

单词 equatorial
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bioko〕An island of Equatorial Guinea in the Gulf of Guinea.比奥科,费尔南多波:赤道几内亚的一个岛,位于几内亚湾美国传统〔Canis Minor〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Hydra and Monoceros, containing the star Procyon.小犬座:南天球赤道地区长蛇星座和麒麟星座附近的一个星座,包含南河三美国传统〔Capricorn〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere, near Aquarius and Sagittarius.摩羯座:南半球赤道区域的一个星座,在宝瓶座和人马座附近美国传统〔Cetus〕A constellation in the equatorial region of the Southern Hemisphere near Aquarius and Eridanus.鲸鱼座:南半球赤道地区靠近宝瓶座与波江座的星座美国传统〔Fang〕A member of a people inhabiting Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, and Cameroon.芳人:居住在加蓬、赤道几内亚及喀麦隆的人美国传统〔Ophiuchus〕A constellation in the equatorial region near Hercules and Scorpius.蛇夫星座:一个在天赤道区靠近武仙座和天蝎座的星座美国传统〔Río Muni〕The mainland part of Equatorial Guinea, on the Bight of Biafra in western Africa.木尼河省:赤道几内亚的大陆部分,位于非洲西部、比夫拉湾沿岸美国传统〔equatorial〕An equatorial telescope.赤道望远镜美国传统〔equatorial〕Ecuador is an equatorial country.厄瓜多尔是一个赤道国家。英汉大词典〔equatorial〕The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.亚马孙雨林的赤道气候炎热潮湿。剑桥高阶〔run〕His outfit were trying to run guns into Equatorial Guinea.他的团伙当时试图向赤道几内亚走私枪支。外研社新世纪〔subequatorial〕Belonging to a region adjacent to an equatorial area.亚赤道的,副赤道的:属于赤道附近的地区的美国传统〔subsolar〕Located between the tropics; equatorial.赤道的:位于两回归线之间的;热带的美国传统〔subtropical〕Subtropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.亚热带地区的气候比热带地区要凉爽一些。剑桥高阶Subtropical regions are cooler than equatorial regions.亚热带地区比赤道地区凉爽。剑桥国际The equatorial climate of the Amazonian rain forests is hot and wet.亚马孙雨林的赤道气候又炎热又潮湿。剑桥国际




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