

单词 efficiency
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-worded〕The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency.这家矿泉疗养浴场极尽奢华,功效极高。柯林斯高阶〔DEPEND/IT DEPENDS〕The speed of the plane is dependent on the efficiency of the engines. 飞机的速度取决于引擎的效能。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕I was impressed by her speed and efficiency. 我对她的速度和效率印象很深刻。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Less complex business processes can reduce costs and improve efficiency and quality. 简化业务手续可降低成本,提高效率和质量。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕The company has concentrated on encouraging worker involvement and improving efficiency. 公司把重点放在鼓励工人参与、提高工作效率上。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕The management seems to expect staff to be constantly achieving higher levels of efficiency and productivity. 管理层好像希望员工不断地提高效率和生产力。朗文写作活用〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕We must increase efficiency and reduce costs if we are to make a profit this year. 今年若要有盈利,我们就必须提高效率、降低成本。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕His office conveyed an impression of efficiency and seriousness. 他的办公室给人高效和庄重的印象。朗文写作活用〔Franklin stove〕A cast-iron heating stove shaped like a fireplace but employing metal baffles to increase its heating efficiency.富兰克林壁炉式取暖炉:生铁取暖炉,形状象火炉,但用流板来增强加热效力美国传统〔IMPROVE〕Design improvements in the computer system have greatly increased our efficiency. 电脑系统设计上的改进大大提高了我们的效率。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕As oil prices rose, countries in the West suddenly became conscious of fuel efficiency. 随着油价上涨,西方各国突然意识到充分利用燃料的重要性。朗文写作活用〔PRESS〕The engine's efficiency depends on the effective compression of gas in all its cylinders. 发动机的效率取决于所有汽缸内气体压缩的有效性。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Our managers claim the new system will increase efficiency but I don't accept that. 我们的经理说新的制度将提高我们的效率,可我却不那么认为。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕As part of the bank's efficiency drive substantial cuts are being made in the workforce. 作为效率驱动的一部分,这家银行正在大量裁减员工。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕The company must constantly strive for greater efficiency. 公司必须不断力争更高的效率。朗文写作活用〔Teutonic〕Teutonic efficiency 日耳曼人的效率朗文当代〔aerodynamic〕Styled with distinctively rounded edges so as to reduce wind drag and thereby increase fuel efficiency. Used especially of automobiles and vans.流线型的:具有独特圆边款式以减少风阻从而提高燃料效率的。用以特指汽车或轻型汽车的款式美国传统〔agenda〕We need to put efficiency high on the agenda.我们需要把效率摆在日常工作的重要位置。麦克米伦高阶〔attend〕They attend your every wish with efficiency.他们高效率地满足你的每一愿望。英汉大词典〔channel〕Revenues from 'green taxes' could then be channelled back into energy efficiency.从“绿色税收”得来的收入便可回过头来用于提高能效。柯林斯高阶〔come up with〕He came up with an interesting new method of improving the factory's efficiency.他想到了一个提高工厂效率的有趣的新方法。韦氏高阶〔concerned〕We are more concerned with efficiency than expansion.我们更在乎效率而不是扩张。外研社新世纪〔consolidate〕The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency.为提高效率,这两家公司已合并。牛津高阶〔cost〕Because of the engine's efficiency the car has very low running costs (=the cost of owning and using a car or machine) .由于引擎效率高,这辆汽车的养车费用很低。朗文当代〔crack〕To behave in a domineering manner; demand hard work and efficiency from those under one's control.盛气凌人地:以盛气凌人的方式表现;要求其下属努力并有效地干活美国传统〔cruise〕To travel at a constant speed, or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period.以经济速度行驶:以稳定的速度行进,或在一段时间内以发动机效率最高的速度行驶美国传统〔culture〕The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service.这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。柯林斯高阶〔culture〕The institutions need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service.