

单词 elder
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aaron〕In the Old Testament, the elder brother of Moses who helped lead the Hebrews out of Egypt.亚伦:《旧约》中摩西的哥哥,帮助他引导希伯来人逃出埃及美国传统〔Abel〕In the Old Testament, the son of Adam and Eve who was slain by his elder brother, Cain.亚伯:《旧约》中亚当和夏娃的儿子,后被其兄该隐杀害美国传统〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕My elder brother was a lot more experienced in these matters than I was. 在这些事情上,哥哥比我要有经验得多。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕The family business was skilfully managed by her elder brother, Michael. 家族企业由她哥哥迈克尔熟练地管理着。朗文写作活用〔INTERRUPT〕Her elder brother cut her off sharply -- ‘I won't have you speaking to your mother like that!’ 她的哥哥厉声打断了她的话说:“我不许你这样对妈妈说话。”朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕He worshipped his elder brother. 他崇拜他的哥哥。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕John's elder brother died in a boating accident. 约翰的哥哥死于一宗划船意外。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕Respect your elders. 要尊敬长辈。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕Wright's elder sister is also an actor. 赖特的姐姐也是一名演员。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕You shouldn't talk to your elders like that! 你不应该对长辈那样说话!朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕If children were taught to be more respectful towards their elders, maybe these crimes wouldn't happen so often. 如果教育孩子对长辈恭敬一些,也许这些罪案就不会那么常发生了。朗文写作活用〔Pliny〕Roman consul and writer, the nephew of Pliny the Elder. His letters provide valuable information about Roman life.普林尼:古罗马执政官和作家,是老普林尼的外甥。他的书信提供了有关古罗马人生活的珍贵信息美国传统〔REPLACE〕George VI died in 1952, leaving his elder daughter Elizabeth to succeed him. 乔治六世于1952年逝世,由大女儿伊丽莎白继位。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕It was natural for Richard, as elder son, to assume responsibility for the family. 作为长子,理查德自然担起了家庭的责任。朗文写作活用〔acquaint〕Are you acquainted with my elder sister?你跟我姐姐熟吗?21世纪英汉〔agree〕The boy agrees that his elder sister is much clever than him.这个男孩承认他姐姐比他聪明得多。21世纪英汉〔bail ... out〕The accused's elder sister bailed her out of jail.被告的姐姐把她保释出狱。21世纪英汉〔belong with〕Mr.Smith is taking over the business which belongs with his elder brother.史密斯先生正在接管他哥哥的生意。21世纪英汉〔better〕As children, we were taught not to argue with our elders and betters.从小大人就教导我们不能与长辈和上级争吵。剑桥高阶〔better〕Sit down and be quiet in front of your elders and betters.在长辈和上级面前要老老实实地坐着。柯林斯高阶〔better〕They should show more respect for their elders and betters.长辈和上级麦克米伦高阶〔better〕You're my elders and betters; I was obliged to come when you sent for me.你们是我的长辈和上级;你们叫我来,我不能不来。英汉大词典〔cheeky〕Now don't be cheeky to your elders, young woman.不得对长辈无礼,姑娘。朗文当代〔cheek〕You mustn't cheek your elders in that way.你不可对长辈那样无礼地讲话。英汉大词典〔clap in prison〕They clapped his elder brother in jail.他们把他哥哥立即关进了监狱.21世纪英汉〔classis〕A governing body of pastors and elders in certain Reformed churches, having jurisdiction over local churches.长老监督会:一些改革派教会的由牧师和长老组成的管理机构,有对地区教会的裁决权美国传统〔compute〕For the church elders, McAllister's revelations simply did not compute.对教会的老人来说, 麦卡利斯特的启示根本讲不通。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕The elders were responsible for the proper conduct of community life.长者负责社区生活的正常运作。牛津搭配〔counsel〕Listen to the counsel of your elders.要听从长辈的劝告。牛津搭配〔counsel〕Listen to the counsel of your elders.要听从长辈的忠告。牛津高阶〔courtesy title〕As a child, he was taught to address his elders with the courtesy titles “sir” and “ma'am.” 他小时候被教导要用“先生”和“女士”来尊称长辈。韦氏高阶〔crash〕His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago.他的长子几年前死于车祸。柯林斯高阶〔cultivate〕He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.他树立起了政界元老的形象。外研社新世纪〔cultivate〕He has written eight books and has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.他已经写了8本书,树立起了其政界元老的形象。柯林斯高阶〔cut ... down〕Jim was beginning to argue wildly again,getting his facts wrong,so his elder brother cut him down.吉姆又激烈地争辩起来,把论据都搞错了,于是他的哥哥就把他击败了。21世纪英汉〔day〕In my day (=in the past, when I was young), kids used to have some respect for their elders.我们那时候小孩子尊敬长辈。朗文当代〔day〕In my day, youngsters used to treat their elders with proper respect.在我年轻的时候, 年轻人对老年人很尊敬。外研社新世纪〔defeat〕He defeated his elder brother at table tennis.他在乒乓球赛中击败了他哥哥。21世纪英汉〔deference〕The children were taught to show proper deference to their elders.孩子们受到教导,要对长辈有礼貌。韦氏高阶〔deference〕You should pay [show] deference to [toward] your elders.你应该对长者表示敬意。文馨英汉〔deputation〕A deputation of elders from the village arrived headed by its chief.村里的长者代表团在村长的带领下到达了。外研社新世纪〔deputation〕A deputation of elders from the village arrived headed by its chief.村里的长者代表团在村长的带领下到达了。柯林斯高阶〔din〕Respect for our elders was dinned into us at school.在学校里我们被反复教导要尊敬长者。朗文当代〔disrespect〕I told them never to disrespect their elders.我告诉他们永远不要对长辈不敬。外研社新世纪〔disrespect〕The impudent young man disrespects his elders.那个无礼的青年不尊敬长者。英汉大词典〔eighty〕He was in his late eighties and had become the country's most respected elder statesman.他年近九旬,已成为该国最受尊崇的政界元老。柯林斯高阶〔elder statesman〕He is one of the medical profession's elder statesmen.他是医学界的一位元老。剑桥高阶〔elder〕Children have no respect for their elders nowadays.现今的孩子对长辈一点儿也不尊敬。牛津高阶〔elder〕He had none of his elder brother's charm.他哥哥的魅力他一点儿都没有。外研社新世纪〔elder〕He had the support of party elders.他得到党内元老的支持。麦克米伦高阶〔elder〕He is her elder by several yea rs.他比她年长几岁。牛津高阶〔elder〕He is much the elder of the two.他在他们两人中要年长得多。英汉大词典〔elder〕He is now an elder of the village church.他现在是乡村教会的长老。柯林斯高阶〔elder〕He married a woman nearly six years his elder.他跟一个比他几乎大6岁的女人结了婚。英汉大词典〔elder〕He's the elder of her two brothers.他是她两个哥哥中的大哥。韦氏高阶〔elder〕His elder son Liam became a lawyer.他的大儿子利亚姆当了律师。朗文当代〔elder〕Janet's sister was eight years her elder.珍妮特的姐姐比她大八岁。朗文当代〔elder〕Of the two brothers Harvey is the elder.两兄弟中哈维是哥哥。剑桥高阶〔elder〕Pitt the elder 老皮特牛津高阶〔elder〕Pliny the Elder and his nephew Pliny the Younger 老普利尼与他的侄子小普利尼韦氏高阶〔elder〕Respect your elders.要尊敬长者。英汉大词典〔elder〕Sarah is the elder of the two.两人当中萨拉年龄大。朗文当代〔elder〕Sharon was her twin's elder by just 20 minutes.莎伦比她的双胞胎妹妹仅仅早出生20分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔elder〕She is my elder by three years (= three years older than I am).她比我年长3岁。剑桥高阶〔elder〕She learned from her elders.她向长辈们学习。韦氏高阶〔elder〕She was ten years my elder, though she looked a lot younger.她比我大10岁,尽管她看起来要年轻得多。麦克米伦高阶〔elder〕She's the elder of my two sisters.她是我的两个姊妹中的姊姊。文馨英汉〔elder〕The elder of the two had lost his job as a teacher.两人中的哥哥丢了教书的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔elder〕The elder son works on a farm.大儿子在农场工作。麦克米伦高阶〔elder〕The young have no respect for their elders.年轻人不尊重他们的长辈。柯林斯高阶〔elder〕The young have no respect for their elders.年轻人不尊重长者。外研社新世纪〔elder〕They consulted the village elders.他们向村里的长辈们咨询了意见。剑桥高阶〔elder〕Traditions passed down by elders in the tribe.部落的长辈把传统传下来。韦氏高阶〔elder〕We were always taught to respect our elders.我们总被教育要尊敬长者。麦克米伦高阶〔elder〕William Pitt the elder 老威廉‧皮特剑桥高阶〔elder〕You should listen to the advice of your elders.你应该听长辈的建议。剑桥高阶〔equality〕Young men sought equality with their elders.年轻人争取和年长者的平等待遇。