

单词 encroachment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Red Jacket〕Seneca leader who advocated peace with the United States while resisting the geographic and cultural encroachment of settlers.瑞德·杰克特:塞内卡族领导人,主张与美国政府和平相处并同时反对美国定移民对地理和文化上的侵犯美国传统〔encroachment〕It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.这是医学受到商业化侵蚀的一个迹象。外研社新世纪〔encroachment〕It's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine.这是医药界被逐渐商业化的一个的征兆。柯林斯高阶〔encroachment〕The new censorship laws are serious encroachments on freedom of expression.新的审查法是对言论自由的严重侵犯。剑桥高阶〔encroachment〕The problem was to safeguard sites from encroachment by property development.问题是要保护遗址免受房地产开发商的侵占。外研社新世纪〔encroachment〕The problem was to safeguard sites from encroachment by property development.问题是要保护遗址免受房地产开发商的侵占。柯林斯高阶〔encroachment〕The sea made encroachments upon the land.海水侵蚀陆地。英汉大词典〔invasion〕An intrusion or encroachment.侵占:侵入或侵犯美国传统〔resurge〕The student protest against foreign encroachment resurged in 1931.反对外国侵略的学生抗议运动在1931年再次汹涌澎湃。英汉大词典I resent all these encroachments on my valuable time. 我不满所有这些占用了我的宝贵时间的行为。译典通The new censorship laws are serious encroachments on freedom of expression.新的审查法令严重侵害了言论自由。剑桥国际We must defend individual freedoms against encroachment by authority.我们必须保护个人的自由不受权势的侵犯。剑桥国际




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