

单词 drapery
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bunting〕Strips of cloth or material usually in the colors of the national flag, used especially as drapery or streamers for festive decoration.彩色布条:国旗颜色的布条或其它布料,用来作为节日装饰的彩旗或飘带美国传统〔drapery〕My mother ran a couple of drapery shops.我母亲经营着几家布料店。柯林斯高阶〔drapery〕The painter arranged several items among drapery and began to work.画家在打褶皱的装饰织物上摆放了几件物品,然后开始绘画。韦氏高阶〔frontal〕A drapery covering the front of an altar.遮挡祭坛前的帷幕美国传统〔lambrequin〕A short ornamental drapery for the top of a window or door or the edge of a shelf.装饰性挂帘:悬挂于窗户、门或是架子顶部的短的装饰性垂帘美国传统〔madras〕A light cotton cloth used for drapery.马德拉斯提花薄布:用于棉织品的一种轻棉布美国传统〔swag〕An ornamental drapery or curtain draped in a curve between two points.彩幕:在两点之间垂成一弧形的装饰性落帷幕或窗帘美国传统〔valance〕A short drapery, decorative board, or metal strip mounted especially across the top of a window to conceal structural fixtures.短幔:为了掩盖住建筑结构的结合处而特别悬挂在窗户顶部,具有装饰性边缘或金属边的短帷幔美国传统〔valance〕An ornamental drapery hung across a top edge, as of a bed, table, or canopy.帷幔,挂布:悬挂在例如床,桌子或顶篷顶部边缘的装饰性挂布美国传统〔way〕I formed a partnership with him in the drapery way.我与他合伙做布匹生意。英汉大词典Paintings of a hunting dog and a bay mare, velvet drapery, antique globes and leather-bound books bestowed a tweedy elegance on the room.猎狗和赤褐色母马的画, 天鹅绒帷帘,古老的地球仪以及皮装书给房间增添了一丝雍容恬适的文雅。剑桥国际The actor playing the king had some drapery (= folds of material) around his neck to suggest the historical era.扮演国王的男演员脖子周围有一些有褶皱的布,来表现那一历史时期。剑桥国际You'll find a drapery department in one of the big stores.在一家大商店里,你可以找到布制品部。剑桥国际




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