

单词 distances
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Migrating birds cover immense distances every winter. 候鸟每年冬天都要长途跋涉。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The distances between cities in Russia are simply enormous. 俄罗斯各城市之间相距真是太远了。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕Vast distances separate one isolated community from another. 独立的社群之间相距极其遥远。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕She's much better in the longer races. Short distances are not her forte. 她长跑要好得多,短跑不是她的强项。朗文写作活用〔Portuguese water dog〕Any of a breed of strong, medium-sized dog developed in Portugal that is able to swim long distances and is characterized by webbed feet and a curved tail.葡萄牙水狗:葡萄牙人驯养的一种中等体型的强壮的狗,能长距离游水,其特点是生有有蹼的脚及卷曲的尾巴美国传统〔RUN〕Athletes who have been trained to sprint aren't usually very good at running long distances. 受过短跑训练的运动员一般不是很善于长跑。朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕Physiology The automatic adjustment in the focal length of the lens of the eye to permit retinal focus of images of objects at varying distances.【生理学】 眼调节:眼睛瞳孔对焦距的自动调节,以获得不同距离的物体在视网膜上的成像美国传统〔antiquated〕I'm too antiquated to travel long distances on my own.我都是老古董了, 不能再独自一人进行长途旅行。外研社新世纪〔axis〕A reference line from which distances or angles are measured in a coordinate system.座标轴:坐标系中测量距离和角的参考线美国传统〔boggle〕Vast distances boggle the mind.距离之大,不可思议。21世纪英汉〔calculable〕This map was designed so that distances by road are easily calculable.这幅地图的设计使陆路旅程很容易计算出来。英汉大词典〔calculate〕These instruments calculate distances precisely.这些仪器计算距离非常精确。朗文当代〔caliper〕Often calipers An instrument consisting essentially of two curved hinged legs, used to measure thickness and distances. 常作 calipers 卡规:一种由两个弯曲的铰接在一起的脚组成的仪器,用于测量厚度和距离美国传统〔carry〕The songs of the whales carry through the water over long distances.鲸的叫声能在水中传得很远。朗文当代〔centre〕Centre (= put at equal distances from the left and right sides of the page) all the headings in this document.把这份文件中的所有标题居中。剑桥高阶〔coach〕In those days, people usually traveled long distances in coaches.那时,人们长途旅行通常乘坐四轮马车。韦氏高阶〔commute〕People are prepared to commute long distances if they are desperate for work.极需得到工作的人会愿意长途乘车往返上下班。牛津高阶〔comprehend〕The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend.太空的广阔无垠是人类无法理解的。牛津高阶〔cover〕The hikers covered long distances every day.这些徒步旅行者每天都走很长的路程。韦氏高阶〔crutch〕He's able to walk short distances with crutches but prefers his wheelchair.他拄着腋杖能走一小段路,可他宁愿坐轮椅。韦氏高阶〔crystal〕A homogenous solid formed by a repeating, three-dimensional pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules and having fixed distances between constituent parts.晶体:一种由原子、离子或分子作重复和立体型排列而形成的均质固体,在组成部分之间有固定的距离美国传统〔depend〕The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.申领的费用可能相差很大,要看旅程的长短而定。朗文当代〔depth perception〕The ability to perceive spatial relationships, especially distances between objects, in three dimensions.洞察力,透视力:在三维空间中感知空间关系(尤其是物体间距离)的能力美国传统〔depth〕There are very few fish at depths (= distances below the surface) below 3,000 metres.水下3000米处很少有鱼类。剑桥高阶〔distance〕Allow for greater stopping distances when pulling a loaded trailer.牵引载重拖车时,要留出更远的制动距离。