

单词 excavated
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Common Era〕Synagogues have been excavated here dating from the first century of the Common Era.在这里挖掘出了建于公元一世纪的犹太教堂剑桥高阶〔DIG〕The mosaics excavated in 1989 have now been fully restored. 于1989年发掘出来的马赛克现已完全恢复原状。朗文写作活用〔backfill〕Material used to refill an excavated area.回填料:用来重新填满被挖区域的材料美国传统〔backfill〕To refill (an excavated area) with such material.回填,重新填满:用回填料等材料重新填满(被挖区域)美国传统〔delectation〕He excavated a tinfoil nugget from his pocket and unwrapped it with delectation.他从兜里掏出一块用锡纸包裹的金块, 高兴地把它剥开。外研社新世纪〔diggings〕Materials that have been excavated.发掘物:采掘出的材料美国传统〔excavate for〕We excavated the mountain for a tunnel.我们开山凿洞,修建隧道。21世纪英汉〔excavate through〕The tunnel was excavated through solid rock.这条隧道是凿穿坚硬的岩石而修成的。21世纪英汉〔excavate〕Ice age bones are being excavated in the caves.冰河时期的遗骸正从岩洞中发掘出来。剑桥高阶〔excavate〕It is the first site to be excavated in this area.这是首次在这一地区发掘的一处遗址。韦氏高阶〔excavate〕Over a million tons of rich ore were excavated from that one pocket.从这一处矿穴中挖出了百万吨以上的富矿石。英汉大词典〔excavate〕Pottery has been excavated from the site.这个地方已发掘出陶器。牛津搭配〔excavate〕Schliemann excavated the ancient city of Troy.谢里曼发掘出了特洛伊古城。朗文当代〔excavate〕The Project has excavated and partially restored the hilltop fort.该项目已经发掘出山顶堡垒并进行了部分修复。外研社新世纪〔excavate〕The area has not yet been fully excavated.这个地方还没有被充分挖掘。牛津搭配〔excavate〕The body was discovered when builders excavated the area.建筑工人挖地时发现了这具尸体。牛津高阶〔excavate〕The excess dirt was carefully excavated.多余的泥土被小心翼翼地运走了。韦氏高阶〔excavate〕The ground was excavated for a foundation.地面被挖空作为地基。21世纪英汉〔excavate〕The site has been excavated by archaeologists.这个遗址已被考古学家发掘出来。牛津高阶〔excavate〕They excavated an ancient city.他们挖掘出一座古城。韦氏高阶〔excavate〕They've excavated a hole in the road.他们在路上挖了一个洞。21世纪英汉〔muck〕Earth, rocks, or clay excavated in mining.废石:在采矿过程中挖掘的土、岩石或粘土美国传统〔trace〕Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed.考古学家从河床中挖掘出恐龙的足迹化石。美国传统〔working〕Often workings The parts of a mine or quarry that have been or are being excavated. 常作 workings 矿坑:矿井或采石场已经被或正在被挖掘的部分美国传统The archaeologists excavated a buried city. 考古学家发掘出一个埋在地下的城市。译典通The islands are scattered with prehistoric sites -- most of which have not yet been excavated.群岛上散布着史前遗址----其中的大多数还未被发掘过。剑桥国际Three dinosaurs have already been found on the excavated site.在挖掘地点已发现3只恐龙。剑桥国际Tintagel Castle, the reputed birthplace of King Arthur, is being excavated professionally for the first time in more than 50 years.丁塔吉尔堡,有名的阿瑟王出生地,50多年来第一次被由专业人员挖掘。剑桥国际




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