

单词 dumpling
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dim sum〕A traditional Chinese cuisine in which small portions of a variety of foods, including an assortment of steamed or fried dumplings, are served in succession.点心:一种中国传统烹饪,它是由各种食物(包括蒸或油炸丸子)做成的小份美国传统〔dumpling〕She was a dumpling.她是个矮冬瓜。外研社新世纪〔dumpling〕She was teased at school for being a dumpling.她因为又矮又胖而在学校被人奚落。外研社新世纪〔dumpling〕We had vegetarian/pork dumplings as an appetizer.开胃菜我们吃了素菜饺子/猪肉饺子。韦氏高阶〔gnocchi〕Dumplings made of flour, semolina, or potatoes, boiled or baked and served with grated cheese or a sauce.意大利汤团:以面粉、粗粒面粉或马铃薯做成的馅团,煮或烤后配以干酪或汤汁美国传统〔matzo ball〕A small dumpling made from matzo meal.用无酵薄饼粉做的汤团美国传统〔pierogi〕A semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, such as finely chopped meat or vegetables, that is often sautéed after being boiled.俄式肉馅小卷饼:里面包有各种像是碎肉或蔬菜等材料的半圆形包饼,通常是煮熟后再煎的美国传统〔pot sticker〕A dumpling filled with ground meat, vegetables, or other ingredients that is browned on one side and then simmered.锅贴:里面填满碎肉、蔬菜或其它馅料的饺子,先将一面煎至褐色,然后再蒸熟美国传统〔potpie〕A meat or poultry stew with dumplings.汤团烩肉:与汤团一起煮的猪肉或禽肉美国传统〔purvey〕They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.他们有两个饭店供应饺子和鸡肉面汤。外研社新世纪〔purvey〕They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.他们那里有两家供应饺子和鸡肉汤面的餐馆。柯林斯高阶〔quenelle〕A ball or dumpling of finely chopped meat or seafood bound with eggs and poached in stock or water.肉圆,鱼圆:由精碎肉或海味裹着鸡蛋做成的小球或团子,放在汁料或水中煮美国传统〔won ton〕A noodle-dough dumpling filled typically with spiced minced pork or other ground meat, usually boiled in soup or fried and eaten as a side dish.馄饨,云吞:一种面团,一般填满加调料的猪肉馅或其他肉馅,通常在汤中煮或油炸作为一种配菜吃美国传统〔won ton〕Soup containing such dumplings.馄饨汤,云吞汤:含有这种馄饨的汤美国传统




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