单词 | everyone |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕After each training programme everyone has a follow-up interview with their manager. 每次培训课程结束后,每个人都要跟经理作一次跟进的面谈。朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕When Kurt was in one of his moods, he took it out on everyone around him. 库尔特心情不好的时候会迁怒于身边的每个人。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕Williams cleared his throat, made a few introductory remarks welcoming everyone, then began his speech. 威廉斯清了清嗓子,讲了几句开场白欢迎大家后就开始作演讲。朗文写作活用〔BEHAVE〕I try to deal with everyone in an honest, ethical way. 我努力以诚实和合乎道德的方式对待每一个人。朗文写作活用〔CARELESS〕You say a few careless words to a neighbour and suddenly everyone knows about it. 你随口对邻居说几句话,一会儿就传得谁都知道。朗文写作活用〔CRITICIZE〕I try not to take it personally -- he gets at everyone on the team. 我试图不把它看成是人身攻击——他找队里所有人的岔子。朗文写作活用〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕Haven't you heard Anja's pregnant? I thought everyone knew. 你没听说安雅怀孕了吗?我以为大家都知道呢。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Everyone turned around as the bride entered the church. 新娘走进教堂时,人人都转过身来。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Everyone waved goodbye as the happy couple drove away. 那对新婚夫妇开车离去时,大家都和他们挥手告别。朗文写作活用〔MENTION〕Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to. 尽管她没有提及任何名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕She was christened Jessica, but everyone calls her Jess. 她的教名是杰茜卡,但大家都叫她杰丝。朗文写作活用〔ONLY〕Everyone ignored my sole contribution to the conversation. 就我一个人在说话,大家都不理睬我。朗文写作活用〔PULL〕Everyone pull together now. Are you ready? Heave! 现在大家一起拉。准备好了吗,拉!朗文写作活用〔READY/NOT READY〕When everyone is ready, I'll give the signal to start. 大家都准备好了之后,我会发出开始信号。朗文写作活用〔RECENTLY〕There was a time not so long ago when everyone felt confident about investing in property. 不久前有段时间大家都对地产投资有信心。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕William did his best to maintain an easy-going, friendly relationship with everyone at camp. 威廉尽量与营地的每个人保持轻松友好的关系。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕She had blurted out my secret when she was upset, and now everyone knew about it. 她有一回不开心脱口说出了我的秘密,现在大家都知道了。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕Everyone took turns to patrol the streets at night. 夜里每个人轮流巡逻街道。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕He didn't have a clue about the surprise party, but everyone in the office was in on it. 他一点也不知道惊喜聚会的事,但办公室里每一个人都知道。朗文写作活用〔TALK〕He babbled on and on until everyone had left the room. 他唠唠叨叨说个没完,直到所有人都离开了房间。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Why is everyone so upset? Has George been throwing his weight around again? 为什么大家都不开心了?乔治又对他们呼来喝去了吗?朗文写作活用〔UNKIND〕A few thoughtless people have spoiled the holiday for everyone else. 一些自私的人把其他人的假期都破坏了。朗文写作活用〔WAIT〕Go and wait in line like everyone else. 跟别人一样去排队。朗文写作活用〔WANT/NOT WANT〕Everyone has the right to smoke if they wish, but not the right to ruin the health of those around them. 每个人只要自己愿意都有抽烟的权利,但是无权损害周围的人的身体健康。朗文写作活用〔WELL-DRESSED〕The principal expected everyone to be well turned out on graduation day. 校长希望毕业典礼那天每个人都打扮得整洁漂亮。