这些机构需要改变其内部文化以提高效率和改进服务。外研社新世纪〔customary〕He did the work with his customary efficiency.他做这个工作时保持着一贯的高效率。韦氏高阶〔customary〕She arranged everything with her customary efficiency.她以她特有的高效率把一切都已安排妥当。牛津高阶〔defrost〕Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency.定期给冰箱除霜,以便它能发挥其最高效率。柯林斯高阶〔deskill〕Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高, 对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。外研社新世纪〔deskill〕Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency.随着自动化程度和效率的不断提高,对管理人员的技能要求可能会大大降低。柯林斯高阶〔discipline〕They enhanced the efficiency of companies by disciplining the workforce.他们通过训练员工提高了公司效率。外研社新世纪〔drive〕Eventually the market nears saturation, the drive to improve efficiency weakens, and stagnation sets in.最终市场接近饱和, 提高效率的动力减弱, 停滞也就到来了。外研社新世纪〔dust down〕The director dusted his staff down about the drop in their efficiency.主任责备他的工作人员工作效率下降。21世纪英汉〔duty〕A measure of efficiency expressed as the amount of work done per unit of energy used.功率:一单位能量所做的功的量美国传统〔economy〕The audit will concentrate on the economy and efficiency of production.监察将集中在生产的节约与效率方面。麦克米伦高阶〔edge out〕Efficiency has edged out price as the top reason people give for buying the car.效能已经逐渐取代价格成为人们购车的最主要考虑因素。韦氏高阶〔efficiency expert〕A specialist who seeks to increase the productivity of a business or an industry by improving the efficiency of its operations.效率专家:专门研究通过提高运作效率来提高企业或工业生产率的专家美国传统〔efficiency〕Efficiency is essential in the business world.效率在商业界是最要紧的。英汉大词典〔efficiency〕A furnace with 80 percent fuel efficiency wastes 20 percent of its fuel.燃料效率达到80%的锅炉浪费了20%的燃料。韦氏高阶〔efficiency〕An efficiency apartment.公寓小套间美国传统〔efficiency〕Because of her efficiency, we got all the work done in a few hours.由于她的效率高,我们几个小时就干完了全部工作。韦氏高阶〔efficiency〕He shows an efficiency which they hardly expected.他效率之高是他们所没有预料到的。英汉大词典〔efficiency〕I admire her efficiency.我钦佩她的效率。文馨英汉〔efficiency〕I was impressed by the efficiency with which she handled the crisis.她应变效率之高给我留下了深刻的印象。牛津高阶〔efficiency〕New procedures had been introduced as part of an efficiency drive.已引入新的方法作为提高效率举措的一部分。牛津搭配〔efficiency〕The Internet's promise to bring more efficiency to the distribution chain is still materializing.通过因特网来提高经销链效率的这一前景还在继续显现出来。牛津搭配〔efficiency〕The actual efficiency of the machine was 6 percent and not 10.这台机器过去的实际功效是6%, 而不是10%。外研社新世纪〔efficiency〕The factory was operating at peak efficiency.工厂开足马力运转。韦氏高阶〔efficiency〕The inspectors were impressed by the speed and efficiency of the new system.视察者对新系统的速度和效率很满意。麦克米伦高阶〔efficiency〕The optimum design allows bartenders to work at peak efficiency.最佳的设计使酒吧服务员的工作效率达到最高。牛津搭配〔efficiency〕The program was implemented with great efficiency and speed.项目以极大的效率和速度被实施美国传统〔efficiency〕The uprising was put down with ruthless efficiency.起义被迅速镇压下去了。牛津搭配〔efficiency〕There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.有很多方法能够提高世界贫困地区的农业效率。外研社新世纪〔efficiency〕There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world.有很多方法能够提高世界贫困地区的农业效率。柯林斯高阶〔efficiency〕Together with efficiency gains and reduced costs from the investment programme, margins should continue to grow.随着效率的提高和成本的降低, 这个投资项目利润将不断增加。外研社新世纪〔efficiency〕We have failed to improve fuel efficiency standards.我们试图提升燃料效能,结果失败了。牛津搭配〔efficiency〕What is so impressive about their society is the efficiency of the public services.他们的社会给人留下最深刻印象的是其高效率的公共服务。剑桥高阶〔emotionless〕She did her job with emotionless efficiency.她做起事来很麻利,不带任何情感。韦氏高阶〔energy〕It doesn't take much to improve the energy efficiency of your home.改善家庭能耗并非难事。柯林斯高阶〔epitomize〕Singapore's Changi airport epitomizes the state's efficiency.新加坡的樟宜机场是该国效率的典型范例。麦克米伦高阶〔equate〕Economic efficiency does not always equate with health efficiency.经济效率提高了, 卫生保健效率不见得会提高。