

单词 extending
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Agassiz〕A glacial lake of the Pleistocene epoch extending over present-day northwest Minnesota, northeast North Dakota, southern Manitoba, and southwest Ontario.阿加西湖:更新世冰川湖,湖区覆盖现在的美国明尼苏达州西北部,北达科他州东北部,马尼托巴的南部和安大略的西南部美国传统〔BIG〕We're thinking of extending the kitchen. 我们正考虑把厨房扩大。朗文写作活用〔Bactrian〕The Middle Iranian language of the Bactrians, known from scattered inscriptions and legal documents extending into the Islamic period.大夏语:大夏国人的中古伊朗语言,从流传至伊斯兰教时期的散落碑文和法律文件中得知美国传统〔Banat〕A region of southeast-central Europe extending across western Romania, northeast Yugoslavia, and southern Hungary.巴纳特:欧洲中部偏东南的一地区,延伸至罗马尼亚西部,南斯拉夫东北部和匈牙利南部美国传统〔Bellingshausen Sea〕An arm of the southern Pacific Ocean off the coast of Antarctica extending from Alexander I Island to Thurston Island.别林斯高晋海:南太平洋在南极洲海岸一侧的分支,从亚历山大一世岛延伸至瑟斯顿岛美国传统〔Bon〕A peninsula of northeast Tunisia extending into the Mediterranean Sea across from Sicily.波恩角:突尼斯东北部延伸入地中海的一个半岛,在西西里岛对面美国传统〔Cambrian Mountains〕A rugged upland plateau extending north to south through central Wales.坎布里亚山脉:一片起伏的陆上高原,从北向南贯穿威尔士中部美国传统〔Catoctin Mountains〕A section of the Blue Ridge in northern Maryland extending from the Pennsylvania border south to Virginia. Camp David is located in the northern part.凯托克金山脉:北马里兰州内蓝岭的一部分,从宾夕法尼亚州向南绵延至弗吉尼亚州。坎普·戴维峰位于其北段美国传统〔Coast Ranges〕A series of mountain ranges of extreme western North America extending from southeast Alaska to Baja California along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean.海岸山脉:北美洲最西部的一系列山脉,沿太平洋海岸线从美国阿拉斯加东南延伸到下加利福尼亚.美国传统〔Cordillera Central〕A range of the Andes extending northwest and southeast in north-central Peru.中科迪勒拉山脉:秘鲁中北部向西北和东南延伸的安第斯山的一段山脉美国传统〔Cordilleras〕The entire complex of mountain ranges in western North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America, extending from Alaska to Cape Horn.科迪勒拉山脉:包括从北美洲西部、墨西哥、中美洲和南美洲并从阿拉斯加延伸至合恩角的整个山脉群美国传统〔Darling Range〕An upland region of southwest Australia extending along the Pacific coast north and south of Perth.达令山脉:澳大利亚西南部一高山地区,沿着太平洋海岸和佩思的北部和南部延伸美国传统〔Dasht-e-Lut〕A sand and stone desert of eastern Iran extending southward from the Dasht-e-Kavir.卢特沙漠:伊朗东部一沙石沙漠,从卡维尔沙漠向南延伸美国传统〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕The new system has proved to be a highly effective way of extending trading hours. 这个新的系统已被证明可以非常有效地延长交易时间。朗文写作活用〔East Siberian Sea〕An arm of the Arctic Ocean extending from Wrangel Island to the New Siberian Islands.东西伯利亚海:北冰洋一个海湾,从弗兰格尔岛一直延伸到新西伯利亚各岛美国传统〔Eastertide〕The Easter season, extending from Easter to Ascension Day, Whitsunday, or Trinity Sunday.复活节周:复活节季节,从复活节开始到圣灵降临节、升天节或三一节美国传统〔Esdraelon〕A fertile plain of northern Israel extending from the coastal lowlands near Mount Carmel to the Jordan River valley.埃斯德赖隆草原:以色列北部肥沃的草原,从海边的低洼地一直延伸到卡默尔山附近的约旦河谷美国传统〔Europe〕The sixth-largest continent, extending west from the Dardanelles, Black Sea, and Ural Mountains. It is technically a vast peninsula of the Eurasian land mass.欧洲:世界第六大洲,位于达达尼尔海峡、黑海和乌拉尔山脉以西,严格意义上说它是亚欧大陆板块延伸出的一巨大的半岛美国传统〔French door〕A door, usually one of a pair, of light construction with glass panes extending for most of its length.