

单词 drugs
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADDICTED〕A lot of women drug addicts become prostitutes in order to get money to buy drugs. 许多吸毒上瘾的妇女为了弄钱买毒品而做了妓女。朗文写作活用〔DIFFERENT〕Customs officers use specially trained dogs to search for drugs. 海关官员用经过特别训练的狗来搜寻毒品。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕The school will take strong action against any students using illegal drugs. 该学校将对任何吸毒的学生采取强硬措施。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕Dewey said that legalizing marijuana would encourage people to experiment with hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin. 杜威说使大麻合法化可能会鼓励人们去尝试可卡因或海洛因这类硬毒品。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕He neither drinks nor takes drugs. 他既不喝酒又不吸毒。朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕Our 28-year-old son is on drugs. 我们那个28岁的儿子有毒瘾。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕The officers stumbled across the drugs when they stopped Moyers for a routine traffic violation. 警官在莫耶斯普通交通违章将其拦下后无意中发现了毒品。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Three athletes were disqualified from the championships after failing drugs tests. 三名运动员因未通过药检被取消了锦标赛的参赛资格。朗文写作活用〔GUILTY〕He was found guilty of supplying drugs. 他被判提供毒品的罪名成立。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕Most drugs can be produced quite successfully without inflicting pain on helpless animals. 大多数药物均可以在无需折磨无助的动物的情况下成功研制出来。朗文写作活用〔HURT/INJURE〕The driver, who had been taking drugs, crippled the young woman for life. 那名吸了毒的司机使那位年轻女子终身残废。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕He was in and out of juvenile detention for drugs charges as a teenager. 他少年时因吸毒的罪名进出过少年拘留所。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Some doctors carry out mercy killings by giving large quantities of pain-killing drugs. 有些医生以给病人服大量止痛药的方式来实行安乐死。朗文写作活用〔PROGRESS/MAKE PROGRESS〕Despite all the government's efforts, the war on drugs is going badly. 尽管政府竭尽全力,但是与毒品的斗争进展不顺。朗文写作活用〔REACT〕The state has dramatically overreacted to the use of soft drugs. 这个州对吸食软性毒品作出了颇具戏剧性的过激反应。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕Bowlam denied all charges of selling drugs to children. 鲍拉姆否认了说他向儿童出售毒品的一切指控。朗文写作活用〔SICK/VOMIT〕Cancer drugs often have unpleasant side effects, such as nausea and loss of hair. 抗癌药物通常有不良的副作用,如恶心、掉头发。朗文写作活用〔START〕His parents got divorced last year - that's when he started to take drugs. 他父母去年离婚了—他就是那个时候开始吸毒的。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Only by cracking down on dealers, can we stop young people getting involved with drugs. 只有严厉打击贩毒分子,我们才能阻止青少年吸毒。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The doctor told me I could come off the drugs six months after the operation. 医生告诉我,动完手术六个月以后,我可以不用服药了。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly? 还要出多少死亡事故才能使当局相信药物试验需要更加仔细彻底?朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕The magazine drew a stinging rebuke from the police, saying it would only encourage children to play with drugs. 该杂志受到警方尖刻的指责,说那样只会鼓励儿童尝试吸毒。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Doctors should inform patients about the possible side effects of any drugs they prescribe. 医生应该告诉病人所开药品的潜在副作用。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕Only the small fry on the drugs scene got caught by the police. 警方只抓获毒品圈子里的喽啰。朗文写作活用〔USE〕The drug smugglers used innocent travellers to carry the drugs through customs. 毒品走私者利用无辜旅客将毒品带过海关。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕In a prison, drugs sometimes have to be used to control aggression. 在监狱里,有时必须用药物来控制好斗情绪。朗文写作活用〔abort〕Certain drugs may cause the foetus to abort.某些药物可能导致胎儿流产。麦克米伦高阶〔abuse〕He's been abusing drugs for years.他吸毒成瘾已经有几年了。外研社新世纪〔act〕The drugs act as a brake on the spread of the disease.这些药物有制止这种疾病扩散的效果。麦克米伦高阶〔allege〕The police alleged he had sold drugs to addicts.警方声称他向吸毒人员出售过毒品。外研社新世纪〔anesthesia〕The doctor removed the mole while the patient was under local anesthesia. [=the patient had been given drugs that took away feeling in only the part of the body where the doctor worked] 医生在病人局部麻醉的状态下去除了那个痣。韦氏高阶〔arrest〕The drugs can't arrest the disease's progress, but they can slow it down considerably.这些药不能阻止病情发展,但可以大大减缓病情恶化的速度。韦氏高阶〔awash〕The city is awash with drugs.这座城市毒品泛滥。牛津高阶〔ban〕She was banned from athletics for two years after failing a drugs test.她药检没有通过,被禁赛两年。麦克米伦高阶〔blood pressure〕These drugs help lower blood pressure.这些药物有助于降低血压。韦氏高阶〔brutal〕The writer describes the dangers of drugs with brutal honesty.这位作家真实地描述了毒品的种种危害。韦氏高阶〔capital〕In some countries, importing drugs is a capital offence.在某些国家,携带毒品入境是死罪。剑桥高阶〔classify〕Drugs are classified into different categories.药品分成不同的类别。韦氏高阶〔class〕Heroin and cocaine are classed as hard drugs.海洛因和可卡因归入硬毒品一类。朗文当代〔clean〕He cleaned up his act and came off drugs.他已改邪归正戒掉了毒品。牛津高阶〔conspire〕They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.他们否认共谋走私毒品。牛津高阶〔continually〕Despite continual pain, he refused all drugs.尽管一直觉得疼,他还是拒绝使用任何药物。柯林斯高阶〔contraband〕The border police searched the car for drugs and other contraband.边防警察在那辆汽车上搜查毒品和其他违禁品。韦氏高阶〔counter-culture〕Not everyone joined the counterculture, not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, or dodged the draft.不是所有人都加入反主流文化群体,不是所有人都示威游行,退学,吸毒,或逃避服兵役。柯林斯高阶〔couple〕Overuse of those drugs, coupled with poor diet, leads to physical degeneration.过量使用那些药物再加上饮食缺乏营养,导致健康状况恶化。柯林斯高阶〔cytotoxic〕Cytotoxic drugs are used in the treatment of cancer.细胞毒素药物被用于治疗癌症。剑桥高阶〔deal〕I certainly don't deal drugs.我可不卖毒品。外研社新世纪〔death〕Drugs were the death of him.毒品断送了他的生命美国传统〔decriminalize〕There are moves to decriminalize some soft drugs.已采取步骤使某些软毒品合法化。牛津高阶〔delay〕These drugs can significantly delay the onset of the disease.