

单词 exceeds
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acceptability〕The air pollution exceeds most acceptable levels by 10 times or more.大气污染程度超出了普遍认可的标准10倍或更多。柯林斯高阶〔acceptable〕The air pollution exceeds acceptable levels.空气污染超过了可以接受的水平。外研社新世纪〔accounts payable〕The company's accounts show a profit this year: our accounts receivable exceed our accounts payable. [=the money owed to us exceeds the money we owe] 公司账目显示我们今年有盈利,应收账款超出了应付账款。韦氏高阶〔beyond the bounds〕The play goes beyond the bounds of decency. = The play exceeds the bounds of decency.这部剧有失得体。韦氏高阶〔demand〕Supply normally exceeds demand for the bulk of consumer goods.一般来说,大宗消费品都供过于求。牛津搭配〔eluviation〕The lateral or downward movement of dissolved or suspended material within soil when rainfall exceeds evaporation.淋溶作用:当降雨量超过蒸发量时,土壤中溶解或悬浮物的向侧面或向下的运动美国传统〔exceed by〕Export exceeds import by five million dollars.出口额超过进口额500万美元。21世纪英汉〔exceed in〕Platinum exceeds gold in value.白金的价值高于黄金。21世纪英汉〔exceedance〕The amount by which something, especially a pollutant, exceeds a standard or permissible measurement.污染物超标:某种物体的数量,尤其是指污染物,超过测量标准或是可容许的程度美国传统〔exceed〕His brother exceeds him in talent.他的哥哥在才干上胜过他。英汉大词典〔exceed〕Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year.其每年的研究经费超过七亿美元。外研社新世纪〔exceed〕The demand for places at some schools exceeds the supply.某些学校的入学申请人数超过了招生。柯林斯高阶〔exorbitance〕Behavior or an action that exceeds what is right or proper.过分行为:不正确或不适当的动作或行为美国传统〔foldout〕Printing A folded insert or section, as of a cover, whose full size exceeds that of the regular page.【印刷术】 折页:折叠起来的插入物或部分,比如尺寸超过了一般的书页尺寸的画页美国传统〔glacier〕A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation.冰川:巨大的冰块在巨大的地上慢慢滑动,由于一个地区雪的积累超出了融化和升华而形成的结实的雪形成了冰川美国传统〔glut〕To flood (a market) with an excess of goods so that supply exceeds demand.使充斥:货物充斥(市场)以致于供大于求美国传统〔growth company〕A company whose rate of growth significantly exceeds that of the average in its field or the overall rate of economic growth.发展特快的公司:增长率显著超过同行平均水平或超过经济增长率的公司美国传统〔intersection〕For him, the garden exceeds the intersections of nature and culture.对他来说, 该花园不仅仅是自然和文化的交融。外研社新世纪〔majority〕The amount by which the greater number of votes cast, as in an election, exceeds the total number of remaining votes.多数票:占选票的决大多数,例如在选举中超过其余票数和的票数美国传统〔overage〕An amount, as of money or goods, that is actually on hand and exceeds the listed amount in records or books.超额:现有的且超过了记录或商业帐册所列的数量,如钱或货物等美国传统〔per diem〕He never exceeds three drinks per diem.他每天喝酒不超过三杯。外研社新世纪〔plurality〕The number by which the vote of the winning choice in such a contest exceeds that of the closest opponent.超过票数:在这样一场竞争中,获胜者所获的选票超出和其最接近的别的竞选者所获选票的数目美国传统〔speeder〕One that speeds, especially a driver who exceeds a legal or safe speed.违章超速驾驶者:超速的人,尤指超过法定或安全速度的驾驶员美国传统〔supply〕Demand for top-quality programmers exceeds supply, leading to extortionate salaries.优秀程序员供不应求,致使工资畸高。牛津搭配〔turnover〕The company's worldwide turnover exceeds $5 billion.公司在全世界的营业额超过 50 亿美元。牛津搭配〔working capital〕The amount of current assets that exceeds current liabilities.现行资产超过现行负债的数量美国传统A government has to borrow money when its expenditure exceeds its income.当政府的支出超过收入时,它就只得借债。剑桥国际China's installed capacity exceeds 400 million kw.中国的发电量超过 4 亿千瓦。牛津商务His older brother exceeds him in intelligence. 他的哥哥比他聪明。译典通If the sale exceeds the merchant's floor limit, she must phone the credit-card company for authorization.如果售价超出商家的最低授权额,她就必须打电话给信用卡公司要求授权。牛津商务In Taiwan, the number of scooters exceeds 10 million. 在台湾,速克达摩托车的数量在一千万辆以上。译典通The wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual. 三个臭皮匠,赛过诸葛亮。译典通When demand for a product exceeds supply, it is usual for the price to go up.对某产品求过于供时,通常价格会上涨。牛津商务While demand exceeds supply, prices will continue to rise.求过于供时价格将持续上涨。牛津商务




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