法国式门:装有延伸至最大长度的玻璃嵌板的轻型门,常指一对门的一扇美国传统〔French window〕A pair or one of a pair of windows extending to the floor and opening in the middle.落地窗:两扇或两扇窗中的一扇直接延伸地面并从中间打开美国传统〔Great Australian Bight〕A wide bay of the Indian Ocean on the southern coast of Australia. Much of the coastline consists of high cliffs extending inland to form the Nullarbor Plain.大澳大利亚湾:印度洋在澳大利亚南海岸的一个宽阔海湾。 其大部分海岸线上有许多高的悬崖,向内陆延伸进形成了纳勒博平原美国传统〔Gris-Nez〕A promontory of northern France extending into the Strait of Dover near Calais. It is the nearest point to the island of Great Britain.格里内兹角:法国北部的海峡,靠近加来伸入多佛海峡。为最靠近大不列颠岛的地点美国传统〔Guiana Highlands〕A mountainous tableland region of northern South America extending from southeast Venezuela into Guyana and northern Brazil.圭亚那高地:南美洲北部一多山高原地区,从委内瑞拉东南延伸至盖亚纳和巴西北部美国传统〔Indian Ocean〕A body of water extending from southern Asia to Antarctica and from eastern Africa to southeast Australia.印度洋:北至南亚,南达南极洲,西临东非海岸,东至澳大利亚东南的一大片海域美国传统〔LAST〕If the investigation is a sustained piece of work extending over a period of weeks, a diary will help to track events. 如果调查是一项长久的工作,要进行好几个星期,那么日记可以帮助把事情记录下来。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕We had a marathon recording session extending over eighteen hours. 我们进行了一次马拉松式的录音,历时18个小时。朗文写作活用〔La Raza〕Mexicans or Mexican Americans considered as a group, sometimes extending to all Spanish-speaking people of the Americas.拉雅族人:墨西哥人或是墨裔美国人的总称,有时也扩展到指代所有说西班牙语的美洲人美国传统〔Lesser Antilles〕An island group of the eastern West Indies extending in an arc from Curaçao to the Virgin Islands.小安的列斯群岛:西印度群岛中的一个群岛,从库拉索岛向处女群岛成弧状延伸美国传统〔Massachusetts Bay〕An inlet of the Atlantic Ocean off eastern Massachusetts extending from Cape Ann in the north to Cape Cod in the south.马萨诸塞湾:美国马萨诸塞州东部大西洋入口处,北起安角,南到鳕鱼角美国传统〔Namib Desert〕A dry region of southwest Africa extending along the coast of Namibia between the Atlantic Ocean and the interior plateau.纳米布沙漠:非洲西南的一块干燥地区,沿着在大西洋与内陆高原之间的纳米比亚海延伸美国传统〔North Atlantic Ocean〕The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.北大西洋:大西洋北部,从赤道向北延伸至北冰洋美国传统〔North Pacific Ocean〕The northern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean.北太平洋:太平洋北部部分,从赤道向北延伸到北冰洋美国传统〔Nubian Desert〕A desert region of northeast Sudan extending east of the Nile River to the Red Sea.努比亚沙漠:苏丹东北部的一个沙漠地区,沿伸到尼罗河以东直至红海美国传统〔Piedmont〕A plateau region of the eastern United States extending from New York to Alabama between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coastal plain.皮埃蒙特山麓高原:美国东部一高原地区,从纽约州延伸至阿拉巴马州,位于阿巴拉契亚山脉和大西洋沿岸平原之间美国传统〔REACH〕Smith Point is a small piece of land extending a hundred yards or so into the water. 史密斯岬角是伸入水里一百码左右的一小块土地。朗文写作活用〔San Lucas〕A cape of western Mexico at the southern tip of Baja California extending into the Pacific Ocean.圣卢卡斯角:墨西哥西部一个伸入太平洋内的海角,位于加利福尼亚半岛南端美国传统〔Sharon〕A fertile plain of western Israel extending along the Mediterranean coast south of Haifa.沙伦平原:以色列西部的一片肥沃平原,沿海法南部地中海海岸线延伸开来美国传统〔Skaw〕A cape on the northern extremity of Jutland, Denmark, extending into the Skagerrak.斯考:丹麦日德兰半岛北部顶端的一海角,延伸入斯卡格拉克海峡美国传统〔South Atlantic Ocean〕The southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica.