

单词 existence
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anselm〕Italian-born English prelate, philosopher, and theologian who founded Scholasticism and is best known for his ontological argument for the existence of God.圣安塞姆:意大利裔的英国主教,哲学家和神学家,他创立了学院哲学并以对上帝存在论的论证而闻名美国传统〔BORING/BORED〕The play is about the mundane existence of factory workers. 这出戏讲的是工厂工人平淡乏味的生活。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕For the first time she began to doubt the existence of God. 她首次开始怀疑上帝的存在。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕The organization has been in existence for only 18 months. 这个组织成立了只有18个月。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕Today there are less than 100 copies of the book still in existence. 今天这本书只有不足100本。朗文写作活用〔FIND〕New archaeological discoveries prove the existence of an ancient civilization in the Indus Valley. 新的考古发现证明印度河谷有过古代文明。朗文写作活用〔Higgs boson〕A hypothetical, massive subatomic particle with zero electric charge whose existence would explain the masses of the elementary particles.希格斯粒子:一种假设的、不带电荷、大量的次原子微粒,其存在可以解释大量基本粒子的存在美国传统〔LIFE〕The workers lived a miserable existence and were treated like serfs. 工人们过着悲惨的生活,受到农奴般的对待。朗文写作活用〔Lilith〕The first wife of Adam in Hebrew folklore, believed to have been in existence before the creation of Eve.莉莉思:希伯来传说中的亚当的第一位妻子,据传她在夏娃被造出来之前就已经存在了美国传统〔PROVE〕The existence of God is a question of faith, and therefore impossible to prove or disprove. 上帝是否存在是信仰问题,因此,不可能被证实或驳倒。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The typical peasant farmer has a precarious existence, at the mercy of flood, disease and famine. 典型的农民过着不安定的生活,要任凭洪水、疾病和饥荒的摆布。朗文写作活用〔START〕Pakistan came into existence as an independent country in 1947. 巴基斯坦于1947年建国,成为一个独立的国家。朗文写作活用〔SURVIVE〕Farmers eked out a primitive existence on the dry, stony land. 农民们在多石的旱地上过着原始的生活,勉强维持生计。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕The Internet has affected the everyday existence of children and adults in all walks of life. 互联网影响了社会各阶层的儿童和成人的日常生活。朗文写作活用〔Zeno of Elea〕Greek philosopher who formulated numerous paradoxes that challenged the ideas of pluralism and the existence of motion and change.(埃利亚的)芝诺:希腊哲学家,他系统地陈述了许多充满矛盾的观点,反对多元论观点和运动与变化的存在美国传统〔accrue〕To come into existence as a claim that is legally enforceable.权利产生:产生,如具有法律强制性的主张美国传统〔acknowledge〕The government won't even acknowledge the existence of the problem.政府甚至都不承认这个问题的存在。剑桥高阶〔acknowledge〕To admit the existence, reality, or truth of.承认:确认某物的存在、现实或真相美国传统〔all-powerful〕He denied the existence of an all-powerful God.他否认全能的上帝的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔allotropy〕The existence, especially in the solid state, of two or more crystalline or molecular structural forms of an element.同素异形现象:一种元素中有两种或更多的晶体或分子结构形式,特别是以固态存在的现象美国传统〔assert〕He again affirmed his belief in the existence of an afterlife.他再次坚称他相信人死后会转世。韦氏高阶〔assert〕Scientists cannot affirm the existence of life on other planets. She averred that solitude was necessary for creative work.科学家们还不能证实在其它星球上有生命存在。她断言离群索居对于创造性的工作是必不可少的。美国传统〔atheism〕Disbelief in or denial of the existence of God or gods.无神论:不相信或否认上帝或神的存在美国传统〔atheist〕One that disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods.无神论者:不相信或否认上帝或任何神存在的人美国传统〔axion〕A hypothetical boson having no charge or spin and small mass, proposed to explain the existence of certain symmetries of the strong nuclear force.轴子:无电荷、自旋以及小质量的假定玻子,用来解释强核相互作用某些对称性的存在美国传统〔battle for〕They are battling for their existence.他们正为生存而斗争。