

单词 distress
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PLAN〕Military planners and diplomats worry that the North's increasing distress over food supplies could provoke it to invade the South. 军方策划人员和外交官担心北方日益严峻的粮食供应困难会使其入侵南方。朗文写作活用〔PRAY〕In her time of distress she prayed to Allah to help her. 在痛苦的时候,她祈求真主帮助她。朗文写作活用〔S O S〕The letters represented by the Morse signal · · · - - - · · ·, used as an international distress signal, especially by ships and aircraft.无线电紧急求救信号:莫尔斯电码信号· · · - - - · · ·所代表的字母,用作国际求救信号,尤指被轮船及飞行器使用者美国传统〔Te〕In Confucianism, the virtuous moral strength embodied in wise people, upon which they rely in times of distress.德:在儒家中,智者身上体现的高尚的道德力量,智者在困难时期依赖这一力量美国传统〔UPSET〕Everyone in the office was distressed by Maggie's unexpected death. 办公室里所有人都为玛吉的突然去世感到难过。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕Herman becomes distressed when anyone asks him about the accident. 有人问起那场事故,赫尔曼就会非常痛苦。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕I was crying all the time, and my mother was distressed that she could do nothing to comfort me. 我哭个不停,妈妈因为无法安慰我而十分忧伤。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕It distressed him to see Susie cry. 看到苏茜哭,他非常难过。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕Mr and Mrs Roberts spoke with obvious distress about their missing daughter. 罗伯茨夫妇说起他们失踪的女儿时带有明显的悲伤。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕She was deeply distressed to see the animal in so much pain. 看到动物这么痛苦,她深感难过。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕The airport was full of distressed relatives waiting for news of the crash. 机场里挤满了悲痛欲绝的亲属,他们在等待有关坠机的消息。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕The number of young men who called asking for Marie distressed her mother. 那么多小伙子打电话来找玛丽让她母亲担忧。朗文写作活用〔abatement〕The director of the Noise Abatement Society said motorcycles were among the greatest causes of noise distress.噪声治理协会会长称, 摩托车是噪音问题的主要起因之一。外研社新世纪〔act〕These teenagers are likely to act out their distress by running away.这些青少年可能会用离家出走的方式来表达自己的郁闷。朗文当代〔aggressively〕Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.好斗行为是情感苦闷的一种表现。柯林斯高阶〔bad〕It's doubly distressing when you see sb who had such a good upbringing go to the bad.看到有的人教养很好却走向堕落, 会觉得令人加倍难过。外研社新世纪〔be writ large〕Her distress was writ large in her face.她的痛苦明显地写在脸上。剑桥高阶〔break〕To become or cause to become distressed or upset.变得或使痛苦,烦躁美国传统〔calamity〕Dire distress resulting from loss or tragedy.不幸:由于损失或不幸而导致的极度痛苦美国传统〔catch-all〕Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress.“消化不良”是个笼统的术语,可以指各种胃部不适。柯林斯高阶〔catch-all〕Indigestion is a catch-all term for any kind of stomach distress.消化不良是对各种胃部不适的统称。外研社新世纪〔caterwaul〕They were shrieking and caterwauling in mock distress.他们假装痛苦地哀叫着。外研社新世纪〔comfort〕To soothe in time of affliction or distress.慰藉:对苦恼和忧伤的及时安慰美国传统〔complaint〕The symptom or distress about which a patient seeks medical assistance.病症:病人寻求医疗救助的症状或病痛美国传统〔cumber〕Archaic To bother; distress.【古语】 使烦恼;折磨美国传统〔damsel in distress〕The novel comes complete with a knight in shining armor and a damsel in distress.这部小说里既有身披闪亮盔甲的骑士,也有身陷困境的女子。