南大西洋:大西洋的南部,从赤道向南一直延伸到南极洲美国传统〔South Pacific Ocean〕The southern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica.南太平洋:太平洋的南部,从赤道一直延伸到南极美国传统〔Taimyr Peninsula〕A peninsula of north-central Siberian U.S.S.R. extending northward between the Laptev and Kara seas.泰梅尔半岛:原苏联西伯利亚中北部的一个半岛,位于拉普帖夫海和喀拉海之间并向北延伸美国传统〔Taunus Mountains〕A range of western Germany extending northeast from the Rhine River. The range includes notable vineyards and popular resort areas.陶努斯山脉:德国西部的一列山脉,从莱茵河向东北延伸。该山脉有许多著名的葡萄园和游人众多的度假胜地美国传统〔Tehachapi Mountains〕A range of southern California extending from east to west between the Sierra Nevada and the Coast Ranges north of Los Angeles.蒂哈查皮山:美国加利福尼亚州南部一从东向西延伸的山脉,位于内华达山脉和洛杉矶以北的海岸山脉之间美国传统〔Wellington boot〕A boot extending to the top of the knee in front but cut low in back.威灵顿长统靴:前面高达膝部以上而后面较短的一种靴子美国传统〔amplification〕The act or result of amplifying, enlarging, or extending.扩大,放大:放大、扩大或展开的行为或结果美国传统〔approach〕Extending this approach to the rest of the planet became the focus for our international negotiations.将这一方法推广至全球其他地区成为我们进行国际谈判的核心。牛津搭配〔apron〕The part of a stage in a theater extending in front of the curtain.前舞台口:戏院中幕前延伸的舞台部分美国传统〔argue〕The general argued for extending the ceasefire.这位将军提出了延长停火时间的理由。牛津搭配〔backstay〕Nautical A rope or shroud extending from the top of a mast aft to a ship's side or stern to help support the mast.【航海】 后支索:从桅杆顶部向船边或船尾延伸以帮助支撑桅杆的绳子或支索美国传统〔barbicel〕One of the minute, hooked projections extending from and interlocking the barbules of a feather.羽纤支:从一根羽毛的羽小支上延伸或与羽小支交叉的细小钩状凸起之一美国传统〔billabong〕A dead-end channel extending from the main stream of a river.死水潭,死河:从主河道分流出来的死水沟渠美国传统〔blue fox〕An arctic fox whose fur is bluish gray during a color phase typically occurring in the summer or extending throughout the year.蓝狐,北极蓝狐:一种北极狐,皮毛在夏天甚至整年呈蓝灰色美国传统〔boom〕A long pole extending upward at an angle from the mast of a derrick to support or guide objects lifted or suspended.吊杆:从起重机的竖樯上以一定角度向上伸出的长杆,用来支持或牵引物体竖立或吊起美国传统〔boom〕Nautical A long spar extending from a mast to hold or extend the foot of a sail.【航海】 帆下桁:从桅杆上伸出的长杆,用来支撑或伸展帆的下端美国传统〔bowsprit〕A spar, extending forward from the stem of a ship, to which the stays of the foremast are fastened.船首斜桅:从船头柱上伸出来的帆桅,其上用于系前桅的支索美国传统〔brachium〕The part of the upper arm or forelimb extending from the shoulder to the elbow.肱,上臂:从肩至肘之间的上臂部分或前肢美国传统〔breast〕The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.胸部:人体的上身腹部表面,从脖子延伸到腹部美国传统〔breech〕Trousers extending to or just below the knee.马裤:长至膝盖或刚没膝盖的裤子美国传统〔car coat〕An overcoat with a length extending to about the middle of the thighs.便装短大衣:一种长度至大腿中间部位的外套美国传统〔chain〕The region includes Sumatra, Java, and a chain of smaller islands extending eastwards.这个地区包括苏门答腊、爪哇以及向东延伸的一群小岛。麦克米伦高阶〔choice〕This government is committed to extending parental choice in education.本届政府承诺扩大父母在教育方面的选择权。牛津高阶〔chuck〕A cut of beef extending from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade.颈肉:包含肩胛骨的从脖子到肋骨的牛肉美国传统〔coat〕A garment extending to just below the waist and usually forming the top part of a suit.短上衣:刚延伸到腰下的外衣,通常是一套衣服的上半部分美国传统〔coat〕A sleeved outer garment extending from the shoulders to the waist or below.