麦克米伦高阶〔formality〕The elders conversed with strict formality when children were around.当孩子们在身边时, 长辈们交谈起来非常严肃拘礼。外研社新世纪〔from〕He's different from his elder brother in character.他在性格上与他哥哥不同。英汉大词典〔genro〕Any of a group of elder male politicians of Japan who were formerly advisers to the emperor.元老:日本的一群年长男政治家中的一员,从前是皇帝的顾问美国传统〔gerontocracy〕A governing group of elders.老年人统治集团美国传统〔gerontocracy〕Government based on rule by elders.老年人统治的政府美国传统〔hand ... down〕The house was handed down to my elder brother.那所房子传给了我哥哥。21世纪英汉〔image〕He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.他已树立起一个政界元老的形象。柯林斯高阶〔image〕He has cultivated the image of an elder statesman.他已经树立起了一个政界元老的形象。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕They discussed important issues in imitation of their elders.他们模仿长辈的口气讨论重要问题。柯林斯高阶〔impolite〕Don't be impolite to your elders.不要对长辈无礼。文馨英汉〔incantation〕Around the fire, tribal elders chanted incantations.部族长老们围着火堆念诵起咒语。剑桥高阶〔independent〕His elder daughter is completely independent.他的大女儿完全自立了。英汉大词典〔irreverence〕He treated his elders with complete irreverence.他对长辈极其无礼。英汉大词典〔kindness〕You should treat your elders with kindness and respect. = You should show kindness and respect to your elders.你应该对长者表现出善意和尊敬。韦氏高阶〔leading〕Cancer is the leading killer among elders in this city.这个城市里老年人的主要致死疾病是癌症。英汉大词典〔liberally〕She made liberal use of her elder sister's make-up and clothes.她随便把姐姐的化妆品和衣服拿来用。柯林斯高阶〔limit〕We want to respect the limits that our elders have imposed on us.我们应该遵从长者对我们的约束。牛津搭配〔make-believe〕She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.她过去常跟姐姐玩扮家家的游戏。外研社新世纪〔make-believe〕She used to play games of make-believe with her elder sister.她过去常跟姐姐玩扮家家的游戏。柯林斯高阶〔mind/watch your manners〕His mother taught him to always mind his manners with his elders.他妈妈教他在和长辈相处时要保持礼貌。剑桥高阶〔notion〕One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.中国人共有的一种观念是长者应受到尊敬。英汉大词典〔opposition〕The opposition consisted of chiefs and elders.反对派由酋长和长者组成。英汉大词典〔overrun〕The little boy can overrun his elder sister.小男孩能比他姐姐跑得快。英汉大词典〔overshadow〕He had always been overshadowed by his elder sister.他与他姐姐相比总是相形见绌。牛津高阶〔overshadow〕Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister.凯伦总觉得自己与出名的姐姐相比光彩全无。剑桥高阶〔patriarch〕A very old, venerable man; an elder.最年长者:德高望重的人;长者美国传统〔pick ... out〕At once I picked out my elder brother in the crowd.我立刻在人群中认出我大哥来。21世纪英汉〔prefer〕The young men seem to be preferring some request which the elder ones are indisposed to grant.年轻人似乎想提出某种年纪大的人不愿答应的要求。21世纪英汉〔presbytery〕A court composed of Presbyterian Church ministers and representative elders of a particular locality.(基督教长老会的)教务评议会:由基督教长老会牧师和特定地区的长老代表组成的评议会美国传统〔presbyter〕A ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church.长老:基督教长老会的统治长老美国传统〔presbyter〕A teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church.长老:基督教长老会中教诲教义的长老美国传统〔presbyter〕An elder of the congregation in the early Christian church.长老:早期基督教教会中的长老美国传统〔prophesy〕There was a great war between the countries, just as the elders had prophesied.正像长者们预言的,那些国家之间进行了一场大规模战争。朗文当代〔prototype〕He was the prototype of the elder statesman.他是政坛元老的典型。外研社新世纪〔prototype〕He was the prototype of the elder statesman.他是老一辈政治家的典型。柯林斯高阶〔raise〕The foolish king raised an army against his elder brother.这位糊涂国王招兵买马反抗他的哥哥。21世纪英汉〔ran〕You mustn't run to your elder brother with every problem.你千万不要一遇到难题就向哥哥求助。21世纪英汉〔remember〕My elder brother always remembers me at the spring festival.我哥哥每到春节都送给我礼物。21世纪英汉〔respectfully〕The children in our family are always respectful to their elders.我们家的孩子对长辈总是恭恭敬敬的。