韦氏高阶〔damsel〕He keeps coming to the aid of this damsel in distress.他不断出手相助这位落难女子。柯林斯高阶〔despite〕He was obviously distressed despite being unconscious.虽然他自己未发觉,但他显然很忧心。柯林斯高阶〔diarrhea〕Excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.腹泻:过多过频排泄水状粪便,通常表现肠胃疼痛或紊乱美国传统〔disastrous〕Accompanied by or causing distress or disaster; calamitous.灾难性的,造成灾难的:由灾难或不幸带来的,引起灾难或不幸的;不幸的美国传统〔discomfort〕Mental or bodily distress.不适,病痛;不安:身心上的不舒服美国传统〔distress signal〕The pilot sent out a distress signal [=a message that the airplane was in danger] before the plane crashed.飞行员在飞机坠毁前发出了求救信号。韦氏高阶〔distressed〕Donations were given to financially distressed families.捐赠物资被发放给经济困难的家庭。韦氏高阶〔distressed〕Hannah was deeply distressed by the news.汉纳为这消息深感苦恼。朗文当代〔distressed〕I feel very alone and distressed about my problem.对自己的问题我觉得很无助、很苦恼。柯林斯高阶〔distressed〕I feel very alone and distressed about my problem.我非常孤单, 为自己的问题感到难过。外研社新世纪〔distressed〕She felt emotionally and physically distressed.她感到身心俱痛。韦氏高阶〔distressed〕She was distressed to see he was crying.看到他在哭,她感到担心。朗文当代〔distressed〕She was extremely distressed and crying uncontrollably.她极度伤心, 止不住痛哭流涕。外研社新世纪〔distressed〕The distressed paint finish gives a more interesting look than flat paint.做旧的漆面比无光漆面更好看。外研社新世纪〔distressed〕The animal was clearly distressed.那动物显然很痛。朗文当代〔distressed〕The family was financially distressed.那家人经济拮据。外研社新世纪〔distressed〕The government provided funds to the economically distressed city.政府给贫困城市拨款。韦氏高阶〔distressed〕They are taking steps to stimulate business development in (economically) distressed areas of the country.他们正采取措施促进(经济)困难地区的商业发展。剑桥高阶〔distressed〕They buy up financially distressed companies.他们收购陷入财务危机的公司。牛津高阶〔distressed〕When the baby was born, it was blue and distressed.这婴儿出生时全身发青,非常虚弱。牛津高阶〔distressful〕Causing or experiencing distress.使人苦恼的,经历痛苦的美国传统〔distressingly〕It is very distressing to see your baby attached to tubes and monitors.看见自己宝宝身上连着各种管子和监视器,心里会非常痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔distressing〕I found the story deeply distressing.我觉得这是个非常悲惨的故事。牛津搭配〔distressing〕I heard some distressing news.我听到一些令人心烦的消息。韦氏高阶〔distressing〕It was distressing to learn that the hospital had closed.医院已经关门了,真是令人气恼。韦氏高阶〔distressing〕It was deeply distressing for him to see his wife in such pain.看到妻子如此痛苦,他万分焦急。剑桥高阶〔distressing〕The housing shortage is distressing.房荒叫人苦恼。英汉大词典〔distressing〕Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.镇静剂有助于缓解令人痛苦的焦虑症状。外研社新世纪〔distress〕Citizens voiced their distress over delays in fixing the problem.市民们对问题处理不及时表达了忧虑之情。韦氏高阶〔distress〕Colin was visibly distressed by the incident.科林显然为此事件感到难过。外研社新世纪〔distress〕Getting old is a source of distress to men as well as women.不管是男人还是女人,变老同样都是造成其苦恼的一个原因。牛津搭配〔distress〕Hall expressed his distress at the court's failure to uphold his rights.霍尔对法庭没能维护他的权利表达了悲哀。牛津搭配〔distress〕He dropped out of college, to his family's distress.他退学了,这让他的家人很苦恼。牛津搭配〔distress〕He suffered severe emotional distress as a result of the accident.那次意外让他遭受了严重的情感创伤。韦氏高阶〔distress〕He tried to hide his distress, but the tremor in his voice was unmistakable.