这些药可以大大延缓这种病的发作。牛津搭配〔delivery system〕A means, technology, or device for administering drugs to a patient.服药方法,服药技术,服药装置:给病人服药的一种方法、技术或装置美国传统〔deploration〕We deplored their taking drugs.我们对他们吸毒感到遗憾。21世纪英汉〔destroy〕Drugs can destroy the lives of young people.毒品能毁掉年轻人的生命。牛津搭配〔dirty〕Slang Possessing or using illegal drugs.【俚语】 拥有或使用非法药品的美国传统〔discharge〕He admitted possession of drugs and was discharged.他承认持有毒品, 然后被释放了。外研社新世纪〔dish out〕Doctors are responsible for dishing out drugs.医生们负责分发药品。外研社新世纪〔dish〕Some doctors are dishing out drugs their patients do not need.一些医生在分发病人不需要的药。麦克米伦高阶〔do drugs〕I don't smoke, drink, or do drugs.我不抽烟,不喝酒,也不吸毒。韦氏高阶〔dose〕The doctor fixed the rib, dosed him heavily with drugs, and said he would probably get better.医生接好了肋骨,给他服用了大剂量的药,并说他可能会有所好转。柯林斯高阶〔drowsy〕The drugs tend to cause drowsiness.这些药常常使人昏昏欲睡。牛津高阶〔drug lord〕The leader of a cartel or gang that illegally traffics in drugs.大毒枭,黑帮老大:非法交易毒品的帮派或非法交易的领袖美国传统〔drug〕He acted as if he was on drugs.吸毒成瘾麦克米伦高阶〔drug〕She had never taken drugs in her life.她一生中从未吸食过毒品。麦克米伦高阶〔drug〕She was sure Leo was taking drugs.她确定利奥在吸毒。柯林斯高阶〔endanger〕Taking these drugs could seriously endanger your health.服用这些药可能严重危害你的健康。牛津搭配〔ergotism〕Poisoning caused by consuming ergot-infected grain or grain products, or from excessive use of drugs containing ergot.麦角中毒:由于进食了被麦角菌感染的谷物或谷物制品,或服用过量的含麦角菌药物而产生的中毒美国传统〔evict〕They were evicted from their apartment after their mother became addicted to drugs.他们的母亲吸毒上瘾后,他们被从公寓里赶了出来。柯林斯高阶〔evil〕Drugs are one of the many evils of modern society.毒品是现代社会的众多祸害之一。外研社新世纪〔exact〕Both drugs will be exactly the same.两种药将完全一样。柯林斯高阶〔expect〕A little tiredness after taking these drugs is to be expected.服用这些药后有点倦意是正常的。牛津高阶〔experimentation〕Experimentation with drugs is dangerous.尝试毒品是很危险的。麦克米伦高阶〔experimentation〕Experimentation with illegal drugs is dangerous.用禁药做实验是危险的。剑桥高阶〔false〕The drugs were hidden in a suitcase with a false bottom.毒品藏在一个有暗底的手提箱里。朗文当代〔feel〕Children who can talk to their parents feel less need to try drugs.能够与父母交谈的孩子不大会觉得需要尝试毒品。朗文当代〔flush something down the toilet〕Police suspect that the drugs were flushed down the toilet.警方怀疑毒品被扔进马桶冲走了。韦氏高阶〔free〕The centre aims to free young people from dependency on drugs.这个中心的宗旨是使年轻人解除对毒品的依赖。牛津高阶〔funny〕She goes a bit funny if she stops taking her drugs.她如果停止吃药行为就会变得有点古怪。麦克米伦高阶〔gain〕Side effects of the drugs may include tiredness, headaches, or weight gain.这些药物的副作用可能包括疲乏、头痛或体重增加。剑桥高阶〔get〕We must get across the simple fact that drugs are dangerous.我们必须让人们知道这个简单的事实 — 毒品是危险的。朗文当代〔hard〕The school takes a very hard line on drugs.该学校对于毒品持非常强硬的态度。朗文当代〔haul〕The size of the drugs haul shows that the international trade in heroin is still flourishing.本次查获的毒品量表明,海洛因在国际上的交易仍很猖獗。柯林斯高阶〔helpline〕One side had a number for a drugs helpline, the other for Alcoholics Anonymous.一边是毒品求助热线号码, 另一边是匿名戒酒协会热线号码。