

单词 education
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕The President has won new support because of his reforms in the areas of health and education. 总统因为在卫生和教育这两个方面进行了改革而得到更多人的支持。朗文写作活用〔ARRIVE〕On arrival in Addis Ababa please report to the Ministry of Education. 抵达亚的斯亚贝巴后请向教育部报到。朗文写作活用〔ART/CULTURE〕The Principal feels that cultural education is very important. 校长认为文化教育非常重要。朗文写作活用〔BAEd.〕Bachelor of Arts in Education.文学教育学士美国传统〔BE〕Board of Education.地方教育委员会美国传统〔BME.〕Bachelor of Music Education.音乐教育学士美国传统〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕A Harvard University survey found that Americans significantly overestimate the cost of higher education. 哈佛大学一项调查显示,美国人大大高估了高等教育的费用。朗文写作活用〔DETERMINED〕She was determined that her children should have the best possible education. 她下决心要让孩子尽可能接受最好的教育。朗文写作活用〔DEd.〕Doctor of Education.教育学博士美国传统〔DIFFERENT〕In the government's education proposals there is a clear distinction made between academic and practical training. 在政府的教育计划中,学术培训和实践培训有明显的区别。朗文写作活用〔DISAGREE〕A recent government paper on education contains some controversial new ideas. 政府最近的一份有关教育的文件中有一些引起争议的新想法。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕The report looks at inequality in education. 这篇报告审视了教育中存在的不平等现象。朗文写作活用〔FEEL〕The new MP argued passionately for better housing, education, and welfare services for the poor. 新议员为改善穷人的住房、教育及福利服务而慷慨激昂地据理力争。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding. 这个教育计划依靠外国援助,资金问题已经和美国的国际发展机构联系过了。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕I want to provide my boys with a decent education. 我要给我儿子提供好的教育。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕The sex education program encourages teens to abstain. 这个性教育节目劝勉青少年不要有性行为。朗文写作活用〔IMPORTANT〕Education is likely to be a key issue in the forthcoming election. 教育有可能成为即将到来的大选中的关键辩题。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTED〕Children with parents who take an interest in their education generally do better at school. 父母对子女的教育感兴趣的话,子女的学业成绩通常就比较好。朗文写作活用〔MEd.〕Master of Education.教育学硕士美国传统〔MONEY〕Without a student grant, I'd never even have gone into higher education. 没有学生助学金的话,我不可能受到高等教育。朗文写作活用〔NDEA〕National Defense Education Act.国防教育条例美国传统〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕In the eighteenth century ordinary people had no access whatsoever to education. 在18世纪,普通人是不可能接受教育的。朗文写作活用〔PROUD〕He looks down on anyone who hasn't had a college education. 他看不起任何一个未受过大学教育的人。朗文写作活用〔PROVIDE/SUPPLY〕Local authorities must provide for the education of all children with learning difficulties. 地方当局必须满足全部有学习障碍的孩子受教育的需要。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Religious education is compulsory in all English schools. 在英国的所有学校里都必须接受宗教教育。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕In the old days, a university education was the prerogative of the rich. 在过去,大学教育是富人独有的权利。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Eighty-five percent of high school students in the program go on to post-secondary education. 这个计划中有85%的高中学生继续接受中学后的教育。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕The U.S. community college system is the largest system of higher education in the world. 美国的社区大学教育体系是世界上规模最大的高等教育体系。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕Education helps us to make rational decisions. 教育帮助我们作出明智的决定。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕Don't let your social life get in the way of your education. 