

单词 end
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔North Pole〕north pole The northern end of the axis of rotation of a planet or other celestial body. north pole 行星或其它天体旋转轴的北端美国传统〔PEACE〕to try to prevent or end a war 试图避免或结束战争朗文写作活用〔addiction〕a bid to end the cycle of crime and addiction结束犯罪与毒瘾循环的努力外研社新世纪〔apocalyptic〕apocalyptic warnings of the end of society 对社会末日骇人听闻的预警牛津高阶〔applaud〕applauded at the end of the concert; 在音乐会结束时喝彩;美国传统〔assembly〕a long room with a stage at one end for assemblies供师生集会用的一端设有讲台的长房间外研社新世纪〔at〕at the end of the week 在周末牛津高阶〔baroque〕his argument that Mozart belongs to the end of the baroque and not to the early phase of romantic music.他认为莫扎特属于巴洛克音乐的末期而非浪漫主义音乐的早期柯林斯高阶〔by〕by the end of this month 到本月底文馨英汉〔contend〕contend for a cause to the end of one's life 为一种事业斗争到生命的终结英汉大词典〔cryptic〕a cryptic note at the end of the letter 信尾含意隐晦的一句话朗文当代〔determined〕a determined effort to fight to the bitter end 战斗到底的决心麦克米伦高阶〔discord〕a measure intended to end party strife.一项结束党派纷争的措施。美国传统〔domination〕the end of two centuries of domination by the Ottoman Empire 奥斯曼帝国两百年统治的结束麦克米伦高阶〔downwind〕the downwind end of the field.田间下风端柯林斯高阶〔end up in〕and end up in somewhere在某地结束(行程),最后一站是某地21世纪英汉〔end up with〕start with the aim of doing harm to others only to end up with ruining oneself以损人开始,以害己告终21世纪英汉〔end〕a trip to end all trips 所有旅行中最好的一次英汉大词典〔end〕at the end of August在8月底外研社新世纪〔end〕call for an end to the violence 呼吁停止暴力牛津搭配〔end〕get the short end of the stick 受到不公平对待 (或被轻视、忽略) 英汉大词典〔end〕in charge of the business end of the campaign.掌管竞选活动的业务职责美国传统〔end〕the end of a walking-stick.手杖顶端。牛津同义词〔end〕the end of life.生命的终结。牛津同义词〔end〕the end of the book 书的末尾英汉大词典〔end〕the end of the pier.码头末端美国传统〔end〕the end of town.市镇边界美国传统〔end〕the end point/stage of the operation 操作的终点/最后阶段韦氏高阶〔end〕the film to end all films最棒的电影外研社新世纪〔end〕the southern end of the lake 湖的南端牛津搭配〔end〕to end up in the army最终参了军21世纪英汉〔erect〕the philosophical doctrine erecting pleasure as the sole end of our actions这种把快感上升为我们行动唯一目标的哲学学说外研社新世纪〔glacial〕rising sea levels at the end of the last glacial period上一个冰川期结束时的海平面上升外研社新世纪〔hasten〕moves intended to hasten an end to the war想要促使战争早日结束的举措外研社新世纪〔herald〕the sultry evening that heralded the end of the baking hot summer.预示着炙热的夏天即将结束的闷热夜晚柯林斯高阶〔intonation〕the rising intonation at the end of spoken questions 口语中问句末尾使用的升调牛津搭配〔island〕the nurse's island at the end of the hall 走廊尽头的护士台英汉大词典〔mean〕means (used with a sing. or pl. verb)A method, a course of action, or an instrument by which an act can be accomplished or an end achieved. means (与单数或复数动词连用)方法,手段:用于完成一个行动或取得一个结果的方法、手段或工具美国传统〔monsoon〕the end of the monsoon.雨季的尾声柯林斯高阶〔next〕at the southern end of the Gaza Strip next to the Egyptian border.在紧靠埃及边境的加沙地带南端柯林斯高阶〔noon〕the noon deadline for the end of hostilities 中午结束敌对状态这一最后期限牛津高阶〔of〕the end of the day 一天的结束朗文当代〔outsat〕to outsit the end of the film电影散场后依然坐着不走21世纪英汉〔parliament〕to dissolve Parliament(= formally end its activities)and call an election 解散议会并举行大选牛津高阶〔play〕a West End play 在伦敦西区上演的戏剧麦克米伦高阶〔reading〕further reading(= at the end of a book, a list of other books that give more information about the same subject) 其他阅读参考材料牛津高阶〔reference〕the President's passing reference to(= brief mention of)the end of the war 总统对战争的结束一语带过牛津高阶〔rhythm〕end a sentence with a cadence) and to balanced rhythmic flow,as in poetry (the cadence of the sea ). 以降低的声音结束一个句子) 及平衡的韵律流,如在诗中(海的韵律 ) 美国传统〔secondment〕at the end of Lewis's two-year secondment在刘易斯两年借调结束时外研社新世纪〔slip-stitch〕to slip-stitch the end of sleeves用暗线迹缝袖口21世纪英汉〔slip〕slip away before the end of the meeting 会议未结束便悄悄溜走英汉大词典〔tail end〕the tail end of the queue 队尾牛津高阶〔terminal〕branches that end in a terminal bud 末端有顶芽的树枝韦氏高阶〔theatre〕a West End theatre production伦敦西区的一场戏剧演出外研社新世纪〔to〕stay to the end of June 呆到6月底英汉大词典〔to〕to that end 为达该目的文馨英汉〔vagueness〕end in vagueness 含混地结束文馨英汉〔with〕to join one end with the other把一端接到另一端21世纪英汉〔write〕wrote in an apology at the end of the note.在纸条末尾加上一句道歉的话美国传统〔year〕the final account at the end of each trading year每个财政年度末的最终账目外研社新世纪




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