

单词 equation
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕It was a difficult equation, but it took her only five minutes to work out the solution. 这是个很难解的方程式,但她只花了五分钟就解出来了。朗文写作活用〔Diophantine equation〕An algebraic equation with two or more variables whose coefficients are integers, studied to determine all integral solutions.丢番图方程:具有二个或二个以上其系数为整数变量的代数方程式,作为探究所有整数解的用途美国传统〔algebraic number〕A number that is a root of a polynomial equation with rational coefficients.代数数:系数为有理数的代数方程的根美国传统〔algebraic〕Designating an expression, an equation, or a function in which only numbers, letters, and arithmetic operations are contained or used.代数学的:指定一个表达式、等式或函数,其中只包括或只运用数字、字母或数学运算的美国传统〔attract〕Since light has no mass, Newton's equation predicts that it will not be attracted by gravity towards anything.既然光是没有质量的,牛顿的方程式便预言光不会受到引力作用。剑桥高阶〔balance〕Chemistry Equality of mass and net electric charge of reacting species on each side of an equation.【化学】 化学平衡:反应式两边在质量或起反应的纯净电荷方面的均等美国传统〔balance〕Mathematics Equality with respect to the net number of reduced symbolic quantities on each side of an equation.【数学】 平衡式:在等式两边有关约减符号数量的净值均等美国传统〔balance〕We can balance the equation by multiplying the different atoms and molecules.我们可以通过增加不同原子和分子的个数来配平等式。外研社新世纪〔bilinear〕Linear with respect to each of two variables or positions. Used of functions or equations.二元直线:与两个变量或位置的每一个都有关的直线。用于方程或等式美国传统〔biquadratic〕An algebraic equation of the fourth degree.四次方程式美国传统〔blackboard〕The blackboard was covered with symbols and equations.黑板上写满了符号和等式。牛津搭配〔blackboard〕The teacher wrote an equation on the blackboard.老师在黑板上写了一个方程式。外研社新世纪〔boundary condition〕The conditions specified for the solution to a set of differential equations.边界条件:用以说明一组微分方程解的条件美国传统〔cancel〕To remove (a common factor or term) from both sides of an equation or inequality.约去;消去:从一个方程式或不等式的两边去掉(一个公因子或公共项)美国传统〔conic section〕A graph of the general quadratic equation in two variables.二次曲线:由两个变量的二次方程所决定的图形美国传统〔consistent〕Mathematics Having at least one common solution, as of two or more equations or inequalities.【数学】 至少有一个共同解的,如在两个或两个以上的等式或不等式中美国传统〔copy down/out〕I copied out the equations on a piece of paper.我把方程式抄在了一张纸上。韦氏高阶〔cubic〕A cubic expression, curve, or equation.三次表达式,三次曲线,三次方程美国传统〔degree〕The exponent of the derivative of highest order in a differential equation in standard form.次:标准形式下的微分方程里最高次序的微商的幂美国传统〔degree〕The greatest sum of the exponents of the variables in a term of a polynomial or polynomial equation.次数:多项式或多项式方程中变量的幂的最大数美国传统〔differential analyzer〕A mechanical or electronic analog computer used to solve especially complicated differential equations.微分分析程序,微分分析器:特别指用来解决复杂的微分方程的机械或电子模拟计算机美国传统〔differential equation〕An equation that expresses a relationship between functions and their derivatives.微分方程:表示函数和他们的导数关系的方程美国传统〔diophantine analysis〕A method for determining integral solutions of certain algebraic equations.丢番图分析:确定某些代数方程整数解的方法美国传统〔discriminant〕An expression used to distinguish or separate other expressions in a quantity or an equation.判别式:在一个量或方程式中,用于区分或区别其他表达式的表达式美国传统〔dividend〕In the equation 8 ÷ 2 = 4, eight is the dividend.在等式8÷2=4中,8是被除数。