外套:带袖的外衣,从肩延伸到腰或腰以下美国传统〔colon〕The section of the large intestine extending from the cecum to the rectum.结肠:从盲肠到直肠的大肠的一部分美国传统〔coronal suture〕The suture extending across the skull between the two parietal bones and the frontal bone.冠状线:两块顶骨与额骨之间的横过头颅的一条骨缝美国传统〔counter〕Nautical The portion of a ship's stern extending from the water line to the extreme outward swell.【航海】 艉突出体,外倾艉端:船尾部突出船体水线面到最远的后端突体美国传统〔courtesy〕By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.通过有礼貌地给客户打电话, 我开始和他们建立起私交。外研社新世纪〔courtesy〕By extending the courtesy of a phone call to my clients, I was building a personal relationship with them.通过礼貌性地给客户打电话,我开始和他们建立起私交。柯林斯高阶〔creek〕Chiefly British A small inlet in a shoreline, extending farther inland than a cove.【多用于英国】 小湾:在海岸线上的小港湾,比如小湾伸入陆地内美国传统〔crudely〕Put crudely, the liberationists favour extending a number of rights to children.大致来说, 妇女解放论者希望将一些权利延伸至儿童。外研社新世纪〔crudely〕Put crudely, the liberationists favour extending a number of rights to children.大致来说,妇女解放论者希望将一些权利延伸至儿童。柯林斯高阶〔culminate〕A romance extending over several years was culminated.一场数年之久的恋爱就此终结。英汉大词典〔culminate〕The intense research work extending over ten years was culminated.十年之久的紧张研究工作就此告终。21世纪英汉〔deck〕Nautical A platform extending horizontally from one side of a ship to the other.【航海】 甲板,舱面:从船的一侧向另一侧水平延伸的平台美国传统〔dipole〕Electronics An antenna, usually fed from the center, consisting of two equal rods extending outward in a straight line.【电子学】 偶极天线:天线,常从中间反馈,包括直线向外延伸的两根相同的杆美国传统〔duodenum〕The beginning portion of the small intestine, starting at the lower end of the stomach and extending to the jejunum.十二指肠:小肠的开始部分,开始于胃的底部,伸入空肠美国传统〔excurrent〕Extending beyond the apex of a leaf, as a midrib or vein.(叶脉)延伸的:伸出叶的顶端的,如中脉或叶脉美国传统〔extend〕Have you ever thought of extending your house?你有没有想过把你的房子扩建一下?外研社新世纪〔extend〕I am afraid that she is endangering her health extending herself too much.我担心她劳累过度正在损害自己的健康。英汉大词典〔extend〕I couldn't remember the magazine extending itself that way in the past.我不记得这杂志从前曾那样哗众取宠。英汉大词典〔extend〕I'm sure you will join me in extending a very warm welcome to our visitors.我肯定你们会同我一起向来访者表示热烈的欢迎。牛津高阶〔extend〕The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.这些课程每周上一节课, 每节两个小时, 持续25周。外研社新世纪〔extend〕The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.这些课程每周上一节课,每节两个小时,持续25周。柯林斯高阶〔extend〕The fire is extending.火势在蔓延。英汉大词典〔extend〕The government is extending aid to people who have been affected by the earthquake.政府正在为地震受灾居民提供援助。剑桥高阶〔extend〕The negotiations are extending into next month.谈判将持续到下个月。英汉大词典〔extend〕The school is extending the range of subjects taught.学校正在拓宽授课学科的范围。牛津高阶〔extension〕The act of extending or the condition of being extended.伸展:伸展的行为或被伸长的状况美国传统〔extension〕The act of straightening or extending a limb.伸直:伸直或伸展肢体的行为美国传统〔extrapolate〕To infer or estimate by extending or projecting known information.推断:通过对已知信息的伸展和扩充进行推断或估计美国传统〔eyebrow pencil〕A cosmetic pencil used for extending or darkening the eyebrows.眉笔:一种化妆用的画笔,用来延长或描深眉毛美国传统〔eyebrow〕The bony ridge extending over the eye.眉:延伸于眼睛上弓的骨骼突出的隆起美国传统〔fairway〕Sports The part of a golf course covered with short grass and extending from the tee to the putting green.