

单词 distinguish from
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔British English〕The English language used in England as distinguished from that used elsewhere.英式英语:用于英格兰的英语,与用于其它地方的英语相区别美国传统〔Saxon〕A person of English or Lowland Scots birth or descent as distinguished from one of Irish, Welsh, or Highland Scots birth or descent.英格兰人:区别于威尔士人、爱尔兰人或苏格兰人或苏格兰高地人的英国人或苏格兰低地人美国传统〔Saxon〕The Germanic element of English as distinguished from the French and Latin elements.英语中的日耳曼语成分,不同于法语和拉丁语的成分美国传统〔Vulgar Latin〕The common speech of the ancient Romans, which is distinguished from standard literary Latin and is the ancestor of the Romance languages.俗拉丁语:古罗马普通人的语言,区别于标准书面拉丁语,是罗曼语言的祖先美国传统〔affect〕A feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition, thought, or action.感情:有别于认识,思想或行为的感情或情感美国传统〔art music〕Music composed in a classical tradition and intended as serious art, especially as distinguished from popular or folk music.艺术音乐:按照传统典范或作为严肃艺术创作的音乐,尤指区别于流行音乐或民间音乐美国传统〔as distinguished from〕The law affects private property as distinguished from public property. [=the law affects private property and not public property] 这条法规关系到私有财产而非公共财产。韦氏高阶〔continuum〕A continuous extent, succession, or whole, no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring parts except by arbitrary division.统一体:一个连续不断的范围、顺序或整体,除非用硬性分割不能将其中一部分当作邻近部分区分开来美国传统〔corpus〕The principal or capital, as distinguished from the interest or income, as of a fund or estate.资金:基金或资产的本金或资本,以区别于利息或收入美国传统〔distinguish〕He was distinguished from the other boys by his height.他的身高显出他与其他男孩不同。英汉大词典〔distinguish〕She was distinguished from the other girls by her height.她身材高挑有别于其他女孩。21世纪英汉〔distinguish〕The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak.雄鸟喙红色,有别于雌鸟。牛津高阶〔engine〕Such a machine distinguished from an electric, spring-driven, or hydraulic motor by its use of a fuel.燃料发动机:因其使用燃料而与电动、发条驱动或液压发动机而区别的机械装置美国传统〔essentialism〕The metaphysical theory that the essential properties of an object can be distinguished from those that are accidental to it.本质主义:形而上学的理论,认为事物的真实本质能够同偶然的发生区分开美国传统〔extricate〕Archaic To distinguish from something related.【古语】 区分:从有关的事物中区分美国传统〔facies〕Geology A rock or stratified body distinguished from others by its appearance or composition.【地质学】 相:外观或成分上不同于其它的岩石或地层群美国传统〔fetus〕In human beings, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo.胎儿:人类从开始怀孕的第八个星期到出生这一期间的有别于更早期的胚胎的幼儿美国传统〔flesh〕The meat of animals as distinguished from the edible tissue of fish or fowl.肌肉:区别于鱼或禽类的兽类动物的可食用的组织美国传统〔germ plasm〕Germ cells as distinguished from other body cells.生殖细胞:区别于其它身体细胞的生殖细胞美国传统〔herbaceous〕Relating to or characteristic of an herb as distinguished from a woody plant.草本的:与木本植物不同的,关于草本植物的或有草本植物特征的美国传统〔hydrosphere〕The waters of the earth's surface as distinguished from those of the lithosphere and the atmosphere.水界:地球表面的水,与陆界和大气层相区别美国传统〔individual〕A person distinguished from others by a special quality.不同的人:因某种特殊之处而与其他人不同的人美国传统〔individual〕A single animal or plant as distinguished from a species, community, or group.动植物个体:与物种、组织或群体相对立的作为个体存在的单个动物或植物美国传统〔issue〕A distinct set of copies of an edition of a book distinguished from others of that edition by variations in the printed matter.特刊,特辑:一本书在印刷材料上不同于其它版本的一套特殊的版本美国传统〔materially〕With regard to matter as distinguished from form.