外研社新世纪〔hypocritical〕In general, our society is ambivalent and hypocritical about drugs.总的来说, 我们的社会对于毒品持一种暧昧而且矫饰的态度。外研社新世纪〔indirectly〕Drugs are indirectly responsible for the violence.毒品是暴力产生的间接原因。柯林斯高阶〔ineffectually〕The mayor had become ineffectual in the struggle to clamp down on drugs.市长打击毒品的努力未见成效。柯林斯高阶〔international〕Six rugby internationals (= players) were charged with taking drugs to improve their performance.六名橄榄球运动员被指控为提高成绩服用禁药。剑桥高阶〔into〕Some drugs may get into milk.有些药物能溶解在牛奶中。英汉大词典〔involve〕Many of the crimes involved drugs.许多罪案都与毒品有关。牛津高阶〔irresponsibility〕I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs.我认为鼓吹毒品合法化是不负责任的行为。柯林斯高阶〔legalization〕She ruled out the legalisation of drugs.她排除了毒品合法化的可能性。外研社新世纪〔life〕I'm going to stop letting drugs and drink rule my life.我决心不再让毒品和酒精控制我的生活。柯林斯高阶〔line〕The school takes a very tough line on drugs.该学校在毒品问题上采取非常强硬的态度。朗文当代〔long〕So long as there is a demand for these drugs, the financial incentive for drug dealers will be there.只要对这些毒品有需求,就会有对贩毒者的经济诱因。牛津高阶〔medicine〕The branch of this science encompassing treatment by drugs, diet, exercise, and other nonsurgical means.内科学:医学领域中研究药物治疗、饮食治疗、运动治疗及其他非外科治疗的分支美国传统〔mess with sth/sb〕You shouldn't mess with drugs.你不该沾上毒品。剑桥高阶〔moralistic〕It's difficult to talk to teenagers about drugs without sounding too moralistic.跟青少年谈论毒品,又不能有太重的说教味道,这是很难的。朗文当代〔nitrofuran〕Any of several drugs derived from furan that are used to inhibit bacterial growth.硝基呋喃:一种呋喃衍生药物,用来抑制细菌的生长美国传统〔nose〕They were dealing drugs right under the noses of the police.他们就在警察的眼皮底下交易毒品。麦克米伦高阶〔notification〕The drugs were prescribed without parental notification.药是在未告知父母的情况下开出的。牛津搭配〔object〕Some doctors object to nurses prescribing drugs.一些医生反对护士开药。外研社新世纪〔object〕The general public objects to the use of drugs.大众反对使用毒品。美国传统〔on trial〕She was on trial on charges of drug possession. = She went on trial for possession of drugs.她因持有毒品而受审。韦氏高阶〔panoply〕There is a whole panoply of remedies and drugs available to the modern doctor.有多种多样的治疗方法和药物可供当今医生选择。剑桥高阶〔pharmacognosy〕The branch of pharmacology that deals with drugs in their crude or natural state.生药学:药理学的一个分支,研究处于天然或原始状态的药物美国传统〔pharmacy〕The art of preparing and dispensing drugs.配药学,制药业:制配药品的科学美国传统〔phenothiazine〕Any of a group of drugs derived from this compound and used as major tranquilizers in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia.吩噻嗪:从这种化合物中提炼出的药物,在神经错乱病的治疗中,如精神分裂症,用作主要的镇静剂美国传统〔pick up〕Young people are picking up ideas about good drugs and bad drugs.年轻人正在形成毒品有好坏之分的观念。柯林斯高阶〔planting〕He claimed that the drugs had been planted to incriminate him.他声称毒品是有人栽赃陷害他。柯林斯高阶〔plant〕He claims that the drugs were planted on him.他声称这些毒品是别人给他栽的赃。牛津高阶〔plant〕She insisted that the drugs had been planted on her without her knowledge.她坚持说毒品是在她毫不知晓的情况下有人栽赃给她的。剑桥高阶〔prescription〕Some drugs are only available by / on prescription.