

单词 drugged
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔cheerful〕Her friend's normally cheerful voice sounded almost drugged.她朋友正常的欢快嗓音听起来却跟吸过毒似的。外研社新世纪〔dopey〕Dazed or lethargic, as if drugged.昏昏沉沉的:好象受过麻醉一样昏昏沉沉的或无精打采的美国传统〔drug〕A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange.一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕Anyone could have drugged that wine.指不定谁在那酒里下了药。外研社新世纪〔drug〕Anyone could have drugged that wine.指不定谁在那酒里下了药。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕At the hospital he was drugged.在医院里,他被上了麻醉药。英汉大词典〔drug〕He grew tired, and drifted off into a drugged sleep.他累了,在药物的作用下迷迷糊糊地睡着了。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕He looks like he's been drugged.他看起来像是被麻醉了。韦氏高阶〔drug〕He was drugged and bundled into the back of the car.他被麻醉后塞入汽车后座。牛津高阶〔drug〕Her drink must have been drugged.她的饮料中肯定被掺了麻醉药。牛津高阶〔drug〕I wonder now if that drink had been drugged.我现在在想那杯饮料是否被下了药。外研社新世纪〔drug〕I wonder now if that drink had been drugged.我现在想那饮料是否被人动过手脚。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕Johnson drugged and attacked four women.约翰逊用药麻醉并侵犯了四名妇女。朗文当代〔drug〕My wife's complaint really drugged me.我老婆的抱怨简直搞得我不得安宁。21世纪英汉〔drug〕She drugged his drink while he wasn't looking.当他没注意时她在他的饮料中掺入了麻醉药。21世纪英汉〔drug〕She had drugged his wine.她在他的酒里掺了安眠药。麦克米伦高阶〔drug〕She was drugged and robbed.她被人下了药, 然后遭到抢劫。外研社新世纪〔drug〕She was drugged and robbed.她被人下了药,然后遭到抢劫。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕She was heavily drugged to ease the pain.给她打了大量的麻醉剂来缓解疼痛。剑桥高阶〔drug〕She was in pain, despite being drugged up to the eyeballs.尽管用了大量的麻药,她仍然觉得痛。朗文当代〔drug〕Someone could have drugged your drink.可能有人在你的饮料里放了麻醉药。韦氏高阶〔drug〕The doctors drugged him with sedatives.医生给他服了镇静剂。21世纪英汉〔drug〕The hospital staff drugged her.医务人员用药把她麻醉了。21世纪英汉〔drug〕The killer confessed that he often drugged his victims before he killed them.那名杀手供认在杀人之前他通常对受害者使用麻醉剂。剑桥高阶〔drug〕The wine had been drugged.这酒里被放了麻药。朗文当代〔drug〕There was no evidence that the horse had been drugged.没有证据表明这匹马服过禁药。朗文当代〔drug〕There were stories of tourists being drugged and robbed.据说有游客被麻醉后遭抢劫。麦克米伦高阶〔drug〕They drugged the guard dog with doped meatballs.他们用掺了药的肉丸迷昏了看门狗。外研社新世纪〔drug〕They drugged the guard dog with doped meatballs.他们用掺了麻醉药的肉丸子麻醉了看门狗。柯林斯高阶〔drug〕They tied her up,drugged her,and smuggled her across the border.他们把她捆牢了,使她失去知觉,并把她偷运过边界。21世纪英汉〔drug〕We visited her in hospital but she was drugged to the eyeballs (= had been given a lot of drugs) and I don't think she even knew we were there.我们去医院看她时她已经打了大量的麻药,我想她都不知道我们去看过她。剑桥高阶〔establish〕It has since been established that the horse was drugged.此后便证实那匹马被注射了麻醉药。牛津高阶〔eyeball〕He was driving around Los Angeles drugged up to the eyeballs.他嗑药过度, 开着车在洛杉矶转悠。外研社新世纪〔phlegmatic〕He was almost boringly phlegmatic, as unexcitable as a drugged sloth.他迟钝得近乎叫人厌烦, 麻木得像一只服了镇静药的树懒。外研社新世纪Dahmer confessed that he often drugged his victims before he killed them.戴默承认他经常在杀死受害者前先麻醉他们。剑桥国际He drugged his roommate and stole his money. 他对他的室友下了麻醉药,然后偷了他的钱。译典通His wine has been drugged. 他的酒里被人掺了麻醉药。译典通She was heavily drugged to ease the pain.为了缓解病痛,她吃了许多麻醉药。剑桥国际The actress spent the last few years of her life in an apartment in Paris, alone and drugged to the eyeballs (= almost unconscious because of having taken so many drugs).女演员在余年里一个人住在巴黎的一所公寓里,因服用大量毒品而神智不清。剑桥国际




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