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕Everyone aboard was injured in the accident.船上的所有人都在这起事故中受了伤。韦氏高阶〔accessible〕He wants his poetry to be accessible to everyone.他希望自己创作的诗歌人人都能欣赏。外研社新世纪〔appeal to〕The company is appealing to everyone to save power and water.公司正呼吁大家节约水电。21世纪英汉〔appear〕Everyone appeared to have a good time. = They all appeared to enjoy themselves.每个人似乎都玩得很开心。韦氏高阶〔apply〕The rules apply to everyone.规则适用于大家。牛津同义词〔appreciation〕The authors extend their sincere appreciation to everyone who contributed to the book.作者向对促成该书的所有人致以诚挚的谢意。牛津搭配〔around〕Everyone crowded around the little dog.大家都围在小狗周围。麦克米伦高阶〔asleep〕It was late at night and everyone was fast asleep.夜深了,所有人都在酣睡。韦氏高阶〔assume〕Everyone assumed him to be dead.大家都以为他不在人世了。21世纪英汉〔astound〕The judge's decision astounded everyone.法官的判决使大家深感震惊。朗文当代〔avowal〕His avowal of his incompetence surprised everyone.他坦率承认自己不胜任,这使大家感到诧异。英汉大词典〔beam〕He shook hands with everyone, beaming good nature.他和大家一一握手,显得一团和气。英汉大词典〔begin〕Everyone began talking at once.大家同时开始讲话。牛津高阶〔better〕Why was it that everyone else did better than me in the exams? 为什么其他每个人都考得比我好?麦克米伦高阶〔bit〕We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.如果每个人都尽职,我们就能按时完成这项工作。牛津搭配〔bit〕We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit.要是每个人都尽职,我们就能按时完成这项工作。牛津高阶〔blame〕Whenever something goes wrong, everyone blames it on me.一出什么错儿,所有人都把责任归咎于我。牛津搭配〔body search〕Everyone entering the building had a body search.进入大楼的每一个人都受到搜身检查。朗文当代〔bromide〕His speech had nothing more to offer than the usual bromides about how everyone needs to work together.他的演讲只不过是一些安抚大家应该如何团结一致的陈词滥调。韦氏高阶〔burst out〕Everyone burst out “Surprise!” as he walked through the door.他进门时,大家突然喊道:“给你个惊喜!”韦氏高阶〔can〕I can't tell you how relieved I am to know that everyone is safe.我简直无法向你描述我得知大家都安全时心情有多轻松。麦克米伦高阶〔case〕Everyone can learn, it's just a case of practising.每个人都学得会,这只是练不练习的问题。朗文当代〔catch〕The sheer number of spectators has caught everyone unprepared.观众的人数之多让所有人措手不及。柯林斯高阶〔cheer〕Everyone cheered our team.大家都为我们队欢呼打气。英汉大词典〔close〕He closed the meeting by thanking everyone for coming.他以对大家到场的感谢结束了会议。麦克米伦高阶〔conserve〕With so little rain, everyone had to conserve water.降雨量那么少,大家都得节约用水。韦氏高阶〔contact〕She contacted everyone on the list.她联系了名单上的每一个人。韦氏高阶〔counter-culture〕Not everyone joined the counterculture, not everyone demonstrated, dropped out, took drugs, or dodged the draft.不是所有人都加入反主流文化群体,不是所有人都示威游行,退学,吸毒,或逃避服兵役。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕Everyone ran for cover when it started to rain.雨下起来时,大家都跑着找地方避雨。牛津高阶〔crack〕Everyone should be given a fair crack of the whip.每个人都应该得到公平合理的机会。外研社新世纪〔creative〕Not everyone in advertising needs to be able to think up ads. That is the role of creatives.并不是每个广告从业人员都需要有构思广告的能力, 那是广告创意人员的职责。外研社新世纪〔dash〕Everyone dashed to the window to look.所有的人都冲到窗前围观。外研社新世纪〔deed〕Everyone sins at some time, in thought if not in deed.人人都会犯罪,如果不是在行动上那就是在思想里。朗文当代〔destined〕Everyone knew that Muriel was destined for great things.所有人都知道缪里尔命中注定要成就一番伟业。外研社新世纪〔discreetly〕Everyone tried discreetly to find out more about him.每个人都言语不露痕迹地试图打探到更多关于他的事。柯林斯高阶〔divide up〕The aim was to divide up the business, give everyone an equal stake in its future.