有些药物只有凭医生的处方才能买到。牛津搭配〔prey〕Youngsters often fall prey to the lure of drugs.年轻人们经常抵挡不住毒品诱惑, 成为受害者。外研社新世纪〔produce〕New drugs are producing remarkable results .新药正在产生显著的效果。朗文当代〔prop up〕Revenue from drugs helps to prop up the regime.药品的收益有助于维持这种体制。外研社新世纪〔proscribe〕The Athletics Federation has banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.运动员联合会因其使用违禁药品禁止该赛跑运动员参加今后的比赛。剑桥高阶〔protocol〕They tried those drugs in dozens of combinations and protocols to determine their curative effects.他们用几十种配方和治疗方案试验那些药物,以确定其疗效。英汉大词典〔public〕Drugs have become public enemy number one.毒品已成为头号公敌。朗文当代〔push〕He was arrested for pushing drugs.他因贩毒而被捕。韦氏高阶〔push〕She was sent for trial yesterday accused of pushing drugs.她因被控贩毒昨天被送交法院接受审判。柯林斯高阶〔quantity〕Police found a large/small quantity of drugs in his possession.警方发现他携带大/少量毒品。剑桥高阶〔ravage〕His health was gradually ravaged by drink and drugs.他因喝酒和吸毒,身体渐渐地被毁了。朗文当代〔record〕She is on record as saying that she once took drugs.她公开说她吸过毒。牛津搭配〔resistance〕Tumour cells can develop a resistance to certain drugs.肿瘤细胞能对某些药物产生抗药性。麦克米伦高阶〔resurgence〕Police say drugs traffickers are behind the resurgence of violence.警方说毒贩是暴力活动重新抬头的罪魁祸首。柯林斯高阶〔saquinavir〕A protease-inhibiting drug usually used in combination with other drugs to suppress the replication of HIV.异喹啉蛋白酶抑制剂:常与其它药物合用抑制人体免疫缺乏(艾滋病)病毒复制的蛋白酶抑制剂美国传统〔scarper〕He owed Vince money for drugs, so he scarpered.他欠文斯买毒品的钱,所以溜走了。柯林斯高阶〔scourge〕Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our society.毒品是破坏我们社会的一大祸害。柯林斯高阶〔screen〕All athletes will be screened for performance-enhancing drugs prior to the events.所有运动员在比赛前都要接受兴奋剂检测。韦氏高阶〔send sb down〕She was sent down from Oxford for taking drugs.她因为吸毒被牛津大学开除了。剑桥高阶〔set-up〕When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.在她的行李里发现了毒品后,她声称这是被人陷害的。剑桥高阶〔sex〕These drugs may affect your sex drive(= your interest in sex and the ability to have it).这些药物可能影响你的性欲。牛津高阶〔shock〕They were shocked to discover/learn that their son was taking drugs.他们发现儿子吸毒后感到震惊。韦氏高阶〔shooting gallery〕Slang A place where illegal drugs may be obtained, prepared, and taken by injection, often with equipment provided on the premises.【俚语】 提供毒品的场所:一个能得到,制造,注射非法毒品的地方,该场所一般提供装备美国传统〔smash sth up〕In the 60s he was famous for taking drugs and smashing up hotel rooms.60年代,他因吸毒和砸毁旅馆房间而出名。剑桥高阶〔smuggle〕He was arrested for smuggling drugs into the country.他因走私毒品入境被捕。韦氏高阶〔smuggle〕The punishment is harsh for smuggling drugs into the country.这个国家对走私毒品的处罚很严厉。麦克米伦高阶〔snuffle〕The drugs were snuffled in a bag by a police dog.这些毒品是警犬在嗅一个提包时找到的。21世纪英汉〔stash〕A large stash of drugs had been found aboard the yacht.在游艇上找到了一大批藏匿的毒品。柯林斯高阶〔stash〕A large stash of drugs has been found aboard the yacht.在游艇上发现了一个很大的毒品藏匿室。外研社新世纪〔stiff〕The athlete was given a stiff punishment for using drugs.这名运动员因服用违禁药物受到了严厉的惩罚。剑桥高阶〔straight〕Slang Not being under the influence of alcohol or drugs.