

单词 drastic
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔drastically〕a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying.死亡人数的大幅下降柯林斯高阶〔drastic〕drastic cuts in government spending 政府开支的急剧削减朗文当代〔drastic〕drastic cuts/reductions in spending 开支的大幅削减韦氏高阶〔drastic〕drastic measures 严厉的措施剑桥高阶〔drastic〕drastic measures/changes 严厉的措施;剧烈的变化牛津高阶〔drastic〕a drastic change in policy 政策的重大改变英汉大词典〔drastic〕a drastic emetic.烈性的催化药美国传统〔drastic〕a drastic purgative 烈性泻剂英汉大词典〔drastic〕a drastic reduction in employment 大量的裁员英汉大词典〔drastic〕a drastic reduction in the numbers of people dying临终人数的锐减外研社新世纪〔drastic〕a drastic remedy.严厉的补救措施。牛津同义词〔drastic〕a drastic shortage of food 食物的极度短缺牛津高阶〔drastic〕be drastic about sth.严厉地对待某事英汉大词典〔drastic〕take a drastic step 采取极端步骤英汉大词典〔drastic〕the drastic measure of amputating the entire leg; drastic social change brought about by the French Revolution.截除整条腿的极端措施;法国革命带来的剧烈的社会变动美国传统〔inflammatory〕nationalist policies that are too drastic and inflammatory.过于极端、带有极强煽动性的民族主义政策柯林斯高阶〔inflammatory〕nationalist policies that are too drastic and inflammatory过于极端、带有极度煽动性的民族主义政策外研社新世纪〔justify〕drastic measures not warranted by the circumstances. 事实证明的不适当的极端措施 美国传统〔measure〕drastic measures to reduce traffic problems 减少交通事故的严厉措施朗文当代〔ram〕ram through drastic economic reforms 强制推行激烈的经济改革英汉大词典〔regime〕a drastic regime of economic reform and financial discipline.雷厉风行的经济改革和财经纪律柯林斯高阶〔remedy〕prescribe a drastic remedy 开出峻剂药方 英汉大词典




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