

单词 evils
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔divine〕divine of evils to come 预卜凶事英汉大词典〔evil〕a lecture on the evils of alcohol.有关饮酒危害的讲座柯林斯高阶〔evil〕all the evils that plague us 困扰我们的所有祸害韦氏高阶〔evil〕choose the lesser of two evils 选择两害中较小者英汉大词典〔evil〕social evils 社会弊端牛津高阶〔evil〕the evils of capitalism 资本主义的种种祸害朗文当代〔evil〕the evils of drugs/alcohol 毒品╱酒的害处牛津高阶〔evil〕the social evils of poverty and injustice.贫困和不公的社会弊端美国传统〔evil〕to combat the social evils of poverty, disease and ignorance 跟贫困、疾病和无知等社会弊病作斗争牛津搭配〔expostulate〕expostulate with sb. about the evils of gambling 就赌博的害处规劝某人 英汉大词典〔greed〕the evils of corporate greed 公司贪婪的坏处牛津搭配〔lesser〕the lesser of two evils 两害之较轻者英汉大词典〔loose〕the evils loosed upon humanity in World War II 二战中人类所遭遇的恶行朗文当代〔moralize〕an essay moralizing about the evils of alcohol 一篇关于饮酒危害的说教文章韦氏高阶〔order〕the evils of the old order 旧制度的种种罪恶英汉大词典〔panacea〕a panacea against all evils of our time 包治当今各种弊病的灵丹妙药英汉大词典〔preach〕grown-ups preaching about the evils of drugs 不断唠叨毒品害处的大人朗文当代〔rant〕a 15-minute rant about the evils of modern society 15 分钟的慷慨陈词,痛陈现代社会的种种不是朗文当代〔root〕root up all evils 根除一切罪恶 英汉大词典〔solicitation〕resist the solicitations of evils 抵制邪恶的引诱英汉大词典〔tribalism〕the evils of tribalism, disunity and disintegration宗族主义、不团结和分裂的弊端外研社新世纪〔whence〕the source whence [from which] evils spring 万恶的根源文馨英汉〔whence〕the source whence these evils spring 滋生这些罪恶的渊源英汉大词典




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