

单词 farthest
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aftermost〕Nautical Nearest the stern; farthest aft.【航海】 最靠近船尾的;最向船尾的美国传统〔aftmost〕Farthest aft; aftermost.最向船尾的;最靠近船尾的美国传统〔aphelion〕The point on the orbit of a celestial body that is farthest from the sun.远日点:在天体运行轨道上距离太阳最远的点美国传统〔apolune〕The point of an orbit around the moon farthest from the moon's center.远月点:绕月轨道上离月亮中心最远的一点美国传统〔backcourt〕The part of the playing area farthest from the goal or target wall in certain court games, such as handball.后场:在某个室内项目如手球中比赛场区离球门或标靶墙最远的部分美国传统〔backstretch〕The part of an oval racecourse farthest from the spectators and opposite the homestretch.非终点直道:离观众最远且与终点直道相对的椭圆形赛马跑道美国传统〔back〕The part or area farthest from the front.后部:离前面最远的部分或地区美国传统〔distal〕Situated farthest from the middle and front of the jaw, as a tooth or tooth surface.远侧的,远中的:远离颌的中前部的,如牙齿或齿面美国传统〔easternmost〕Farthest east.最东的美国传统〔extremity〕The outermost or farthest point or portion.末端,极点:最外或最远的点或部分美国传统〔far point〕The farthest point at which an object can be seen distinctly by the eye.视远点:眼睛能够看清楚物体的最远点美国传统〔farthermost〕Most distant; farthest.最远距离的;最远的美国传统〔farthest〕Children rushed to hide in the farthest corners of the garden.孩子们冲到花园最远的角落里藏起来。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕Edinburgh is about the farthest north I've ever been.爱丁堡大概是我去过的最靠北的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕He can swim farthest.他能游得最远。文馨英汉〔farthest〕He chose the seat farthest from the door.他选择了离门最远的座位。韦氏高阶〔farthest〕His ideas were the farthest advanced of his time.他的思想是他那个时代最先进的。英汉大词典〔farthest〕It is often the philosophers who see farthest into the hearts of men.常常是哲学家对人的内心最为了解。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕Light from the farthest stars takes three thousand million years to reach us.从最遥远的恒星发出的光需要30亿年才能到达我们这里。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕My sister was the one who travelled farthest.我姐姐去过的地方最远。朗文当代〔farthest〕Of all the paintings, this one is the farthest removed from reality.在所有的绘画作品中,这一幅最脱离现实。韦氏高阶〔farthest〕Sam had chosen to sit farthest away from the door.萨姆选择坐在离门最远的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕She lived farthest away from school of all of us.我们所有人里,她住得离学校最远。朗文当代〔farthest〕Surfers choose the waves that carry them farthest.冲浪者们选择把他们冲得最远的波浪。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕That's the farthest I can go in this deal.那是我在这笔交易中能作出的最大让步。外研社新世纪〔farthest〕The farthest I've ever gone to see him is Los Angeles.为了看他, 我去的最远的地方是洛杉矶。外研社新世纪〔farthest〕The farthest I've thrown a ball is 80 yards.我扔球最远的距离是80码。外研社新世纪〔farthest〕The farthest landmark visible is about 30 miles away.能看见的最远的地标大约有30公里远。剑桥高阶〔farthest〕The comet was at its farthest point from the sun.那颗彗星处在距太阳的最远点。外研社新世纪〔farthest〕The history of her family in the village went the farthest back of all.她的家族历史在村里是最久远的。麦克米伦高阶〔farthest〕The news soon spread to the farthest corner.那消息很快传到了最边远的地方。英汉大词典〔farthest〕The village is two kilometres away at the farthest.那村庄离此至多2公里。英汉大词典〔farthest〕This plan goes farthest toward achieving our goal.这个计划最有利于实现我们的目标。韦氏高阶〔farthest〕We had a contest to see who could hit a golf ball the farthest.我们比试了一下,看谁能把高尔夫球打得最远。韦氏高阶〔farthest〕We shall be ready in a few days or a week at farthest.我们过几天,至多过一星期,就将准备就绪。英汉大词典〔farthest〕We slide into the booth farthest from the street.我们悄悄溜进离街道最远的公用电话亭。外研社新世纪〔farthest〕What's the farthest you've ever run? 你跑过的最远距离是多少?剑桥高阶〔farthest〕Which village in England is farthest from London? 英格兰的哪个村庄离伦敦最远?英汉大词典〔field lens〕The lens positioned farthest from the eye in a compound eyepiece.物镜:在复合目镜中离眼睛最远的透镜美国传统〔fundus〕The portion of a hollow organ opposite or farthest from its opening.底,基底:在开口对面或离开口最远的空器官的一部分美国传统〔hindmost〕Farthest to the rear; last.最远的或最向后的;最后的美国传统〔inmost〕Farthest within; innermost.最深入的;最内部的美国传统〔innermost〕The part situated farthest in.最深处:位于最深处的部分美国传统〔nethermost〕Farthest down; lowest.最下方的:最下面的;最低处的美国传统〔northernmost〕Farthest north.最北部的:向北方最远的美国传统〔off〕Nautical Farthest from the shore; seaward.【航海】 向海的:离岸最远的;向海的美国传统〔outmost〕Farthest out; outermost.最外面的:最远的;最靠外的美国传统〔railhead〕The farthest point on a railroad to which rails have been laid.铁轨末端:铁路上铁轨铺设的最远点美国传统〔reach〕The country's farthest reaches had not been explored.这个国家最边远的地区尚未得到开发。韦氏高阶〔rearmost〕Farthest in the rear; last.最后部的:最后面的;最后的美国传统〔rear〕The part of a military deployment usually farthest from the fighting front.后方:军事行动中常指远离前线的地方美国传统〔seventh heaven〕The farthest of the concentric spheres containing the stars and constituting the dwelling place of God and the angels in the Moslem and cabalist systems.七重天:包含星星的最远天界,在基督教中是上帝居住之地,在伊斯兰教和犹太神秘哲学中则是天使居住之处美国传统〔southernmost〕Farthest south.最南的美国传统〔spire〕The area farthest from the aperture and nearest the apex on a coiled gastropod shell.螺旋部,螺塔,螺环:腹足纲动物螺壳上离开口处最远而离顶点最近的部分美国传统〔tailback〕The back on an offensive team who lines up farthest from the line of scrimmage.攻方尾后卫:站位离时阵争球线最远的进攻球队的后卫美国传统〔vertex〕The point on a triangle or pyramid opposite to and farthest away from its base.角顶:三角形或者角锥的与其底边相对且具底边最远的顶点美国传统〔westernmost〕Farthest west.最西的,极西的美国传统Of all the students, I ran farthest. 在所有学生中,我跑得最远。译典通Our cat has broken one of her back legs (= legs farthest from her head).我们的猫折断了一条后腿。剑桥国际The farthest landmark visible is about thirty kilometres away.能看见的最远的路标在30公里之外。剑桥国际The town is five miles away at the farthest. 那个镇至多不过五英里。译典通




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