【体育运动】 球座与终点间的草地:覆有剪平草的高尔夫球场的一部分,从球座到终点间的地带美国传统〔fibula〕The outer and narrower of two bones of the human lower leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.人的腓骨:人的小腿的两根骨头中较向外侧和较细的那根,从膝盖延伸到脚踝之间美国传统〔fin〕A membranous appendage extending from the body of a fish or other aquatic animal, used for propelling, steering, or balancing the body in the water.鳍:从鱼类或其他水生动物的身体延伸的膜状附肢,用以在水中推进、平衡或引导身体美国传统〔flashboard〕A board or structure of boards extending above a dam to increase its capacity.闸板,决泄板:水坝上突出的、用以增加蓄水量的大板子或板状结构物美国传统〔foot〕A structure used for locomotion or attachment in an invertebrate animal, such as the muscular organ extending from the ventral side of a mollusk.足部:无脊椎动物用于移动或接连的结构,比如软体动物腹侧延伸的强壮器官美国传统〔forestay〕A stay extending from the head of the foremast to the bowsprit of a ship.前桅支索:从前桅顶部拉到轮船的第一斜桅的绳索或钢丝美国传统〔futtock shroud〕One of the iron rods extending from a band on the lower mast to the futtock plate, used to brace the base of the topmast.桅楼侧支索:一种用来固定中桅底座而从低桅的一个箍圈延伸到内龙骨翼板的铁杆美国传统〔gaiter〕A heavy cloth or leather covering for the legs extending from the instep to the ankle or knee.鞋罩,绑腿:绑在从脚面至脚腕或膝盖的腿部的厚布或皮革罩美国传统〔gallery〕A roofed promenade, especially one extending along the wall of a building and supported by arches or columns on the outer side.游廊,柱廊:有覆盖物的散步场所,尤指从建筑物侧墙延伸出去的由拱和柱在外侧支持的廊美国传统〔gat〕A narrow passage extending inland from a shore; a channel.狭航道:一个狭窄的,从海岸通往内地的航道;海峡美国传统〔glacis〕A slope extending down from a fortification.缓斜坡;斜坡:从设防地区延伸下来的斜坡美国传统〔groin〕A small jetty extending from a shore to protect a beach against erosion or to trap shifting sands.堤坝,折流坝:从海滩伸出以保护海滩不受侵蚀或阻滞流沙的小型防波堤美国传统〔half boot〕A low boot extending just above the ankle.低筒靴:一种只盖到脚踝的低靴美国传统〔headland〕A point of land, usually high and with a sheer drop, extending out into a body of water; a promontory.海岬:尤指高地并有大幅度落差的伸入一片水域的土地的一点;岬美国传统〔hearth〕The floor of a fireplace, usually extending into a room and paved with brick, flagstone, or cement.壁炉地面:通常伸入房间并铺有砖头、板石或水泥的壁炉的地面美国传统〔hexagram〕A six-pointed star formed by extending each of the sides of a regular hexagon into equilateral triangles.六角星形:把一个正六边形的各边延长相交成几个等边三角形而得到的六角星美国传统〔high〕These adjectives mean extending to a greater than usual height.这些形容词的意思是延伸至超出正常的高度。美国传统〔hip boot〕A very high boot extending to the hips, worn especially by fishers.高统靴:长及髋骨的靴子,尤为渔民经常穿着美国传统〔homocercal〕Relating to, designating, or characterized by a tail fin having two symmetrical lobes extending from the end of the vertebral column, as in most bony fishes.正尾的,等形的:与一种尾鳍有关的或以其为特点的,这种尾鳍有对称的两叶从脊椎一头延伸出来,大多数多骨鱼均如是美国传统〔humerus〕The long bone of the arm or forelimb, extending from the shoulder to the elbow.肱骨:臂或前肢的长骨,从肩部沿至肘部美国传统〔ileum〕The terminal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum.回肠:从空肠延至盲肠之间的小肠的最后一部份美国传统〔imperialism〕The policy of extending a nation's authority by territorial acquisition or by the establishment of economic and political hegemony over other nations.帝国主义:通过夺取领土或建立经济、政治霸权而凌驾于别国之上的政策美国传统〔jacket〕A short coat usually extending to the hips.短上衣:短上衣,通常只到臀部美国传统〔king post〕A supporting post extending vertically from a crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss.桁架中柱:垂直连接三角桁架的横梁和顶点的支撑杆美国传统〔knee breeches〕Trousers extending down to or just below the knee.短裤:齐膝或刚过膝的裤子美国传统〔legging〕A leg covering usually extending from the ankle to the knee and often made of material such as leather or canvas, worn especially by soldiers and workers.绑腿,护腿:一种腿部的覆盖物,通常从踝关节延展至膝盖处,常用皮革或帆布之类的材料制成,尤指士兵或工人使用的美国传统〔long〕Extending a relatively great distance.远距离的:延伸一段较长距离的美国传统〔medial〕Relating to, situated in, or extending toward the middle; median.中间的:与中间有关的,居于中间的,向中间延伸的;中间的美国传统〔median〕Relating to, located in, or extending toward the middle.中间的:与中间有关的,位于中间的,趋向中间的美国传统〔midriff〕The middle outer portion of the front of the human body, extending roughly from just below the breast to the waistline.上腹部:人体正前面的中部,大致从胸正下方延伸至腰美国传统〔month〕A period extending from a date in one calendar month to the corresponding date in the following month.一个月的时间:从日历上某月的一天到下个月这一天的一段时间美国传统〔nave〕The central part of a church, extending from the narthex to the chancel and flanked by aisles.教堂中殿:教堂的中心部分,从通向教堂正厅的门厅延伸到教堂内环线圣坛的高坛并且以小经作为侧翼美国传统〔nearshore〕The region of land extending from the backshore to the beginning of the offshore zone.近岸区:从后海岸延伸至离岸区起始处的地区美国传统〔neuralgia〕Sharp, severe paroxysmal pain extending along a nerve or group of nerves.神经痛:尖锐的、激烈的爆发性疼痛、沿着神经或一组神经扩散美国传统〔outfield〕The playing area extending outward from the diamond, divided into left, center, and right field.外场:棒球内场延伸出去的运动场地,划分为左场、中场、右场美国传统〔outrigger〕A projecting beam or spar run out from the side of a vessel to help in securing the masts or from a mast to be used in extending a rope or sail.舷外框架:为了帮助固定桅而从船边突出来的,或为了用于延伸绳索或帆而从桅上突出来的横梁或圆材美国传统〔ovipositor〕A tubular structure, usually concealed but sometimes extending outside the abdomen, with which many female insects deposit eggs.产卵器:管状结构,通常隐蔽的但有时延伸出腹部外部,雌性虫子用以放置蛋或卵美国传统〔pier〕A platform extending from a shore over water and supported by piles or pillars, used to secure, protect, and provide access to ships or boats.桥墩,墩:从河岸延伸至水面以上的平台,由桩或柱子支撑,用来给船或艇保证安全、保护和提供通道美国传统〔pileum〕The top of a bird's head, extending from the base of the bill to the nape.鸟冠:鸟头的顶部,从喙底延伸到后颈美国传统〔pole lamp〕A lighting unit consisting of a usually spring-loaded pole extending from the ceiling to the floor and having attached lamp fixtures.长杆落地灯:一种照明器具,由从天花板延伸到地面的、通常装有弹簧的一根长杆和附在灯的部件组成美国传统〔pole〕The long, tapering wooden shaft extending up from the front axle of a vehicle to the collars of the animals drawing it; a tongue.车辕:从一辆车的前轴延伸到牵引该车的动物身上所套颈圈上的一根长的、由粗变细的木杆;辕杆美国传统〔pounding〕Electricity and water shares took a pounding, with losses extending into double figures.水电行业的股票大跌, 跌幅达到两位数。外研社新世纪〔projective〕Extending outward; projecting.突出的:向外伸出的;突出的美国传统〔propose〕The report also proposes extending the motorway.那份报告还建议扩建这条高速公路。朗文当代〔pull away〕He pulled away, extending his lead to 15 seconds.他拉开了距离, 把领先优势扩大到15秒。外研社新世纪〔pull〕He pulled away, extending his lead to 15 seconds.他把领先优势逐渐扩大到了15秒。柯林斯高阶〔purchase〕His new behaviour offered no purchase for extending acquaintance.他最近的行为使他无法结识更多的人。英汉大词典〔radial tire〕A pneumatic tire in which the ply cords extending to beads are laid at approximately right angles to the center line of the tread.