21世纪英汉〔before〕Compared to his present existence, before had been splendour.和他目前的生活比较,以前的日子可算显赫的了。英汉大词典〔beneath the/sb's radar〕For the first 8 years of its existence, the band stayed largely beneath the radar.在乐队成立的前八年里,他们大部分时间都被人忽略。剑桥高阶〔be〕Her career is the be-all and end-all of her existence.她的事业是她生活中至关重要的事。牛津高阶〔bilocation〕Existence or the ability to exist simultaneously in two places.在两地同时出现:同时存在或能存在于两个地方美国传统〔by inference〕Its existence is only known by inference.它的存在只是推断出来的。韦氏高阶〔cloistered〕The Countess lived a cloistered existence.伯爵夫人过着与世隔绝的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔code name〕A name assigned to conceal the identity or existence of something or someone.代码名称:用于隐藏某物或某人的本体或存在的一个指定名称美国传统〔coeternity〕Existence for eternity with another or others.相互永存:与另一个或多个永恒存在美国传统〔conjure ... up〕It is the business of a novelist to conjure up into existence the world of imagination.小说家的工作就在于虚构出想像中的世界。21世纪英汉〔construct〕He argues that time is a subjective construct with no objective existence.他争辩说时间是一种主观构想,并非客观存在。韦氏高阶〔cost-cut〕The reason is that the stockpile may be cost-cut right out of existence.原因在于储备马上就会被削减没了。21世纪英汉〔cryptozoology〕The study of creatures, such as the Sasquatch, whose existence has not been substantiated.穴居动物学:一门以生物为研究对象的学科,如北美野人,但其存在尚未得到证实美国传统〔day-to-day〕He had been living a day-to-day existence.他一直过着过一天算一天的生活。韦氏高阶〔day-to-day〕He led [lived] an aimless day-to-day existence.他过著漫无目的的过一天算一天生活。文馨英汉〔dead〕No longer in existence, use, or operation.消失的,静止的:不再存在、使用或运转的美国传统〔denial〕Denial of the Mafia's existence is nothing new.否认黑手党的存在并不是什么新鲜事。外研社新世纪〔denied〕Atheists deny the existence of God.无神论者不相信上帝的存在。21世纪英汉〔dimorphism〕Biology The existence within a species of two distinct forms that differ in one or more characteristics, such as coloration, size, or shape.【生物学】 二态性:预期本应相似或相同的两个或两种个体之间的不同,例如颜色、大小或形状美国传统〔disembody〕To divest of material existence or substance.使脱离实体,使脱离物质美国传统〔drag on〕The old couple dragged on an unhappy existence for many years.那对老夫妻过了多年不愉快的生活。21世纪英汉〔drag〕He dragged on an unhappy existence for many years until in the end he killed himself.他过了多年不愉快的生活,最后他终于自杀。21世纪英汉〔effect〕To bring into existence.使存在美国传统〔eke out〕He was eking out an existence on a few francs a day.他每天就靠几法郎勉强度日。外研社新世纪〔eke〕He was eking out an existence on a few francs a day.他每天就靠几法郎勉强度日。柯林斯高阶〔eke〕They eke out a miserable existence in cardboard shacks.他们在纸板棚屋中凄惨度日。朗文当代〔electric field〕A region of space characterized by the existence of a force generated by electric charge.电场:以存在由电荷产生的力为特点的一个区域美国传统〔end-all〕Money is the be-all and end-all of his existence.金钱是他整个生活的全部和最终目标。英汉大词典〔entity〕The existence of something considered apart from its properties.与属性区别的本质存在美国传统〔erase〕They tried to erase all evidence of his existence.他们企图销毁他仍活着的所有证据。麦克米伦高阶〔estranged〕She felt estranged from her former existence.她感到自己已脱离了过去的生活方式。牛津高阶〔evidence〕The evidence pointed to the existence of an international smuggling network.证据表明有一个国际走私网存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕Christianity taught that our earthly existence was merely a preparation for life after death.基督教义说,我们现世的存在,只不过是为死后的来生做准备。牛津搭配〔existence〕Climate changes threaten the continued existence of the species.气候变化对这些物种的继续生存构成了威胁。牛津搭配〔existence〕Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.达尔文认为生存竞争是进化的主要推动力。牛津搭配〔existence〕El Cid's actual existence is not in doubt.民族英雄埃尔•熙德的确存在,这毫无疑问。牛津搭配〔existence〕Families struggle to eke out an existence in this harsh environment.勉强维持生计麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕He claimed to be able to remember a previous existence.