful bore. 我认为他是个极为讨厌的人。译典通I thought the book's writing was dreadful, and its conception (=the ideas on which it was based) even worse.我认为这本书写得很差,而其构思则更糟糕。剑桥国际I told him I loved him -- I've made a dreadful fool of myself.我告诉他说我爱他----我可真是丢尽丑了。剑桥国际I want to get as far away as possible from that dreadful man.我希望离那个可怕的人越远越好。剑桥国际I was (out) on the tiles/had a night out on the tiles last night (=I was enjoying myself in an uncontrolled way, esp. by drinking a lot of alcohol), and I've got a dreadful headache this morning.昨夜我纵情欢乐(花天酒地),今天早晨我头痛得要命。剑桥国际I was beginning to think I'd made a dreadful mistake.我开始意识到我犯了个可怕的错误。剑桥国际I went off Peter when he said those dreadful things about Clare.当彼得说了克莱尔那些坏话之后我就不喜欢他了。剑桥国际I wish someone would shut that baby up. It's making a dreadful racket.我希望有人能让那婴儿安静。它正发出可怕的声音。剑桥国际I've got dreadful lumbago.我患有严重的腰肌痛。剑桥国际It was a dreadful story, told with simple clarity.这是一个讲述得简单而清晰的可怕故事。剑桥国际It was such a dreadful thing to do.做这事实在太可怕了。剑桥国际It's a dreadful (= very great) nuisance having to go into work this Saturday! 这个星期六还要考虑工作,真是讨厌!剑桥国际It's just dreadful what happened to her.她的遭遇真可怕。剑桥国际Let us pray for the helpless civilians trapped in this dreadful conflict.让我们为陷入战乱的无助的平民祈祷。剑桥国际My grandfather was a dreadful philanderer, so he and Grandma had some amazing arguments.我祖父是个爱玩弄女性的恶棍,所以他和祖母有些惊人的争吵。剑桥国际No one has raised a peep about this dreadful behaviour.对如此可怕的行径竟然没有人抱怨一声。剑桥国际Ooh, that's a dreadful thing to say about your dad.嗬,这样说你爸爸真令人惊骇。剑桥国际Pat's always telling bad jokes and making dreadful puns.帕特总是讲下流笑话,说些讨厌的双关语。剑桥国际Sarah was really drunk last night, but she paid for her misdemeanours this morning with a dreadful hangover.萨拉昨晚大醉,不过她因这种有失检点的举止而付出了代价,今天早上她有严重的宿醉反应。剑桥国际Scientists expect it will be many years before this dreadful disease is conquered.科学家预计要在许多年后才能战胜这种可怕的疾病。剑桥国际She was one of those dreadful children who was always sneaking on other kids in the class.她是个令人讨厌的孩子,时常向老师打小报告,说班里其他孩子的坏话。剑桥国际She was wearing a dreadful pink flouncy skirt.她穿着一条难看的镶荷叶边粉红色的裙子。剑桥国际She's ditched that dreadful boyfriend of hers and found herself another (one).她已经甩掉了她那个讨厌的男朋友,又重新找了一个。剑桥国际She's incapable of (doing) such a dreadful thing.她是不会做出这样一件糟透的事情的。剑桥国际That dreadful grey building is/was my old school.那幢难看的灰色的大楼是我的母校。剑桥国际That dreadful noise is driving me to distraction (= annoying me so much that it will make me angry).那可怕的噪音烦得我要发狂了。剑桥国际That was a truly dreadful film.那真是部糟糕的电影。剑桥国际The Battle of the Somme was a scene of dreadful carnage.索姆河战场一片尸体狼藉的惨象。剑桥国际The food was bad and the service was dreadful.食物差,服务又糟糕。剑桥国际The hotel food was dreadful, so for three days our iron rations were fruit, cheese and bread bought in the only shop in the village.旅馆里的食品糟透了,因此这三天来我们的基本口粮就是在村庄仅有的一家店里买的水果、奶酪和面包。剑桥国际The miners there worked in dreadful conditions. 那里的矿工们在极其恶劣的环境中工作。译典通The news report was so dreadful that I just had to switch it off.这项新闻报道实在可怕,我不得不把电视关了。剑桥国际The novel was dreadful from start to finish (= all of it was bad).这小说从头到底都很糟糕。剑桥国际The walls were in a dreadful condition -- their yellow plaster was peeling off. 墙已经破烂不堪,上面的灰泥都在剥落。译典通There has been a dreadful earthquake in Iran. 伊朗发生了一次可怕的地震。译典通These killings are a dreadful business.这些屠杀是可怕的事情。剑桥国际They had some dreadful old ham in the main part who kept rolling his eyes and clutching at his heart.他们的主要角色用了个一直转动眼睛和抓胸脯的拙劣演员。剑桥国际They have wreaked dreadful havoc among the wildlife by shooting and trapping. 他们射杀和诱捕野生动物,造成了严重的破坏。译典通This film is truly dreadful -- a piss-poor production. (Br) 这部电影的确不好看----是个蹩脚片。剑桥国际Throughout her dreadful ordeal, she behaved with great dignity (= control, seriousness and calmness).她经历可怕的考验时,自始至终表现出庄重和尊严。剑桥国际To be candid with you, I think you're making a dreadful mistake.老实说,我认为你犯了可怕的错误。剑桥国际Turn that dreadful wailing music off and put on something cheerful.把那可怕的哀号似的音乐关了,放点让人高兴的。剑桥国际We had a dreadful argument in the restaurant, but he phoned me the next day (= the day after) to apologise.我们在饭馆里激烈争吵,不过第二天他就打电话向我道歉了。剑桥国际We had an excellent meal but the music was dreadful.我们吃的饭菜非常好,但音乐很糟糕。剑桥国际We went to this dreadful restaurant full of Sloanes.我们去的这个令人讨厌的餐馆里满是伦敦阔少。剑桥国际




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