牛津搭配〔distance〕At present speeds, the train cannot compete with the airplane on long distances.火车以目前的速度无法同飞机进行远距离竞争。英汉大词典〔distance〕He's used to driving long distances.他习惯于长途驾车。麦克米伦高阶〔distance〕It is very difficult to judge distances in the desert.在沙漠里很难判断距离。牛津搭配〔distance〕Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job.开长途车是保罗工作的一部份。牛津高阶〔distance〕People came remarkably long distances to attend the meeting.人们从很远的地方来参加会议。英汉大词典〔distance〕The people travel vast distances to find food.人们要走很远的路去寻找食物。牛津搭配〔distance〕The spacecraft has the ability to traverse great distances.这个航天器能够穿越很长距离。牛津搭配〔distance〕The young birds were soon flying distances of 200 feet or more.雏鸟不久后就能飞行 200 英尺甚至更远。牛津搭配〔ellipse〕The locus of points for which the sum of the distances from each point to two fixed points is equal.椭圆:到两定点的距离的和为常数的点的轨道美国传统〔enable〕Aeronautics enables us to overcome great distances.航空学使我们能征服远距离。21世纪英汉〔endurance〕It requires real endurance to drive such long distances.如此长途驾车需要真正的耐久力。英汉大词典〔essential〕As they must also sprint over short distances, speed is essential.由于他们也必须进行短跑,因此速度至关重要。柯林斯高阶〔exhausted〕He took to walking long distances in an attempt to physically exhaust himself.他开始长距离步行,试图耗尽自己的体力。柯林斯高阶〔exhaust〕He took to walking long distances in an attempt to physically exhaust himself.他试图用走远路的方式耗尽自己的体力。外研社新世纪〔filar〕Having fine threads across the field of view for measuring small distances, as in the eyepiece of a telescope.视域里画有丝纹的:有用于测量小距离的通过视野的细线的,如在望远镜的目镜片中美国传统〔flatness〕The grey light and the flatness of the river made it hard to work out distances.光线暗淡, 河面水平, 很难测出距离。外研社新世纪〔formula〕He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.他提出了一个表述行星到太阳距离的数学公式。外研社新世纪〔formula〕He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.他研究出了一个用于计算行星与太阳之间距离的数学公式。柯林斯高阶〔forte〕He found that running long distances was not his forte .他发现长跑并不是他的强项。朗文当代〔heliometer〕A telescope equipped to measure small angular distances between celestial bodies.量日仪:一种望远镜,用以测量天体之间微小的角距离美国传统〔inconceivable〕The distances in the universe are inconceivable.宇宙间的种种距离是不可思议的。牛津同义词〔judge〕You soon learn to judge distances when driving.你很快就会学到在开车时如何判断距离。牛津搭配〔judgment〕Fatigue may affect a pilot's judgment of distances.疲劳可能会影响到飞行员对于距离的判断力美国传统〔lessen〕As transportation improves, distances seem to lessen.随着运输的进步,距离似乎缩短了。英汉大词典〔lighter〕A large flat-bottomed barge, especially one used to deliver or unload goods to or from a cargo ship or transport goods over short distances.驳船:一种大型的平底船,尤指用来为货轮运送或装卸货物或进行短程货物运输的船美国传统〔measure off〕He made chalk marks on the floor and measured off distances with a metal tape.他用钢卷尺量出距离, 并用粉笔在地上做了标记。外研社新世纪〔migrate〕Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate.大多数鸟类为了迁徙都不得不长距离飞行。外研社新世纪〔migrate〕Most birds have to fly long distances to migrate.绝大多数鸟类为了迁徙都不得不进行长距离的飞行。柯林斯高阶〔mule〕A small, usually electric tractor or locomotive used for hauling over short distances.轻型拖拉机,轻型牵引机:适用于短途搬运的小型、电动拖拉机或牵引机美国传统〔obstacle〕The huge distances involved have proved an obstacle to communication.距离遥远成为沟通的障碍。牛津搭配〔proper〕If you're going to walk long distances you need proper walking boots.如果你要走那么远的路,就需要一双合脚的远足鞋。