

单词 doctors
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Hispanic〕a group of Hispanic doctors in Washington.华盛顿的一群拉美裔美国籍医生柯林斯高阶〔Hispanic〕a group of Hispanic doctors in Washington在华盛顿的一群西班牙医生外研社新世纪〔allied〕doctors and allied medical professionals医生和相关医学人士外研社新世纪〔appoint〕doctors on their appointed rounds 正在例行巡诊的医生韦氏高阶〔back〕two doctors backed up by a team of nurses 由一组护士辅助的两名医生牛津高阶〔baffle〕a rare skin condition that has baffled doctors for years 困扰医生多年的一种罕见的皮肤病麦克米伦高阶〔barrier〕barriers between doctors and patients 医生和病人之间的隔阂朗文当代〔clinic〕the doctors who volunteer at the inner-city clinic 在旧城区医务室义务工作的医生朗文当代〔consultation〕a joint consultation with doctors and patients 医生和病人的共同协商牛津搭配〔corps〕a corps of trained and experienced doctors 一队训练有素并富有经验的医生牛津高阶〔credulous〕quack doctors charming money out of the pockets of credulous health-hungry citizens.从那些渴望健康而又容易上当受骗的市民那里骗钱的江湖郎中柯林斯高阶〔credulous〕quack doctors charming money out of the pockets of credulous health-hungry citizens从渴望健康而又轻信的市民兜里骗钱的江湖医生外研社新世纪〔critical〕a critical shortage of doctors 医生的严重缺乏英汉大词典〔degree〕doctors with German, French and English degrees 分别在德国、法国和英国获得博士学位的人们英汉大词典〔desperate〕a desperate shortage of doctors 极度缺乏医生朗文当代〔dispense〕pills dispensed by doctors 按照医生处方配的药片英汉大词典〔donation〕organ donation(= allowing doctors to use an organ from your body after your death in order to save a sick person's life) 器官捐献牛津高阶〔donor〕a donor card(= a card that you carry giving permission for doctors to use parts of your body after your death) 器官捐献卡(持有者同意死后将器官捐献)牛津高阶〔dying〕doctors who care for the dying 照看临终病人的医生牛津高阶〔empathetic〕programmes training doctors to be empathic 使医生更理解病人的培训剑桥高阶〔endure〕unbearable pain, which they had to endure in solitude because not even the doctors could get near them.他们不得不独自承受的无法忍受的疼痛,因为甚至连医生都无法靠近他们柯林斯高阶〔esteem〕the level of social esteem accorded to doctors 社会对医生的尊重程度牛津搭配〔ethnic minority〕racial discrimination against doctors from ethnic minorities 针对少数民族医生的种族歧视朗文当代〔fanatical〕a fanatical group that has threatened to assassinate doctors 一个威胁要暗杀医生的极端组织剑桥高阶〔father〕one of the most promising doctors the school had ever fathered 这所学校培养的最有前途的医生之一英汉大词典〔foreign-returned〕foreign-returned doctors 在其他国家接受培训后回到印度的医生剑桥高阶〔gouge〕doctors gouging on patients 敲病人竹杠的医生英汉大词典〔guideline〕detailed guidelines for doctors about how to deal with difficult patients 医生如何应付难缠病人的详细指导牛津搭配〔hour〕the long hours worked by hospital doctors 医院医生很长的工作时间朗文当代〔idealistic〕idealistic young doctors 充满理想主义的年轻医生朗文当代〔junior〕junior doctors 初级医生麦克米伦高阶〔laser〕doctors using a laser to perform delicate eye surgery 使用激光仪进行高精眼科手术的医生韦氏高阶〔load〕lighten the load of the hospital doctors 减轻医院医生的负担英汉大词典〔loss〕the loss of 12 fully-trained doctors 12名受过全面训练医生的损失麦克米伦高阶〔on-call〕on-call doctors 随时应诊的医生牛津高阶〔or〕those famous people, whether they're movie stars or political leaders or writers or doctors 那些名人,不管他们是电影明星还是政党领袖,是作家还是医生英汉大词典〔over〕doctors who work all over the country分布于这个国家各个地方的医生外研社新世纪〔panel〕a panel of three psychiatrists and three doctors 由3名精神病学者与3名医师组成的专门小组英汉大词典〔paramedical〕doctors and paramedical staff.医生和急救人员柯林斯高阶〔paramedical〕doctors and paramedical workers 医师与医疗辅助人员文馨英汉〔personnel〕doctors and other medical personnel 医生和其他医务人员朗文当代〔private〕private doctors 私人医生牛津高阶〔professionally〕highly qualified professional people like doctors and engineers.像医生和工程师这样需要高技能的专业人员柯林斯高阶〔professional〕doctors and other professionals 医生及其他专业人士麦克米伦高阶〔professional〕the terms that doctors and other health professionals use 医师和其他保健专业人员使用的术语牛津高阶〔prohibit〕a rule prohibiting doctors from advertising their services 禁止医生为其医疗服务做广告的规定麦克米伦高阶〔quack〕quack doctors 庸医牛津高阶〔qualified〕newly qualified doctors 刚取得执业资格的医生牛津搭配〔solemnity〕he had undergone an emergency operation for a stomach condition which—the doctors solemnly assured him—was potentially fatal.他接受了一次紧急手术,因为他的胃病非常严重,有可能致命——这是医生郑重告知他的。柯林斯高阶〔spin〕government spin doctors 政府舆论导向专家牛津搭配〔surgery〕doctors who perform several surgeries a day 一天做好几次外科手术的医生麦克米伦高阶〔undersigned〕we the undersigned, all prominent doctors in our fields.我们这些签名者,都是我们各自领域里的知名医生柯林斯高阶〔whereby〕the system whereby Britons choose their family doctors and the government pays those doctors.通过这个系统,英国人选择自己的家庭医生,而由政府给那些医生支付薪水柯林斯高阶〔woman〕a survey of women doctors 对女性医生的调查韦氏高阶〔woman〕women doctors 女医生们英汉大词典a hardship allowance for doctors working in unpleasant conditions 发给在困难条件下工作的医生的辛劳津贴牛津商务




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