外研社新世纪〔exercise〕Ships from eight navies will be taking part in an exercise in the Pacific to improve their efficiency in combat.来自8个国家的海军军舰将参加在太平洋举行的军事演习,以提高其作战效率。剑桥高阶〔fail-soft〕Capable of operating at a reduced level of efficiency after the failure of a component or power source. Used of electronic equipment.故障保护的:在动力或能源部件发生故障时,能以其降低了的性能继续运行。用于电子设备美国传统〔fit〕In a fit of efficiency he answered all his mail in an hour.他猛写了一阵,在1小时内回复了全部信件。英汉大词典〔flatlet〕An efficiency apartment.单间公寓:有一个厨房和洗澡间的小型公寓美国传统〔friction〕The overall efficiency of the machine is higher because there is less friction.该机器的总体效率较高, 因为摩擦较小。外研社新世纪〔gain〕The costs far outweigh any efficiency gains.成本远远超过提高效率带来的收益。牛津搭配〔gain〕There is still scope for efficiency gains.仍有通过提高效率获得更多收益的余地。牛津搭配〔guiding〕Fairness, rather than efficiency, is the guiding principle.指导原则是公平,而不是效率。朗文当代〔hamstring〕To destroy or hinder the efficiency of; frustrate.使不起作用:使无效或限制其效力的发挥;阻挠、挫败美国传统〔idea〕We were asked to suggest ideas for improving efficiency.我们被要求提交提高效率的方案。牛津搭配〔imply〕High profits do not necessarily imply efficiency.高利润并不一定意味着高效率。朗文当代〔impressed〕I was very impressed by the efficiency of the staff.全体职员的工作效率给我留下了非常深刻的印象。麦克米伦高阶〔incomparable〕The computer proceeds with its incomparable logic and efficiency.计算机以无与伦比的条理性和效率工作着。英汉大词典〔interest〕New work practices were introduced in the interests of efficiency.为了提高效率引进了新的工作方法。牛津搭配〔keyword〕The office was large and functional; efficiency was the keyword.这个办公室又大又实用;实效性是其主要特色。麦克米伦高阶〔labor〕The company sought to cut labor costs by increasing its efficiency.公司设法通过提高效率来减少劳动力成本。韦氏高阶〔lame〕The production efficiency is lamed by the old machines.生产效率受到破旧机器的影响而无法提高。21世纪英汉〔leave〕He argued that when the economy is left to itself, industrial efficiency and economic success automatically follow.他争辩说,听任经济自由发展时,工业效益和经济成果就自然而然地接踵而来。英汉大词典〔legislate〕You can't legislate efficiency.你无法用立法手段来提高效率。英汉大词典〔level〕They have achieved higher levels of efficiency.他们已经达到较高的效率水平。牛津搭配〔look〕We need to look very carefully at ways of improving our efficiency.我们需要仔细研究提高效率的方法。朗文当代〔machinelike〕He worked with machinelike efficiency.他工作起来和机器一样高效。韦氏高阶〔maximum〕It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.事情事半功倍地完成了。外研社新世纪〔maximum〕It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.事情事半功倍地完成了。柯林斯高阶〔military〕The camp was run with military efficiency.该营房以军队般的效率进行管理。外研社新世纪〔mind〕Anyone with a brain knows that overwork leads to decreased efficiency.凡是有头脑的人都知道过度工作会降低工作效率。美国传统〔more〕The public is more and more growing to respect efficiency.公众正在日益重视效率。 英汉大词典〔mute〕Berlin lay in ruins, the smouldering rubble mute testimony to the devastating efficiency of daylight bombing raids.柏林倒在一片废墟之中, 燃烧的瓦砾是对白天炸弹袭击破坏力的无声证词。外研社新世纪〔nationalization〕He argued for nationalization on grounds of efficiency.他主张国有化以提高效率。外研社新世纪〔nose around〕Accountants are nosing around the BBC at the moment, conducting an efficiency study.会计师们目前正在英国广播公司四处探看,进行一项效率研究。柯林斯高阶〔nought〕Houses are graded from nought to ten for energy efficiency.房屋按照能耗标准划分为0至10级。柯林斯高阶〔nought〕Houses are graded from nought to ten for energy efficiency.房屋根据能源使用率从零到十分为十级。外研社新世纪〔objective〕She's expanding the business with the objective of improving efficiency.她在拓展业务,目的是要提高效率。韦氏高阶〔operational〕We are determined to raise our operational efficiency.我们决心提高经营效率。麦克米伦高阶〔optimize〕The new system will optimize the efficiency with which water is used.新系统将使水的利用效率最大化。韦氏高阶〔paternalism〕The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应该以效率准则而非家长作风为主导。外研社新世纪〔paternalism〕The government should be guided by the criteria of efficiency and not State paternalism.政府应遵循高效原则,杜绝国家家长作风。柯林斯高阶〔peak〕The engine is tuned to peak efficiency.发动机调到最高功效了。牛津搭配〔point of sale〕Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency.引进销售点电子系统提高了效率。柯林斯高阶〔practicality〕No one's work compares with hers for its practicality or efficiency.从实用性和有效性方面来讲,任何人的作品都不能和她的相比。麦克米伦高阶〔proportion〕Efficiency rises in direct proportion to the incentives offered.效率与激励成正比增长。外研社新世纪〔pull〕The organization pulled in (its expenses), but it did not thereby reduce its efficiency.这个组织缩减了开支,却并不因此而降低效率。英汉大词典〔question〕Her efficiency and intelligence are beyond question.她的效率和智慧是不容怀疑的。朗文当代〔refinement〕Several engine refinements have resulted in increased efficiency.对发动机进行的数次改进提高了效率。韦氏高阶〔rival〕He eliminated his rivals with brutal efficiency.他残忍而又利落地消灭了自己的对手。牛津搭配〔role〕Scientists can also play a role in improving energy efficiency in their laboratories.科学家在实验室里也能对提高能源使用效率作出贡献。朗文当代〔routing〕Logistics companies use computer-aided routing to maximize efficiency.物流公司采用计算机辅助设计发货路线,以达到最大效率。剑桥高阶〔rub〕Some of Martha's efficiency has rubbed off on you.玛莎工作效率高,你也受到了一些影响。英汉大词典〔ruthless〕He ran the company with ruthless efficiency.他以铁面无情的高效率经营这家公司。朗文当代〔saving〕This smart new design offers considerable savings in fuel efficiency.这个巧妙的新设计能极大地节约能耗。牛津搭配〔say〕It didn't say much for their efficiency that the order arrived a week late.订货晚到了一个星期,可见他们的效率难以恭维。牛津高阶〔scrutiny〕Council services are subject to close scrutiny to ensure their efficiency.市政服务受到仔细检查以确保其效率。麦克米伦高阶〔shakedown〕A period of appraisal followed by adjustments to improve efficiency or functioning.评估阶段:提高效率或功能的调整之前的一段评估时期美国传统〔show (sb) the way〕Sweden has shown the way forward on energy efficiency.瑞典在提高能效方面做出了典范。剑桥高阶〔smooth〕They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run.他们钦佩这家公司协调高效的管理方式。牛津高阶〔speed〕She acted with speed and efficiency.她的行动快速有效。朗文当代〔speed〕She got through her work with speed (= quickly) and efficiency.她快速而高效地完成了她的工作。剑桥高阶〔store〕The civil justice system lays store by speed and efficiency.民事审判体系注重速度和效率。外研社新世纪〔streamline〕Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency.把汽车设计成流线型可以提高汽车的燃油效率。剑桥高阶〔streamline〕To improve the appearance or efficiency of; modernize.使现代化:改善…的表面或效率;使现代化美国传统〔stride〕The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the 70s.70年代石油价格大幅上涨之后,西方国家在提高能源使用效率方面取得了显著进步。剑桥高阶〔strive〕We must continue to strive for greater efficiency.我们必须继续为提高效率而努力。朗文当代〔stroke〕By computerizing we could, at a (single)/in one stroke, improve efficiency and reduce costs.计算机化能够使我们一下子既提高效率,又降低成本。剑桥高阶〔study〕Managers are studying what needs to be done to improve efficiency.经理们在研究该做些什么来提高效率。朗文当代〔sustenance〕Efficiency is an issue of optimising an intricate network of processes for the long-term sustenance of performance standards.效率就是为保证绩效标准长期可持续而对复杂流程网络进行优化的问题。外研社新世纪〔towards〕There has been a change in government policy towards energy efficiency.政府针对能源效率的政策有了变动。剑桥高阶〔trade off〕The car's designers traded off some power for greater fuel efficiency.汽车设计者牺牲一些动力,以换取更大的燃油效能。韦氏高阶〔tune-up〕An adjustment, as of a motor or an engine, made to improve working order or efficiency.调整,调节:调整,如马达或发动机,以便使其处于最佳工作状态或最高工作效率美国传统〔unobtrusively〕He managed the factory with unobtrusive efficiency.他经营那家工厂很有效率却不事张扬。柯林斯高阶〔unobtrusive〕He managed the factory with unobtrusive efficiency.他经营那家工厂很有效率却不事张扬。外研社新世纪Efficiency depends on good organization. 高效率依赖于良好的组织。译典通A diploma is no guarantee of efficiency. 持有文凭不能保证工作效率一定高。译典通All hi-tech weaponry demands frequent servicing to ensure accuracy and efficiency.所有高科技武器都需要经常检修,以确保准确性和有效性。剑桥国际By computerizing we could, at a (single)/in one stroke, improve efficiency and reduce costs.电脑化使我们既提高了效率又节省了开支。剑桥国际Customer Services has/have improved its/their efficiency.顾客服务部已改善了工作效率。牛津商务Good teaming increases both efficiency and morale.好的团队协作既能提高效率又能提升士气。牛津商务Greater efficiency leads to higher outputs.效率越高,产量越大。