【俚语】 不受喝酒或毒品的影响的美国传统〔strike〕If there is a single subject guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of parents, it is drugs.如果只有一样东西定能让父母感到恐惧,那就是毒品。柯林斯高阶〔strip-search〕All 23 of them were strip-searched for drugs.他们 23 个人均被裸体搜查,看是否携带毒品。柯林斯高阶〔supply〕The state is trying to disrupt the supply of illegal drugs.这个州力图切断毒品的供应链。韦氏高阶〔surrender〕He finally surrendered to his craving for drugs.他最终克制不住,吸起毒来。牛津高阶〔survey〕According to the survey, many young adults have experimented with drugs of some kind.根据此项调查,许多年轻人曾试吸过某种毒品。牛津搭配〔target〕The company has been targeted by animal rights groups for its use of dogs in drugs trials.这家公司因用狗做药物试验而成为动物保护团体批评的对象。牛津高阶〔test〕Three athletes were sent home after failing drugs tests.3 名运动员未通过药检被遣送回国。牛津搭配〔the rot sets in〕The rot set in when his parents divorced and he started taking drugs.他的父母离婚了,他又开始吸毒,自此后就开始变得一团糟。剑桥高阶〔threat〕Drugs pose a major threat to our society.毒品成为对社会的一大威胁。牛津高阶〔train〕They train dogs to sniff out drugs.他们训练狗嗅出毒品。牛津高阶〔trial〕He is currently on trial accused of serious drugs charges.他目前正因严重的毒品控罪而受审。柯林斯高阶〔turn to sth〕She turned to drugs after the break-up of her marriage.婚姻破裂后她开始吸毒。剑桥高阶〔turnover〕The illicit drugs industry has an annual turnover of some £200 bn.非法毒品行业有 2,000 亿英镑左右的年交易额。朗文当代〔user〕One who uses addictive drugs.吸毒成瘾者:服用上瘾药物的人美国传统〔value〕Police seized drugs with a street value of £2.5 million.警方缴获了街头黑市价 250 万英镑的毒品。朗文当代〔warn off〕The rider was found guilty of giving the horse drugs and was warned off for a year.那个骑手被发现违章给马服用药物,被罚一年不准参加比赛。21世纪英汉〔warrant〕We have a warrant to search the house for drugs.我们有进这所房子搜查毒品的搜查令。麦克米伦高阶〔war〕The United States will be successful in its war on drugs.美国将会在禁毒战争中获得胜利。外研社新世纪〔what〕The police are having a difficult time, what with all the drugs and violence on our streets.所有的毒品和暴力事件都发生在我们的街道上,所以警察的日子不好过。麦克米伦高阶〔youth〕Many of these people had used drugs in their youth.这些人中有许多人年轻时曾服用过毒品。朗文当代Drugs and violence are deeply rooted in American life.毒品和暴力在美国社会生活中根深蒂固。剑桥国际A mother told how her 18-year-old son began taking drugs when he started going to rave parties.一位母亲讲了她18岁的儿子是如何去参加狂欢聚会后开始吸毒的。剑桥国际An end to illicit trafficking in these drugs may be at hand.这些毒品的非法交易很快会被取缔。剑桥国际Brand-name prescription drugs can be copied as generics once their patents have expired.按处方开药的名牌药品一旦专利期限过了,就可以当作非专利药被仿制。剑桥国际Doctors often know drugs by their most common proprietary name.医生常常只知道药物最常见的专用商标名。牛津商务Extensive experimentation (= testing) is needed before new drugs can be sold.新药出售前需要作广泛的试验。剑桥国际He had his street vending licence taken away because he was caught selling illegal drugs.因为出售非法药品被抓,他的街头行业执照被收缴。剑桥国际He is experimenting with drugs to cure hepatitis. 他正在试验治疗肝炎的药。译典通He often hustles on the streets to pay for drugs. 为了弄到钱买毒品,他常在街上行骗。译典通He was high on drugs and couldn't think straight.他在毒品的作用下飘飘然的,不能进行正确的思考。