他尽力掩饰自己的悲痛,但是颤抖的声音却无疑表明了一切。牛津搭配〔distress〕He was in great distress over her disappearance.她的失踪使他深感忧虑。英汉大词典〔distress〕Her mouth grew stiff with pain and distress.疼痛和伤心让她的嘴发僵。外研社新世纪〔distress〕Her suffering distressed her into committing suicide.她的痛苦逼迫她自杀了。21世纪英汉〔distress〕His distress was shared by all his neighbours.他的邻居都分担他的痛苦。英汉大词典〔distress〕His death caused her a great deal of distress.他的去世使她极为悲痛。英汉大词典〔distress〕I did not want to frighten or distress the horse.我并不想吓到马或惹怒它。柯林斯高阶〔distress〕I hope I haven't distressed you with all these personal questions.我希望我问的这些私人问题没有让你心烦。剑桥高阶〔distress〕I was distressed to learn that the hospital had closed.得知医院已经关门了,我很气恼。韦氏高阶〔distress〕I wouldn't want to cause her any distress.我不想使她苦恼。麦克米伦高阶〔distress〕If the storm continues on the mountain, the climbers will be in distress by morning.如果山上风暴不止,到天亮时登山运动员们将处于危险境地。英汉大词典〔distress〕It distresses him to think that he has no hope of changing things.想到无法改变一切,他很苦恼。麦克米伦高阶〔distress〕It is a rule of the sea to help another boat in distress.救助别的遇难船是海上的规则。牛津高阶〔distress〕It was clear that the letter had deeply distressed her.这封信显然使她极为悲伤。牛津高阶〔distress〕It was painful to see her distress.看着她痛苦真令人难受。牛津同义词〔distress〕Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.嫉妒会导致苦恼和痛苦。外研社新世纪〔distress〕Jealousy causes distress and painful emotions.嫉妒会带来忧虑和痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔distress〕Luke's behaviour caused his parents great distress.卢克的行为使他的父母深感忧虑。朗文当代〔distress〕Sensing her distress, Luke walked over and patted her shoulder.卢克感到她在痛苦之中,于是走过去拍了拍她的肩膀。牛津搭配〔distress〕She appeared to be in distress.她看上去很痛苦。外研社新世纪〔distress〕She saw the distress in Christy's eyes.她从克里斯蒂的眼中看到了痛苦。牛津搭配〔distress〕She seemed calm and showed no signs of distress.她似乎很平静,看不出任何悲痛的迹象。牛津搭配〔distress〕She was distressed by poorly defined fears.难以名状的恐惧折磨着她。英汉大词典〔distress〕She was obviously in distress after the attack.她受到攻击后显然很痛苦。牛津高阶〔distress〕She'd arrived on Gina's doorstep in obvious distress.她走到吉纳家的门阶边,显然非常悲伤。麦克米伦高阶〔distress〕The bad news distressed us.我们听了坏消息很难过。牛津同义词〔distress〕The boy's unruliness was a great distress to his mother.那男孩不服管教,使他母亲头疼不已。英汉大词典〔distress〕The child was clearly in distress.孩子显然处于危险之中。牛津搭配〔distress〕The constable received a distress call, and saw two youths attacking his colleague.这名警察收到了求救呼叫,看见两个年轻人正在殴打他的同事。柯林斯高阶〔distress〕The dream had distressed her greatly.这场梦使她深感不安。朗文当代〔distress〕The horses were much distressed during the last few hours of the march.在行军的最后几小时,那些马累得筋疲力尽。英汉大词典〔distress〕The idea of Toni being in danger distresses him enormously.想到托尼正处于危险中, 他备受煎熬。外研社新世纪〔distress〕The manager was distressed by excessive work.经理因过度操劳而精疲力竭。21世纪英汉〔distress〕The patient showed no obvious signs of distress.病人没有表现出明显的痛苦。韦氏高阶〔distress〕The president issued a statement expressing her distress over the affair.总统发表声明表达她对这件事的悲痛。牛津搭配〔distress〕The public is distressed about the potential economic impact of this move.公众对这一步骤可能产生的经济影响极为忧虑。英汉大词典〔distress〕The runner showed signs of distress.那名赛跑运动员显出上气不接下气的样子。英汉大词典〔distress〕The ship is in distress.这艘船遇险了。朗文当代〔distress〕The sinking ship sent out a distress call.下沉的船只发出遇险信号。