

单词 equator
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GPS〕GPS operates best near the equator.全球定位系统在赤道附近性能最好。柯林斯高阶〔GPS〕GPS operates best near the equator.全球定位系统在赤道附近运行得最好。外研社新世纪〔Isabela Island〕The largest of the Galápagos Islands of Ecuador, in the Pacific Ocean on the equator.伊莎贝尔岛:厄瓜多尔的加拉帕戈斯群岛中的最大岛屿,位于太平洋的赤道美国传统〔North Atlantic Ocean〕The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.北大西洋:大西洋北部,从赤道向北延伸至北冰洋美国传统〔North Pacific Ocean〕The northern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.北太平洋:太平洋北部部分,从赤道向北延伸到北冰洋美国传统〔Northern Hemisphere〕Astronomy The half of the celestial sphere north of the celestial equator.【天文学】 北半球:天赤道以北的半个天球美国传统〔Northern Hemisphere〕The half of the earth north of the equator.北半球:赤道以北的半个地球美国传统〔Orion〕A constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.猎户座:在天球赤道上靠近双子座和金牛座的星座,包括参宿四和参宿七美国传统〔South Atlantic Ocean〕The southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica.南大西洋:大西洋的南部,从赤道向南一直延伸到南极洲美国传统〔South Pacific Ocean〕The southern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica.南太平洋:太平洋的南部,从赤道一直延伸到南极美国传统〔Southern Hemisphere〕Astronomy The half of the celestial sphere south of the celestial equator.【天文学】 南天球:天赤道以南的半个天球美国传统〔Southern Hemisphere〕The half of the earth south of the equator.南半球:赤道以南的半个地球美国传统〔Sudan〕A region of northern Africa south of the Sahara and north of the equator. It extends across the continent from the Atlantic coast to the mountains of Ethiopia.苏丹:非洲北部一地区,位于赤道以北,撒哈拉大沙漠以南,从大西洋沿岸横贯大陆至埃塞俄比亚山脉美国传统〔autumnal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a southerly motion.秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动美国传统〔declination〕Astronomy The angular distance to a point on a celestial object, measured north or south from the celestial equator.【天文学】 赤纬:到达某天体一点的角距,从天体赤道向北或向南测量得出美国传统〔divide〕The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres.赤道把地球分成两个半球。韦氏高阶〔doldrums〕A region of the ocean near the equator, characterized by calms, light winds, or squalls.赤道无风带:靠近赤道的海域,特征是或风平浪静,或起微风或起飓风美国传统〔electrojet〕An electric current that moves in an ionized layer above the equator in the earth's upper atmosphere.电喷(射气)流:在地球赤道上方大气上层电离子气体导电层中移动的电流美国传统〔engird〕The equator engirds the earth.赤道环绕地球。21世纪英汉〔engird〕The equator engirds the earth.赤道环绕地球。英汉大词典〔equatorial current〕One of the surface currents drifting westward through the oceans at the equator.赤道洋流:在赤道附近的海洋中向西流动的表面洋流美国传统〔equatorial〕Of, relating to, or resembling the earth's equator.赤道的:赤道的,与赤道有关或相似的美国传统〔equator〕Indonesia is/lies on the equator.印尼位于赤道之上。剑桥高阶〔equator〕Rainforests occur around the equator.雨林出现在赤道周围。牛津搭配〔equator〕Singapore is near the equator.新加坡位于赤道附近。英汉大词典〔equator〕The celestial equator.天球赤道美国传统〔equator〕The city of Quito, Ecuador, lies very close to the equator.厄瓜多尔的基多市离赤道非常近。韦氏高阶〔equator〕The island is just 80 miles north of the equator.那个岛在赤道以北仅 80 英里处。牛津搭配〔equator〕The lake lies exactly on the equator.这湖正好位于赤道上。牛津搭配〔equator〕The sun heats the sea more at the equator than at the poles.太阳使赤道附近的海水温度高于极地附近的水温。牛津搭配〔equinoctial〕Relating to the celestial equator.与天赤道有关的美国传统〔equinox〕Either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator.二分点:在天球上天赤道与黄道相切的两点中的任一点美国传统〔hemisphere〕Either half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator, or the horizon.半天球:被黄道,天赤道或地平圈分成两半的天球的一半美国传统〔hemisphere〕Either the northern or southern half of the earth as divided by the equator or the eastern or western half as divided by a meridian.(地球的)半球:被赤道分开的南半球或北半球,或被子午线分开的东半球或西半球美国传统〔hour circle〕A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and intersecting the celestial equator at right angles.子午线:通过天体球两极,与天体赤道成直角相切的大圈美国传统〔imaginary〕The Equator is just an imaginary line.赤道只是一条假想的线。麦克米伦高阶〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth.赤道是假想的环绕地球的大圆。英汉大词典〔imaginary〕The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth.赤道是一条假想的环绕地球腰部的线。牛津高阶〔latitude〕The angular distance north or south of the earth's equator, measured in degrees along a meridian, as on a map or globe.纬度:地球赤道北或南的角距离,例如在地图或地球仪上沿着子午线用度数测量美国传统〔low〕Relating to or being latitudes nearest to the equator.(纬度)低的:纬度接近赤道的,或与之有关的美国传统〔northern〕Being north of the equator.赤道以北的美国传统〔parallel〕Any of the imaginary lines representing degrees of latitude that encircle the earth parallel to the plane of the equator.纬线,纬度圈:与赤道平面平行且环绕地球用来表明纬度高低的许多假想线中的任意一条美国传统〔plane〕All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.所有的行星大致在同一平面上绕太阳赤道运转。外研社新世纪〔plane〕All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.所有的行星大致在同一平面上绕太阳赤道运转。柯林斯高阶〔poleward〕The air about the equator rises, and flows poleward in both directions.赤道周围的空气上升,并向南北两极流动。英汉大词典〔pole〕Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。剑桥高阶〔record〕She recorded in her diary that they crossed the Equator on 15 June.她在日记中记载他们是在 6 月 15 日横越赤道的。牛津高阶〔shellback〕A sailor who has crossed the equator.已穿越了赤道的海员美国传统〔southern〕Being south of the equator.赤道以南的美国传统〔straddle〕The country straddles the equator.这个国家横跨赤道。英汉大词典〔vernal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a northerly motion.春分点:黄道与天赤道相交的一点,太阳向北移动美国传统Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。剑桥国际Singapore is/lies on the Equator.新加坡位于赤道上。剑桥国际The equator runs through parts of South America and Africa.赤道穿越南美和非洲的部分地区。剑桥国际The earth is divided into the northern and southern hemispheres by the equator and into eastern and western hemispheres by some meridians.地球被赤道划分为北半球和南半球,被一些经线划分为东半球和西半球。剑桥国际The vernal equinox is the time in the spring when the sun crosses the equator, and when night and day are of equal length.春分剑桥国际We crossed the Equator on the voyage.我乘船旅行时途经赤道。剑桥国际




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