韦氏高阶〔divisor〕In the equation 8 ÷ 2 = 4, two is the divisor.在等式8:2=4中,2是除数。韦氏高阶〔eliminate〕Mathematics To remove (an unknown quantity) by combining equations.【数学】 消去:通过等式合并消去(一个未知量)美国传统〔equality〕Mathematics A statement, usually an equation, that one thing equals another.【数学】 等式:一个描述,通常为一个等式,其一部分等于另一部分美国传统〔equation〕I could not find a way of solving the equation.我不知道该怎么解这个方程。牛津搭配〔equation〕In a choice between the use of rail and car, the question of cost will come into the equation.在选择使用火车还是汽车时,要考虑到成本因素。麦克米伦高阶〔equation〕In the equation 2x + 1 = 7, what is x? 在 2x+1=7 这个方程式中,x 是多少?朗文当代〔equation〕In the equation 3x - 3 = 15, x = 6.在方程式3x-3=15中,x=6。剑桥高阶〔equation〕Managing the economy is a complex equation of controlling inflation and reducing unemployment.经济管理包括控制通货膨胀、降低失业率等复杂的因素。剑桥高阶〔equation〕Money also comes into the equation.还要顾及金钱因素。牛津搭配〔equation〕New plans have taken chance out of the equation.新计划已经在这种综合局势中获得了机会。柯林斯高阶〔equation〕No other equations should enter into his decisions.其他因素都不应当影响他的决定。英汉大词典〔equation〕Solve the equation 5x – 3 = 27.解答方程式5x-3=27。麦克米伦高阶〔equation〕The equation is simple: research breeds new products.情况很简单:研究产生新产品。外研社新世纪〔equation〕The equation is simple: research breeds new products.情况很简单:研究产生新产品。柯林斯高阶〔equation〕The equation of wealth with happiness can be dangerous.把财富与幸福等同起来可能是危险的。牛津高阶〔equation〕The availability of water is also part of the equation.是否有水可用也是要考虑的因素之一。牛津搭配〔equation〕The ideal gas equation is derived from this model.理想气体方程是由这一模型推导出来的。牛津搭配〔equation〕The party fears the equation between higher spending and higher taxes.该党担心难以平衡更多支出和更高税率之间的综合关系。柯林斯高阶〔equation〕The party fears the equation between higher spending and higher taxes.该党担心难以平衡更多支出和更高赋税的关系。外研社新世纪〔equation〕The question of cost has now entered the equation .成本问题现已成了影响因素。朗文当代〔equation〕The southern states will be an important part of the election equation.南方各州是选举难题中的重要部分。韦氏高阶〔equation〕The supply-demand equation is indicative of still higher prices.供求状况预示着价格将继续上涨。英汉大词典〔equation〕The tourist industry forms a crucial part of the region's economic equation .旅游业成了该地区经济总量中一个至关重要的部分。朗文当代〔equation〕There is a tendency in movies to make the equation between violence and excitement.电影有把暴力和刺激相等同的倾向。剑桥高阶〔equation〕This can be shown by a simple equation.这个可以用一个一次方程来表示。牛津搭配〔equation〕What you want doesn't come into the equation.你想要的不会成为影响因素之一。外研社新世纪〔equation〕When children enter the equation, further tensions may arise within a marriage.有了孩子以后,紧张的情况可能增加,影响婚姻中的平衡关系。牛津高阶〔expressly〕We can express that equation like that.我们可以这样表示那个等式。柯林斯高阶〔express〕We can express that equation like that.我们可以这样表示这种方程。外研社新世纪〔family〕Mathematics A set of functions or surfaces that can be generated by varying the parameters of a general equation.【数学】 族:通过改变一般等式的参数形成的函数或曲面美国传统〔fiendishly〕This figure is reached by a fiendishly clever equation.这一数字是通过一个极为精妙的方程式计算出来的。外研社新世纪〔fiendishly〕This figure is reached by a fiendishly clever equation.这个数字是通过一个精妙的方程式计算出来的。柯林斯高阶〔figure into〕Age may figure into the equation.年龄可以列入这个等式。韦氏高阶〔follow〕It is easy to see the conclusions described in the text follow from this equation.很容易可以看出文中所述的结论是由这个方程式推出的。柯林斯高阶〔follow〕The conclusions described in the text follow from this equation.