

单词 dummy
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FALSE〕Semionov threatened the pilot with a dummy hand grenade and forced him to land the plane. 谢苗诺夫用一枚假手榴弹威胁驾驶员,强迫他把飞机降落。朗文写作活用〔Quaker gun〕A dummy gun made of wood.木制假炮:用木头制成的模型炮美国传统〔cluck〕The seamstresses cluck around a dummy, discussing a tuck here and there.这些女裁缝围着模特儿衣架叽叽嘎嘎地讨论衣服这里或那里要做的小改动。柯林斯高阶〔dummy run〕Before we started we did a dummy run.我们在开始前进行了一次演练。外研社新世纪〔dummy run〕Before we started we did a dummy run.我们开始之前进行了一次演习。柯林斯高阶〔dummy run〕Do a dummy run to see how long it will take.做一次演习看看要花多少时间。朗文当代〔dummy run〕The local elections can be seen as a dummy run for the national election next year.当地的选举可被视作明年全国选举的预演。剑桥高阶〔dummy run〕This is just a dummy run for next year.这只是为来年进行的一次试演。外研社新世纪〔dummy up〕If anyone asks you, just dummy up.如有人问起,你就装哑巴。21世纪英汉〔dummy up〕When questioned, he invariably dummy up.一问到他,他总是不吱声。21世纪英汉〔dummy〕Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.将会在高速公路边放置巡逻车模型, 吓唬超速行驶的驾驶员。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.高速公路旁将安装仿真巡逻车以威慑那些超速驾车者。柯林斯高阶〔dummy〕A surveillance camera supposedly monitoring the site was actually a dummy.那个被认为是监视该地点的监视摄像头其实是假的。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕Don't just stand there, you dummy.别在那儿干站着,你这个蠢货。牛津高阶〔dummy〕Games Played with a dummy.【游戏】 成为明手的美国传统〔dummy〕He embarrassed Jonathan Woodgate with a beautiful dummy.他用一个漂亮的假动作骗过了乔纳森•伍德盖特。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕He is a dummy for the real owner of the business.他是这家公司的挂名老板。英汉大词典〔dummy〕He sold a dummy to score after 22 minutes.22分钟后, 他用假动作骗过对方并破门得分。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕Hughes sold a clever dummy and raced towards the goal.休斯做了个巧妙的假动作,然后向球门冲去。麦克米伦高阶〔dummy〕I like the dress that's on the dummy.我喜欢假人模特穿的那件连衣裙。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕In the tests, half the people were given dummy tablets.在这些试验中, 半数人服用的是安慰剂药片。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕No, you dummy. The other hand.不对,你这个笨蛋。 那只手。朗文当代〔dummy〕Only a dummy would ignore the safety warnings.只有傻瓜才会对安全警告视而不见。剑桥高阶〔dummy〕She just stood there like a dummy.她就像个傻子般地站在那里。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕She loves you, you dummy.她爱你,你这个笨蛋。韦氏高阶〔dummy〕Shopping mall developers often hire dummy buyers to purchase land without revealing the true purpose of the acquisition.大型购物中心的开发商经常雇挂名买家来买地, 以掩饰其收购的真正目的。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕Soldiers were still using dummy weapons because real guns were not yet available.士兵们还在用仿制的武器,因为还搞不到真家伙。柯林斯高阶〔dummy〕The bomb was just a dummy.这个炸弹只是个教练弹。韦氏高阶〔dummy〕The device is not a real bomb but a dummy.这颗炸弹不是真的,只是一个仿制品。剑桥高阶〔dummy〕The revolver was a dummy.这把左轮手枪是假的。牛津同义词〔dummy〕The soldiers were using dummy weapons.这些士兵用的是仿制武器。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕They asked her to put together a dummy for a new magazine.他们让她为一本新杂志攒一份小样。柯林斯高阶〔dummy〕They hid massive losses in dummy companies.他们利用皮包公司隐瞒了巨额亏损。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕They practiced CPR on a dummy.他们在一个人体模型上练习心肺复苏。韦氏高阶〔dummy〕They took apart a dummy bomb.他们拆了一个空包弹。韦氏高阶〔dummy〕We thought he might be a bit of a dummy.我们觉得他可能有点傻。外研社新世纪〔dummy〕Whitman established a dummy company in order to hide his investments.惠特曼开了一家假公司来隐瞒他的投资。麦克米伦高阶〔dummy〕You dummy - you don't know the answer! 你这个笨蛋——你不知道答案!剑桥高阶〔dummy〕You had to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to a dummy.你必须给假人做口对口人工呼吸。外研社新世纪〔effigy〕A crude figure or dummy representing a hated person or group.雕像:代表可憎的人或一群人的粗糙的图象或木偶美国传统〔loser〕He discarded his club losers on the established spades in dummy.他利用明手已立的黑桃扔出手里的梅花废牌。英汉大词典〔mannequin〕A life-size full or partial representation of the human body, used for the fitting or displaying of clothes; a dummy.人体模型:如真人大小的、全身或半身的人体模型,用于量试衣服是否合适或展示服装;人体模型美国传统〔ventriloquist〕He looked like a ventriloquist's dummy.他看上去像腹语术表演者用的人偶。柯林斯高阶A shop dummy lay among the rubble on the street.一家商店的人体模型躺在了街上的碎砖砾石中。剑桥国际A ventriloquist's dummy is a puppet that ventriloquists operate and project their voice onto, to make it seem as if it were alive.口技艺人的木偶剑桥国际He set up a dummy company through which stolen funds were passed.他开设了一家挂名公司作洗赃款之用。牛津商务He viciously bayoneted the straw dummy.他凶狠地将刺刀刺向稻草人。剑桥国际He was a dummy to agree. 他竟会同意,真是笨蛋。译典通I put dummy numbers in the spreadsheet when I didn't know the real figures.当我不知道实际的数字时,我将假数字输入电子表格。牛津商务If you think it will comfort your baby, give him a dummy to suck (on). [T; I + on] 如果你觉得孩子咂橡皮奶头会舒服些,你就让他咂吧。剑桥国际In the shop window, there was an enormous dummy perfume bottle on display.商店的橱窗里展示着一个巨大的香水瓶的仿制样品。剑桥国际Only a dummy would ignore the safety warnings.只有傻子才会对安全警告置之不理。剑桥国际The buyer of the painting used a dummy name to keep their identity secret.这幅画的购买者为了掩盖真实身份使用了假名。剑桥国际The local elections can be seen as a dummy run for the national election next year.地方选举可以被看成是明年全国大选的热身赛。剑桥国际The police suspect that the device is not a real bomb but a dummy.警方怀疑那个装置不是真炸弹,只是一个假货。剑桥国际




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