目标是将公司股份平分, 将来让每个人承担均等的风险。外研社新世纪〔divide up〕The aim was to divide up the business, give everyone an equal stake in its future.目的是为了平分公司股份,让每个人将来承担均等的风险。柯林斯高阶〔dress〕He dresses in a way that lets everyone know he's got authority.他的衣着让所有人知道他享有威望。外研社新世纪〔earshot〕Everyone within earshot soon knew her opinion of Reggie.能听到她说话的人很快就知道了她对雷吉的看法。朗文当代〔eat〕Everyone happily ate the huge meal.大家都很开心地吃了一顿大餐。牛津搭配〔egotism〕In his egotism he thought everyone was coming just to see him.他很自以为是,认为每个人都是来看他的。韦氏高阶〔envious〕Everyone is so envious of her.人人都那么羡慕她。牛津高阶〔especially〕Everyone loved it, especially the children.人人都喜欢这东西,尤其是孩子们。朗文当代〔everyone〕Everyone else was there.其他所有人都在那儿。牛津高阶〔everyone〕Everyone released their seat belts.大家都解开了他们座位上的安全带。英汉大词典〔everyone〕Everyone who wishes to attend is invited.每个愿意参加的人都受到邀请。英汉大词典〔excitement〕Everyone is in a state of great excitement.每个人都十分激动。外研社新世纪〔fight〕They fought to the bitter end/to the death (= until everyone on one side was dead or completely defeated).他们进行了殊死搏斗。剑桥高阶〔fix your eyes/gaze (etc.) on/upon〕Everyone fixed their eyes on her as she entered the room.她进屋时,大家都盯着她。韦氏高阶〔floor〕Everyone took to the floor for the last waltz.所有人都跳起了最后一支华尔兹。朗文当代〔follow〕Do your own thing, don't just follow the crowd (= do what everyone else does).做你自己的事,不要只是随大溜。剑桥高阶〔gain〕Everyone would gain by (或from) it.人人都能从中得到好处。英汉大词典〔gesture〕I thought it was a nice gesture to send everyone a card.我认为给每人寄一张贺卡是友好的表示。牛津搭配〔good〕She believes there is some good in everyone.她相信每个人都有好的一面。韦氏高阶〔grab〕Don't grab—there's plenty for everyone.别抢,多着呢,人人都有。牛津高阶〔gratitude〕We would like to express our gratitude to everyone.我们想向所有的人表示我们的感激之情。麦克米伦高阶〔ground〕The sooner we find a middle ground between freedom of speech and protection of the young, the better for everyone.我们越快找到言论自由和保护年轻人之间的中间立场, 对每个人就越好。外研社新世纪〔harmony〕Imagine a society in which everyone lived together in (perfect) harmony.设想一下有这样一个社会,所有人都和睦地生活在一起。剑桥高阶〔hate〕He burned with hate for everyone and everything.他心里满是对所有人和事的仇恨。牛津搭配〔have〕Everyone has a right to express their opinion.人人有权发表自己的观点。麦克米伦高阶〔highball〕Everyone had highballed out of there.大家都已匆匆离开那里。英汉大词典〔his〕Everyone must do his best.人人都必须尽自己最大的努力。英汉大词典〔hold up〕Have your passport ready so you don't hold everyone up.准备好你的护照, 这样就不会耽误别人了。外研社新世纪〔honesty〕He demands honesty from everyone who works for him.他要求为他工作的人都得诚实。韦氏高阶〔hypnotic〕Everyone is familiar with the TV screen's hypnotic power.大家都很熟悉电视屏幕的吸引力。柯林斯高阶〔hypocrisy〕There's one rule for her and another rule for everyone else and it's sheer hypocrisy.对她是一种标准,而对所有其他人是另一种标准,这是彻头彻尾的虚伪。剑桥高阶〔hysterical〕Everyone in the studio burst into hysterical laughter .演播室里的每个人都爆发出一阵狂笑。朗文当代〔immediate〕They have evacuated everyone in the immediate area/vicinity of the wildfire.他们疏散了所有在野火附近的人。韦氏高阶〔inclusive〕Not everyone shares his vision of an inclusive America.不是所有人都同意他的观点,认为美国是个包容性很强的国家。朗文当代〔inferior〕She considered everyone her intellectual inferior.她认为谁都不如她聪明。牛津搭配〔in〕In trying to please everyone, I ended up pleasing no one.我试图讨好每个人,结果谁也没讨好。韦氏高阶〔jamboree〕The beer festival was a huge open-air jamboree with music, stalls and everyone enjoying themselves.啤酒节是一场大型的露天狂欢,有音乐和货摊,每个人都尽情享乐。