牛津搭配〔distress〕The tragic news distressed us all.悲惨的消息使我们大家很悲伤。21世纪英汉〔distress〕We picked up a distress signal 6 km away.我们收到六公里外发出的遇难信号。朗文当代〔emit〕He emitted a sound of genuine distress.他发自内心地发出一声悲鸣。外研社新世纪〔emotional〕She provided emotional support at a very distressing time for me.在我非常痛苦的时候,她是我的情感支柱。朗文当代〔exhausted〕She was too exhausted and distressed to talk about the tragedy.她太累了,而且无比悲伤,没法谈论那场悲剧。柯林斯高阶〔experience〕Widows seem to experience more distress than do widowers.寡妇似乎比鳏夫更痛苦。柯林斯高阶〔experience〕Widows seem to experience more distress than do widowers.寡妇似乎比鳏夫经历的痛苦更多一些。外研社新世纪〔flare〕The distress flares were spotted by another ship.遇险信号被另外一艘船注意到了。朗文当代〔flare〕The ship sent up distress flares to attract the attention of the coastguard.这艘船点起了遇险信号以引起海岸警衞队的注意。牛津高阶〔flatly〕Her vocal range was, to say the least of it, limited, and she had a distressing tendency to sing flat.至少可以说,她的音域不够宽,而且令人不舒服的是,她总是音高偏低。柯林斯高阶〔future shock〕A condition of distress and disorientation brought on by the inability to cope with rapid societal and technological change.未来的冲击:由于不能适应社会和科技的急剧变化而感到痛苦和无所适从的情况美国传统〔grieve〕It grieved me to see the poor man in such distress.看到这个穷人如此困苦, 我很伤心。外研社新世纪〔grieve〕It grieved me to see the poor man in such distress.看见这个可怜的人如此困窘,我很难过。柯林斯高阶〔grieve〕To cause to be sorrowful; distress.使人伤心;为…伤心美国传统〔handwringing〕Clasping and squeezing of the hands, often in distress.扭绞双手,通常是在悲伤的时候美国传统〔heartbreaking〕Causing overwhelming grief or distress.令人心碎的:导致极度悲伤或忧愁的美国传统〔high-tech〕It can be very distressing to see your baby surrounded by high-tech equipment.看到你的宝宝被高科技设备包围着, 会让你很痛苦。外研社新世纪〔hurt〕To cause mental or emotional suffering to; distress.受伤害,使苦恼:引起精神或感情上的痛苦;使忧伤美国传统〔ill〕Disaster, distress, or harm.灾难,痛苦,损害美国传统〔indifference〕She was much distressed by his indifference toward her.他对她的冷漠态度使她深感苦恼。英汉大词典〔infrequently〕A doctor not infrequently has the task of telling people distressing news.医师屡有告诉人悲痛消息的任务。文馨英汉〔internalize〕Many women tend to internalize their anxiety and distress.妇女常常将所有的焦虑和苦恼都深藏心底。剑桥高阶〔jetsam〕Cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress.投弃物:当船遇难时为了减轻船重而抛至船外的货物或设备美国传统〔lacerate〕To cause deep emotional pain to; distress.感情受伤害:使感情上受到严重伤害;使悲伤美国传统〔learn〕We were distressed to learn that American troops were the targets of the attack.听说美军部队是受攻击的目标时我们很难过。麦克米伦高阶〔level〕They were asked to indicate the level of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.他们需要说明曾经经历的事给他们造成了多大的压力。牛津搭配〔lifeline〕Nautical A line shot to a ship in distress.【航海】 救生索:抛向遇难船只的绳索美国传统〔listlessness〕Amy was distressed by Helen's listlessness.海伦无精打采的, 埃米为此感到烦恼。外研社新世纪〔look away〕He looked away, apparently distressed.他扭过头去, 显然很伤心。外研社新世纪〔mayday〕An international radiotelephone signal word used by aircraft and ships in distress.呼救信号:遇险的飞机、船只等使用的国际无线电呼救信号美国传统〔neglected〕She was distressed at how neglected the children looked.孩子们缺少关爱的样子让她痛心不已。剑桥高阶〔nerve-racking〕Intensely distressing or irritating to the nerves.令人紧张的:令神经高度紧张或极受刺激的美国传统〔nightmare〕An event or experience that is intensely distressing.使人极其痛苦的事情或经历美国传统〔occasion〕Their rude attitude occasioned him much distress.