

单词 explaining
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕In answer to recent criticism the President has issued a statement explaining his policies. 针对最近的一些批评,总统发表了一项声明解释他的政策。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕Monnens spends his days explaining the nature of Internet advertising to clients. 默耐斯整天向客户解释互联网广告的性质。朗文写作活用〔EXPLAIN〕They gave us detailed instructions explaining how to get to their house. 他们给了我们一个详细的说明,解释去他们家怎么走。朗文写作活用〔English〕She's good at explaining difficult scientific concepts in plain English.她善于用简明的英语解释深奥的科学概念。韦氏高阶〔INTRODUCE〕Each Olympic event will be led into by sports experts explaining the format. 每个奥运会项目开始前都先由体育专家讲解它的形式。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕I'm not much good at explaining things. 我不太善于作解释。朗文写作活用〔OFFEND〕I won't insult you by explaining the rules of the game. 我不会给你解释比赛规则,那等于是在侮辱你。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕She refused his request, haughtily explaining that such things were beneath her. 她拒绝了他的要求,并且傲慢地解释说,做那样的事有失她的身份。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕It was difficult explaining to the children why their father was leaving home. 很难对孩子们讲明白他们的爸爸为什么要离开家。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕The minister has the burden of explaining why he must raise taxes. 部长有责任对为何增税作出解释。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕Sneed had circulated a letter round the department explaining the new pay cuts. 斯尼德在部门里传阅过一封信,解释新近的减薪计划。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕Please write a short paragraph explaining your reasons for applying to this college. 请写一段简短的文字,说明你申请就读本校的原因。朗文写作活用〔TRAVEL〕I wrote a letter to the interviewer, explaining that I was going overseas for six months. 我给主持面试的人写了封信,解释说我要到国外去六个月。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕Trevor began explaining the pointlessness of a classical education. 特雷弗开始解释传统教育无意义之处。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕Campaign adviser Ken Polaski has been saddled with the job of explaining the recent presidential gaffes. 竞选顾问肯·波兰斯基有件苦差事,要为总统最近的失言作出解释。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕The doctor set my mind at rest by explaining exactly what effect the drug would have on me. 医生向我确切地解释这种药物对我的影响,让我放了心。朗文写作活用〔ambassador〕He expected Labour MPs to behave as ambassadors for the government, going out to people, reaching them, explaining to them.他曾期望工党的下院议员充当政府的代表, 走出去接触人民, 向人民做解释工作。外研社新世纪〔append〕The author appends a short footnote to the text explaining the point.作者在正文后加了一则简短的脚注说明这一问题。剑桥高阶〔bit〕That's going to take a bit of explaining.那将需要使劲解释一番。麦克米伦高阶〔by〕I'm going to start off by explaining the purpose of our campaign.我将以解释我们运动的目的作为开始。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕When it came to explaining the lipstick on his collar, he found that drink had clouded (= confused) his memory.等到要他解释衣领上的口红印时,他才意识到当时酒喝得太多,什么都记不清了。剑桥高阶〔come〕I'm just explaining to them how we come to be in Liverpool.我正在向他们解释我们是怎么碰巧到了利物浦的。麦克米伦高阶〔concern〕The individuals concerned have some explaining to do.涉及到的每个人都要作出一些解释。牛津高阶〔declaratory〕Explaining a legal interpretation or right.法规的说明美国传统〔dos〕The teacher spent ten minutes explaining all the dos and don'ts in the classroom..老师花了十分钟解释课堂纪律。剑桥高阶〔excuse〕A note explaining an absence.请假条:解释缺席的字条美国传统〔explain yourself〕She had a hard time explaining herself after the theft was revealed.