

单词 and that
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕It seemed that he held all the cards and that there was nothing she could do but say ‘yes’. 一切都仿佛掌握在他手中,而她只好唯命是从。朗文写作活用〔Empedocles〕Greek philosopher who believed that all matter is composed of elemental particles of fire, water, earth, and air and that all change is caused by motion.恩培多克勒:希腊哲学家,他认为所有物质都是由元素微粒组成,即火、水、土和空气,所有的变化都是运动所引起的美国传统〔FIND OUT〕He just had to hope he'd get away with it and that nobody would find out. 他只得希望这件事他能躲过去,没人会发现。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕He skulked along the street, looking this way and that to see if anyone was following him. 他在街上躲躲闪闪地走着,东张张西望望,看是否有人跟踪他。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕There are certain parallels between the situation in Europe today and that which existed 90 years ago. 今天欧洲的局势和90年前的相比,有某些相似之处。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕My wife says I'm being overprotective, and that our daughter has grown into a responsible young woman. 妻子说我过分保护孩子,然而我们的女儿已经长成了一个有责任感的年轻女性。朗文写作活用〔Weismannism〕The theory that all heritable characteristics arise in the germ plasm and that acquired characteristics cannot be inherited.魏斯曼学说:认为可遗传的特征来自种质,后天的特征不能被继承的理论美国传统〔assertion〕The people have asserted their power and that will be very difficult to reverse.人民已经维护了其当家作主的权力,这将难以改变。柯林斯高阶〔bring〕And that brings us to the end of this special report from Germany.这篇发自德国的特别报道也到此结束。柯林斯高阶〔coincidence〕Mr. Berry said the timing was a coincidence and that his decision was unrelated to Mr. Roman's departure.贝里先生说这是时间上的巧合, 他的决定与罗曼先生的离开没有关系。外研社新世纪〔colinear〕Containing elements that correspond to one another and that are arranged in the same linear sequence.线性对应:包含相互对应并以同样的线性序列排列的元素美国传统〔decide〕They offered me free accommodation for a year, and that decided me.他们愿意免费为我提供一年的住宿,这就使我下定了决心。牛津高阶〔doing〕We had to be on the parade ground for 5.30 a.m. and that took some doing.我们得在清晨五点半到阅兵场上集合,那可不是件轻松的事。朗文当代〔dry up〕Investment could dry up and that could cause the economy to falter.投资可能萎缩, 并可能因此导致经济疲软。外研社新世纪〔ensue〕The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued.那名警察说他逮捕了那个男子后随即发生了扭打。剑桥高阶〔for openers〕She began by asking what we'd done with her money. And that was just for openers! 她首先问我们拿她的钱都做了什么,这还仅仅是开始而已。韦氏高阶〔go for〕Your sister is a selfish girl and that goes for you, too.你姐姐是个自私的女孩,你也是如此。21世纪英汉〔go great guns〕For the first 400 metres he was going great guns, but then he fell and that lost him the race.前400米他跑得很顺利,但后来摔了一跤,导致他输掉了比赛。剑桥高阶〔have〕I don't like to have somebody else tell me I ought to do this thing and that.我不喜欢有人告诉我该做这做那。文馨英汉〔hurt〕She's afraid she's going to be hurt and that she'll never fall in love again.她害怕自己会受到伤害, 从而永远不会再恋爱了。外研社新世纪〔injustice〕There is but one blasphemy, and that is injustice.世上只有一种渎神的行为,那就是非正义。英汉大词典〔joy〕One can never learn all there is to know about cooking, and that is one of the joys of being a chef.钻研烹饪之道是永无止境的,这也是当厨师的乐趣之一。柯林斯高阶〔least〕I'm not teaching anything the least bit challenging any more, and that is sad.我教的东西不再有一点儿挑战性,这令人悲哀。麦克米伦高阶〔mind〕His doctor tried to convince him that he wasn't really ill and that it was all in his mind.医生努力想让他相信他其实没有生病,只是心理作用罢了。剑桥高阶〔misery〕I'm not such a misery now! I gave up drink a few years back and that has changed things a lot.