文中描述的结论是从这个等式推导出来的。外研社新世纪〔follow〕The right-hand sides of these two equations are equal. It follows that the left-hand sides are likewise equal.这两个方程式的右边相等, 所以它们的左边同样也相等。外研社新世纪〔formula〕Mathematics A statement, especially an equation, of a fact, rule, principle, or other logical relation.【数学】 公式,程式:表示普遍事实、规律、法则或其它逻辑联系的陈述,尤为一等式美国传统〔graph〕Students were asked to graph each equation.要求学生用图表表示每一个方程式。韦氏高阶〔identity〕An equation that is satisfied by any number that replaces the letter for which the equation is defined.单位(矩)阵:定义式中的字母对任一数字都使恒等式成立的恒等式美国传统〔inconsistent〕Mathematics Not solvable for the unknowns by the same set of values. Used of two or more equations or inequalities.【数学】 不可解的:同一系列值的情况下由于有未知数而无解的。用于两个或两个以上的等式或不等式美国传统〔independent〕Of or relating to a system of equations no one of which can be derived from another equation in the system.独立方程式的:属于或与一组方程组有关的,方程组中任一方程不可能从其它同组方程解出答案的美国传统〔infinity〕In the equation below, as E goes to zero, n approaches infinity.在下面的方程式中,E 越趋向于零,n 越接近于无穷大。朗文当代〔integral calculus〕The study of integration and its use in finding volumes, areas, and solutions of differential equations.积分学:积分的研究及其在求体积,面积和解微分方程中的应用美国传统〔integrand〕A function or an equation to be integrated.被积函数:被积分的函数或方程美国传统〔integration〕Mathematics The process of finding the equation or function of which a given quantity or function is the derivative.【数学】 积分:求一个以给定的量或函数为导数的方程或函数解的过程美国传统〔learn sth by rote〕She learned the equations by rote.她靠死记硬背记住了这些公式。剑桥高阶〔linear algebra〕The branch of mathematics that deals with the theory of systems of linear equations, matrices, vector spaces, determinants, and linear transformations.线性代数:数学的一支,研究线性方程、矩阵、矢量空间及线性变换理论美国传统〔locus〕Mathematics The set or configuration of all points whose coordinates satisfy a single equation or one or more algebraic conditions.【数学】 轨迹:其坐标满足某一等式或一个或多个代数条件的所有的点的集合或组合美国传统〔metamathematics〕The branch of mathematics that deals with the logic and consistency of mathematical proofs, formulas, and equations.哲理数学:数学的一个分支,以数学证明、公式和等式的逻辑性及稳定性为研究对象的学科美国传统〔nonlinear〕Containing a variable with an exponent other than one. Used of an equation.非一次的:包含有一个非一次幂的变量的,用于方程式的美国传统〔n〕The equation is impossible for any value of n greater than 2.这个等式对于任何大于 2 的数值都不成立。牛津高阶〔ordinary〕Mathematics Designating a differential equation containing no more than two variables and derivatives of one with respect to the other.【数学】 常的:为微分方程设计的,该方程的变量不超过两个且一个对另一个进行求导美国传统〔partial differential equation〕A differential equation containing at least one partial derivative.偏微分方程:至少包含一个偏微商的微分方程美国传统〔plug into〕The computer program will take data from these sources and automatically plug it into the equation.这个计算机程序将从这些资料来源中提取数据,并自动将数据填入方程式中。韦氏高阶〔quadratic equation〕In the quadratic equation, 2y2+3y=14, y=2 or y=-3½.在二次方程式2y2+3y=14中,y=2或y=-3½。剑桥高阶〔quadratics〕The branch of algebra that deals with quadratic equations.二次方程式论:处理二次方程式的代数学的分支美国传统〔quadric〕Of or relating to geometric surfaces that are defined by quadratic equations.二次曲面的:由二次方程式所定义的几何平面的,或与其有关的美国传统〔reduce〕The last problem is to reduce an equation to its simplest form.最后一道题是将一方程式化简为最简单形式。21世纪英汉〔reduction〕The converting of an expression or equation to its simplest form.