他声称能记起上辈子的事。牛津搭配〔existence〕He lived a hand-to-mouth existence in a poor area of London.勉强糊口的生活麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕He lived a hand-to-mouth existence in the less attractive areas of London.他在伦敦的贫困区过着仅够糊口的生活。牛津搭配〔existence〕I don’t believe in the existence of ghosts.我不相信有鬼。牛津同义词〔existence〕It is impossible to prove the existence of God.无法证明上帝的存在。朗文当代〔existence〕It will be much faster than any submarine now in existence.它的速度将超越任何现有的潜艇。外研社新世纪〔existence〕Jones led a miserable existence in an isolated village for several years.琼斯在一个闭塞的乡村过了几年悲惨的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕Many people question the existence of God.很多人怀疑上帝是否真的存在。剑桥高阶〔existence〕Pablo led a miserable existence when he first moved to San Juan.巴勃罗刚搬到圣胡安时,生活很悲惨。朗文当代〔existence〕Pakistan came into existence as an independent country in 1947.巴基斯坦在 1947 年成为了独立国家。牛津高阶〔existence〕Public worries about accidents are threatening the very existence of the nuclear-power industry.公众对事故的担心正威胁着核能工业的生存。外研社新世纪〔existence〕Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came into existence (=started to exist) .关于宇宙的起源,科学家有许多种理论。朗文当代〔existence〕She has a miserable existence living with him.和他生活在一起,她的日子苦不堪言。剑桥高阶〔existence〕She questioned the existence of God.她质疑上帝的存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕Since her illness, other people had no real existence for her.自从她生病后,其他人在她眼中都不存在了。牛津搭配〔existence〕Sudan came into existence at the end of the 1800s.苏丹国于19世纪末开始形成。麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕That company came into existence (或was brought into existence) in 1971.那家公司成立于1971年。英汉大词典〔existence〕The girl's parents continued to ignore her very existence.女孩的父母继续无视她的存在。牛津搭配〔existence〕The idea has been in existence for centuries.这种观念已经存在了好几个世纪。牛津搭配〔existence〕The organization came into existence ten years ago.这个组织成立于 10 年前。牛津搭配〔existence〕The organization has been in existence for 25 years.该组织已存在有 25 年了。朗文当代〔existence〕The school owed its existence to the generosity of one man.学校得以存在归功于一个人的慷慨。牛津搭配〔existence〕The tests confirm the existence of a brain tumour.这些检测证实了脑瘤的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔existence〕The theatre company that they started is still in existence today.他们创建的剧团时至今日仍在演出。剑桥高阶〔existence〕Their day-to-day existence was routine.他们的日常生活很平淡。柯林斯高阶〔existence〕There is research that strongly supports the existence of repressed memories.有研究充分表明,确实存在着受压抑的记忆。牛津搭配〔existence〕This is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最古老的希伯来语手稿。牛津高阶〔existence〕Throughout its entire existence, it has been a deeply contested concept.这一概念在其整个存在期间一直极受争议。牛津搭配〔existence〕We depend on the environment for our existence.我们靠环境生存。牛津同义词〔existence〕We led a poor but happy enough existence as children.我们儿时的生活虽然贫穷却过得很愉快。牛津高阶〔existence〕You may be stuck with a miserable existence for the rest of your life.你可能一辈子都要过着悲惨的生活。柯林斯高阶〔existential〕Of, relating to, or dealing with existence.存在的:关于或涉及存在的美国传统〔fetter〕He felt fettered by a nine-to-five office existence.朝九晚五的办公室生活让他觉得颇受束缚。剑桥高阶〔foreknowledge〕Knowledge or awareness of something before its existence or occurrence; prescience.预知,先见:在事物存在或发生之前即对其产生认识;预知美国传统〔formless〕Having no material existence.无实体的美国传统〔franchise〕The establishment of a corporation's existence.公司法则:公司赖以存在的法则美国传统〔frugal〕He led a remarkably frugal existence.他过着极其节俭的生活。朗文当代〔funeral〕An end or a cessation of existence.结束或终止美国传统〔future〕The form of a verb used in speaking of action that has not yet occurred or of states not yet in existence.