不要让社交生活影响你的学业。朗文写作活用〔STRIKE〕Teachers were not striking for higher pay, but for higher standards in education. 教师举行罢工不是为了提高薪水,而是为了提高教育质量。朗文写作活用〔SURE/NOT SURE〕Even the government's most loyal supporters have misgivings about changes to the education system. 即使是政府最忠诚的支持者,也对教育制度的改革存有顾虑。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The boy's parents claim the school's actions have effectively deprived their son of education. 男孩的父母称学校的行动实际上剥夺了他们儿子受教育的权利。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Jobs in education are not usually highly paid. 教育工作通常收入不高。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕His reaction was quite in character. The man had no respect for education, and it was no surprise when he took his son out of school. 他的反应恰如其人。这个人不尊重教育,他把儿子从学校带走也就不足为奇了。朗文写作活用〔VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS〕Most of today's teachers are committed to multicultural education. 如今大多数教师都投身于多元文化教育。朗文写作活用〔advise〕We can advise parents about education.我们可以就教育问题给家长一些建议。牛津搭配〔amusement〕Several games were provided for the education and amusement of the children.有一些游戏供孩子们的教育和娱乐之用。韦氏高阶〔at any price〕We think it's the best education you can get at any price.我们认为不管你花多少钱,这是你能受到的最好的教育。I韦氏高阶〔attach〕Both her parents attach great importance to education.她的父母亲都认为教育很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔attack〕The book is widely seen as an attack on the education system.这本书被普遍视为对教育体制的强烈批评。麦克米伦高阶〔authority〕The government is urging education authorities to spend less money.政府正在敦促教育部门减少开支。牛津搭配〔background〕Her academic background includes a degree in education.她的学历中有一个教育学的学位。牛津搭配〔basics〕It's time our education system got back to basics.我们的教育制度该回归到基础上了。牛津搭配〔beacon〕The education program offers a beacon of hope to these children.这项教育计划为这些儿童燃起了希望之光。朗文当代〔believe〕He doesn't believe in private education.他不相信私立教育。朗文当代〔benefit〕He had been denied the benefits of a good education.他被剥夺了接受良好教育能带来的好处。牛津搭配〔benefit〕I never had the benefit of a university education.我从未受过大学教育。朗文当代〔birth〕He had received all the advantages of birth (= having been born into a family of a high social class) and an expensive education.他出身高贵且接受了良好的教育。剑桥高阶〔board of education〕The county Board of Education has decided to cancel high school gymnastics and golf programs.郡教育委员会决定取消高中体操和高尔夫球课程。剑桥高阶〔bridge〕Her job, basically, is to create a bridge between the business community and the world of education.她的工作本质上说是在商界和教育界之间建立联系。麦克米伦高阶〔broaden out〕The debate is broadening out to include questions about the structure of French education.辩论的范围进一步扩大,将法国教育结构的问题也包括了进来。柯林斯高阶〔bubble up〕Interesting ideas about education and healthcare are bubbling up all over the country.有关教育和医疗有意思想法在全国各地涌现出来。剑桥高阶〔campaign〕Education has become an important campaign issue.教育已成为竞选活动的重要热点问题。牛津搭配〔carry sth through〕It is doubtful whether it will be possible to carry through the education reforms.对于能否成功实现教育改革,人们还心存疑虑。剑桥高阶〔chairman〕Potts was appointed chairman of the education committee.波茨当选为教育委员会主席。朗文当代〔cheat (out) of〕In the past women were cheated out of their chance for education.从前妇女被剥夺了受教育的机会。21世纪英汉〔chuck〕We've given you the best education money can buy – don't chuck it all away.我们已经给了你金钱所能买到的最好的教育,别把这些都浪费了。麦克米伦高阶〔combine〕If improved education is combined with other factors dramatic results can be achieved.如果把改良的教育体系和其他的因素结合起来,会取得非常惊人的效果。柯林斯高阶〔conference〕The President summoned all the state governors to a conference on education.总统召集各州州长对教育问题进行研讨。