牛津商务He's very Germanic in his efficiency.从办事效率来看,他非常德国化。剑桥国际I think the government should do more to promote energy conservation / efficiency.我认为政府应该采取更多的措施提高节能/能源使用效率。剑桥国际I was impressed by the speed and efficiency with which my order was processed.他们处理我的订单的速度和效率给我留下了深刻的印象。牛津商务If environmental considerations are uppermost (= most important), then energy efficiency measures must take priority over profitability.如果环境因素是特别重要的, 那么能源增效措施必须优先于赢利。剑桥国际Improving energy efficiency is regarded as the most cost-effective way to reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation.为减少发电对环境的影响,提高能源效率被认为是最有成本效益的。剑桥国际Increased use of public transport would doubtless increase energy efficiency (= using only what is needed) .公共交通使用的增长无疑会提高能源使用效率。剑桥国际Manufacturers are looking both upstream and downstream to improve efficiency.制造商希望从上游和下游两个方面提高效率。牛津商务Our goal is to achieve the maximum of efficiency. 我们的目标是取得最高的效率。译典通Our software will leverage up your efficiency.我们的软件将提高你的效率。牛津商务Perfect competition provides a theoretical model for market efficiency.完全竞争为市场有效性提供了一个理论模型。牛津商务She claims that the Government has fallaciously presented the privatization of public services as increasing their efficiency.她声称政府把公用事业私有化解释为提高效率是错误的。剑桥国际She got through her work with speed (= quickly) and efficiency.她快速而高效地完成了她的工作。剑桥国际Ships from eight navies will be taking part in an exercise in the Pacific (to improve their efficiency in combat).有八国海军的舰只将参加太平洋上的演习(以提高他们的作战效率)。剑桥国际Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency.使汽车呈流线型提高了燃油效率。剑桥国际Sweden has shown the way forward on energy efficiency.瑞典在能源利用效率方面树立了榜样。剑桥国际Teutonic efficiency 日尔曼人的效率剑桥国际The BBC needed to be brought up to speed with commercial broadcasters in the areas of efficiency, savings and producer choice.应该让英国广播公司完全明白商业广播在效率、资金积累和制片选择方面该如何做。剑桥国际The West made impressive strides in improving energy efficiency after the huge rises in oil prices during the seventies.自70年代油价大幅度上涨以后,西方国家在提高能源使用效率方面取得了显著的进步。剑桥国际The company brought in an outsider to assess its efficiency.公司请外面的人来评估其工作效率。牛津商务The company has made sizable investments in recent years to improve the plant's efficiency.这家公司近年来为提高工厂的效率进行了可观的投资。剑桥国际The company's improved efficiency is starting to show up in increased profits.该公司提高效率开始在利润增长中体现出来。剑桥国际The deal was structured for tax efficiency.这笔交易的设计方式有利于降低税收。牛津商务The generator is running at only 40% efficiency.这台发动机的运行效率只有 40%。牛津商务The increase in profits was mainly due to efficiency gains.利润的增加主要归因于效率的提升。牛津商务The machinery needs regular maintenance to operate at peak efficiency.这些机械需要定期维护才能以最高效率运转。牛津商务The new working practices will reduce costs and increase efficiency.新的工作方法将会降低成本提高效率。剑桥国际The savings resulting from improved efficiency will help compensate for the increase in expenses.提高效率所得的节余将有助于弥补开支的增加。牛津商务The two companies consolidated for greater efficiency.两家公司合并以提高效率。牛津商务There has been a change in government policy towards energy efficiency.政府对能源效率的政策有了变动。剑桥国际These machines have increased our work efficiency many times. 这些机器使我们的工作效率提高了许多倍。译典通We aim to improve efficiency at all our plants.我们旨在改善我们所有工厂的效率。牛津商务We must concentrate our attention on efficiency. 我们必须把注意力集中在效率上。译典通We need to increase efficiency on the shop floor.我们必须提高生产区的效率。牛津商务We need to optimize the plant to improve efficiency.我们需要优化设备以提高效率。牛津商务We need to shift the emphasis away from speed towards efficiency.我们必须将重点从增速转向增效上。牛津商务What is so impressive about their society is the efficiency of the public services.他们的社会给人印象最深的是高效率的公益服务。剑桥国际Work sampling provides a measure of employee efficiency by showing what proportion of the time is spent working.工作抽样通过显示用于工作上的时间比例,从而提供了衡量员工效率的方法。牛津商务




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