

单词 distortion
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IMD〕Intermodulation distortion.互调失真美国传统〔RISK〕Irresponsible speculation can cause serious distortions in the stock market. 不负责任的投机行为会导致股票市场严重扭曲。朗文写作活用〔aggregate〕A bigger objection is that aggregation of the results invites distortion.一种更大的异议是把各种结果集中考虑容易导致曲解。柯林斯高阶〔aliasing〕The appearance of jagged distortions in curves and diagonal lines in computer graphics because the resolution is limited or diminished.图形失真,锯齿效应:分辨率限制或分辨率降低造成计算机图形中的曲线和斜线出现参差不齐的失真现象美国传统〔aliasing〕The static distortion in digital sound caused by a low sampling rate.声音失真:由低采样率引起的数字声音静态失真美国传统〔antialiasing〕In computer graphics, the process of removing or reducing the jagged distortions in curves and diagonal lines so that the lines appear smooth or smoother.反图像失真,反锯齿现象:计算机绘图中清除或减少曲线或斜线参差不齐的失真现象,使线条平滑或更加平滑美国传统〔attenuate〕Electronics To reduce (the amplitude of an electrical signal) with little or no distortion.【电子学】 减弱讯号:在失真极小或不失真的情况下减弱(调幅或电子讯号)美国传统〔background〕The signal was very clear, with no background hiss or distortion.信号非常清楚,背景中没有出现咝咝声或失真现象。牛津搭配〔cast〕A distortion of shape.变形:形状的扭曲美国传统〔chromatic aberration〕Color distortion in an image produced by a lens, caused by the inability of the lens to bring the various colors of light to focus at a single point.色像差:由透镜成像造成的色彩畸变,因为透镜不能将各种色光聚焦在一点上美国传统〔contracture〕An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body.挛缩:一种异常且常为永久性的缩短,如肌肉或瘢痕组织,会导致扭曲或变形,特别是身体关节处美国传统〔deformity〕A bodily malformation, distortion, or disfigurement.畸形:身体的变形、扭曲或缺陷美国传统〔deformity〕Gross ugliness or distortion.明显的丑陋或扭曲美国传统〔distortion〕Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion.声音信号可以通过电缆传送而不失真。柯林斯高阶〔distortion〕Audio signals can be transmitted along cables without distortion.音频信号可以通过电缆传送而不失真。外研社新世纪〔distortion〕Curved mirrors cause image distortions.曲面镜会使影像扭曲。韦氏高阶〔distortion〕Every mistake or distortion that they print must be corrected.他们刊印的每一处错误或曲解都必须纠正。牛津搭配〔distortion〕He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias.他后来指责记者有意歪曲事实并带有偏见。柯林斯高阶〔distortion〕He later accused reporters of wilful distortion and bias.后来他控告记者故意歪曲事实并心存偏见。外研社新世纪〔distortion〕His countenance underwent a sudden distortion.他的脸突然扭歪。英汉大词典〔distortion〕His report was attacked as a gross distortion of the truth.他的报道受到攻击,被指严重歪曲事实。牛津搭配〔distortion〕I think it would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.我认为说他们是受自身利益的驱使是对事实的严重歪曲。柯林斯高阶〔distortion〕It would be a gross distortion of reality to say that they were motivated by self-interest.说他们受私心驱动是对事实的严重歪曲。外研社新世纪〔distortion〕Practically all these early recordings suffer from distortion.实际上所有这些早期的录音都有些失真。麦克米伦高阶〔distortion〕Some experts have attacked the Jonas' book as a distortion and even as fiction.一些专家批评乔纳斯的书歪曲事实, 甚至胡编乱造。外研社新世纪〔distortion〕The distortion from this lens is unacceptable.这个镜片造成的失真令人无法接受。英汉大词典〔distortion〕The distortion of the trees was caused by the strong wind.树被大风刮得变了形。英汉大词典〔distortion〕The statement was an intentional distortion of the facts.这一声明是对事实的故意歪曲。韦氏高阶〔distortion〕The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.化学药剂不合比例可导致摄影图像严重失真。牛津搭配〔distortion〕This is clearly a distortion of the facts.这显然是对事实的歪曲。