剑桥高阶〔join in〕I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.我希望每个人都能来凑热闹。外研社新世纪〔just〕We just wanted to make sure everyone was safe.我们只想确保每个人都安然无恙。麦克米伦高阶〔laden〕He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone.他从法国回来总是给大家带很多礼物。剑桥高阶〔lap sth up〕Everyone clapped and cheered and you could see he was lapping it up.大家都在鼓掌欢呼,可以看出他对此感到非常受用。剑桥高阶〔last〕I've tried everyone else and now you're my last resort.其他人我都试过了,现在就靠你了。牛津高阶〔lift〕The new park has given everyone in the neighbourhood a lift.新公园让附近的每一个人都很开心。朗文当代〔like〕I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who's helped to make our wedding such a special occasion! 我想对参与筹备我们婚礼的每一个人表示由衷的感谢,正是你们让这个婚礼如此与众不同!剑桥高阶〔look〕Everyone says he's handsome, but I wasn't impressed by his looks.人人都说他英俊,但我觉得他的长相不怎么样。韦氏高阶〔mark〕I'd like everyone to mark their progress on the chart every week.我希望每人每周将自己的进度标在图表上。剑桥高阶〔mayhem〕There was absolute mayhem when everyone tried to get out at once.众人蜂拥而出,造成了极大的混乱。牛津高阶〔message〕The President wants everyone to be/get back on message when giving interviews.总统希望每个人在接受采访时都能表示支持政府的决策。韦氏高阶〔message〕The family sent a heartfelt message of thanks to everyone who helped.这家人给每一个帮助过他们的人都发了一封真挚的感谢信。牛津搭配〔midday〕At midday everyone would go down to Reg's Cafe.中午,大家都会下楼去雷吉餐馆。柯林斯高阶〔might〕Might I just say how lovely it is to see everyone here today.我想说,今天看到大家都在这里,多好啊。朗文当代〔minute〕Has everyone seen the minutes of last month's meeting? 大家都看过上个月的会议记录了吗?朗文当代〔money〕Everyone there put their money on the underdog.那边所有的人都把赌注押在了处于劣势的一方。韦氏高阶〔much〕She's much the best person for the job (= she is certainly better than everyone else).她无疑是这个职位的最佳人选。剑桥高阶〔muggins〕Everyone disappeared after supper, leaving muggins here to do the washing-up.晚饭后大家都走光了,留下我这个傻子在这儿洗碗碟。朗文当代〔myth〕Contrary to popular myth, not everyone in this area is rich.与多数人的看法相反麦克米伦高阶〔name-drop〕I must stop saying everyone famous is a good friend. It sounds as if I'm name-dropping.我不能再到处说跟名人都是好朋友了, 听起来像是我在借他们抬高自己。外研社新世纪〔nosedive〕Everyone screamed as the plane suddenly went into a nosedive .飞机突然垂直俯冲,大家都尖叫起来。朗文当代〔note〕It's all very worrying. On a lighter note, it's nearly lunchtime. Is everyone hungry?真是让人担心。换个轻松点的话题, 快到午饭时间了, 大家是不是都饿了?外研社新世纪〔off〕Everyone got off the train at Winnipeg.所有的人都在温尼伯下火车。朗文当代〔ourselves〕With the exception of a few Algerians and ourselves, everyone spoke Spanish.除了几位阿尔及利亚人和我们之外,大家都讲西班牙语。英汉大词典〔out-of-bounds〕These workshops are out-of-bounds to everyone except research men.这些工场除研究人员外他人一律不得入内。英汉大词典〔outclass〕She outclassed everyone else in the dance competition.在舞蹈比赛中,她鹤立鸡群。韦氏高阶〔overdressed〕Everyone else was wearing jeans, so I felt a little overdressed in my best suit.别人都穿着牛仔裤,所以我感觉自己穿着最好的套装有点儿过于正式了。剑桥高阶〔pass〕When she passed by, everyone here would look up and nod to her.当她走过时,这里的每一个人都会抬起头来向她点头致意。英汉大词典〔pessimistic〕Not everyone is so pessimistic about the future.不是每个人都对未来如此悲观。外研社新世纪〔photograph〕Tell me who everyone is in the photograph.告诉我照片里的人都是谁。牛津搭配〔please〕Will everyone please be quiet and listen? 请大家安静听,好吗?韦氏高阶〔predicament〕If everyone had followed the rules, we would not be in this predicament.如果大家都遵守规则,我们就不会身陷这种困境了。麦克米伦高阶〔preference〕When it comes to music, everyone has their own preferences.