

单词 astray
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BAD〕Parents complained that teachers were leading students astray by discussing contraception and abortion in the classroom. 家长们投诉说老师在课堂上讨论避孕和堕胎是在把学生引入歧途。朗文写作活用〔BAD〕They're afraid their son will be led astray by the older boys. 他们害怕儿子会跟着那些年纪较大的孩子学坏。朗文写作活用〔astray〕Don't worry, I won't lead you astray.不要担心, 我不会让你做傻事的。外研社新世纪〔astray〕Fortunately the gunman's shots went astray.幸好持枪歹徒把子弹打偏了。牛津高阶〔astray〕He was led astray by an older woman.他被一位比他年长的女子带坏了。外研社新世纪〔astray〕Her parents worried that she might be led astray (= encouraged to behave badly) by her unsuitable friends.她父母担心她会因为交友不当而走上歪路。剑桥高阶〔astray〕His calculations were astray.他的计算不正确。英汉大词典〔astray〕I must have gone astray somewhere in my calculations.我一定是在计算过程的哪一步中弄错了。英汉大词典〔astray〕I was led astray by an out-of-date map.我被一张旧地图引入歧途。剑桥高阶〔astray〕It's easy to be led astray by the reports in the papers.人们易受报纸上的报道误导。朗文当代〔astray〕Many items of mail being sent to her have gone astray.许多寄给她的邮件都不知所终。柯林斯高阶〔astray〕Maybe the letter has gone astray.那封信或许失落了。英汉大词典〔astray〕Several letters went astray or were not delivered.有几封信丢失或未投递。牛津高阶〔astray〕She is astray in the head, worrying about her son.她为儿子急得神志不清。英汉大词典〔astray〕That's a sure sign that something's gone astray.那个迹象明确表明有什么事出岔子了。外研社新世纪〔astray〕The best-laid plans can go astray.再周密的计划也可能出错。朗文当代〔astray〕The boy went astray with his bad companions.这个男孩随坏伙伴们走上歧途。英汉大词典〔astray〕The judge thought he'd been led astray by older children.法官认为他已经被那些年长的孩子们带坏了。柯林斯高阶〔astray〕The letter had gone astray in the post.这封信寄丢了。朗文当代〔astray〕The letter had gone astray.信寄丢了。外研社新世纪〔astray〕The letter has gone astray.那封信已遗失。文馨英汉〔astray〕The letter must have gone astray in the post.这封信一定是在邮递过程中丢失了。剑桥高阶〔astray〕The older boys led him astray.那些较大的男孩子将他引入了歧途。朗文当代〔astray〕The rocket went astray after liftoff.火箭升空后偏离了轨道。韦氏高阶〔astray〕The temptations of the big city soon led him astray.大城市里的种种诱惑很快把他引向邪路。英汉大词典〔astray〕The testimony would inflame the jurors, and lead them astray from the facts of the case.证言会激怒陪审员,使他们背离案件事实。柯林斯高阶〔astray〕The testimony would inflame the jurors, and lead them astray from the facts of the case.该证言会激怒陪审团, 使他们偏离案件的真相。外研社新世纪〔astray〕We drove east to Rostock, where my map led me astray.我们驱车向东去罗斯托克,但地图却给我指错了方向。柯林斯高阶〔astray〕We locked up our valuables so they would not go astray.我们把贵重物品锁了起来以免被盗。牛津高阶〔astray〕We were led astray by an inaccurate map.我们被一张不正确的地图引入歧途。英汉大词典〔blame〕Public opinion blames Mrs. Smith for leading the girl astray.舆论责怪史密斯夫人把那位姑娘引入歧途。英汉大词典〔carriable〕His passion for horseracing carried him astray.他对赛马运动的酷爱使他误入歧途。21世纪英汉〔corrupt〕Corrupt friends led him astray.坏朋友引他走上歧途。英汉大词典〔derogate〕To deviate from a standard or expectation; go astray.偏离,堕落:偏离了标准或期望;走入歧途美国传统〔go astray〕After the graduation, the boy made friends with evil companions and went astray.毕业后,那男孩结交了坏朋友走上了歧途。21世纪英汉〔go astray〕Some of his most important materials have gone astray.他的一些重要资料丢失了。21世纪英汉〔go astray〕Two kids went astray and never returned again.两只小羊走失了,从此再没回来。21世纪英汉〔lead ... astray〕The guide led us astray.向导给我们带错了路。21世纪英汉〔lead ... astray〕The teenage viewers are easily led astray by these commercials.年轻观众很容易被这些商业广告引入歧途。21世纪英汉〔lead ... astray〕This novel is likely to lead teenagers astray.这本小说有可能把青少年引上邪路。21世纪英汉〔lead〕He was a weak man, led astray by ambition.他是个意志薄弱的人,野心让他迷失了方向。剑桥高阶〔lead〕I should instruct my children and protect them from what can lead them astray.我应该教育我的孩子们, 并保护他们以免被引入歧途。外研社新世纪〔lead〕It is easy to be led astray.很容易被引入歧途。外研社新世纪〔lead〕They've led him astray.他们把他带坏了。英汉大词典〔miscarry〕To go astray or be lost in transit, as mail or cargo.被误送:被误送或丢失,如邮件或货物美国传统〔misguide〕To lead or guide in the wrong direction; lead astray.误导:带领或引导进入错误方向;把…引入岐途美国传统〔prettify〕Trying to prettify the process of death can lead us seriously astray.设法美化死亡过程会将我们引上歧路。外研社新世纪〔wide〕So as to miss a target; astray.未打中目标地;偏离地美国传统〔wrong〕To go astray morally.堕落:道德上的堕落美国传统After some brilliant exam results, he went astray, and now he's working as a cleaner.在考试中获得一些出色的成绩之后,他走上了邪路,现在干的是清洁工的活。剑桥国际Her calculations were astray. 她的计算不正确。译典通I was led astray by an out-of-date map.我被一张过时的地图引入歧途。剑桥国际I'm sorry you haven't received my letter--it must have gone astray in the post.很遗憾你没收到我的信----肯定是在邮寄途中遗失了。剑桥国际Parents always worry about their children being led astray by unsuitable friends.家长总是担心他们的孩子会被不良的伙伴引上歪道。剑桥国际She was shunned by her former friends after she went astray. 她偏离正道后,从前的朋友都回避她。译典通The attractions of the big city soon led him astray. 大城市的诱惑很快把他引上邪路。译典通They have led her astray. 他们把她带坏了。译典通We missed the track and went astray. 我们走错了道,迷路了。译典通




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