将来式:用于表示将来动作或状态的动词形式美国传统〔guarantee〕A guaranty for the execution, completion, or existence of something.保证物:保证某事的实施完成或存在的物品美国传统〔gutter〕A degraded and squalid class or state of human existence.下等阶层:人类生活中一种堕落的,邋遢的阶层或状态美国传统〔hand-to-mouth〕Low wages mean a hand-to-mouth existence for many people.低收入对很多人来说意味着紧巴巴的生活。剑桥高阶〔hand-to-mouth〕The worst-paid live a hand-to-mouth existence without medical or other benefits.收入最低者过着只能勉强糊口的日子,没有医疗补助或其他福利。柯林斯高阶〔henotheism〕Belief in one god without denying the existence of others.单一神教:信奉一个主神,但同时也不否认他神存在的信仰美国传统〔humdrum〕The housewife was frustrated by her humdrum existence.这个家庭主妇因自己单调的生活而感到失落。外研社新世纪〔ideality〕Existence in idea only.仅在理想中存在的美国传统〔imaginary〕Having existence only in the imagination; unreal.想象中的,虚幻的:只在想象中存在的;不真实的美国传统〔immortality〕Endless life or existence.永存:无穷尽的生命或存在美国传统〔isolated〕She has a very isolated existence.她过着非常孤单的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔isomerism〕The phenomenon of the existence of isomers.同分异构现象:存在同分异构体的现象美国传统〔lead〕He leads a peaceful existence.他过着平静的生活。韦氏高阶〔lead〕They lead a nomadic existence .他们过着游牧生活。朗文当代〔lead〕This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.这就使得科学家推测还有其他星系存在。牛津高阶〔lebensraum〕Additional territory deemed necessary to a nation, especially Nazi Germany, for its continued existence or economic well-being.生存空间:被认为对一民族,尤指纳粹德国的继续生存或经济富足所必需的额外领土美国传统〔lighten〕Her existence was lightened by bits of gossip.她的生活因为一些传闻而变得轻松些。外研社新世纪〔lighten〕Her existence was lightened by bits of gossip.她的生活靠了飞短流长才不那么乏味。柯林斯高阶〔meaningless〕They seek strong sensations to dull their sense of a meaningless existence.为了冲淡生活毫无意义的感觉,他们追求强烈的刺激。柯林斯高阶〔medicine〕She believed private medicine was a threat to the existence of the National Health Service.她认为私营医疗对国民保健制度构成了威胁。牛津搭配〔mundane〕I lead a pretty mundane existence.我过着相当平淡的生活。牛津高阶〔net〕The existence of more than one agency with power to intervene can lead to children falling through the net.多个部门都有权进行干涉, 这可能会使得一些孩子被遗漏。外研社新世纪〔net〕They took to the water intent on netting the £250,000 reward offered for conclusive proof of the monster's existence.他们前往那片水域, 打算找到怪物存在的确凿证据, 以获得为此设立的25万英镑奖金。外研社新世纪〔nor〕He did not deny the existence of the document. Nor did he refute its contents.他没有否认这个文件的存在, 也没否定其内容。外研社新世纪〔nothing〕Something that has no existence.不存在的事美国传统〔noumenon〕In the philosophy of Kant, an object, such as the soul, that cannot be known through perception, although its existence can be demonstrated.本体:在康德哲学理论中的本体,如灵魂,尽管它的存在可被证明,却无法为知觉所知美国传统〔objective〕Having actual existence or reality.事实存在的,现实的美国传统〔ontic〕Relating to or possessing real existence.实体的:实际拥有或实际存在的美国传统〔ontological〕Of or relating to the argument for the existence of God holding that the existence of the concept of God entails the existence of God.存在论的:对于神是否存在的争论的或与其相关的,认为既然有神的观念所以神存在美国传统〔ordered〕She led a very ordered existence.她的生活井井有条。麦克米伦高阶〔orient〕Anxiety comes from not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.不能适应生活便会产生焦虑。柯林斯高阶〔orient〕Anxiety comes from not being able to orient yourself in your own existence.焦虑的来源是不能适应自己的生活。外研社新世纪〔origin〕The point at which something comes into existence or from which it derives or is derived.起源:事物开始存在或起源或取得的始点美国传统〔otherworld〕A world or existence beyond earthly reality.非现实世界:现实以外的世界或存在美国传统〔parasitism〕The characteristic behavior or mode of existence of a parasite or parasitic population.寄生,寄生行为:寄生物或寄生种群存在时具有显著特征的行为或方式美国传统〔period〕No reference to their existence appears in any literature of the period.这一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。