剑桥高阶〔proxemics〕The study of the cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between individuals.人类空间统计学:研究人与人之间空间距离的文化,行为,社会层面的学科美国传统〔queen post〕One of two upright supporting posts set vertically between the rafters and the tie beam at equal distances from the apex of a roof.衍架双柱:两根直立支撑柱之一,从屋顶的最高点垂直等距地设在椽子和系梁之间美国传统〔scarcity〕In times of scarcity, lions will travel great distances in search of food.在食物短缺时,狮子会到很远的地方觅食。牛津搭配〔sound〕Sound can travel over very large distances in water.声音在水中能传播得很远。剑桥高阶〔split〕Many American families are split by large geographical distances.美国许多家庭成员相互之间离得很远。麦克米伦高阶〔stadia〕A telescopic instrument having two parallel lines through which intervals on a calibrated rod are observed, used to measure distances.视距仪:一种用来测量距离的远视仪器,通过远望时从两条平行线中间观察到的刻度杆来测算距离美国传统〔stadia〕The technique of measuring distances with this instrument.用这种仪器测量距离的技术美国传统〔stamina〕I don’t have the stamina to run long distances.我没有跑长距离的耐力。牛津同义词〔step off〕A rules official stepped off the distances of Redman's putt.一名裁判员步测了雷德曼轻击的距离。外研社新世纪〔tachymeter〕A surveying instrument used for the rapid determination of distances, elevations, and bearings.速测仪:一种用来迅速测定距离、高度和方位的测量仪器美国传统〔travel〕Most people are prepared to travel reasonable distances to work.大部分人都准备走上一段路程去上班。麦克米伦高阶〔voltage〕The National Grid carries electricity at high voltage over long distances.国家电网采用高压远距离输电。外研社新世纪〔with〕Stopping distances for cars vary with the speed they are travelling at.汽车的刹车距离根据当时车速的高低而不尽相同。剑桥高阶A current of high potential is used in transmitting electric power over long distances. 高压电流被用来远距离输送电力。译典通Air pollution can travel great distances.大气污染会传播得很远。剑桥国际Centre (=Put at equal distances from the left and right sides of the page) all the headings in this document.使这份文件中的所有标题都居中。剑桥国际For short distances, the bicycle is surely the best means of transport.对短距离来说自行车当然是最好的交通工具。剑桥国际He gets very tired driving his lorry over long distances.他长途驾驶卡车,非常累。剑桥国际If you're going to walk those sort of distances you need proper walking boots.如果你要走那样长的距离,你需要一双合适的结实靴子。剑桥国际It's a large bird, unable to take off from ground level, but a good flier, covering long distances.那是一只大鸟,无法从地面上起飞,但是擅长飞行,能飞很长的距离。剑桥国际People who drive long distances need to be careful that the motion of the car doesn't lull them to sleep.长途驾驶员须小心,以防汽车的(单调)运动使他们昏昏欲睡。剑桥国际Photons, or individual particles of light, travel over huge distances in space.光子,即光粒子,在空间里行经极大的距离。剑桥国际Rifles are designed to be accurate at long distances.来复枪被设计用来远程精确射击。剑桥国际Some birds can navigate (= find a direction across) distances of 1000 miles or more and return to the place they had started from the next year.有些鸟能飞1000英里的或更长的距离,在第二年又回到它们出发的地方。剑桥国际Sound can travel over very large distances in water.声音在水中能传播很远的距离。剑桥国际Stopping distances for cars vary with the speed they are travelling at.汽车的停车距离随着车速的不同而不同。剑桥国际The youngsters travel long distances to school every day. 孩子们每天走很远的路上学。译典通There are very few fish at depths (= distances below the surface) below 3000 metres.在3000米以下的深度几乎没有鱼。剑桥国际Young salmon migrate long distances but return to their place of birth to breed.虽然幼小的鲑鱼要远距离迁徙,但是它们要回到它们出生的地方繁殖。剑桥国际




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