简化方程式:把表达式或方程式化至最简的形式美国传统〔represent〕In Einstein's equation c represents the speed of light.在爱因斯坦方程式中, c表示光速。外研社新世纪〔root〕A number that reduces a polynomial equation in one variable to an identity when it is substituted for the variable.解,根:当代表变量时简化变量中的多项式或方程得出的一个单位元素的数美国传统〔satisfy〕Mathematics To make the left and right sides of an equation equal after substituting equivalent quantities for the unknown variables in the equation.【数学】 (等式两边)满足…的条件:在等式中用等量代换未知变量后使等式的左右两边相等美国传统〔sign〕Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals sign.等式通常用两道横的等号来表示。柯林斯高阶〔simple equation〕A linear equation.一次方程美国传统〔superposition principle〕A principle holding that two or more solutions to a linear equation or set of linear equations can be added together so that their sum is also a solution.迭置原理:一个或一组线性方程的两个或两个以上解相加的和也是线性方程解的原理美国传统〔transcendental〕Not capable of being determined by any combination of a finite number of equations with rational integral coefficients.超越的:无法通过任何有限数目的方程式与有理整数系数的组合决定的美国传统〔transpose〕Mathematics To move (a term) from one side of an algebraic equation to the other side, reversing its sign to maintain equality.【数学】 移项:把(一个项)从代数方程的一边移到另一边。改变它的正负号以使方程两边仍保持相等美国传统〔trivial〕Of, relating to, or being the solution of an equation in which every variable is equal to zero.全部为零的解的:属于关于或是方程的所有解都等于零的美国传统〔universe〕Einstein's equations show the universe to be expanding.爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀。外研社新世纪〔universe〕Einstein's equations showed the Universe to be expanding.爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀。柯林斯高阶〔unknown〕X and Y in the equation are both unknowns.等式中的 X 和 Y 都是未知数。牛津高阶〔variability〕It is conventional to place the independent variable on the right-hand side of an equation.普遍做法是把自变量放在等式的右边。柯林斯高阶〔variable〕The variables in the equation are X, Y, and Z.方程式中的变量是X,Y和Z。剑桥高阶〔wave equation〕A partial differential equation used to represent wave motion.波动方程:用来代表波动的偏微分方程美国传统〔wave equation〕The fundamental equation of wave mechanics.波动方程式:波动的基础方程美国传统〔x〕In this equation, X equals four.在这个等式里,X等于4。麦克米伦高阶〔x〕The equation is impossible for any value of x greater than 2.当 x 的值大于 2 时,这个等式不成立。牛津高阶〔x〕What is the value of x in the equation x - 4 = 3? 在方程式x-4=3中,未知数x的值是多少?韦氏高阶〔y〕In this equation, Y equals 12.在这个方程式中,Y等于12。麦克米伦高阶I shall exemplify the approach by solving this equation.我将以解算这个等式为例说明这种方法。剑桥国际It would take a huge amount of time to work out the solution to these equations if we didn't use a computer.如果我们不用计算机的话,解这些方程要花大量时间。剑桥国际Rather than using words (=language) many mathematical concepts are more effectively expressed in equations.用方程式比用语言更能有效地表达许多数学概念。剑桥国际She learned the equations by rote.她通过死记硬背学习方程式。剑桥国际Solving this equation will not be a trivial matter (= will not be easy).解开这个方程式并非易事。剑桥国际The answer will come out if you coalesce these three equations. 你将这三个方程式连结一下,答案就出来了。译典通The two countries have been trying to maintain their military equation. 这两个国家一直尽力维持他们在军事上的平衡。译典通There is a tendency in films to make the equation between (= to connect) violence and excitement.电影里有把暴力与刺激等同起来的趋势。剑桥国际




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