他们的无礼态度给他带来许多痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔offence〕It says the photograph is likely cause distress and offence to the public.上面说这张照片可能引起公众的忧虑和反感。柯林斯高阶〔outward〕Mark showed no outward signs of distress.马克在外表上没有现出沮丧的神色来。牛津高阶〔pain〕Suffering or distress.痛苦或苦恼美国传统〔pang〕To cause to feel pangs; distress acutely.使感到阵痛;使极度痛苦美国传统〔racket〕To make or move with a loud, distressing noise.喧嚷:发出大的、令人痛苦的声音或带着这种声音移动美国传统〔radio silence〕Radio silence may be imposed on other stations during a distress call.在收到求救信号后,其他电台被要求保持电波静默。剑桥高阶〔radio〕The distress call was picked up by a young radio ham.求救信号是一名年轻的业余无线电爱好者接收到的。牛津搭配〔refuge〕He is the refuge of the distressed.他是受苦受难的人们的庇护人。英汉大词典〔regret〕A feeling of disappointment or distress about something that one wishes could be different.悔意:对希望能不同的东西的失望或苦恼的感觉美国传统〔relief〕Something that alleviates pain or distress.缓和剂:减轻痛苦或忧虑的东西美国传统〔relief〕The easing of a burden or distress, such as pain, anxiety, or oppression.减缓:缓解负担或忧虑,如痛苦,焦虑或压抑美国传统〔relieve〕No words could relieve her distress.没有言语能减轻她的苦恼。文馨英汉〔relieve〕To free from pain, anxiety, or distress.免于痛苦:脱离痛苦,焦虑或者苦恼美国传统〔rescue〕Her wails of distress brought him running from the house, like a knight to the rescue.听到她痛苦的哀号,他从屋里跑了出来,像英雄救美一样。牛津搭配〔rest〕Free from anxiety or distress.不受影响的:不受焦虑或痛苦影响的美国传统〔roar〕To utter a loud, deep, prolonged sound, especially in distress, rage, or excitement.吼,咆啸:尤指在痛苦、恼怒或兴奋时发出的响亮、深厚且持续时间长的声音美国传统〔scarify〕To distress deeply, as with severe criticism; lacerate.苛责:因受到严厉批评而十分沮丧;伤害美国传统〔scene〕She witnessed some very distressing scenes.她目睹过一些令人非常痛苦的场面。牛津高阶〔scene〕There were distressing scenes when the earthquake occurred.地震发生后到处是悲惨的景象。英汉大词典〔scream out〕Martha used to get too distressed hearing Anna scream out.玛莎过去一听到安娜喊叫就会觉得十分痛苦。外研社新世纪〔screen memory〕A memory of something that is unconsciously used to repress recollection of an associated but distressing event.屏蔽记忆:无意识中能掩盖对有联系但令人悲伤事件的回忆的记忆美国传统〔sea〕I am distressed by the sea of misery I witness daily.我对每天所目睹的无数苦难感到难过。外研社新世纪〔see〕Seeing his distress, Louise put her arm around him.看到他难过,路易丝伸出手搂着他。朗文当代〔sensible〕His distress was sensible from his manner.他的忧伤从他的举止就可看出。英汉大词典〔set〕If you mention the war, it'll just set him off on one of his distressing stories.只要你提到那场战争,就会促使他谈论自己痛苦的往事。英汉大词典〔shell-shocked〕Stunned, distressed, or exhausted from a prolonged trauma or an unexpected difficulty.患弹震症的:因长期的创伤或未料及的困难而导致的震惊、悲伤或精疲力竭的美国传统〔sight〕Crewmen aboard the tanker sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal.油船上的船员们在塞内加尔的近海发现了一艘遇难船。英汉大词典〔signal〕They fired three distress signals.他们发射了3次求救信号。柯林斯高阶〔signal〕They waved a flag as a signal of distress.他们摇旗表示求救。麦克米伦高阶〔socialize〕It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends.她与查尔斯不再和老朋友们来往, 这令她苦恼不已。外研社新世纪〔socialize〕It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends.她和查尔斯不再跟老朋友们来往,这让她非常苦恼。柯林斯高阶〔sorry〕He was sincerely sorry for the distress he had caused.他为自己所造成的不幸深感懊悔。牛津搭配〔state〕A friend found the girl in the street in a distressed state.有一个朋友看到那个女孩在街上,精神状态很痛苦。麦克米伦高阶〔state〕Informal A condition of excitement or distress.【非正式用语】 激动或沮丧的状态美国传统〔such〕She looked at him in such distress that he had to look away.