

单词 epigram
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Martial〕Roman poet known for his books of epigrams.马提雅尔:罗马诗人,因其警句、诗集而出名美国传统〔apposite〕His use of epigrams is very apposite.他用警句用得恰到好处。英汉大词典〔epigrammatic〕Containing or given to the use of epigrams.包含或使用警句的美国传统〔epigrammatic〕Of or having the nature of an epigram.警句式的,有警句特点的美国传统〔epigrammatism〕Literary style marked by the use of epigrams.多用警句的文风美国传统〔epigrammatize〕To create an epigram.作讽刺短诗美国传统〔epigrammatize〕To express in an epigram.用警句表达美国传统〔epigram〕He has a genius for epigram.他有妙语连珠的才能。英汉大词典〔epigram〕One of Oscar Wilde's most frequently quoted epigrams is "I can resist everything except temptation".奥斯卡•王尔德最常被引用的隽语之一就是“我可以抗拒一切,诱惑除外”。剑桥高阶The audience was amused by his speech full of epigrams. 听众被他充满机智短诗的演讲迷住了。译典通




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