

单词 evil spirit
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Azazel〕Bible In the Old Testament, the evil spirit in the wilderness to whom a scapegoat was sent on the Day of Atonement.【圣经】 阿撒泻勒:在《旧约全书》中,荒野中的恶魔,赎罪日那一天会给其送去替罪羊美国传统〔Eblis〕The principal evil spirit or devil of Islamic mythology.埃不里斯魔王:伊斯兰神话中的恶魔头或魔鬼美国传统〔GHOST〕My grandparents used to wear charms to protect themselves against evil spirits. 我的祖父母以前都佩戴护身符驱邪护身。朗文写作活用〔Mary Magdalene〕In the New Testament, a woman whom Jesus cured of evil spirits. She is also identified with the repentent prostitute who washed the feet of Jesus.(抹大拉的)玛丽亚:新约圣经所记,耶稣曾逐出她身上的恶魔。她同时也是为耶稣洗足的忏悔的妓女美国传统〔PROTECT〕Garlic was once thought to protect people against evil spirits. 大蒜曾被认为能保护人们免受邪神侵害。朗文写作活用〔afreet〕A powerful evil spirit or gigantic and monstrous demon in Arabic mythology.恶魔:阿拉伯神话中的威力无穷的恶魔,巨大而丑陋的神美国传统〔conjure〕He claimed he could conjure evil spirits away.他宣称他能以魔法驱除恶灵。文馨英汉〔evil〕I think this is an evil spirit at work.我认为这是恶魔在作祟。柯林斯高阶〔exorcise of〕The priests exorcised the young girl of evil spirits.祭司们从这个女孩身上驱除邪魔。21世纪英汉〔exorcise〕To free from evil spirits or malign influences.驱邪:摆脱邪恶的灵魂或不好的影响美国传统〔exorcize〕A spring festival was held to exorcize all the evil spirits of winter.庆祝春节是为了驱除冬日里的所有邪魔妖气。麦克米伦高阶〔fetish〕He wore a fetish to ward off evil spirits.他戴了一个符像以辟邪。韦氏高阶〔ghoul〕An evil spirit or demon in Moslem folklore believed to plunder graves and feed on corpses.食尸鬼:穆斯林教传说中一种邪恶的灵魂或魔鬼,他们盗掘坟墓并吃死尸美国传统〔incubus〕An evil spirit believed to descend upon and have sexual intercourse with women as they sleep.阴库巴斯恶鬼,梦淫妖:据说会趁女人熟睡压而在女人身上并与其交配的恶鬼美国传统〔possession〕The state of being dominated by or as if by evil spirits or by an obsession.入迷,着魔:(好象)被魔鬼或妄想控制了的状态美国传统〔protection〕The birch is still considered a protection against evil spirits by some people in northern Europe.一些北欧人仍然认为白桦可以辟邪。柯林斯高阶〔protection〕The birch is still considered a protection against evil spirits by some people in northern Europe.一些北欧人仍然认为白桦可以辟邪。外研社新世纪〔protection〕They wore the charm as a protection against evil spirits.他们戴着护身符以驱邪。牛津高阶〔spirit〕It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits.从前,人们相信人有可能被恶鬼缠身。牛津高阶〔spirit〕She slept with a cross under the pillow to ward off evil spirits.她睡觉时把十字架放在枕头下来驱逐鬼魂。牛津搭配〔supernatural〕Ghosts and evil spirits are supernatural.幽灵和魔鬼都是超自然的。剑桥高阶〔supernatural〕The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers.纳卡尼是邪恶的魔鬼,长得像人类但具有超能力。柯林斯高阶〔temple〕These deities prevent evil spirits from entering the temple precincts.这些神阻止邪灵进入寺院。牛津搭配〔ward sb/sth off〕She was given a magic charm to ward off evil spirits.她得到了一个魔法护身符,可以驱鬼避邪。剑桥高阶〔wearer〕The charm, it's claimed, protects the wearer from evil spirits.这个护身符据说可以使佩戴者免受邪灵侵害。外研社新世纪Ghosts and evil spirits are supernatural.幽灵和恶鬼都是超自然的。剑桥国际In tribal S America, the witchdoctor is responsible for healing people with herbal remedies and exorcising evil spirits using magic.在南美部落里,巫医负责用草药来为人们治病,并用魔法来驱逐邪恶的幽灵。剑桥国际She was given a magic charm to ward off evil spirits.她被赋予了一种魔力,能避开邪恶的鬼神。剑桥国际The shaman claimed to have cast out many evil spirits.萨满教巫医声称他赶走了很多鬼怪。剑桥国际This charm will protect a man from possession by evil spirits. 这个护身符将保护人不致著魔。译典通




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