子午线轮胎:一种充气轮胎,轮胎内延伸到轮胎沿口的层面与胎面中心线成直角美国传统〔radical sign〕The radical sign together with a horizontal bar extending from its top to the end of the expression from which a root is to be extracted.根号:根号与一条水平横线,从开根的表达式开头延伸到结尾美国传统〔rail〕A bar extending horizontally between supports, as in a fence.横杆:(篱笆上)水平置于两个支撑柱之间的短棍美国传统〔ramification〕A subordinate part extending from a main body; a branch.分枝:从主体上分出来的次级部分;枝杈美国传统〔ramus〕Anatomy A bony process extending like a branch from a larger bone, especially the ascending part of the lower jaw that makes a joint at the temple.【解剖学】 岔枝:从大骨生出的象树枝一样的骨质隆起,尤指在太阳穴形成的一个关节的下颌骨的上升部位美国传统〔ray〕A structure or part having the form of a straight line extending from a point.放射组织,放射状:具有射线形式的结构或部分美国传统〔rectum〕The terminal portion of the large intestine, extending from the sigmoid flexure to the anal canal.直肠:大肠的最后那一部分,从乙状结肠曲开始到肛门结束美国传统〔rib〕Nautical One of many curved members attached to a boat or ship's keel and extending upward and outward to form the framework of the hull.【航海】 肋材:附在船或轮船的龙骨上向上及向外延伸形成船壳框架的弯曲零件美国传统〔running board〕A narrow footboard extending under and beside the doors of some automobiles and other conveyances.脚踏板:一些汽车或其他便利装置的门下边或旁边延伸的窄的踏板美国传统〔runway〕A narrow walkway extending from a stage into an auditorium.延伸台道:从舞台通向观众席中的窄的走道美国传统〔school〕He favors extending the school day and school year.他赞成增加每天的课时并延长学年。柯林斯高阶〔shoe〕A durable covering for the human foot, made of leather or similar material with a rigid sole and heel, usually extending no higher than the ankle.鞋:一种耐用的覆盖人脚的覆盖物,由皮革或其它类似材料组成,底和鞋根比较紧,通常高度不超过脚踝美国传统〔siphuncle〕A tubelike structure in the body of a shelled cephalopod, such as a nautilus, extending through each chamber of the shell.体管:通过外壳中每一腔的有壳头足类(如鹦鹉螺)体内的管形结构美国传统〔skank〕A rhythmic dance performed to reggae or ska music, characterized by bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands.摇滚乐舞蹈:跟着雷鬼或斯卡音乐进行的韵律操,其特点是向前弯腰、抬膝和伸手美国传统〔skeg〕An arm extending to the rear of the keel to support the rudder and protect the propeller.舵底承:用以支撑舵和保护螺旋浆的,延伸在龙骨后部的支撑物美国传统〔spit〕A narrow point of land extending into a body of water.海峡,海角:延伸到海水中的陆地的狭长一端美国传统〔splenius〕Either of two muscles of the back of the neck, extending from the upper vertebrae to the base of the skull, that rotate and extend the head and neck.夹肌:后颈部从脊椎上部扩展到脑壳底部的四块肌肉中的任一块,使头和颈伸张自如转动灵活美国传统〔spread〕Two facing pages of a magazine or newspaper, often with related matter extending across the fold.杂志或报纸对折的两页,常有相关的内容横贯两版美国传统〔stem〕Music The vertical line extending from the head of a note.【音乐】 符干:音符头部引出的垂直线美国传统〔straightaway〕Extending in a straight line or course without a curve or turn.直线延伸的:无弯曲或回转地成直线延伸的美国传统〔strake〕A single continuous line of planking or metal plating extending on a vessel's hull from stem to stern.列板,船侧:船外壳从船头延伸至船尾的连续的一列木板或金属板美国传统〔synaptinemal complex〕A ribbonlike structure consisting of three protein components and extending across the region of synapsed chromosomes during the prophase of meiosis.接合丝复合物,联合丝复合物:一种带状构造体,由三个蛋白质要素组成,在成熟分裂的前期扩展到已联合的染色体之外美国传统〔tail〕The posterior part of an animal, especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body.尾:一个动物的后部,尤指当这部分呈细长状并伸至躯干或身体的主要部分以外时美国传统〔terrace〕A platform extending outdoors from a floor of a house or an apartment building.