说到音乐,每人都有自己的喜好。韦氏高阶〔prepare〕Bob was preparing breakfast for everyone.鲍勃在为大家准备早餐。麦克米伦高阶〔pressure〕With greatly increased workloads, everyone is under pressure now.随着工作压力的急剧增大,大家都忧心忡忡。麦克米伦高阶〔props〕Props to everyone that made this movie a success.感谢所有为这部电影的成功而付出的人。韦氏高阶〔pull〕Everyone saw the stunt you pulled on me.大家都看见了你对我耍的花招。柯林斯高阶〔quality〕Everyone can greatly improve the quality of life.每个人都可以大大改善生活质量。柯林斯高阶〔quite〕It would be quite a nuisance to write to everyone.给所有人都写信准是件麻烦事。剑桥高阶〔reasoning〕They told everyone the reasoning behind the decision.他们告诉大家做出这个决定的理由。韦氏高阶〔refer〕Although she didn't mention any names, everyone knew who she was referring to.尽管她没有提任何人的名字,但大家都知道她指的是谁。朗文当代〔remark〕The President concluded his remarks by thanking everyone who had helped.总统在结束讲话时对所有提供过帮助的人表示了感谢。牛津搭配〔responsible〕Now I've learned that I don't have to be responsible for everyone.现在我懂得了我无需对每一个人负责。外研社新世纪〔rope〕Everyone was roped in to help with the show.每个人都被动员来为这次表演出力。牛津高阶〔rule〕Ferrari rule the roost and everyone else has to follow.费拉里做主, 其他人必须服从。外研社新世纪〔scatter〕After dinner, everyone scattered.用餐后,大家各奔东西。柯林斯高阶〔seem〕Everyone seems busy except us.除了我们,大家好像都很忙碌。柯林斯高阶〔serve sth up〕Come on everyone, I'm ready to serve up.大家快来,我要分菜了。剑桥高阶〔share〕Everyone got a share of the cake.这块糕饼人人有一份。牛津同义词〔share〕Not everyone will share your enthusiasm for this scheme.对这一计划,并不是每个人都有你那样的热情。麦克米伦高阶〔show〕Did everyone you invited showup? 你邀请的人都到场了吗? 英汉大词典〔single standard〕A set of principles applying the same standard to everyone, especially a moral code regarding the sexual behavior of both men and women.单一标准:一种对所有人施用同一标准的一套原则,尤指异性行为的道德标准美国传统〔sit down〕Everyone was already sitting down when I entered.我进去的时候所有人都已经就座了。外研社新世纪〔spatter〕Everyone was spattered with mud.每个人身上都溅满了泥点。21世纪英汉〔speakerphone〕We used the speakerphone for the call so that everyone could hear what was said.打电话时我们用了免提以便每个人都能听见谈话内容。韦氏高阶〔spirit〕The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things.晚会很成功,因为每个人都很投入。牛津高阶〔spot〕His genial smile was spotted on everyone in turn.他依次向每个人投来亲切的微笑。英汉大词典〔sprang或sprung〕Everyone a cup, I'll spring for it.每人一杯,我来付账。21世纪英汉〔step〕He thinks that everyone is out of step except him.他认为只有他是对的,其他所有人都是错的。剑桥高阶〔strangely〕She was strangely calm while everyone else was panicking.大家慌作一团的时候,她却出奇地平静。剑桥高阶〔stranger〕Everyone at the party was a stranger to me.宴会上的人我一个也不认识。英汉大词典〔tense〕There was a tense silence as everyone waited for his reaction.大家等待他作出回应时出现了一种令人不安的寂静。麦克米伦高阶〔theirs〕He'll bring his wife if everyone else will bring theirs.如果别人都带妻子,他就带他的妻子来。21世纪英汉〔theirs〕I haven't got my exam results yet, but everyone else has had theirs.我还没拿到考试成绩,但其他人都已经拿到了。麦克米伦高阶〔their〕Everyone should bring their own lunch.各人午餐自备。英汉大词典〔their〕Did everyone finish their lunch?大家都吃完午饭了吗? [参较 theirs]21世纪英汉〔think〕Everyone there seems to think very highly of her.那儿似乎人人都对她评价很高。麦克米伦高阶〔trend〕Everyone seems to be following the trend for sleek shiny hairstyles.人人似乎都在赶时髦,梳起整齐油亮的发型。麦克米伦高阶〔truck〕Everyone trucked on over to our house after the game.比赛结束后大家都溜达到我们家来了。韦氏高阶〔unconsciously〕I think racism is unconsciously inherent in practically everyone.我认为种族偏见固有地存在于几乎所有人的潜意识中。