盗窃行为被揭露后,她很难为自己的行为做出解释。韦氏高阶〔explaining〕You'll have a lot of explaining to do when your dad finds out what happened.要是让爸爸知道了发生的这些事情,可有你解释的了。剑桥高阶〔explain〕Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions.逃跑前, 她留下一张便条解释原委。外研社新世纪〔explain〕Before she ran away, she left a note explaining her actions.逃跑前,她留下一张便条解释原委。柯林斯高阶〔explain〕He will have enough difficulty explaining away his army's defeat.他要想为自己部队的失败作辩解可不是件容易的事。英汉大词典〔explain〕Sorry, I'm not explaining myself very well.对不起,我没把自己的意思表述得很清楚。朗文当代〔explain〕The receptionist apologized for the delay, explaining that it had been a hectic day.接待员为拖延而道歉,解释说这天太忙了。柯林斯高阶〔explain〕The receptionist apologized for the delay, explaining that it had been a hectic day.接待员对延误表示道歉, 解释说这一天实在太繁忙了。外研社新世纪〔explain〕This goes some way towards / toward explaining the hostility between the two groups.这在一定程度上解释了两个团体间的对立。牛津搭配〔explain〕To dismiss or get rid of by or as if by explaining.辩护:用解释或类似的办法消除或摆脱美国传统〔fact〕He wrote an article explaining the main facts of the case.他写了一篇文章来解释这个案件的主要事实。麦克米伦高阶〔fault〕It was partly the teacher's fault for not explaining things clearly enough.老师有部分责任,他没有把事情解释清楚。麦克米伦高阶〔finesse〕He finessed his answer without explaining why he had stayed out so late.他巧妙地回答,并没有说明为什么在外面呆到这样晚。英汉大词典〔fine〕He spent hours explaining the finer details of the scheme.他用了好几个小时解释这个方案的细节。麦克米伦高阶〔fist〕He made a poor fist of explaining his reasons.他未能把原因解释清楚。韦氏高阶〔foot〕There's a note explaining the quotation at the foot of the page.在页末对那一段引文有一条注释。剑桥高阶〔for〕He's soon to make a speech in parliament explaining his reasons for going.他很快要在议会发表讲话,说明他辞职的原因。柯林斯高阶〔furthest〕Maltby's book has probably gone furthest in explaining these events.莫尔特比的书可能是解释这些事件最详细的。朗文当代〔halfway〕This only goes halfway to explaining what really happened.这只是部份地解释了实际发生的事。牛津高阶〔handbook〕When you hire a car, you should find a handbook explaining where to find all the usual features.在租车的时候, 你应该先找一本介绍汽车常用性能的手册。外研社新世纪〔harmony〕A collation of parallel passages, especially from the Gospels, with a commentary demonstrating their consonance and explaining their discrepancies.四福音对照书:一种平行段落的对照书,尤其是从福音书中摘取的带有评语以说明他们的和谐和解释他们的差异美国传统〔here〕I was just explaining the problem to our friend here.我正在向我们的这位朋友解释这个问题。麦克米伦高阶〔illustration〕The act of clarifying or explaining.说明,解释:说明或解释的行为美国传统〔inducement〕Law An introductory or background statement explaining the main allegations in a proceeding.【法律】 引言部分:诉讼中的介绍背景的部分,以说明指控的主要内容美国传统〔insert〕Each box includes an insert explaining the product's proper use.每个盒子里都有一份附页说明产品的正确使用方法。韦氏高阶〔job〕He didn't do a very good job of explaining the sequence of events.他没有把事件发生的前因后果解释清楚。外研社新世纪〔little〕We may have a little problem explaining that to our customers.跟我们的客户解释那件事情可能会有点困难。麦克米伦高阶〔mechanical〕Philosophy Interpreting and explaining the phenomena of the universe by referring to causally determined material forces; mechanistic.【哲学】 机械论的:运用由于因果关系而产生的物质力量来阐述宇宙的各种现象美国传统〔mind〕Would you mind explaining that again, please? 请你再解释一遍行吗?牛津高阶〔onomastic〕Of, relating to, or explaining a name or names.专有名词的:一个名字或多个名字的,与之相关的,或解释其意义的美国传统〔opportunity〕At least give him the opportunity of explaining what happened.至少要给他机会解释一下发生了什么事。牛津高阶〔overstate〕It is impossible to overstate the importance of religion in explaining these customs.宗教对于解释这些习俗的重要性怎样强调都不过分。外研社新世纪〔part〕I shall be explaining this further in Part Two.