实质上:关于区别于形式的物质地美国传统〔nature〕Theology Humankind's natural state as distinguished from the state of grace.【神学】 原始状态:和优雅的状态有别的人类的自然状态美国传统〔necrobiosis〕The natural death of cells or tissues through aging, as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death.进行性坏死:随着年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡美国传统〔nonproprietary name〕The chemical or generic name of a drug, chemical, or device, as distinguished from a brand name or trademark.非专属名称:药品、化学品、化学装备的化学名称或一般名称,同知名品牌或商标有区别美国传统〔parenchyma〕Anatomy The tissue characteristic of an organ, as distinguished from associated connective or supporting tissues.【解剖学】 实质,主质:某一器官区别于有关结缔组织或支撑组织的有特性的组织美国传统〔penna〕A contour feather of a bird, as distinguished from a down feather or a plume.表羽:区别于软绒羽或正羽的鸟的外廓羽毛美国传统〔person〕Theology The separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them.【神学】 三位一体的位:圣父、圣子和圣灵的独立的位,以区别于统一他们的上帝的实体美国传统〔platyrrhine〕Of or designating the New World monkeys, distinguished from the Old World monkeys by widely separated nostrils that generally open to the side.阔鼻猴的:属于或代表西半球的猴的,与东半球猴之区别在于有一般开向侧方的相隔很远的鼻孔美国传统〔principal〕The capital or main body of an estate or a financial holding as distinguished from the interest or revenue from it.本金,资本:财产或金融资产的资本或主体,区别于由它得来的利息或收益美国传统〔principal〕The person having prime responsibility for an obligation as distinguished from one who acts as surety or as an endorser.当事人:对某一义务负首要责任的人,区别于担保人或背书转让人美国传统〔rebate〕A rebate is distinguished from a discount in that the former is not taken out or deducted in advance but is handed back after payment of the full amount.部分退款与折扣有别,区别在于前者并非先行扣除而是在全数付清后退还。英汉大词典〔rural〕These adjectives all mean of or typical of the country as distinguished from the city.这些形容词都表示或象征有农村特点的,与城市相区别。美国传统〔sentience〕Feeling as distinguished from perception or thought.情感:区别于感觉或思考的情感美国传统〔shape〕Something distinguished from its surroundings by its outline.外形:通过其轮廓与其周围的事物相区别的某物美国传统〔singleton〕An individual separated or distinguished from two or more of its group.单独的人或物:从群体中两个或更多个个体中分出的个体或与之不同的个体美国传统〔singular〕Logic Of or relating to the specific as distinguished from the general; individual.【逻辑学】 单称的:与一般不同的特定个体的或与之有关的;单独的美国传统〔somatic〕Of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head, limbs, or viscera.体壁的:(与)体腔内壁(有关)的,尤指与头部、四肢或内脏不同的美国传统〔striated muscle〕Skeletal, voluntary, and cardiac muscle, distinguished from smooth muscle by transverse striations of the fibers.横纹肌:骨骼肌肉、自由肌肉和心脏肌肉,以纤维的横切条纹区别于平滑肌美国传统〔subject〕The essential nature or substance of something as distinguished from its attributes.主体,主观:区别于其属性的事物的基本性质或构成美国传统〔subject〕The mind or thinking part as distinguished from the object of thought.主体,主观:与思考对象相区别的头脑或进行思考的头脑部分美国传统〔track event〕A running event at a track meet as distinguished from a field event.径赛项目:田径运动会上的赛跑项目,以便和田赛项目相区分美国传统〔variety〕A group that is distinguished from other groups by a specific characteristic or set of characteristics.种类:由于一种具体的特性或一组特性而区别于其它种群的一群美国传统〔zone〕An area or a region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic.地带,带:以特有的外貌或特点而区别于临近部分的地区或区域美国传统Animals are distinguished from plants by obtaining their nourishment from other living organisms or their remains.动物与植物的区别在于,动物摄取的营养来自其他生物或其残骸。剑桥国际




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