

单词 drugs
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔DANGEROUS〕dangerous drugs such as heroin and crack 像海洛因及强效可卡因这类危险毒品朗文写作活用〔DRUG〕buying and selling drugs 买卖毒品朗文写作活用〔active〕drugs that are active against cancers 对治疗癌症有效的药物牛津搭配〔analgesic〕drugs that have an analgesic effect on ulcers 对溃疡有镇痛作用的药物朗文当代〔antibiotic〕antibiotic drugs 抗菌药韦氏高阶〔antidepressant〕antidepressant drugs 抗抑郁药剑桥高阶〔antiretroviral〕antiretroviral drugs 抗逆转录病毒药物牛津高阶〔artificial〕synthetic drugs 合成药物牛津高阶〔autonomic〕autonomic drugs 影响植物性神经系统的药物英汉大词典〔campaign〕a concerted campaign aimed at educating young people about the dangers of drugs 旨在教育年轻人毒品有害的联合行动牛津搭配〔commercially〕infections that cannot be treated with commercially available drugs 可以买到的麦克米伦高阶〔copycat〕copycat drugs 仿制药物韦氏高阶〔crime〕the connection between drugs and organized crime 毒品与有组织犯罪之间的联系牛津高阶〔degrade〕degrade food or drugs 降低食物或药品的价格英汉大词典〔dependent〕the needs of people dependent on drugs 有毒瘾的人的需要朗文当代〔dermatologist〕drugs used in dermatology.用于治疗皮肤病的药物柯林斯高阶〔drug〕an athlete who tested positive for performance-enhancing drugs 兴奋剂检测呈阳性的运动员牛津搭配〔drug〕the dangers of drugs and alcohol 酗酒与吸毒的危害牛津搭配〔dumb〕be dumbed by the drugs 被毒品麻醉英汉大词典〔fit〕new drugs that can control fits 可以控制疾病发作的新药牛津搭配〔foot soldier〕foot soldiers in the war against drugs 缉毒战中的排头兵韦氏高阶〔hallucinogenic〕hallucinogenic drugs 致幻药英汉大词典〔hallucinogenic〕hallucinogenic drugs 致幻药韦氏高阶〔haul〕a drugs haul 一大批毒品牛津高阶〔illicit〕illicit drugs 违禁药物牛津高阶〔import〕parallel imports of brand name drugs from Spain into other countries 从西班牙平行进口至其他国家的品牌药品牛津搭配〔incompatible〕incompatible drugs 配伍禁忌的药物韦氏高阶〔individualize〕individualized use of drugs and treatment 对症下药和对症治疗英汉大词典〔induce〕drugs which induce sleep 使人昏昏欲睡的药物牛津高阶〔introduction〕the introduction of new cancer-fighting drugs 新型抗癌药物的引进麦克米伦高阶〔item〕a news item about drugs in the workplace 一则关于员工吸毒的新闻牛津搭配〔lifesaving〕lifesaving drugs 救生药物英汉大词典〔menace〕a new initiative aimed at beating the menace of illegal drugs 旨在打击非法毒品威胁的新举措牛津高阶〔mind-bending〕mind-bending drugs 致幻毒品韦氏高阶〔modulate〕drugs that effectively modulate the disease process 可以有效控制疾病发展的药品牛津高阶〔new〕a new range of drugs 一系列新药朗文当代〔officinal〕officinal drugs and medicines 成药英汉大词典〔painkiller〕painkilling drugs 止痛药韦氏高阶〔patent〕patent drugs 专利药物英汉大词典〔perception〕drugs that alter perception 改变感知的药物朗文当代〔prescribe〕drugs prescribed for high blood pressure 为高血压开的药牛津搭配〔psychedelic〕psychedelic drugs 迷幻药韦氏高阶〔psychotomimetic〕psychotomimetic drugs 拟精神病药物英汉大词典〔psychotoxic〕drugs that can induce psychotoxic effects 能诱发危害心理效应的药物英汉大词典〔quantity〕sells drugs wholesale and in quantity.大量批发销售药品美国传统〔raid〕a raid by drugs squad detectives 缉毒组探员进行的突击搜查牛津搭配〔ring〕a drugs ring 贩毒集团牛津高阶〔run〕run drugs (into the U.S.) 走私毒品(到美国)文馨英汉〔seizure〕drugs seizures 没收毒品朗文当代〔slavery〕slavery to drugs 毒瘾的奴才文馨英汉〔smell〕dogs trained to smell out drugs 受过训练的缉毒犬牛津高阶〔spread〕the spread of drugs in the city 城市中毒品的传播韦氏高阶〔squad〕the drugs squad 缉毒小分队麦克米伦高阶〔stimulate〕drugs to stimulate the production of hormones 促进荷尔蒙分泌的药物麦克米伦高阶〔street〕people dealing drugs on the street 街头毒品贩子牛津搭配〔suppress〕drugs that suppress the appetite 抑制食欲的药牛津高阶〔synthesize〕synthesized drugs 合成药物麦克米伦高阶〔target〕drugs that target cancer cells 专杀癌细胞的药物韦氏高阶〔traffic〕a gang that traffics in drugs 贩毒团伙韦氏高阶synthetically produced drugs 人工合成药物牛津商务




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