外研社新世纪〔consolidate〕Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards.查尔斯·施瓦茨法官将给路易斯安那州60天时间来解散然后合并该州的4个高等教育委员会。柯林斯高阶〔contentious〕She has some very contentious views on education.她对教育持有一些颇具争议的看法。剑桥高阶〔continue〕They want to continue their education.他们希望能够继续接受教育。外研社新世纪〔contribution〕You can make annual contributions of up to $1000 in education savings accounts.你可以每年在教育储蓄账户里存入最多达 1000 美元的数额。朗文当代〔control〕The city wanted local control of education.市政府想获得教育的地方控制权。韦氏高阶〔cultivate〕To form and refine, as by education.改善,教养:使…养成和改善,如通过教育美国传统〔decently〕The lack of a decent education did not defeat Rey.缺乏良好的教育并没有挡住雷伊。柯林斯高阶〔delinquency〕We can curb juvenile delinquency by education.我们可通过教育来控制少年犯罪。英汉大词典〔demand〕He demanded an explanation from the Education Secretary.他要求教育大臣给予解释。外研社新世纪〔democratic〕Education is the basis of a democratic society.教育是民主社会的基础。外研社新世纪〔demonstrate〕They are demonstrating in favour of free higher education.他们参加示威游行,要求实行免费高等教育。牛津高阶〔deny〕No one should be denied a good education./A good education should be denied to no one.任何人都不能被剥夺接受良好教育的权利。剑桥高阶〔desire〕Although her education left much to be desired, she was an extremely intelligent person.尽管没有受过良好的教育,但她却是个非常聪明的人。韦氏高阶〔destiny〕Education can give you the power to shape your own destiny.教育能给予你塑造自己命运的力量。麦克米伦高阶〔divert to〕We diverted funds from armaments to education.我们把款项从军费开支转为教育开支。21世纪英汉〔driver〕We must spend more money on driver education.我们必须在司机培训方面投入更多资金。外研社新世纪〔education〕Education is my profession.教书是我的职业。外研社新世纪〔education〕How well a child does at school is influenced by the level of parental education.父母所受的教育水平影响到孩子在学校里的表现。牛津搭配〔education〕She earned her master's degree in education.她获得了教育学硕士学位。韦氏高阶〔education〕She lectures in education (= the study of education) at the teacher training college.她在教师培训学院讲授教育学。剑桥高阶〔education〕Technology allows distance education to occur at all levels.科技使人们可以获得各种层次的远程教育。牛津搭配〔effort〕They launched an AIDS education effort.他们发起了艾滋病教育行动。牛津搭配〔emphasis〕Some schools lay [place, put] (great, much) emphasis on [upon] physical education.有些学校(非常)注重体育。文馨英汉〔entrust〕Miss Conway was entrusted with the children's education.康韦小姐受托负责孩子们的教育。外研社新世纪〔entrust〕She entrusted her son's education to a private tutor.她把儿子的教育托付给了一位私人教师。朗文当代〔essence〕The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout life.他的观点的要旨是教育应该持续终生。剑桥高阶〔examination〕We should not judge education solely on examination results.我们不应该单靠考试成绩来评判教育水平。外研社新世纪〔exempt〕She was exempt from physical education requirements because of her health problems.她因健康问题而获准免修体育课。韦氏高阶〔expenditure〕The budget will certainly include increased expenditure on education.这个预算当然包括增加的教育支出。麦克米伦高阶〔faith〕The study of other world faiths is an important part of religious education.研究其他世界性宗教是宗教教育的重要部分。牛津搭配〔flunk〕Hubbard loathed education after he flunked college himself.因考试不及格而被学院劝退后, 哈伯德就反感教育。外研社新世纪〔forefront〕Education remains at the forefront of the state's planning.教育在国家规划中仍处于优先地位。牛津搭配〔formally〕Although his formal education stopped after primary school, he was an avid reader.尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。柯林斯高阶〔formal〕Tom had little formal education.汤姆没怎么受过正规教育。剑桥高阶〔for〕The biggest concern for most Americans was the quality of public education.大多数美国人最关心的是大众教育的质量问题。麦克米伦高阶〔frankness〕A lot more frankness is needed in sex education if we are to reduce the number of teenage pregnancies.我们要减少少女怀孕现象,在性教育方面还需要坦率得多才行。剑桥高阶〔front〕Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good.