柯林斯高阶〔period〕No reference to their existence appears in the literature of the period.这一时期的文学作品中都没有提及他们的存在。外研社新世纪〔peripatetic〕Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence.她父亲在部队, 因此全家都过着一种漂泊不定的生活。外研社新世纪〔peripatetic〕Her father was in the army and the family led a peripatetic existence.她父亲是军人,所以全家人随军过着一种流动的生活。柯林斯高阶〔phenomenon〕In Kantian philosophy, the appearance of an object to the mind as opposed to its existence in and of itself, independent of the mind.现象:在康德哲学中,与其存在或其本身相对的在意识中物体的出现,不以意志为转移美国传统〔phenomenon〕That which appears real to the mind, regardless of whether its underlying existence is proved or its nature understood.现象:对意识而言是真实的事物,不论它的基本存在是否被证实或基本质是否被理解美国传统〔physical〕Ghosts have no physical existence.鬼没有形态。牛津同义词〔play〕The real existence of a military option will come into play.存在选择军事手段的切实可能这一点将会起到作用。柯林斯高阶〔preatomic〕Of, relating to, or being the time preceding the use of, existence of, or capability for atomic energy or weapons.核时代以前的:原子能或核武器的存在、运用或制造之前的时间的、与核时代以前相关的或属于核时代以前的美国传统〔presence〕The state or fact of being present; current existence or occurrence.出席,出场,存在:出席的状态或事实;现实存在或发生美国传统〔presuppose〕The idea of heaven presupposes the existence of God.天堂的说法首先认定上帝是存在的。朗文当代〔prose〕They left the old town to escape from the prose of existence.他们离开那个古老的市镇以逃避平淡无味的生活。英汉大词典〔reality〕Philosophy That which has necessary existence and not contingent existence.【哲学】 实在:绝对存在而非偶然存在的事物美国传统〔reality〕The totality of all things possessing actuality, existence, or essence.现实:所有存在的、具有现实性或本质的事物的总和美国传统〔recognize〕The international community has refused to recognize (= officially accept the existence of) the newly independent nation state.国际社会拒绝承认这个新独立的国家。剑桥高阶〔reify〕To regard or treat (an abstraction) as if it had concrete or material existence.使具体化:把(一个抽象的概念)看作或当作有具体的或物质的存在美国传统〔relativity〕A state of dependence in which the existence or significance of one entity is solely dependent on that of another.相对性:一个实体的存在和意义仅仅相互依靠的依附状态美国传统〔relativity〕Philosophy Existence dependent solely on relation to a thinking mind.【哲学】 相互依存:只依附于与头脑之间关系的存在美国传统〔rootless〕He was leading a rootless existence.他过着居无定所的生活。韦氏高阶〔sand〕He had been a rock in the shifting sands of her existence.他一直是她曲折坎坷的生活中的主心骨。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕Something that suggests the presence or existence of a fact, condition, or quality.标志:显示事实、情况或性质在场或存在的某物美国传统〔sign〕These nouns are compared as they denote an outward indication of the existence or presence of something not immediately evident.这里比较的名词,都含有某物存在或在场的外在指示,而这个事物本身不是立即可见的。美国传统〔spring〕A lot of small businesses sprang into existence during the 1980s.20 世纪 80 年代冒出了许多小公司。朗文当代〔state〕These nouns denote the mode of being or form of existence of a person or thing.这些名词都表示人或事物存在的形式或方式。美国传统〔storybook〕It was a storybook ending to a storybook existence.那是一个传奇人生的传奇结局。外研社新世纪〔subhuman〕The refugees were living a subhuman existence.难民们过着非人的生活。朗文当代〔subjective idealism〕The theory that nature has no objective existence independent of the minds that perceive it.主观唯心主义:认为自然界没有能离开知觉而独立存在的理论美国传统〔sublime〕He composed some of the most sublime symphonies in existence.现存的最令人惊叹的交响乐中有些是由他创作的。韦氏高阶〔subliminal advertising〕The studio denied the existence of subliminal messages in the movie.制片方否认电影中存在潜信息。韦氏高阶〔substantive〕Independent in existence or function; not subordinate.独立的,独立存在的非从属的美国传统〔supernatural〕Of or relating to existence outside the natural world.超自然的:存在于自然世界以外的,与自然世界以外有关的美国传统〔suppose〕The theory supposes the existence of life on other planets.这个理论假定其他行星存在生命。牛津高阶〔survive〕To remain alive or in existence.