

单词 emitting
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beamy〕Emitting beams, as of light; radiant.发光的,光辉的:放射出光线的,如灯;辐射的美国传统〔black dwarf star〕The remains of a white dwarf star after it has expended all of its energy and is no longer emitting detectable radiation.黑矮星:白矮星消耗掉所有能量并且不再放射可测辐射能后的残留物美国传统〔bright〕Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts; shining.发亮的:放射或反射大量光的;照耀的美国传统〔emission〕The act or an instance of emitting.发射:发射的行为或情形美国传统〔emissive〕Having the power or tendency to emit matter or energy; emitting.发射的:具有发射物质或能量的力量或趋势的;发射的美国传统〔fluorescence〕The property of emitting such radiation.荧光性:散发此类辐射的特性美国传统〔fulgurous〕Emitting flashes of lightning.闪电般发光的美国传统〔fulgurous〕Emitting in flashes similar to lightning.象闪电一样闪光的美国传统〔gamma decay〕A radioactive process in which an atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting a gamma ray without a change in its atomic or mass numbers.Υ衰变:原子核的一种放射性过程,在这种过程中由于放出一个伽马射线而损失能量,但并不改变原子序数或质量美国传统〔hornito〕A low mound of volcanic origin, sometimes emitting smoke or vapor.溶岩滴丘,低火山坡:因火山活动而形成的低矮土丘,有时会冒烟或蒸气美国传统〔incandescent〕Emitting visible light as a result of being heated.发白热光的:由于遇热而发出可见光的美国传统〔jet〕An outlet, such as a nozzle, used for emitting such a stream.喷嘴:用于施放流体的出口,如喷嘴美国传统〔luminous efficiency〕The ratio of the total luminous flux to the total radiant flux of an emitting source.发光系数:任何光源所辐射的总光通量与该光源总辐射通量之比美国传统〔luminous intensity〕The luminous flux density per solid angle as measured in a given direction relative to the emitting source.发光强度:在光源的某一给定方向上测量的固定单位角度上光通量密度美国传统〔luminous〕Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light.发光的:放出光的,尤其是放射自己内部产生的光的美国传统〔phosphoresce〕To persist in emitting light, unaccompanied by sensible heat or combustion, after exposure to and removal of a source of radiation.发磷光,闪磷火:在暴露或移开辐射源后持续发光,但并不伴随可感觉的热量或燃烧美国传统〔radiance〕Physics The radiant energy emitted per unit time in a specified direction by a unit area of an emitting surface.【物理学】 辐射能:单位辐射平面在单位时间内向某一方向发出辐射能美国传统〔radiant〕Emitting heat or light.发光物,发热点:发出热或光的美国传统〔radio galaxy〕A galaxy emitting large amounts of radio energy.射电星系:发出大量放射能的星系美国传统〔redolent〕Having or emitting fragrance; aromatic.芬芳的:具有或释发出香气的;芬芳的美国传统〔ripe〕Emitting a foul odor, especially body odor.刺鼻的,难闻的:发出刺鼻难闻的气味的,尤指体臭美国传统〔sounding〕Emitting a full sound; resonant.宏亮的:发出饱满声音的;响亮的美国传统〔steamy〕Filled with or emitting steam.蒸汽的:充满或发出蒸汽的美国传统〔stinkbug〕Any of numerous hemipterous insects of the family Pentatomidae, having a broad, flattened body and emitting a foul odor.臭蝽:一种蝽科半翅目的昆虫,具有宽而平的身体并散发臭味美国传统〔vocal〕Having a voice; capable of emitting sound or speech.有声音的:有声音的;能发出声音或语言的美国传统




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