任何重视教育的事都是好事。牛津高阶〔gear ... to〕Education should be geared to the children's abilities.教育应该适应孩子们的能力。21世纪英汉〔gentility〕Education was considered a mark of gentility.教育曾被认为是高贵身份的标志。韦氏高阶〔get〕If you want to be successful you need to get a good education.要想成功,就要接受良好的教育。韦氏高阶〔guarantee〕Most states guarantee the right to free and adequate education.大多数州都保障人们接受免费、充分的教育的权利。外研社新世纪〔guidelines〕The Department of Education has issued new national guidelines for science teachers.教育部发布了新的全国理科教师指导条例。麦克米伦高阶〔guiding principle〕Equality of opportunity has been the government's guiding principle in its education reforms.“机会均等”一直是这个国家教育改革的指导原则。剑桥高阶〔handicap〕This could be a serious handicap to her education.这可能对她的教育构成严重障碍。牛津搭配〔head start〕A good education gives your child a head start in life.良好的教育会让你的孩子在人生中领先别人一步。外研社新世纪〔hold〕He holds strange views on education.他对教育的看法不同寻常。牛津高阶〔hurry through〕They hurried through the plan of the education, which made him annoy.他们匆匆讨论完了教育规划,这种做法令他十分恼火。21世纪英汉〔illiterate〕Having little or no formal education.无知的:受教育少或未受正规教育的美国传统〔importance〕Education takes on an added importance at a time of economic uncertainty.在经济不稳定时期教育显示出格外重要的意义。牛津搭配〔importance〕It shows the importance that this government attaches to education.重视某事物麦克米伦高阶〔inadequate〕We are trying to provide basic education with inadequate resources.我们设法在资源不足的情况下提供基础教育。麦克米伦高阶〔index〕These new ideas in education are an index of change to come.教育方面的这些新理念标志着变革即将到来。英汉大词典〔indicate〕His language indicates a poor education.他的言语反映出他没受过多少教育。柯林斯高阶〔indictment〕This seems to me to be a damning indictment of the government's education policy.我觉得这似乎应看作是对教育政策的一种深刻谴责。剑桥高阶〔infusion〕Further education badly needs the infusion of more resources.进修教育非常需要更多资源的注入。朗文当代〔investment〕A college education is a very good investment.接受大学教育是一项很好的投资。韦氏高阶〔issue〕Public education was one of the biggest issues in the election campaign.公共教育是竞选运动中最重要的议题之一。麦克米伦高阶〔keen〕He took a keen interest in his grandson's education.他对孙子的教育很感兴趣。牛津高阶〔kishke〕He sweated his kishkes out to give his children a good education.他为了使儿女能受到良好的教育而自己豁出命来干。英汉大词典〔least〕On education funding, Japan performs best but spends the least per student.在教育投资方面,日本花在每位学生身上的钱最少,但却做得最好。柯林斯高阶〔literature〕Her education gave her an appreciation for great literature.她接受的教育使她能够欣赏伟大的文学作品。韦氏高阶〔locally〕Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending.教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。柯林斯高阶〔manyfold〕Aid to education has increased manyfold.资助教育的经费增加了多倍。英汉大词典〔may〕There is a need for more resources so that all children may have a decent education.需要更多的财力支持,让所有的孩子都受到良好的教育。牛津高阶〔need〕The education authorities have to provide for children in need.教育主管部门得救助贫困儿童。柯林斯高阶〔not〕Not all children have the opportunity for pre-school education.不是所有的孩子都有接受学前教育的机会。麦克米伦高阶〔nourish〕By investing in education, we nourish the talents of our children.我们通过教育投资,培养孩子们的才能。牛津高阶〔operation〕The Education Business Partnership has been in operation since 1989.教育和贸易伙伴关系计划从 1989 年就开始实施。朗文当代〔parcel〕University education is often parcelled up into specialist teaching units.大学教育常常被细化成各门专业学科。朗文当代〔part〕Health education will play a part in preparing us for old age.健康教育将为我们进入老年生活作好一定准备。朗文当代〔part〕School inspection is a vital part of the education system.督学是教育体系中至关重要的组成部分。麦克米伦高阶〔passport〕A good education is the passport to success.良好的教育是取得成功的保障。英汉大词典〔piecemeal〕Instead of the government's piecemeal approach, what is needed is a radical shake-up of 16-19 education.