

单词 establish
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔affinity〕establish some kind of an affinity between oneself and the public 在自己和公众之间建立某种亲近关系英汉大词典〔bracket〕establish a bracket 经夹叉射击测定目标距离英汉大词典〔bureaucracy〕establish a centralized bureaucracy 建立一个中央集权的政府英汉大词典〔commission〕establish a commission to suggest improvements in the educational system 成立一个委员会来提出改进教育制度的计划英汉大词典〔communication〕to establish direct communication between the towers 在塔与塔之间建立直接联系牛津搭配〔cronyism〕establish great cronyism with sb.和某人结为莫逆之交英汉大词典〔culture〕establish a national culture 建立民族文化英汉大词典〔democracy〕establish a democracy 建立民主政体英汉大词典〔dominance〕an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other.各个小组都想要控制其他小组的企图柯林斯高阶〔dominance〕an attempt by each group to establish dominance over the other各个小组都想要领导其他小组的企图外研社新世纪〔détente〕establish a new détente with 与…建立新的缓和关系英汉大词典〔establish oneself〕to establish herself as a practitioner开业行医21世纪英汉〔establish oneself〕to establish himself in the town在城里定居下来21世纪英汉〔establish oneself〕to establish oneself as a physician开业行医21世纪英汉〔establish〕establish a claim 确立一项主张韦氏高阶〔establish〕establish a custom 确立某风俗英汉大词典〔establish〕establish a gun firmly on its base 把炮牢牢地架在炮座上英汉大词典〔establish〕establish a national culture 建立民族文化英汉大词典〔establish〕establish a school (a shop, an organization) 创建学校 (商店,组织)英汉大词典〔establish〕establish dams and windbreaks 建造水坝和防风林英汉大词典〔establish〕establish friendly relations 建立友好关系英汉大词典〔establish〕establish goodwill in the neighborhood.给邻居带来美好的祝福美国传统〔establish〕establish new rules 制定新的规则英汉大词典〔establish〕establish the truth of a story 确定所述属实英汉大词典〔establish〕efforts to establish a friendship建立友谊的努力21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish a business.开业。牛津同义词〔establish〕to establish a company成立公司21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish a custom确立一种习俗21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish a habit使习惯定型21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish a medical practice建立医业21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish a university创办一所大学21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish laws制定法令21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish one's case at law在法律上证实某人的诉讼21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish one's child in business使自己的孩子立足于商界21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish order稳定秩序21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish the facts of the matter查明事实真相21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish the truth of a story证实故事的真实性21世纪英汉〔establish〕to establish yourself as leader.确立领袖的地位。牛津同义词〔floor〕establish (或put, place, provide) a floor 规定底价英汉大词典〔hegemony〕seek to establish global or regional hegemony 谋求建立全球或地区霸权 英汉大词典〔home〕establish a home 成家英汉大词典〔intimate〕establish intimate connection with sb.跟某人建立密切的联系英汉大词典〔intragalactic〕establish an intragalactic communication network 建立星系内通信网英汉大词典〔link〕establish (sever) the diplomatic links with another country 与另一国建立(断绝)外交关系英汉大词典〔link〕to establish trade links with Asia 与亚洲建立贸易关系牛津高阶〔norm〕an agency which would establish European norms and co-ordinate national policies to halt pollution.确立各项欧洲环保标准、协调各国政策以阻遏污染的机构柯林斯高阶〔pacify〕pacify is to restore calm to or establish peace in: Pacify 指使恢复平静或建立和平: 美国传统〔project〕a project to establish (或for establishing) a new park 建造一座新公园的计划英汉大词典〔regime〕establish a new industrial regime 建立新的工业体制英汉大词典〔relation〕the need to establish good relations with our European partners 与我们的欧洲伙伴建立良好关系的需要牛津搭配〔resident〕allow television networks to establish resident bureaus 允许电视广播网设立常驻办事处英汉大词典〔roof〕establish a new department to combine all energy functions under a single roof 设立一个新部门统一领导能源 英汉大词典〔root〕establish [put down] (new) roots 在新的地方生根文馨英汉〔saleability〕establish the saleability of the property before you buy it购买地产前确定它是不是可售外研社新世纪〔sound〕establish a sound foundation for future progress 为今后的进展打下牢固的基础英汉大词典〔staff〕establish a full staff of planners 建立一整套的规划人员班底英汉大词典〔style〕establish a unique style of leadership 建立起一种独特的领导方式英汉大词典〔superiority〕the enemy's attempts to establish air superiority 敌军确立空中优势的企图牛津搭配〔tie〕establish political and trade ties with 与…建立政治与贸易关系英汉大词典〔tie〕to establish diplomatic ties with China 和中国建立外交关系牛津搭配




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