

单词 extensions
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Antarctic Ocean〕The waters surrounding Antarctica, actually the southern extensions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.南冰洋:南极洲周围的水域,实际上是大西洋、太平洋和印度洋南部的延伸美国传统〔Chalcidice〕A mountainous peninsula of northeast Greece projecting into the northern Aegean Sea with three fingerlike extensions.哈尔基季基半岛:希腊东北部一多山半岛,以三个手指状延伸突入到爱琴海北部美国传统〔auricular〕Shaped like an ear or an earlobe; having earlike parts or extensions.耳形的:形状类似耳或耳廓的;有着耳形部分或延展的美国传统〔auriculate〕Having ears, auricles, or earlobe-shaped parts or extensions.有耳状部分的:有着耳形、耳叶形、或耳廓形部分或附加物的美国传统〔bronchiole〕Any of the fine, thin-walled, tubular extensions of a bronchus.细支气管:支气管的任何细小、壁薄、管状的延伸部分美国传统〔celestial pole〕Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the extensions of the earth's axis intersect the celestial sphere.天极:两个呈对角线方向相对的点之一,穿过此点的地轴延线与天球相交美国传统〔extension〕Hair extensions make your hair look longer.驳发可以让头发看上去长些。牛津搭配〔extension〕Some house extensions need planning permission.一些房屋的扩建需要得到规划许可。外研社新世纪〔extension〕Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.最好的延长管中有些是用杆管或排水管制成的。外研社新世纪〔extension〕Some of the best extensions are made from sections of rod tube or drainpipe.最好的延长管中有些是用杆管或排水管制成的。柯林斯高阶〔extension〕The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities.银行计划从各个方面扩展信贷服务。牛津高阶〔extension〕The company sees brand extensions as a means of tempting back customers.公司将品牌延伸作为吸引回头客的手段。牛津搭配〔extension〕Tools are extensions of human hands.工具是人类双手的延伸。英汉大词典〔leg〕Leg extensions use the quadriceps muscles to extend the knee.腿部伸展运动利用四头肌伸展膝盖。牛津搭配〔parasail〕A special parachute with winglike extensions that lifts a rider in its harness up and through the air when towed by an automobile or motorboat.帆伞,滑翔伞:一种有翼状延展部分的特殊的降落伞,当用汽车或汽艇牵引后,能将乘坐人用吊带带上天空并在空中飞行美国传统〔studdingsail〕A narrow rectangular sail set from extensions of the yards of square-rigged ships.辅助帆:由于横帆船帆桁的延伸而设的一种长方形窄帆美国传统〔tie line〕A communications link between extensions of a private telephone system.电话直接连接线:一个私人电话系统两个分机之间的通信连接线美国传统〔wing〕To furnish with side or subordinate extensions, as a building or an altarpiece.给安装翼:给…建翼部或附属物,如一个建筑或圣坛背壁装饰画美国传统The bank plans various extensions to its credit facilities.这家银行计划从各方面扩展信贷服务。牛津商务




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