需要的不是政府零敲碎打的措施,而是要对16至19岁年龄段的教育进行彻底变革。柯林斯高阶〔play〕Examinations seem to play a large part in education.考试似乎在教育中发挥着重要的作用。外研社新世纪〔practise〕This model of education is widely practised.这种教育模式被广泛推行。牛津搭配〔prefer〕We prefer that our teachers have a degree in early childhood education.我们希望我们的老师拥有儿童早期教育的学位。朗文当代〔present〕Barnes subsequently presented the case to a meeting of the Education Committee.巴恩斯后来在教育委员会的一次会议上提出了该问题。麦克米伦高阶〔principle〕The general principle is that education should be available to all children up to the age of 16.总的原则是,16 岁以下儿童都应该接受教育。朗文当代〔product〕These teenagers are typical products of the private education system.这些少年是私立教育制度的典型产物。麦克米伦高阶〔project〕I'm doing a project on education in France.我正在做一项法国教育问题的研究。外研社新世纪〔proportionately〕We have significantly increased the number of people in education but the size of the classes hasn't changed proportionately.受教育的人数显著增加了, 可是班级人数并未相应增加。外研社新世纪〔prostitute〕Higher education is prostituting itself to market forces.高等教育正在被迫向市场需求妥协。外研社新世纪〔qualify〕Further education will qualify you for a pay raise.进一步深造会让你有机会获得加薪。韦氏高阶〔rating〕Education has been given a high-priority rating by the new administration.新一届政府将教育放在了高度优先的地位。牛津高阶〔related〕Education levels are strongly related to income.教育程度和收入有很大的关系。朗文当代〔reopen〕His results are likely to reopen the debate on race and education.他的结果可能会重新引起关于种族和教育的辩论。柯林斯高阶〔responsibility〕The company saw it as part of its social responsibility to provide education for its workers.公司把向工人提供教育看成是自己的一个社会责任。朗文当代〔route〕A college education is often the best route to a good job.大学教育常常是获得一份好工作的最佳途径。剑桥高阶〔ruck〕Obtaining a good education was seen as a way out of the ruck.获得良好的教育被认为是出人头地的一个途径。朗文当代〔run〕Your education ran away with most of my money.你受教育花掉了我的大部分金钱。英汉大词典〔sacrifice〕She made many sacrifices to get Anita a good education.为了让安妮塔接受良好的教育,她作出了很多牺牲。柯林斯高阶〔sacrifice〕We had to make sacrifices in order to pay for our children's education.为了支付孩子们的教育费用,我们不得不作出牺牲。剑桥高阶〔seize〕The government now hopes to seize the initiative on education.如今政府希望抓住教育上的主动权。外研社新世纪〔self-taught〕She received some education at night school, but was largely self-taught.她在夜校接受过一些教育,但主要是靠自学成材。朗文当代〔shortage〕There's no shortage of ideas when it comes to improving the education of children.谈到改善孩子教育问题,大家都想法多多。柯林斯高阶〔smorgasbord〕Further Education colleges with a smorgasbord of academic and vocational courses.提供广泛的学科课程和职业培训课程的进修学院柯林斯高阶〔speak〕Speaking as a parent, I'm very concerned about standards in education.作为家长,我十分关注教育的水平。牛津高阶〔sponsor〕Most of these students are sponsored by the National Department of Education.这些学生大部分是由国家教育部资助的。外研社新世纪〔strain〕The vast expansion in secondary education is putting an enormous strain on the system.中等教育的大幅扩张正对该系统造成巨大压力。柯林斯高阶〔subject〕The funding is subject to approval by the Board of Education.拨款有待教育委员会批准。朗文当代〔tear away〕Japan's education ministry ordered the change to encourage students to tear themselves away from textbooks.日本文部省下令实行这项改革,以鼓励学生从课本中走出来。柯林斯高阶〔territory〕The parties have been staking out their territory on education.各方已经明确了各自在教育问题上的立场。牛津搭配〔thesis〕Their main thesis was that the rise in earnings was due to improvements in education.他们的主要论点是收入增加缘于教育状况的改善。朗文当代〔thought〕The fact that this country spends more on its military than on education and health care combined is a sobering thought .该国的军费开支比教育和医疗保健加起来的开支还要多,这真让人担忧。朗文当代〔tomorrow〕What will education look like tomorrow?将来教育会是什么样子呢?外研社新世纪〔top〕Education is this government's top priority.