我现在已经不喜欢抱怨了。几年之前我戒了酒,整个人就大不一样了。柯林斯高阶〔motion〕Try to make sure your motions are regular and that you avoid any constipation.尽量保证排便规律, 避免便秘。外研社新世纪〔pressure〕He says that he made his statement to the police under pressure, and that the statement is false.他说他是被迫向警方作此声明的,而那则声明是假的。英汉大词典〔public housing〕Housing that is built, operated, and owned by a government and that is typically provided at nominal rent to the needy.公寓:主要以平价租给贫民的由政府修建、经营并所有的住宅美国传统〔racism〕The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.种族主义:认为人的性格或能力的差异是由种族造成的和有某一种族高于其它种族的观念美国传统〔relative pitch〕The ability to recognize or produce a tone by mentally establishing a relationship between its pitch and that of a recently heard tone.相对音高辨认力:用在头脑中树立音调的音高和刚刚听过的音调的高音之间的关系来辨认或演奏音调的能力美国传统〔snap〕And that did it. I snapped.就这一下,我再也承受不住了。牛津高阶〔sustaining program〕A radio or television program that is supported by the station or network on which it appears and that has no commercial announcements.非营业性节目:由所播放节目的电台或电视网支持且不播放商业广告的广播或电视节目美国传统〔tab〕A small auxiliary airfoil that is attached to a larger one and that helps stabilize an aircraft.调整片,补翼:附着在较大的机翼上,用来帮助稳定飞机辅助性的小机翼美国传统〔that〕He was fed up, and that to a great degree.他已吃饱,而且相当撑美国传统〔that〕They farm 85 hectares, and that continuously.他们耕种85公顷地,而且是连片的地。英汉大词典〔thing〕I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing.我喜欢露营、爬山之类的活动。牛津高阶〔this and that〕We started talking about this and that, and before we knew it, it had gotten late.我们开始东拉西扯,不知不觉天色已晚。韦氏高阶〔tone〕He was in a very bad mood when he arrived, and that set the tone for the whole meeting.他到的时候情绪很不好,这就决定了整个会议的气氛。剑桥高阶〔town hall〕A building that contains the offices of the public officials of a town and that houses the town council and courts.镇公所;市政厅:包含有城镇政府官员的办公室及镇议会和法庭的建筑物美国传统〔turn〕The snake turned this way and that.那条蛇扭来扭去。牛津同义词〔whitewash〕He pledged that there would be no whitewash and that the police would carry out a full investigation.他保证将不会有任何掩饰,并且警方将进行全面调查。柯林斯高阶Apparently he was off pressing the flesh at some luncheon, and that was more important than seeing us. 他很显然地是在某个午餐会上和人握手,这比见我们来得重要多了。译典通He said the proceedings were unfair and that any punishment would be unjustified (= wrong and/or not deserved).他说,诉讼程序是不公平的, 任何惩罚都将是无根据的。剑桥国际It quickly became clear that university was not the place (= a suitable situation) for me, and that I'd have to leave.我很快明白大学不是适合我的地方,我得离开。剑桥国际Mark broke his leg when we went skiing and that took all the fun out of it.当我们滑雪的时候,马克把腿给摔断了,使整个滑雪的乐趣尽失。剑桥国际Mine's the smaller plate of food and that one there is yours.我的是小盘子食物,那边的一盘是你的。剑桥国际The report made it plain that institutionalized racism is deep-rooted in the country and that immigrants face discrimination in education, training, and employment.该报告明确指出有组织的种族主义在该国根深蒂固,移民面临在教育、培训及就业方面的歧视。剑桥国际The safety officer checked that the stairways in the hotel weren't blocked and that the exit doors could be opened easily.安全官员检查了宾馆的楼梯是否被堵塞,出口的门是否能容易打开。剑桥国际The speaker told us that chaos theory says two things, that complex systems like weather have an underlying order and that simple systems can produce complex behaviour.演讲者告诉我们混沌理论陈述了两件事: 一是诸如天气之类的复杂系统有着潜在的秩序,二是简单的系统能产生复杂的行为。剑桥国际We were just chit-chatting about this and that.我们刚才正在聊这聊那。剑桥国际




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