

单词 documents
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔WYSIWYG〕the first WYSIWYG application for creating documents on the Web.第一款制作网络文件的所见即所得应用软件柯林斯高阶〔authenticate〕authentication of the documents 文件的鉴定韦氏高阶〔big lie〕released falsified documents to bolster the big lie that no government troops were involved in the other country's internal problems.公开伪造文件以支持政府军队未干涉别国内务的谎言美国传统〔blizzard〕a blizzard of documents 一大堆棘手的文件牛津高阶〔care〕documents that were committed to the bank's trust. See also Synonyms at anxiety 委托银行保管的文件 参见同义词 anxiety美国传统〔classified〕classified documents 机密文件韦氏高阶〔clip〕clip documents together 将文件夹在一起文馨英汉〔collection〕a historical archive collection of 20 000 documents 有 2 万份文件的历史档案收藏牛津搭配〔declassify〕declassify secret documents 对机密文件解密英汉大词典〔dig〕documents dug out of the archives 由档案中发掘出来的文件文馨英汉〔document〕documents against acceptance 承兑交单英汉大词典〔document〕documents against payment 付款交单英汉大词典〔document〕documents dating back to the 1920s 可追溯至 20 世纪 20 年代的文件牛津搭配〔document〕documents leaked from the government to the press 政府泄露给新闻界的文件牛津搭配〔document〕a software tool for searching documents 用于搜索文件的软件工具牛津搭配〔document〕details of internal UN documents 联合国内部文件的详细资料牛津搭配〔document〕legal documents 法律文件牛津高阶〔document〕legal/official/historical documents 法律/官方/历史文件韦氏高阶〔document〕official/confidential/legal documents 正式/机密/法律文件剑桥高阶〔document〕one of the key documents in this case 这件案子中的关键文件之一牛津搭配〔document〕to display documents on screen 在屏幕上显示文件牛津搭配〔document〕to document the documents of carriage附运输单据于汇票21世纪英汉〔document〕travel documents 旅行证件牛津高阶〔doubtful〕documents of doubtful authenticity 真实性可疑的文件麦克米伦高阶〔drip-feed〕the steady drip feed of leaked documents in the papers 泄露的文件一点点接连在报纸上出现牛津高阶〔from〕documents from the sixteenth century *16 世纪的文献牛津高阶〔fuck〕fuck about with important documents 把重要文件弄乱英汉大词典〔germane〕the suppression of a number of documents which were very germane to the case.对几份与本案密切相关的文件的隐瞒柯林斯高阶〔grab bag〕a fascinating grab bag of documents about the life of Liszt引人入胜的关于李斯特生平的资料汇总外研社新世纪〔ground plan〕documents which formed the ground plan for the welfare state 构成国家福利制度草案的文件朗文当代〔incomprehensible〕legal documents full of incomprehensible jargon 满是难懂的行话的法律文件朗文当代〔infect〕a virus that infects word-processing documents 一种感染字处理文件的病毒麦克米伦高阶〔information〕documents containing sensitive information含有敏感信息的文件外研社新世纪〔jargon〕documents full of legal jargon 通篇皆是法律术语的文件朗文当代〔muddle〕a muddle of documents 一堆杂乱的文件韦氏高阶〔multiple〕multiple copies of documents 各种文件的大量的副本牛津高阶〔navigation〕navigation through complex documents 在各种复杂的文件中查阅牛津搭配〔nest〕nested Word documents 嵌套的Word文档麦克米伦高阶〔notarial〕notarial documents 公证文件英汉大词典〔phraseology〕the Latin phraseology of legal documents 法律文书中的拉丁文术语英汉大词典〔presentation〕the presentation of the identity documents 出示身份证明朗文当代〔printed〕printed documents 打印的文件韦氏高阶〔proof〕produce documents in proof of one's claim 出示证件以证明自己提出要求的权利英汉大词典〔quarry〕quarry in many documents 在许多文件中探索文馨英汉〔relate to〕documents relating to nuclear weapons与核武器有关的文件外研社新世纪〔relate〕all the documents relating to the transaction 全部有关这笔交易的单据英汉大词典〔relating to〕documents relating to immigration laws 与移民法相关的文件朗文当代〔shred〕the secret documents that shred被切成碎片的机密文件21世纪英汉〔taxi〕taxied the children to dance class; taxi documents to a law office.用出租汽车送儿童去上舞蹈课;用出租汽车把文件送到律师事务所美国传统〔theft〕the theft of classified documents from a car in London.从伦敦一辆汽车里盗走机密文件柯林斯高阶〔top secret〕top-secret documents 绝密文件牛津高阶〔transparency〕a need for greater transparency in legal documents 对法律文件更简明易懂的需求牛津高阶〔transparent〕a campaign to make official documents more transparent 简化公文语言的运动牛津高阶〔typify〕the long complicated sentences that typify legal documents 法律文件中典型的冗长复杂的句子朗文当代〔unscramble〕unscramble documents 整理文件英汉大词典〔valuable〕documents that are enormously valuable to historians 对历史学家来说弥足珍贵的文献牛津搭配〔value〕documents that will be of great value to future historians 对未来的史学家们十分重要的文件麦克米伦高阶〔yellow〕documents that had been yellowed by age; clouds that yellow in the evening light.文件因年代久远而发黄;在傍晚霞光中变成黄色的云美国传统a collection of documents relating to the domain of banking 有关银行业的文献资料牛津商务photocopied documents 影印文件牛津商务




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