

单词 examples
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔applicable〕gave applicable examples to support her argument.举出适当的例子来支持她的论点美国传统〔archaeologist〕examples of life thousands of years ago, unearthed by archaeologists 考古学家发掘出土的几千年前的生物化石牛津搭配〔autocratic〕one of the few remaining examples of autocratic government仅存的几个独裁政府之一外研社新世纪〔colonial〕fine examples of colonial architecture殖民地时期的建筑典范外研社新世纪〔context〕to present examples of language in use in an appropriate context 举出在恰当语境中语言运用的例子牛津搭配〔example〕a book filled with real-life examples that anyone can relate to 书里满是与每个人都相关的现实生活中的例子牛津搭配〔example〕arithmetic examples 算术例题韦氏高阶〔example〕build a museum to house examples of sb.'s works 建造展览馆以陈列某人的各种作品英汉大词典〔example〕the squirrel, an example of a rodent; introduced each new word with examples of its use.松鼠,啮齿类动物的代表;举例介绍每一个生词的用法美国传统〔extensive〕extensive examples 大量的例子英汉大词典〔extract from〕to extract examples from grammar books从语法书中摘录例子21世纪英汉〔homogeneous〕a fairly homogeneous collection of examples 一批差不多同类的样品韦氏高阶〔hundred〕hundreds of examples 许许多多例子英汉大词典〔ideology〕examples of Nazi ideology纳粹思想的例子外研社新世纪〔illustrative〕illustrative examples 说明性例子英汉大词典〔infra〕for additional examples see infra 另外的例子参见下文文馨英汉〔judiciously〕judiciously chosen examples 明智选出的例子韦氏高阶〔kind〕products that are some of the best examples of their kind 其同类产品中最好的一些麦克米伦高阶〔plump〕a book plump with examples 例证翔实的一部书英汉大词典〔situation〕teach morality not by discussing hypothetical situations but by firm examples 不是通过讨论假设的情境而是通过实例来进行道德教育英汉大词典〔spoken〕examples of spoken and written English 英语口语和书面语的例子麦克米伦高阶〔survive〕surviving examples of 19th-century architecture in the MidWest.美国中西部几处仍留存至今的19世纪建筑柯林斯高阶〔surviving〕surviving examples of 19th-century architecture in the Mid-West中西部地区留存下来的19世纪建筑物外研社新世纪〔unprecedented〕examples of cruelty on an unprecedented scale 空前规模的残暴行为的实例 英汉大词典〔use〕an article with a judicious use of examples 一篇审慎使用例证的文章牛津搭配〔verify〕verify a theory with examples 用实例证明一种理论英汉大词典〔vouch〕vouch examples out of the ancient histories 从古代史书中引例证明英汉大词典〔whereof〕ancient pottery whereof many examples are lost.许多样品已遗失的古代陶器美国传统〔yield〕examples of common signs like No Smoking or Yield.“请勿吸烟”或“让行”之类的常见标志的例子柯林斯高阶




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