她如此痛苦地看着他,他不得不把目光转向别处。柯林斯高阶〔sufferance〕Patient endurance, especially of pain or distress.忍耐,忍受:耐心的忍受,尤指忍受痛楚或苦恼美国传统〔suffering〕A source of pain or distress.痛苦,苦难:痛苦或苦恼的来源美国传统〔swivet〕Extreme distress or discomposure.极度悲伤或不安美国传统〔tear〕To be greatly upset or distressed.极度烦躁或悲伤美国传统〔thick and fast〕Distress calls were pouring in, thick and fast, from all over the area.从这个区域各处迅速打进来大量紧急电话。剑桥高阶〔thickly〕Distress calls were pouring in thick and fast from all over the area.求救电话从该地区各地蜂拥而至。柯林斯高阶〔trying〕Causing strain, hardship, or distress.费劲的,难受的:使过度紧张的、劳累的或苦恼的美国传统〔unhappy〕He described it as 'a most unhappy and distressing case'.他形容那是“一件极为悲伤痛苦的事”。牛津搭配〔wellaway〕Used to express woe or distress.哎呀!:用来表达悲哀或伤心美国传统〔wring〕To clasp and twist or squeeze (one's hands), as in distress.压扭双手:握紧并扭动或紧压(某人的手),如在痛苦中美国传统He was greatly distressed to see the damage that the accident had done to his car.看到事故对自己的车造成的损坏,他十分心痛。剑桥国际His family were distressed by his increasingly debauched lifestyle.他的家人为他日渐放荡的生活方式感到悲哀。剑桥国际His mental decay is distressing. 他的智力衰退令人苦恼。译典通In his distress, he even raved against his friends.他在压抑中甚至痛骂他的朋友们。剑桥国际It's distressing enough to find a worm in your apple but finding half of one is worse.在苹果中发现一条虫已经够令人难受了,但发现半条虫则更糟。剑桥国际Many of the horses were showing signs of distress at the end of the race.比赛结束时许多马露出筋疲力尽的样子。剑桥国际My wife shared with me in distress. 内子与我共患难。译典通She bore witness to his gentle treatment of distressed patients.他耐心地对待苦恼的病人,这些是她亲眼所见。剑桥国际She was distressed at how neglected the children looked--their clothes were dirty and their hair unwashed.她为孩子们看上去未得到妥善照顾而痛苦,他们衣衫肮脏,未曾梳洗。剑桥国际Six people were rescued by helicopter from a fishing boat in distress off the Cornish coast.直升飞机从康沃尔郡海岸附近一艘遇险的渔船上搭救了6个人。剑桥国际The distress sale is unlikely to raise enough to repay all the loans.扣押财物的出售不可能筹集到足够的资金偿还所有的贷款。牛津商务The Red Cross is working hard to relieve the distress caused by the civil war.红十字会在奋力工作,减轻内战带来的痛苦。剑桥国际The film was one of those tales of gallant knights rescuing damsels in distress.影片是讲述那种英勇的骑士解救危难中的少女的故事。剑桥国际The police said that they had received a phone call from a distressed woman claiming that she had been attacked.警方说,他们接到一个遇险女子打来的电话,声称自己遭到袭击。剑桥国际The television reports about the famine were particularly distressing.有关饥荒的电视报道特别令人难过。剑桥国际The traffic control tower received no distress call from the air plane before the crash took place. 塔台在飞机坠毁之前没有收到任何求救的信号。译典通The widow was in distress. 那个寡妇十分贫困。译典通They had an extremely distressing experience.他们有过叫人极其痛苦的经历。剑桥国际Tom has always been a source of considerable disappointment and distress to his parents.汤姆父母的失望和痛苦源自汤姆。剑桥国际We inaccurately reported that she had been convicted of fraud and we apologise for any distress this may have caused.我们错误地报道了她被宣判犯了诈骗罪,我们为这可能引起的一切不快表示道歉。剑桥国际You couldn't fail to be (= It is impossible that you would not be) saddened by the distressing report on the famine victims.你不会不对这份关于饥民的令人痛苦的报告感到伤心。剑桥国际Your sympathy and understanding is the best balm for me in my distress. 你的同情和理解就是我在苦痛中最好的安慰。译典通




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