我会在第二部分进一步解释这个问题。朗文当代〔phrase〕He was explaining the difference between a phrase and a clause.他在解释短语与小句之间的差别。外研社新世纪〔quote〕He predicts they will have, quote, 'an awful lot of explaining to do'.他预计他们需要“大费周章地解释一番”,这是他的原话。柯林斯高阶〔release〕The mayor has released a statement explaining the reasons for his resignation.市长发表了一份声明,解释他辞职的原因。剑桥高阶〔schema〕Psychology A pattern imposed on complex reality or experience to assist in explaining it, mediate perception, or guide response.【心理学】 试验图式:一种强加于复杂现实或体验以帮助对其进行解释,促成感知或引导回答的模式美国传统〔see〕You see , the thing is, I'm really busy right now (=used when you are explaining something) .你看,问题是我现在真的很忙。朗文当代〔skater〕Scientists have tended to skate over the difficulties of explaining dreams.科学家们往往回避释梦的难题。柯林斯高阶〔start〕Chao starts by explaining some basic legal concepts.查奥开始时先解释了一些基本的法律概念。朗文当代〔strategy〕I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals.我刚刚一直在向各位将军解释战略学的基本原理。柯林斯高阶〔suicide〕He apparently left a suicide note (=letter explaining his reasons for killing himself) .他显然是留了封绝笔信。朗文当代〔take〕Your odd behaviour is going to take a bit of explaining.你需要解释一下你的怪异行为。麦克米伦高阶〔tall〕We will have some tall explaining to do.我们将不得不大费唇舌作出解释。英汉大词典〔teleology〕The use of ultimate purpose or design as a means of explaining natural phenomena.目的论方法:作为解释自然现象的最终目的或设计的用法美国传统〔ticklish〕This leaves me with the ticklish job of explaining to Debbie that she is not invited.这样就给我出了一个难题:如何向黛比解释她没有受到邀请。剑桥高阶〔vague〕She had a vague idea of finding Sam and explaining it all to him.她隐约觉得要去找萨姆,向他解释所发生的一切。英汉大词典〔very〕I'm not very good at explaining myself.我不太善于为自己辩解。柯林斯高阶〔write〕I wrote a letter to the car rental agency, explaining what had happened.我给租车行写了一封信说明发生的情况。柯林斯高阶By the time he'd finished explaining how his daughter had died, his cheeks were streaked with tears.当他解释完他女儿是怎么死时,他的脸颊上挂满了泪痕。剑桥国际He spent ages explaining the whys and wherefores of the decision.他用了很长时间来解释这一决定的原因和理由。剑桥国际I tried explaining the joke to my German friends but I think it was lost on them (= they did not understand it).我试图向德国朋友解释这个笑话,可我觉得他们没听懂。剑桥国际In the following sentence, the dash functions as a colon, with the second part of the sentence explaining or developing the first part.下面句子中,破折号起着冒号的作用,句中的后一部分解释或进一步说明前一部分。剑桥国际She was explaining to her friends what a sod the photographer had been to work for.她向朋友解释她在为一个非常讨厌的摄影师工作。剑桥国际She was just explaining the problem, when she was cut off in mid-flow/in mid-sentence by a loud bang.她正在讲解问题,可话才讲到一半就被“砰”的一声巨响打断了。剑桥国际Soon he had an opportunity of explaining that to her. 不久他便有了向她解释那件事的机会。译典通The author appends a short footnote to the text explaining the point.作者给文本加上一个简短的脚注, 用以解释这一点。剑桥国际The book would be more useful if it was interpretative, but instead it presents a lot of facts and figures without explaining them.这本书如果更具阐释性会更有用,但它只是提供了大量的事实和数字而未加以解释。剑桥国际The minister has released a statement explaining the reasons for his resignation.部长发表了一个声明,解释他辞职的理由。剑桥国际They felt obliged to write grovelling notes apologising for and explaining their omissions.他们不得不写卑躬屈膝的信为他们的疏忽而作道歉和解释。剑桥国际When I started my new job, I was just set to work without anyone explaining to me what I was supposed to be doing.开始那份新工作的时候,还没人告诉我该干什么我就被安排了活计。剑桥国际When the new teacher arrived I spent a day showing/teaching her the ropes (= explaining the job, etc. to her).新教师到来的时候,我用了一天时间向她传授诀窍。剑桥国际




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