麦克米伦高阶〔dynamic headroom〕The capacity of an amplifier to reproduce unusually strong signals without distortion.动态净空:一种放大器的容量,可以不失真的复制异常强大的信号美国传统〔equalizer〕A tone control system designed to compensate for frequency distortion in audio systems.补偿器:在音响系统中用来补偿频率扭曲的音调控制系统美国传统〔gross〕That is a gross distortion of the truth.那是对真相的肆意歪曲。麦克米伦高阶〔grotesque〕Characterized by ludicrous or incongruous distortion, as of appearance or manner.奇形怪状的,奇异的:以滑稽可笑或不协调的扭曲为特征的,如其外貌或举止美国传统〔grotesque〕He called the original broadcast a grotesque distortion.他称原来的广播是荒谬的歪曲。麦克米伦高阶〔hard rock〕A style of rock 'n' roll characterized by a harsh, amplified sound and frequently employing distortion, feedback, and other electronic modulations.硬摇滚:一种声音刺耳扩大且频繁运用变音、反馈和其他电子调音手段的摇滚乐形式美国传统〔high fidelity〕The electronic reproduction of sound, especially from broadcast or recorded sources, with minimal distortion.高保真度:尤指广播和录音保持最低限度失真的声音的电子重新合成美国传统〔invention〕All this propaganda is carried on by distortion and invention.所有这套宣传都是靠了歪曲和捏造才得以进行的。英汉大词典〔mannerism〕Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.风格主义的特点在于比例和透视的扭曲。剑桥高阶〔orthoscopic〕Having normal vision; free from visual distortion.无视觉畸变的:具有正常视觉的;没有发生视觉畸变的美国传统〔oversimplify〕To cause distortion or error by extreme simplification of a subject.过分简单化:因为一题目的极度简单化而引起曲解或错误美国传统〔paramnesia〕A distortion of memory in which fantasy and objective experience are confused.记忆错误,错构症:把想象和客观事实相混淆的记忆的歪曲或窜改美国传统〔parosmia〕A distortion of the sense of smell, as in smelling odors that are not present.嗅觉倒错,嗅觉异常:一种闻到并不存在的气味的嗅觉异常美国传统〔psychedelic〕Of, characterized by, or generating hallucinations, distortions of perception, altered states of awareness, and occasionally states resembling psychosis.迷幻的:幻觉的、感觉变异的、意识状态改变的、有时类似于精神病症状的,有以上特征的或产生以上症状的美国传统〔push-pull〕Of or relating to an arrangement of two identical electronic devices that that are set in opposite phase in order to minimize distortion.推挽式的,推拉式的:属于将两个相同电子装置放置成相反相位以减少失真的一种配置,或与其相关的美国传统〔time warp〕A hypothetical discontinuity or distortion occurring in the flow of time that would move events from one time period to another or suspend the passage of time.时间异常:在时间流动中发生的一种假设的断裂或扭曲,能把事件从一个时间段移到另一个时间段或停止时间的流动美国传统〔turn〕A distortion in shape.变形:形状扭曲美国传统〔twist〕A contortion or distortion of the body, especially the face.扭曲:身体,尤其是脸部的扭曲或歪曲美国传统〔warp〕A distortion or twist, especially in a piece of wood.弯曲:歪曲、变形、尤指某一木头美国传统〔worse〕This type of reporting can be interpreted as deliberate distortion, or worse: subversion.这类报道可以说是蓄意歪曲,或者说得更恶劣一些:是颠覆政府。英汉大词典〔wrench〕A distortion in the original form or meaning of something written or spoken; twisted interpretation.扭曲,歪曲的解释:原形上的变形、或者写作或说话的意思的扭曲;歪曲的解释美国传统Distortion on compact discs is reduced to an absolute minimum.光盘的失真被减到尽可能小的程度。剑桥国际Mannerism is characterized by a distortion of proportions and perspective.风格主义以比例与透视的扭曲为特征。剑桥国际Such distortion of the facts cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.对事实这般歪曲,不能不对它进行质疑。剑桥国际The newspapers exclaimed against the outrageous distortion of truth. 报界强烈谴责对真相无耻的歪曲。译典通These accusations are outrageous distortions of the truth.这些指控是对真相的无耻歪曲。剑桥国际




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