活着,继续存在美国传统〔synchronism〕A chronological listing of historical personages or events so as to indicate parallel existence or occurrence.历史人物或事件对照编年表:一种按时间先后顺序排列的历史人物或事件表,以便说明同时存在或同时发生的事件美国传统〔tenuous〕The local theater has had a tenuous existence in recent years.这家当地剧院近年来经营惨淡。韦氏高阶〔the new world order〕The new world order was expected to come into existence after the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War.东欧共产主义垮台和冷战结束后,世界盼望一个新秩序的诞生。剑桥高阶〔theism〕Belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God as creator and ruler of the world.有神论:相信神的存在,尤其相信一个人化的神作为造物主和世界的统治者美国传统〔theodicy〕A vindication of God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil.神正论:面对邪恶的存在,对上帝的仁慈与正义的维护美国传统〔thing〕An entity, an idea, or a quality perceived, known, or thought to have its own existence.东西:一个实体、想法或可以被感知、了解或认为自身存在的性质美国传统〔trace〕Evidence or an indication of the former presence or existence of something; a vestige.遗迹:表示某物以前出现过或存在的证据或指示;痕迹美国传统〔twilight〕McClellan ended up blind and virtually immobile, living a twilight existence.麦克莱伦最后失明了, 几乎寸步难行, 过着一种模模糊糊的生活。外研社新世纪〔twilight〕The remaining inhabitants of this once-prosperous town have got used to a twilight existence.这个曾经繁华的商业重镇里遗留下的居民已经习惯了动荡不安的生活。剑桥高阶〔understanding〕The existence of God is beyond human understanding(= humans cannot know whether God exists or not).上帝的存在与否是超出人类所能理解的。牛津高阶〔undertow〕The existence of an emotional undertow is an aspect of all politics.隐藏的情绪是所有政治权术的一个方面。外研社新世纪〔unequivocally〕Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.气温记录清楚无疑地证实了全球气候正在变暖。外研社新世纪〔unequivocally〕Temperature records have unequivocally confirmed the existence of global warming.气温记录清楚无疑地证实了全球气候正在变暖。柯林斯高阶〔vagrancy〕The conduct or mode of existence of a vagrant.流浪:流浪者的行为或生存方式美国传统〔vanish〕To pass out of existence.消失:从存在中消失美国传统As a young girl living in Coventry I always used to pine for a more glamorous existence.作为生活在考文垂的一个女孩子,我过去常常向往更迷人的生活。剑桥国际Astro-scientists discovered the existence of organisms on this planet. 太空科学家在这个星球上发现了有机体的存在。译典通Ever since he found out that he has cancer, he's been living a day-to-day (= without planning for the future) existence.自发现自己得了癌症后,他就过一天算一天了。剑桥国际He's worshipped as a god who performed many miracles during his earthly existence.他被奉为在尘世中创造了许多奇迹的神明。剑桥国际Modern cosmology believes the Universe to have come into existence about fifteen billion years ago.现代宇宙论相信宇宙的形成大约在150亿年以前。剑桥国际Politics, war and the real world rarely threatened to impinge on her hermetic existence.政治、战争和现实世界对她与世隔绝的生活几乎没产生任何冲击威胁。剑桥国际Queen Victoria refused to acknowledge the existence of lesbianism, which was never outlawed in Britain.维多利亚女王拒绝承认同性恋现象的存在,虽然英国从未宣告其非法。剑桥国际The existence of evil overcasts life. 邪恶的存在使人生变得阴暗。译典通The existence of poverty is a discredit to our country.贫穷的存在损害了我国的威望。剑桥国际The company came into existence 20 years ago. 这家公司成立于二十年前。译典通The government won't even acknowledge the existence of the problem.政府甚至不承认问题的存在。剑桥国际The international community has refused to recognize (= officially accept the existence of) the newly independent nation state.国际社会拒绝承认这个新独立的民族国家。剑桥国际The new world order was expected to come into existence after the end of the Cold War.冷战结束有望迎来新的世界秩序。剑桥国际The reports in no way suggest the existence of extraterrestrial life.这些报告绝没有表明外星生物的存在。剑桥国际They have a long argument about the meaningfulness of existence.他们就生命的价值争论了许久。剑桥国际This is the most magnificent bridge in existence. 这是现有的最雄伟的大桥。译典通We do not believe in the existence of ghosts. 我们不相信真有鬼。译典通




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