

单词 ecological
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕If the population continues to expand, Ehrlich argues, mass starvation and ecological disaster will be the inevitable consequence. 埃利希论证说,如果人口继续膨胀,必然的结果是大规模饥荒和生态灾难。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Cutting down vast areas of the rainforests has created serious ecological problems. 大量砍伐雨林已经造成严重的生态问题。朗文写作活用〔DISASTER〕Scientists say the oil spill is an ecological catastrophe. 科学家说原油泄漏是一场生态大灾难。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕The government is to provide incentives for people to protect natural ecological assets such as forests. 政府鼓励人们保护森林等自然生态资源。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕There are warnings that the building of the dam will upset the ecological balance of the river basin. 有人警告说,修建这个水坝会破坏河流盆地的生态平衡。朗文写作活用〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net. 全球通讯组织通过互联网把生态及其他政治活动积极分子联系在一起。朗文写作活用〔balance sth against sth〕The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.需要在工厂对生态造成的影响与其带来的就业机会之间权衡比较。剑桥高阶〔balance〕It upset the ecological balance of the forest.这破坏了森林的生态平衡。外研社新世纪〔balance〕These creatures have upset the delicate ecological balance in the lake.这些生物破坏了该湖微妙的生态平衡。麦克米伦高阶〔biocenosis〕A group of interacting organisms that live in a particular habitat and form an ecological community.生物群落:一组生活在特定栖息地且形成一生态群落的一组相互影响的生物美国传统〔catastrophe〕The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.由于污染造成的恶果,黑海正面临生态灾难。朗文当代〔catastrophe〕They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.他们收到警告,生态灾难即将来临。剑桥高阶〔core〕The film has an ecological message at its core.这部影片的核心传达了一种生态观念。外研社新世纪〔defensible〕High petrol taxes are defensible on ecological grounds.从保护生态环境的角度来讲,征收高额汽油税是有道理的。剑桥高阶〔ecol.〕Ecological.生态学的美国传统〔ecological footprint〕I'm trying to reduce my ecological footprint by cycling more and driving less.我试图通过多骑车、少开车减少我的生态足迹。剑桥高阶〔ecologically〕Ecological groups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem.环境保护组织称目前并未采取任何行动处理这个问题。柯林斯高阶〔ecologically〕Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。柯林斯高阶〔ecological〕Ecological groups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem.生态保护组织称目前并未采取任何行动应对这个问题。外研社新世纪〔ecological〕It is known as one of the country's leading ecological groups.这个团体被认为是该国主要的环保团体之一。麦克米伦高阶〔ecological〕Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.大型水坝对西伯利亚脆弱的生态平衡造成了破坏。外研社新世纪〔ecological〕The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster.雨林遭破坏是一种生态灾难。剑桥高阶〔ecological〕The earthquake has caused an ecological disaster.这次地震已经造成了生态灾难。麦克米伦高阶〔ecological〕The oil spill along the shores was a potential ecological disaster.这次沿海岸的石油溢流可能造成生态灾祸。英汉大词典〔ecological〕The organization promotes ecological awareness.那个组织宣传生态保护意识。韦氏高阶〔ecological〕We risk upsetting the ecological balance of the area.我们有可能破坏这个地区的生态平衡。牛津高阶〔ecology〕Global ecological efforts can easily be at odds with local ecologies.全球性生态保护工作很可能会和地方生态系统存在矛盾。柯林斯高阶〔ecospecies〕A taxonomic species considered in terms of its ecological characteristics and usually including several interbreeding ecotypes.生态种:按生态学特征划分的分类种,常包括一些杂交生态型美国传统〔ecosystem〕An ecological community together with its environment, functioning as a unit.生态系统:生物群落及其环境形成的生态单位,它作为一个整体发挥作用美国传统〔edge effect〕The occurrence of greater species diversity and biological density in an ecotone than in any of the adjacent ecological communities.边界效应:群落交错区中产生的现象,其中的物种和生物密度大于任何邻近的生态群落美国传统〔environmental〕Relating to or being concerned with the ecological impact of altering the environment.有关环境的:与改变环境而产生的生态影响有关的美国传统〔fore〕Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the earth's ozone layer.自从发现地球臭氧层空洞以来,各种生态问题成为公众关注的热点。剑桥高阶〔holistic〕Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.生态问题通常需要全面的解决方法。剑桥高阶〔hydrarch〕Originating in a wet habitat, such as a pond. Used of an ecological succession.水生演替的:生于水中栖息地(如池塘)的。