

单词 dissipation
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔dissipate〕the dissipation of my wealth.对我财富的挥霍柯林斯高阶〔dissipation〕dissipation of energy 能的散逸英汉大词典〔dissipation〕dissipation of the clouds 云的消散文馨英汉〔dissipation〕a life of dissipation 放荡的生活文馨英汉〔dissipation〕a life of dissipation 放荡的生活朗文当代〔dissipation〕a life of sexual dissipation 性放荡的生活英汉大词典〔dissipation〕a movie about the dissipation of a famous heir's fortune 讲述名人后嗣挥霍家产故事的电影韦氏高阶〔dissipation〕concerns about the dissipation of the country's wealth 对挥霍国家财富的忧虑牛津高阶〔dissipation〕the dissipation of a fortune 财产的挥霍英汉大词典〔dissipation〕the dissipation of energy in the form of heat 以热量形式耗散的能量牛津高阶〔dissipation〕the dissipation of heat 热量的散失朗文当代〔dissipation〕the dissipation of my wealth对我的财富的挥霍外研社新世纪〔dissipation〕the dissipation of resources 资源的浪费朗文当代〔dissipation〕the dissipation of resources 资源的浪费韦氏高阶〔dissipation〕the dissipation of the clouds 乌云的消散英汉大词典




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