

单词 docks
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕Vandals set fire to an empty warehouse near the docks last night. 昨夜破坏公物者放火将码头附近的一个空仓库烧毁了。朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕The area down by the docks is just a wasteland. 码头旁边不过是一片荒地。朗文写作活用〔black〕The Union blacked incoming goods at the docks.工会拒绝处理进港的货物。外研社新世纪〔call〕Your letter calls up the days when we worked together on the docks.你的来信使我回忆起我们一起在码头上工作的日子。英汉大词典〔close〕The roads into the docks were closed off by iron gates.通往码头的路被铁门阻隔了。朗文当代〔comprise〕The shipyard comprises three docks.这个造船厂有3个船坞。英汉大词典〔crammed〕The docks were crammed with/crammed full of people trying to board the boats.码头上挤满了想要上船的人剑桥高阶〔dock worker〕A dock worker is a person who works in the docks, loading and unloading ships.码头工人柯林斯高阶〔docker〕One that docks something, such as the tail of an animal.剪截工,如剪断动物尾巴美国传统〔dock〕He works down at the docks.他在港区工作。英汉大词典〔dock〕James arrived at the docks expecting to see a luxury liner.詹姆斯来到码头区,以为会看到豪华邮轮。朗文当代〔dock〕Liverpool docks 利物浦港区麦克米伦高阶〔dock〕Often docks A group of piers on a commercial waterfront that serve as a general landing area for ships or boats. 常作 docks 港区:作船只靠岸用的商业港口上的一组码头美国传统〔dock〕She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats.她走向码头,想着里卡多可能正藏在其中一条船上。柯林斯高阶〔dock〕The company docks its employees for unauthorized absences.公司因其职员无端缺勤而扣其工资美国传统〔dock〕The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.罢工导致部分轮渡停运,数百名旅客滞留码头。剑桥高阶〔dock〕We can't land until the ship docks.不等船进入船坞,我们不能上岸。牛津同义词〔dock〕We went down to the docks to watch the ships come in.我们去到港区,观看船只进港。韦氏高阶〔finger〕The docks finger out into the water.码头伸向水面。英汉大词典〔intent〕By 1981 the docks had, to all intents and purposes, closed.到 1981 年,这些码头几乎等于关闭了。牛津高阶〔lie〕The bridge lies beyond the docks.那座桥位于码头的另一侧。外研社新世纪〔load〕Down at the docks, ships were loading and unloading.下面码头上,船舶正在装货和卸货。麦克米伦高阶〔maneuver〕The giant ships maneuvered into their docks.巨轮小心地驶入了码头。韦氏高阶〔marina〕A boat basin that has docks, moorings, supplies, and other facilities for small boats.小船停靠区:为小船提供系泊、靠岸、给养和其它服务的船坞美国传统〔melt away〕When the ship docks in Liverpool I'll melt away.我在船抵达利物浦港时下船。外研社新世纪〔noisome〕Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.难闻的蒸汽由船坞中余留的泥浆散发出来。外研社新世纪〔noisome〕Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.难闻的蒸汽由船坞中余留的泥浆散发出来。柯林斯高阶〔outlive〕The docks have outlived their usefulness.这些码头已经没用了。朗文当代〔pidgin〕He's at ease speaking pidgin with the factory workers and guys on the docks.他能轻松自如地用洋泾浜话和工厂工人及码头工人交谈。柯林斯高阶〔point〕He pointed his finger to an inlet just to the west of the docks.他用手指指了指紧挨码头西面的一处小湾。外研社新世纪〔progress〕We watched the ship's stately progress out of the docks.我们注视着轮船缓慢而庄严地驶出了港口。牛津搭配〔redevelop〕The old docks are being redeveloped as a business park.旧船坞正在改建成商业园区。朗文当代〔restrictive practice〕The Act was introduced to end restrictive practices in the docks.这项法案的推出是为了终止码头的限制竞争现象。柯林斯高阶〔rough trade〕He went to the docks to pick up a bit of rough trade.他到码头上去找搞同性关系的粗汉厮混。剑桥高阶〔row〕We rowed past the docks.我们将船划过了码头。麦克米伦高阶〔she〕Hundreds of small boats clustered round the yacht as she sailed into Southampton docks.当大帆船驶进南安普顿码头时,几百只小船聚集在其周围。柯林斯高阶〔shipment〕Bananas are packed before being transported to the docks for shipment overseas.香蕉在运到码头发往海外之前已经装箱。柯林斯高阶〔ship〕Thousands of tons of steel were shipped out from the docks.数千吨的钢铁从码头运走了。麦克米伦高阶〔squalor〕He was born in squalor next to the docks.他出生在码头附近的肮脏之处。牛津搭配〔transformation〕The transformation from disused docks into cultural venue took three years.由废弃的船坞变成文化场所花了 3 年的时间。牛津搭配〔wend〕The thieves then wended their way through the dark back streets to the docks.盗贼们鬼鬼祟祟地穿过黑暗的后街向码头走去。剑桥高阶Customs agents impounded the goods at the docks.海关人员扣押了码头上的货物。牛津商务Customs officers discovered heroin with a street value of £6 million at Felixstowe docks earlier today.今天早些时候,海关官员在菲力克斯托码头发现了市价值600万英镑的海洛因。剑桥国际He went to the docks to pick up a bit of rough trade.他到码头去寻找搞同性恋关系的粗汉。剑桥国际He works at the docks.他在船坞工作。牛津商务It's always interesting to watch the cranes loading at the docks.看码头上的吊车装卸货物总是很有趣的。剑桥国际The strike has led to the cancellation of some ferry services and left hundreds of passengers stranded at the docks.罢工导致了一些渡船业务的取消,数以千计的乘客们被困在了港区。剑桥国际The thieves then wended their way through the unlit back streets to the docks.小偷们然后慢步穿过暗无灯光的后街绕到码头。剑桥国际




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