用于生态演替美国传统〔incalculable〕The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.核战争对生态造成的危害是无法估量的。剑桥高阶〔niche〕Each animal has its ecological niche.每种动物都有自己的生态位。牛津搭配〔niche〕The function or position of an organism or a population within an ecological community.功能,位置:有机体或其数量在生态环境中的作用或地位美国传统〔nowhere〕Nowhere on earth is free from ecological damage.地球上没有哪里逃过了生态破坏。麦克米伦高阶〔overabound〕Ecological balance would be broken by the fact that rabbits overabound on the grasslands.草原上过度繁殖的野兔对草原的破坏将导致生态平衡的失控。21世纪英汉〔overfish〕To fish (a body of water) to such a degree as to upset the ecological balance or cause depletion of living creatures.对(渔场等)捕捞过度:(在某水体中)过度捕鱼从而打破了生态平衡或引起这些生物的灭绝美国传统〔parallel〕It's an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world.这是一场在世界其他地方都没有出现过的生态灾难。柯林斯高阶〔parallel〕It's an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world.这是世界其他地方都没有出现过的一场生态灾难。外研社新世纪〔point of view〕These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.就生态学而言,这些统计数字很重要。牛津高阶〔radioecology〕The study of the effects of radiation and radioisotopes on an ecological population or community.放射性生态学:对放射性和放射性同位素对生态群落的影响的研究美国传统〔refugium〕An area that has escaped ecological changes occurring elsewhere and so provides a suitable habitat for relict species.生物种遗区:没有经历在其余地区出现的生态变化,因而为生物残遗种类提供合适居住地的地区美国传统〔result in〕Such techniques could result in disastrous ecological changes.这样一些技术可能导致灾难性生态变化。外研社新世纪〔rip〕The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.出现生态灾难的部分原因是人们为了增产而不惜一切代价。柯林斯高阶〔rip〕The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.生态灾难一部分是由于为提高产量就疯狂发展一切而发生的。外研社新世纪〔sere〕The entire sequence of ecological communities successively occupying an area from the initial stage to the climax.演替系列:从开始阶段到演替顶极地区,连续拥有生态群落的整个顺序美国传统〔site〕Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth.科学家把咸海描述成地球上最严重的生态灾难发生地。柯林斯高阶〔subregion〕A subdivision of a region, especially an ecological region.亚区:分区,尤指动植物分节的亚区美国传统〔subsere〕A secondary series of ecological communities beginning after succession has been interrupted by fire, grazing, agriculture, or another destructive agent.次生演替系列:当一个生物序列被火灾,畜牧业、农业或其他破坏力打破以后开始的第二个生态群系列美国传统〔synecology〕The study of the ecological interrelationships among communities of organisms.群体生态学:研究有机体群落中相互间生态关系的学科美国传统〔viewpoint〕From an ecological viewpoint, the motorway has been a disaster.从生态角度看,这条公路是个灾难。朗文当代〔xerosere〕A succession of ecological communities originating in a dry habitat.旱生演替系列:在干燥的地面上繁衍的一个生态群落的自然演化美国传统〔zone〕The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone.这一地区已经被宣布为生态灾难区。牛津搭配Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.生态问题常需要全面的解决方法。剑桥国际Although the acting and script are excellent the real core of the film is its ecological message.尽管演员的表演和剧本都很出色,但这部影片的真正精髓在于它传达的生态信息。剑桥国际An independent research organization was chosen to carry out the ecological study.一个独立的研究组织被选中进行生态研究。剑桥国际Experts say that ecological damage wreaked by pollution is increasing rapidly.专家们说污染造成的生态破坏正在迅速加剧。剑桥国际He explained in all earnestness (= very seriously) how the world was on the brink of ecological disaster.他十分严肃地阐述世界是怎样处于生态灾难的边缘。剑桥国际High petrol taxes are defensible (= able to be supported) on ecological grounds.从生态角度上看,抬高汽油税是有理由的。剑桥国际Oil slicks are generally an ecological disaster.浮油通常是一种生态灾祸。剑桥国际The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.核战争对生态造成的后果是无法估量的。剑桥国际The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on Earth.破坏雨林是威胁地球生物未来的生态灾难。剑桥国际The play of all these factors -- of both natural and human origin -- determines the final ecological balance in any environment.这些所有因素的影响,包括来自自然的和来自人类的因素,决定了任何环境中最终的生态平衡。剑桥国际They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.他们得到了将要来临的生态大灾难的警告。剑桥国际Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the Earth's ozone layer.自从发现地球臭氧层的空洞以来,各种各样的生态问题受到了公众关注。剑桥国际




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