

单词 eager
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bandwagon〕politicians eager to jump on the environmental bandwagon 急于随大溜加入环保行列的政客们牛津高阶〔beaver〕an eager beaver 过分热心的人文馨英汉〔brawl〕eager for the fray; 对争吵感兴趣;美国传统〔clinch〕a young salesman eager to clinch the deal 一名急于想做成这笔生意的年轻推销员朗文当代〔eager〕eager crowds outside the stadium 体育场外急不可耐的人群牛津高阶〔eager〕eager enthusiasm/anticipation 满腔的热情;热切的期望韦氏高阶〔eager〕eager eyes 显出热切表情的眼睛英汉大词典〔eager〕eager to hear the news.急欲听听新闻。牛津同义词〔eager〕eager to learn.渴望学习。美国传统〔eager〕eager to travel abroad; 渴望出国旅行;美国传统〔eager〕an eager look 急切的神色英汉大词典〔eager〕an eager pupil.积极学习的学生。牛津同义词〔eager〕an eager student 热切的学生韦氏高阶〔eager〕be eager for closer relations with 渴望与…建立更密切的关系英汉大词典〔eager〕fans eager for a glimpse of the singer 急于想见到歌手的歌迷们朗文当代〔eager〕open a letter with eager fingers 用手指急不可耐地拆开信件英汉大词典〔eager〕the children's eager faces 孩子们那一脸渴望的神情剑桥高阶〔embrace〕the country's eager embrace of modern technology 这个国家对现代技术的热切寻求牛津高阶〔exhibit〕young musicians eager to exhibit their talent; a plant that exhibits dimorphism.年轻的音乐家急于证明他们的才能;植物显示出同种二形性美国传统〔eye〕peer through the window with an eager eye 以急切的目光透过窗户注视英汉大词典〔for〕had a nose for news; eager for fame and fortune.消息灵通;渴求名利美国传统〔fray〕be eager for the fray 急欲争斗;唯恐不乱文馨英汉〔glory〕young soldiers eager to win military glory 一心想建立战功的年轻士兵牛津搭配〔hack〕tabloid hacks, always eager to find victims in order to sell newspapers.为了使报纸好卖而总是急于寻找牺牲品的小报蹩脚记者们柯林斯高阶〔idolater〕an eager idolater of Mammon 发财心切的财神崇拜者英汉大词典〔lollop〕a lolloping hound, eager for the chase一条着急追逐猎物却动作缓慢而蹒跚的猎犬外研社新世纪〔pack〕a pack of journalists eager to question him.一群急着要问他问题的记者柯林斯高阶〔pack〕a pack of journalists eager to question him一群急于向他提问的记者外研社新世纪〔progressive〕be eager to be progressive 热衷于改革英汉大词典〔restrictive〕teenagers eager to escape restrictive home environments 一心想挣脱家庭约束的青少年英汉大词典〔rush〕join the applicants' eager rush 加入蜂拥前往的申请者行列英汉大词典〔scoop〕eager reporters scrambling to get the scoop on the latest royal scandal 急切的记者们争先报道最新的皇室丑闻麦克米伦高阶〔teachable〕students who are teachable and eager to learn 可教且好学的学生韦氏高阶〔volatile〕a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation.军队和暴民间爆炸性对立的局势美国传统〔way〕companies eager for a way into business in Europe 急于在欧洲打通商路的公司朗文当代〔wisdom〕students eager to catch pearls of wisdom from the professor's lips 渴望从教授口中得到至理名言的学生牛津搭配〔yes〕ready, yes, eager to help不仅乐于,而且热切帮助21世纪英汉




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