阳台:从一座房子或公寓式建筑延伸出室外的平台美国传统〔threadfin〕Any of various chiefly tropical marine fishes of the family Polynemidae, having threadlike rays extending from the lower part of the pectoral fin.马鲅科鱼:有从胸鳍的下部垂下的丝状飘带的马鲅科热带海洋鱼类的任一种美国传统〔three-mile limit〕The outer limit of the area extending three miles out to sea from the coast of a country, sometimes considered to constitute the country's territorial waters.三英里界:从一国家海岸向外延伸三英里的外界区域,有时被认为是构成该国家的专有水域美国传统〔thwart〕Extending, lying, or passing across; transverse.横向的,横着的:延伸、放置或通过…的;横向的美国传统〔tibia〕The inner and larger of the two bones of the lower human leg, extending from the knee to the ankle.胫骨:人的小腿两块骨中处于内侧且较大的一块,从膝部延伸至踝部美国传统〔transcurrent〕Extending or running transversely.横的:横向延伸或走向的美国传统〔translunar〕Extending beyond the moon or the moon's orbit around Earth.越过月球外侧的:在月球以外的或超过月球围绕地球轨道的美国传统〔transmundane〕Existing or extending beyond the physical world.超俗的:在物质世界以外存在的或超越物质世界的美国传统〔transpolar〕Extending across or crossing either of the Polar Regions.横越极地:任一个横越或穿过两个极地地区中的美国传统〔traverse〕Lying or extending across; transverse.横断的:横向扩展的或延伸的;横向的美国传统〔tunic〕A loose-fitting garment, sleeved or sleeveless, extending to the knees and worn by men and women especially in ancient Greece and Rome.长套衫:古希腊和罗马男女穿着一种宽松的长袍,有袖或无袖,长及膝盖?美国传统〔ulna〕The bone extending from the elbow to the wrist on the side opposite to the thumb in human beings.尺骨:在人体上,与大拇指相反且从肘部延伸到手腕的骨头美国传统〔ultramundane〕Extending or being beyond the world or the limits of the universe.世界之外的,宇宙外的:超越世界或宇宙极限的美国传统〔vamp〕The upper part of a boot or shoe covering the instep and sometimes extending over the toe.鞋(靴)面:覆盖在足背上并且有时延伸到脚趾的鞋或靴的上部美国传统〔ventrodorsal〕Both ventral and dorsal; extending from a ventral to a dorsal surface.腹背的:既是腹部又是背部的;从腹面扩展到背面的美国传统〔ventrolateral〕Both ventral and lateral; extending from a ventral to a lateral surface.腹外侧的:既是腹部又是侧部的;从腹面扩展到侧面的美国传统〔ventromedial〕Both ventral and medial; extending toward the ventral surface and the median line.腹正中的:既是腹部又是内侧的;向腹面和中线扩展的美国传统〔waist〕The upper part of a garment, extending from the shoulders to the waistline, especially the bodice of a woman's dress.内衣上身:衣服的上部,从肩部一直至腰线,尤指妇女的紧身胸衣美国传统〔wale〕One of the heavy planks or strakes extending along the sides of a wooden ship.船腰部外板:沿着木船边缘延伸的重木板或船侧板之一美国传统〔well〕An open space extending vertically through the floors of a building, as for stairs or ventilation.楼梯井,通风井:垂直地通过建筑物各层的开阔空间,如为了建楼梯或通风美国传统A business should have a credit policy before extending any credit.企业在提供信贷之前必须制订信贷政策。牛津商务A grand piano has the strings extending away from the keyboard, whereas an upright piano has the strings set perpendicularly.平台式钢琴的弦是从琴键延伸出来的,而立式钢琴的弦是垂直安置的。剑桥国际Ford said on Monday it was extending interest-free loans on some models.福特公司星期一说正对某些型号的汽车延长免息贷款期。牛津商务From our window we have a view of fields extending (= reaching) into the distance.从窗口我们可以看到延伸到远方的田野。剑桥国际The US is extending its strategic sway in many parts of the world.美国正在扩大在世界上许多地区的战略性影响。剑桥国际The government is extending (= giving) aid to people who have been affected by the earthquake.政府正给予受地震影响的人们以援助。剑桥国际




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