外研社新世纪〔underdressed〕Everyone else was in formal suits and I felt completely underdressed.其他人个个都西装笔挺,我感觉自己穿得有点儿太随便了。剑桥高阶〔understandable〕You have to put the facts into a form that's understandable to everyone.你得把这些事实用一种大家都能理解的形式表达出来。剑桥高阶〔unharmed〕The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.汽车报废了,但是大家都安然脱险。柯林斯高阶〔unharmed〕The car was a write-off, but everyone escaped unharmed.那辆车已完全报废, 但大家都安然脱险。外研社新世纪〔view〕The meeting gave everyone the chance to air their views.会议给了每个人发表意见的机会。牛津搭配〔vote〕Everyone over 18 has the right to vote.18 岁以上的人都有选举权。牛津搭配〔way〕I try to be nice to everyone, and in the same way, I expect everyone to be nice to me.我努力善待每一个人,同样,我也希望大家能善待我。韦氏高阶〔where〕You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is where I disagree.你说每个人都应该平等,这一点我不能同意。朗文当代〔work experience〕Many firms understand that giving work experience to students from colleges and schools will benefit everyone in the long term.很多公司都明白,为大学生和中学生提供实习机会从长远来看会使大家都受益。剑桥高阶〔work〕The arrangement works well for everyone involved.这项安排对每位参与的人都很有利。朗文当代Everyone I know likes the smell of bacon--even Mike does and he's a vegetarian.我认识的每个人都喜欢熏肉的味道----连吃素的麦克也不例外。剑桥国际Everyone at the party clinked their glasses together and drank to a happy new year.所有参加晚会的人都碰杯,为新年快乐而干杯。剑桥国际Everyone benefited from the share-out of the profits.每个人都在利润分成中获益。剑桥国际Everyone hit the deck when he started firing his gun into the air.他向空中开枪时,在场的每个人都伏倒在地。剑桥国际Everyone involved in the accident has been questioned by the police.与事故相关的每个人都被警察问过话。剑桥国际Everyone should be entitled to a decent wage/standard of living and a decent home.人人都有权得到体面的工资/生活标准和一个美好的家庭。剑桥国际Everyone should pair up for the next dance.跳下一只舞时大家都应该结成对子。剑桥国际Everyone, but everyone, will be there.每个人,请注意是每个人,都必须到那儿。剑桥国际Activity holidays are not good for (= suitable for) everyone.进行剧烈运动的休假并不适合每个人。剑桥国际Arthur shocked everyone with his usual party piece -- taking out his false teeth.亚瑟在晚会表演的老节目使每个人吃了一惊----取下他的假牙齿。剑桥国际Each verse (= part of the song) was sung as a solo and then everyone joined in on the chorus.每一段歌词以独唱形式演唱,然后每个人都加入合唱。剑桥国际Foreign students are often lonesome at Christmas, when everyone else goes home.圣诞节其他人都回家时外国学生非常寂寞。剑桥国际Her unhappiness was apparent to everyone.她的闷闷不乐是大家都看得出的。剑桥国际His bad manners grated on everyone. 他的粗野无礼使得人人气恼。译典通I'd like to say a big thank you to everyone for all their help.我要向所有帮助过我的人表示衷心的谢意。剑桥国际Not everyone recognizes a clever idea when they see it.遇上好主意,不是每个人都能看得出来的。牛津商务Okay, wise guy, if you're so damned smart, you can tell everyone how it's done! 好了,自命不凡的家伙,如果你真那么聪明的话,就能告诉每一个人这该怎么做了!剑桥国际Sally was so obviously sincere and ingenuous that everyone liked her.萨莉显然很真诚坦率,以致大家都喜欢她。剑桥国际She won't thank you for telling everyone how old she is.你到处宣传她的年龄,她必定非常恼火。剑桥国际She's so houseproud that she makes everyone take their shoes off before they come in.她是如此好清洁,以至于要求每个人在进屋前脱掉鞋子。剑桥国际Spring makes everyone feel idle. 春天使每个人都觉得懒洋洋的。译典通The TV coverage of the concert was displayed on giant video screens so that everyone in the stadium could see it.音乐会的电视直播在特大屏幕上映出,使体育场上所有人都能看到。剑桥国际There is goodness and badness in everyone.每个人都既有好的一面又有坏的一面。剑桥国际 |
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