剑桥国际He's suffering from a hormonal imbalance which is caused by the drugs he's taking.他患有吸毒引起的体内激素不平衡的病。剑桥国际I needed money to buy drugs and I ended up walking the streets.我需要钱买毒品,最终沦为卖淫。剑桥国际In certain countries, importing drugs is a capital offence.在某些国家,进口毒品是要被处死的罪行。剑桥国际Innocent (=harmless) substances could be mistaken for illegal drugs.一些无害的物质可能被误认为非法毒品。剑桥国际It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex and overdoses.这是个常见的摇滚歌星堕落的故事,毒品,性和过量吸毒。剑桥国际Mr Smythe is alleged to have been at the centre of an international drugs ring.据称斯迈思先生曾是一个国际贩毒集团的核心人物。剑桥国际Multiple births--of triplets, quadruplets and quintuplets--are becoming more common because of fertility drugs.由于助孕药的使用,多胞胎----三胞胎、四胞胎和五胞胎----正变得越来越普遍。剑桥国际Seven of their drugs now face generic competition.他们的七种药物现在面临仿冒竞争。牛津商务Several kilos of crack were recovered in the raid by officers from the drugs squad.缉毒队的警察在一次突袭中缴获了几千克高纯可卡因。剑桥国际She apparently libelled him in the ‘New Yorker’by saying he had been in jail for dealing in drugs.明显她在《纽约人》上说他曾因贩毒而被羁押过是在诽谤他。剑桥国际She bootlegged, sold drugs and shoplifted to make ends meet.她私制、贩卖毒品,还入店行窃来维持生计。剑桥国际She has become enmeshed in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.她已陷入毒品和轻微犯罪纠纷的缠绕中。剑桥国际She's into hard drugs.她吸食烈性毒品。剑桥国际Some drugs cause drowsiness, others a dry mouth and blurred vision.一些药品能使人昏昏欲睡,还有一些使人口干唇燥,视觉模糊。剑桥国际Some athletes take drugs to improve their performance.一些运动员为了更好表现而使用毒品。剑桥国际The drugs were found during a raid by the police/a police raid (= a sudden entering of a building by the police, esp. when they are looking for criminals or illegal activities).警察在突袭行动中发现了毒品。剑桥国际The autopsy on the prisoner showed that she had been taking drugs.对那个犯人的尸体解剖表明她死前吸过毒。剑桥国际The city has a multitude of problems, from AIDS to drugs and murder.这座城市有许多问题,从爱滋病到吸毒和谋杀。剑桥国际The continuing search for drugs to combat viral infections presents modern medicine with one of its greatest challenges.继续寻求抗击病毒性感染的药品是现代医学最大的挑战之一。剑桥国际The inclination of most politicians seems to be to ignore the drugs problem.大多数政客的倾向是忽视毒品问题。剑桥国际The investigators have focused on the company's validation procedures for its drugs, the spokesman said.发言人说,调查人员关注的焦点问题是该公司对其药品的批准程序。剑桥国际The man was arrested for his seducement of children into using drugs. 这个男人因为教唆儿童用毒品而被逮捕。译典通The new law is intended to deter the casual user of drugs.新法律的制定是为了阻止人们偶尔吸毒。剑桥国际The police clapped him into/in prison for possession of drugs.警察因为他拥有毒品而将他投入监狱。剑桥国际There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.体育界中对于使用违禁药物存在很大争议。剑桥国际These drugs may have a depressant effect.这些药物可能有抑制作用。剑桥国际These drugs were customarily employed to treat the disease. 以前这些药通常用来治这种疾病。译典通When drugs were found in her luggage, she claimed it was a set-up.当在她的行李里发现了毒品后,她声称这是陷害。剑桥国际When asked if he had any drugs with him he claimed he was clean. 问及是否身藏毒品时,他声称没有。译典通




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