

单词 draw in
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SHARP〕He picked up a pointed stick and began drawing in the sand. 他捡起一根尖尖的棍子,在沙地上画了起来。朗文写作活用〔anxiety〕Harry came in, his face drawn in anxiety.满脸愁容的哈里走了进来。英汉大词典〔breathe〕To draw in (air) for the combustion process. Used of an internal-combustion engine.进气:燃烧过程中吸入空气。用于内燃机美国传统〔draft〕The act of drawing in a fishnet.拖鱼网美国传统〔draw in〕Hours passed and the evening is drawing in.好几个小时过去了,快接近黄昏了。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕In autumn the days begin to draw in.到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕Roll the wine around in your mouth, drawing in air at the same time.让酒在嘴里滚一下,同时吸气。柯林斯高阶〔draw in〕The autumn evenings are drawing in.秋天的黄昏逐渐变短。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕The days draw in and the mornings get darker.天黑得越来越早,天亮得越来越晚。柯林斯高阶〔draw in〕The other players were drawn in.其他运动员也被说服参加。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕We must drawn in a bit;we're spending too much.我们必须紧缩一点,我们花费太多了。21世纪英汉〔draw in〕You gradually fall under the spell and get drawn in deeper and deeper.你会渐渐着魔,越陷越深。柯林斯高阶〔draw/pull in your horns〕He'll have to draw in his horns now he's lost his job.由于丢掉了工作他将不得不减少开支。剑桥高阶〔draw〕Despite himself, he found himself being drawn in by the man's warmth and ease.他不由自主地被那人的热情与随和所吸引。朗文当代〔draw〕If prices continue to rise, we shall have to draw in our spending even further.如果物价继续上涨,我们将不得不进一步紧缩开支。英汉大词典〔draw〕In October the nights start drawing in.10 月份天开始黑得早了。朗文当代〔draw〕It is October now, and the days are drawing in.现在已是10月,白天越来越短了。英汉大词典〔draw〕The gown has to be drawn in to fit her.那件睡袍得改小些才合她的身。英汉大词典〔draw〕The nights/days are drawing in.天黑得越来越早了。牛津高阶〔draw〕We've spent too much lately, we'll have to draw in for a while.我们近来花钱太多,得紧缩一下开支。英汉大词典〔dropper〕One that drops, especially a small tube with a suction bulb at one end for drawing in a liquid and releasing it in drops.滴管:落下的人或物,尤指一种短管,一端有吸球,可汲入液体然后滴出美国传统〔fanjet〕A jet engine that provides extra thrust by means of a ducted fan in its forward end that draws in extra air.涡轮风扇发动机:一种喷气发动机,前有一管道风扇吸入额外量的空气,这部分空气经压缩后提供额外推力美国传统〔fetal position〕A position of the body at rest in which the spine is curved, the head is bowed forward, and the arms and legs are drawn in toward the chest.胎姿:身体处于休息状态的姿势,此时脊椎弯曲、头前俯、腿和手臂向胸部蜷曲美国传统〔fetch〕To draw in (breath); inhale.吸入(呼吸);吸气美国传统〔foreign exchange〕Negotiable bills drawn in one country to be paid in another country.外汇:从一国开出要求另一国付款的可转让汇票美国传统〔horn〕Customers are drawing in their horns at a time of high interest rates.高利率时期消费者都在紧缩开支。外研社新世纪〔implosion〕Linguistics The pronunciation of a stop consonant with the breath drawn in.【语言学】 内爆发音:吸气时发的爆发辅音美国传统〔implosive〕A stop consonant pronounced with the breath drawn in.内爆发音:吸气时发的爆发辅音美国传统〔in outline〕The pictures were drawn in outline and then filled in with color.这些画是先画出轮廓再上色的。韦氏高阶〔inspiration〕The act of drawing in, especially the inhalation of air into the lungs.吸入:吸入的行为,特别是把空气吸到肺里美国传统〔inspiratory〕Of, relating to, or used for the drawing in of air.吸气的,吸入的:吸入的,与吸气有关的或用于吸气的美国传统〔inspirator〕A device, such as a respirator or an inhaler, by which a gas, vapor, or air is drawn in.吸入器:用来吸入气体,蒸汽或空气的仪器,如呼吸器或吸气器美国传统〔inspire〕To draw in (air) by inhaling.吸入空气美国传统〔pressured〕Warm air is now being drawn in from another high pressure area over the North Sea.暖气流正从北海上空的另一个高气压带移动过来。柯林斯高阶〔scoreless〕Norway had held Holland to a scoreless draw in Rotterdam.挪威队在鹿特丹以零比零逼平荷兰队。柯林斯高阶〔scribble〕To write or draw in a hurried, careless way.草率地写画:草率地,不小心地写或画美国传统〔spare time〕I do a lot of drawing in my spare time.我的业余时间多用来画画。外研社新世纪〔suck〕Something drawn in by sucking.吸入物:通过吸吮吸入的某物美国传统〔suck〕To draw in by or as if by a current in a fluid.吸入:通过或似通过流体中的一股流动力而吸入美国传统〔touch〕The coolness of her touch made me draw in my breath.她的触摸给我感觉很凉, 让我倒吸了一口气。外研社新世纪〔tusche〕A black liquid used for drawing in lithography and as a resist in etching and silk-screen work.制版墨:一种供平版印刷绘制图像,以及在腐蚀和丝网印刷时作耐蚀膜用的黑色液体美国传统〔windsucking〕The injurious habit of drawing in and swallowing air. Used of horses.咬槽咽气癖:一种喜欢呼入空气然后吞下的有害习惯。用于指马美国传统After sharpening all his pencils and making a cup of tea, he started drawing in earnest.他把铅笔削尖了,泡了杯茶,然后开始认真地画起画来。剑桥国际As warm air rises, cool air is drawn in to replace it, creating a convection current.热空气上升,冷空气补充取代之,就产生了对流气流。剑桥国际Days are drawing in now. 现在白天越来越短了。译典通He'll have to draw in his horns now he's lost his job.他在失业后不得不减少生活开支。剑桥国际Science museums have tried to shake off their somewhat starchy image by mounting exhibitions designed to draw in the crowds.科学博物馆举办旨在吸引观众的展览以改变多少有点的刻板的形象。剑桥国际The child's picture was simply drawn (= drawn in a natural way).那孩子的画稚拙纯真。剑桥国际The train was drawing in. 火车正徐徐进站。译典通This film is drawing in large crowds every night. 这部影片每天晚上都吸引著大批观众。译典通




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