

单词 experience in
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔construction〕companies who have long experience in the construction of those types of equipment.长期从事此类设备制造的公司柯林斯高阶〔construction〕companies who have long experience in the construction of those types of equipment长期制造此类设备的公司外研社新世纪〔euphoric〕describe one's experience in euphoric terms 用兴高采烈的语词描述自己的经历英汉大词典〔experience〕a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress 在治疗受到压力的病人方面很有经验的医生牛津高阶〔experience〕a lesson taught by experience; a carpenter with experience in wall and roof repair.由经验得出的教训;对修理墙壁和屋顶有经验的木匠美国传统〔experience〕companies with limited experience in the field 这一领域经验有限的几家公司牛津搭配〔experience〕my experience in many areas of the music business 我在音乐行业的许多领域所积累的经验朗文当代〔gain〕an opportunity to gain experience in a work environment 在工作环境中获得经验的一个机会朗文当代〔manage〕a banker with long experience in managing the economy 具有管理经济事务长期经验的银行家英汉大词典〔related〕at least five years' experience in astronomy, solar physics or related fields 在天文学、太阳物理学或相关的学术领域内至少5年的资历英汉大词典〔retail〕a manager with twenty years' experience in the retail business 一个在零售业有 20 年经验的经理朗文当代〔rich〕a background rich with experience in dealing with explosive situations 富有应付爆炸性局势经验的资历英汉大词典




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