教育是这届政府的头等大事。朗文当代〔trespasser〕They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.他们正采取行动以阻止国家干涉诸如性教育之类的家庭问题。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕Next the Senator turned to education.接着参议员谈起了教育。朗文当代〔two-way〕Education is a two-way process.教育是教学相长的过程。外研社新世纪〔umbrella〕The international education program came under the umbrella of the State Department.国际教育计划由美国国务院负责。朗文当代〔us〕A new study of education in the US has just been published.对美国教育的一项新研究刚刚发表。剑桥高阶〔v〕Brown v. Board of Education 布朗诉教育委员会案韦氏高阶〔way〕He doesn't have much in the way of education.他没有受过多少教育。麦克米伦高阶Education experts are claiming that physics is badly taught in our schools.教育专家们声称我们学校里物理教得很差劲。剑桥国际Education in England is something of a lottery.在英国接受教育是件碰运气的事。剑桥国际Education is back at the top of the political agenda (= the matters that the government is considering).教育又回到了政府议事日程的首位。剑桥国际Education is the current focus of public debate.教育是当今公众讨论的焦点。剑桥国际As a child he received most of his education at home.小时候他大部分的教育是在家里接受的。剑桥国际As an education minister, she has been touting these ideas for some time.作为教育部长,一段时间以来她一直在宣传这些观念。剑桥国际He argued that the country's training and education systems were still dominated by traditionalism.他争辩道这个国家的培训和教育制度仍然受到传统主义的支配。剑桥国际He devoted himself to the nourishment of education. 他献身于发展教育事业。译典通He rounded out his education by spending a year in Paris. 他在巴黎就读一年,完成了学业。译典通I want my children to have a secular education and be allowed to make up their own minds about religion.我希望我的孩子接受非宗教的教育,允许他们决定自己对宗教的态度。剑桥国际I will use the prize money to help pay for my education. 我要用这笔奖金支付部分学费。译典通It's a disgrace that the government spends so much on guns and so little on education.政府在枪炮上花了这么多,在教育上花得这么少,太可耻了。剑桥国际Many parents want more sex education for pre-pubescent children.许多家长希望对青春期以前的孩子加强性教育。剑桥国际Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。译典通Private education is often regarded as socially divisive.私立教育常被视作社会上的不和因素。剑桥国际Relatively low esteem is given in this country to vocational education.在这个国家对职业教育的尊重程度相当低。剑桥国际The government introduced universal secondary education years ago. 几年前,政府就倡导普及中等教育。译典通The local education authorities have devolved financial control to individual schools.当地的教育当局已经将财政管理权移交给各个学校。剑桥国际The local council has been criticized for being a low spender on (= not giving much money to pay for) education.地方委员会由于对教育的投入较少而受到批评。剑桥国际The opinion poll found that law and order is the most important political issue for voters and education is the next most important.民意测验表明法律和秩序是对选民最重要的政治问题,教育仅次之。剑桥国际The opposition was in full cry in Parliament last night over the proposed changes to the education bill.昨晚议会中关于修改教育法案的提议引起反对党的激烈讨论。剑桥国际The savage cuts in education spending will mean bigger classes and fewer books.教育经费的大量削减将意味着班级越来越大,书本越来越少。剑桥国际There's a crying need for a better education system.我们迫切需要一个更好的教育体系。剑桥国际They provided the essentials of education but nothing beyond. 他们提供教育的要点,但仅此而已。译典通We need to take a pluralistic approach (=one which considers the needs of different types of people) to education.我们需要对教育采取多元化的方式。剑桥国际When she opened the new school, the minister gave an extemporaneous speech on the government's education policy.她的新学校开学时,部长就政府的教育政策做了一个即席演讲。剑桥国际With its new system of testing students, the Department of Education has been accused of trying to impose a fait accompli on schools.人们指责教育部试图以新的学生考试制度作为既成事实强加给学校。剑桥国际




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