柯林斯高阶〔respectful〕Children should be respectful of their elders.小孩子应当尊敬他们的长辈。韦氏高阶〔reverence〕Children are taught to show reverence towards / toward their elders.人们教育孩子要尊敬长辈。牛津搭配〔rule〕African tribal societies were traditionally ruled by a council of elders.非洲部落社会传统上由长老会统治。朗文当代〔run after〕He had three elder sisters running after him, so no wonder he was spoilt.三个姐姐时时刻刻围着他转, 难怪他被宠坏了。外研社新世纪〔seemly〕Young people should address their elders in a seemly manner.年轻人对长辈说话应合乎礼仪。英汉大词典〔separate〕My elder brother and I have separate bedrooms.我哥哥和我有各自的卧室。英汉大词典〔sit〕She was always sat on by her elder brothers.她经常受兄长们的管教。英汉大词典〔statesman〕Political power resided with the nation's elder statesman and party leader.政治权力掌握在该国的资深政治家兼政党领袖手中。牛津搭配〔the〕He is the elder of the two brothers.他是两兄弟中年纪较大的一个。英汉大词典〔the〕In the singing contest, she was accompanied at the piano by her elder sister.在歌唱比赛中,她姐姐为她担任钢琴伴奏。英汉大词典〔treat〕Young people should always treat their elders with respect.年轻人应该始终尊敬长辈。韦氏高阶〔trouble〕My little grandson is no trouble at all, but his 6-year-old elder sister is rude and selfish.我的小孙子一点都不让人操心,但是他6岁大的姐姐却野蛮而又自私。柯林斯高阶〔twin〕She is the elder twin of the two.她是这对双胞胎中的姐姐。英汉大词典〔upbringing〕Part of his upbringing had been not to question his elders.他曾受过不能质疑长辈的教育。牛津搭配〔vilipend〕He always vilipends the advice of his elders.他总是轻视长者对他的忠告。21世纪英汉〔walk over〕Some of the elder students walk over the younger ones.一些大点的学生欺负小学生。21世纪英汉〔your〕In Japan you are taught great respect for your elders.在日本,人们要学会非常尊敬长辈。牛津高阶A fire was lit and the shamans and elders chanted incantations over offerings of sweets, coca leaves and alcohol.火堆点燃了,巫师和长老对着由糖、可可叶和酒组成的供品念起了咒语。剑桥国际A well-known European elder statesman, a former Foreign Minister, was asked to chair the environmental commission.一位著名的欧洲政界元老,前外相,被邀为环境委员会的主席。剑桥国际An elder educator is due to lecture at 3 tomorrow afternoon. 一位资深教育家定于明天下午三点演讲。译典通As children, we were taught not to argue with our elders and betters.孩提时我们被教导不能与长辈和上级争吵。剑桥国际Children should be taught to show honor to their elders. 应该教育孩子尊敬长者。译典通He apes his elder brother in everything he does. 他一切都模仿他的哥哥。译典通He coaxed his elder sister into taking him to the circus. 他诱哄他姊姊带他去看马戏。译典通He tends to copy his elder brother in the things he says and the way he dresses.他有意地仿效他哥哥的说话和穿着方式。剑桥国际He treats his elder sister as though she were a stranger. 他待他姊姊如陌生人。译典通Her elder brother was an ensign before his discharge. 她哥哥退伍前是海军少尉。译典通Her elder daughter is in college. 她的长女在上大学。译典通I was misled by my elder brother into a life of drinking and gambling.我被我的哥哥引入喝酒和赌博的生活歧途中。剑桥国际In some things you must trust to your elders. 有些事,你得信赖你的长者。译典通Karen has always been overshadowed by her elder sister.凯伦总是被她姐姐抢去光彩。剑桥国际My elder brother has always been a role model for me.我的哥哥总是我的行为榜样。剑桥国际My elder sister has a terror of fire. 我姐姐怕火。译典通My elder sisters and brothers have moved away from home and are now independent. 我的哥哥姊姊已从家里搬了出去,现在都自立了。译典通She is elder sister to Susan. 她是苏珊的姊姊。译典通The three sisters allied against their elder brother. 三姊妹联合起来反对哥哥。译典通There were two British prime ministers called William Pitt, and the father is usually known as William Pitt the elder.有两位英国首相都叫威廉·皮特,通常父亲叫做老威廉·皮特。剑桥国际They consulted the village elders.他们向村里的老年人请教。剑桥国际Unlike many of the medical profession's elder statesmen, the members of this group prefer not to give interviews on TV.不像许多医学界的元老,这团体的成员不喜欢在电视上接受采访。剑桥国际You are my elder by five years. 你比我大五岁。译典通You should listen to the advice of your elders (= people older than you).你应该听取长辈的建议。剑桥国际




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