

单词 existence
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔aimless〕an aimless existence 一种漫无目的的生活英汉大词典〔beggarly〕a beggarly existence in the slums.在贫民窟中乞丐般的生活美国传统〔belief〕a belief in the existence of UFOs 认为不明飞行物存在的看法麦克米伦高阶〔benevolent〕belief in the existence of a benevolent god 对于存在仁慈的神的笃信牛津高阶〔blindness〕blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed.政府政策对失业者基本生存问题的漠视柯林斯高阶〔blindness〕blindness in government policy to the very existence of the unemployed政府政策对存在失业人员这一情况的视而不见外研社新世纪〔brevity〕the brevity of human existence [life] 人生的短暂文馨英汉〔cocoon〕a rich, cocooned existence 富裕的、受保护的生活朗文当代〔construe〕our existence – how we see it and how we construe it我们的存在——我们如何领会以及如何解读外研社新世纪〔continued〕threats to the continued existence of the species 对这些物种继续生存的威胁朗文当代〔continue〕the continued existence of a species.一个物种的延续柯林斯高阶〔conundrum〕this theological conundrum of the existence of evil and suffering in a world created by a good God.在善良的上帝创造的世界里存在着邪恶和苦难这一神学之谜柯林斯高阶〔corporeal〕corporeal existence 实体存在韦氏高阶〔cotton-wool〕a cotton-wool existence 娇生惯养的生活英汉大词典〔countrified〕the countrified existence of the newly rich 新贵们老土的生活方式朗文当代〔cruel〕a cruel struggle for existence 残酷的生存竞争英汉大词典〔denial〕a denial of the existence of God 不信上帝的存在英汉大词典〔earthly〕his earthly existence 他的一世尘缘剑桥高阶〔earthly〕our earthly existence 我们的尘世生活韦氏高阶〔essentials〕the bare essentials for existence 生存的基本要素牛津搭配〔existence〕a comfortable middle-class existence 中产阶级的舒适生活牛津搭配〔existence〕a custom (practice) in existence for generations 世代相传的习俗(惯例) 英汉大词典〔existence〕a virtual world that has no real existence 并不真正存在的虚拟世界牛津搭配〔existence〕any organism capable of independent existence 能够独立存在的任何生物体牛津搭配〔existence〕lead a wretched (precarious) existence 过着悲惨的(朝不保夕的)生活英汉大词典〔existence〕our brief existence on earth.我们在地球上短暂的生存美国传统〔existence〕put out of existence 使不复存在 英汉大词典〔existence〕the existence of ghosts 鬼魂的存在韦氏高阶〔existence〕the existence of new cases of flu in the city 城里新流感病例的发生英汉大词典〔existence〕the existence of other galaxies.其他星系的存在柯林斯高阶〔existence〕the continued existence of economic inequalities 经济不平等的持续存在朗文当代〔existence〕the mystery of human existence 人类存在的奥秘牛津搭配〔existence〕the only instrument of its kind in existence 这种工具现存的唯一一件牛津搭配〔existence〕the possible existence of life beyond Earth 地球之外可能有生命存在牛津搭配〔existence〕the transition from one mode of existence to another 从一种生存方式过渡到另一种生存方式牛津搭配〔ghostly〕leading a ghostly existence 像鬼一样地活着韦氏高阶〔gray〕leading a gray existence 过着乏味生活韦氏高阶〔hand-to-mouth〕a hand-to-mouth existence 勉强维持的生活英汉大词典〔hand-to-mouth〕lead [live] a hand-to-mouth existence 过收入仅足糊口的生活;过一天算一天文馨英汉〔lating〕to stipulate the existence of certain facts要确保某些事实的存在21世纪英汉〔lead〕lead a miserable existence 过悲惨的生活英汉大词典〔lead〕to lead a quiet life/a life of luxury/a miserable existence 过宁静╱奢侈╱悲惨的生活牛津高阶〔metaphor〕an extended metaphor for human existence 对人类生存的延喻牛津搭配〔monochrome〕a monochrome, dreary existence 单调沉闷的生活剑桥高阶〔morsel〕morsels of existence 生活片断英汉大词典〔mould〕break the mould of one's everyday existence 打破平时生活的常规英汉大词典〔nomad〕the nomad existence of the Gypsies 吉卜赛人的流浪生涯英汉大词典〔ontological〕the ontological argument for the existence of God 支持上帝存在的本体论观点剑桥高阶〔ordered〕an ordered existence 井井有条的生活朗文当代〔peripatetic〕a peripatetic existence 漂泊不定的生活英汉大词典〔proof〕proof of the existence of life on other planets 其他星球上存在生命的证明朗文当代〔shadowy〕lead a shadowy kind of existence 过着神出鬼没(或见不得人)的生活英汉大词典〔solitary〕a solitary existence 隐居生活英汉大词典〔spartan〕a spartan existence 清苦的生活朗文当代〔supposed〕the supposed existence of ghosts不太可能存在的幽灵外研社新世纪〔temporal〕the temporal character of human existence 人生的短促朗文当代〔vegetative〕a vegetative existence 单调懒散的生活英汉大词典〔vile〕a vile existence 可怜巴巴的生活英汉大词典〔withdrawn〕a withdrawn existence 离群索居的生活英汉大词典〔world〕this world and the next(= life on earth and existence after death) 今世和来世牛津高阶




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