

单词 endowment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chantry〕An endowment to cover expenses for the saying of masses and prayers, usually for the soul of the founder of the endowment.追思弥撒的捐款:为支付做弥撒和颂诗花费而捐的款,通常为纪念捐款设立人的灵魂而设美国传统〔college〕A body of clerics living together on an endowment.长老院:靠基金生活在一起的教士团美国传统〔donate〕We donate to the school endowment fund every year.我们每年向学校的捐赠基金捐款。21世纪英汉〔dower〕A natural endowment or gift; a dowry.自然的赋予或礼物;嫁妆美国传统〔dowry〕A natural endowment or gift; a talent.天赋,天资:自然的禀赋或天才;有天分的人美国传统〔endowments〕Man can be equal whatever his social rank, whatever his intellectual endowments.不管社会地位如何, 不管智力水平如何, 人都应是平等的。外研社新世纪〔endowment〕She had, moreover, a reasonable endowment of intelligence.而且, 她还算聪敏。外研社新世纪〔endowment〕The college has a large endowment.这所大学得到一大笔捐款。英汉大词典〔endowment〕The college has a large endowment.这所学院得到一大笔捐款。韦氏高阶〔endowment〕The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous £1m endowment.那家公司慷慨捐款100万英镑, 让牛津辩论社的财务状况得以好转。外研社新世纪〔endowment〕The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous £1m endowment.那家公司慷慨捐款100万英镑,使牛津辩论学会的财务状况得以好转。柯林斯高阶〔endowment〕The hospital's endowment was established by a local family.这家医院的捐款是由当地的一个家庭发起的。韦氏高阶〔endowment〕The school has received an endowment of $50,000 to buy new books for the library.学校收到了一笔用于为图书馆添置新书的5万美元的捐款。剑桥高阶〔endowment〕The university benefited from the endowment of several chairs.这所大学获得一笔设立数个教席的捐赠。外研社新世纪〔endowment〕There are tests that can establish a baby's genetic endowment.有些测试可以测定婴儿的基因特性。剑桥高阶〔foundation〕An institution founded and supported by an endowment.机构:靠捐款建立或维持的机构美国传统〔foundation〕Funds for the perpetual support of an institution; an endowment.基金,捐款:为资助某机构而设立的一笔基金;一笔捐款美国传统〔gift〕A talent, an endowment, an aptitude, or a bent.天才,天资,才能,爱好美国传统〔inflexibility〕The snag about an endowment mortgage is its inflexibility.人寿保险抵押的问题在于其缺乏灵活性。柯林斯高阶〔inflexibility〕The snag about an endowment mortgage is its inflexibility.人寿保险抵押的问题在于缺乏灵活性。外研社新世纪〔lectureship〕An endowment or a foundation supporting a series or course of lectures.讲座基金:资助一系列讲座或课程的赠款或基金美国传统〔long〕The school was long on prestige but short on endowment.这座学校享有盛名但缺乏捐助。外研社新世纪〔mentality〕The sum of a person's intellectual capabilities or endowment.智力:一个人的智力或天赋之总和美国传统〔part〕Often parts Individual endowment or ability; talent. 常作 parts 才华:个人的天资或才能;天才美国传统〔patrimony〕An endowment or estate belonging to an institution, especially a church.教会财产:属于某一机构尤其是教会的捐献物或地产美国传统〔prebend〕A stipend drawn from the endowment or revenues of an Anglican cathedral or church by a presiding member of the clergy; a cathedral or church benefice.教堂牧师的俸禄:主管牧师从圣公会在教堂或大教堂的基金或收入中抽取的俸禄;总教堂或教堂牧师的财产美国传统〔prebend〕The property or tithe providing the endowment for such a stipend.为这种俸禄而提供资金财产或什一税美国传统〔subvention〕An endowment or a subsidy, as that given by a government to an institution for research; a grant of financial aid.经费,援助:赠与或津贴,如政府拨给一机构作研究之用者;给予的财政援助美国传统〔talent〕Natural endowment or ability of a superior quality.天才:生来即有的超群的天分或能力美国传统〔thriftily〕The company had coped, Mackintosh told the minister, because it was thriftily managed and because it possessed a substantial endowment.麦金托什告诉部长, 该公司之所以能够应对自如, 是因为节俭管理, 也因为其拥有足够的资助。外研社新世纪〔well-endowed〕Having a large endowment or amount of money.有本钱的:有很多财产或是大量钱的美国传统Final payouts on 25-year endowment policies have fallen by 9 per cent in the past year.25 年期的人寿保险单的最终赔付额在过去一年里已下降了 9%。牛津商务His endowments are limited, and scarcely fit him for this post. 他的天资有限,不太适合担任这项职务。译典通That university has numerous endowments. 那所大学有许多的捐款。译典通The school has received an endowment (= present) of £50 000 to buy new books for the library.学校收到了一份5万英镑的捐款,用于为图书馆购买新书。剑桥国际The university has a $10.5 billion endowment fund.这个大学有 105 亿元的捐赠基金。牛津商务




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